SystemOrganization addCategory: #'VB-Regex'! SystemOrganization addCategory: #'VB-Regex-Exceptions'! SystemOrganization addCategory: #'VB-Regex-Tests'! !String methodsFor: '*VB-regex' stamp: 'vb 4/11/09 21:56'! allRangesOfRegexMatches: rxString ^rxString asRegex matchingRangesIn: self! ! !String methodsFor: '*VB-regex' stamp: 'vb 4/11/09 21:56'! allRegexMatches: rxString ^rxString asRegex matchesIn: self! ! !String methodsFor: '*VB-regex' stamp: 'vb 4/11/09 21:56'! asRegex "Compile the receiver as a regex matcher. May raise RxParser>>syntaxErrorSignal or RxParser>>compilationErrorSignal. This is a part of the Regular Expression Matcher package, (c) 1996, 1999 Vassili Bykov. Refer to `documentation' protocol of RxParser class for details." ^RxParser preferredMatcherClass for: (RxParser new parse: self)! ! !String methodsFor: '*VB-regex' stamp: 'vb 4/11/09 21:56'! asRegexIgnoringCase "Compile the receiver as a regex matcher. May raise RxParser>>syntaxErrorSignal or RxParser>>compilationErrorSignal. This is a part of the Regular Expression Matcher package, (c) 1996, 1999 Vassili Bykov. Refer to `documentation' protocol of RxParser class for details." ^RxParser preferredMatcherClass for: (RxParser new parse: self) ignoreCase: true! ! !String methodsFor: '*VB-regex' stamp: 'vb 4/11/09 21:56'! copyWithRegex: rxString matchesReplacedWith: aString ^rxString asRegex copy: self replacingMatchesWith: aString! ! !String methodsFor: '*VB-regex' stamp: 'vb 4/11/09 21:56'! copyWithRegex: rxString matchesTranslatedUsing: aBlock ^rxString asRegex copy: self translatingMatchesUsing: aBlock! ! !String methodsFor: '*VB-regex' stamp: 'vb 4/11/09 21:56'! matchesRegex: regexString "Test if the receiver matches a regex. May raise RxParser>>regexErrorSignal or child signals. This is a part of the Regular Expression Matcher package, (c) 1996, 1999 Vassili Bykov. Refer to `documentation' protocol of RxParser class for details." ^regexString asRegex matches: self! ! !String methodsFor: '*VB-regex' stamp: 'vb 4/11/09 21:56'! matchesRegexIgnoringCase: regexString "Test if the receiver matches a regex. May raise RxParser>>regexErrorSignal or child signals. This is a part of the Regular Expression Matcher package, (c) 1996, 1999 Vassili Bykov. Refer to `documentation' protocol of RxParser class for details." ^regexString asRegexIgnoringCase matches: self! ! !String methodsFor: '*VB-regex' stamp: 'vb 4/11/09 21:56'! prefixMatchesRegex: regexString "Test if the receiver's prefix matches a regex. May raise RxParser class>>regexErrorSignal or child signals. This is a part of the Regular Expression Matcher package, (c) 1996, 1999 Vassili Bykov. Refer to `documentation' protocol of RxParser class for details." ^regexString asRegex matchesPrefix: self! ! !String methodsFor: '*VB-regex' stamp: 'vb 4/11/09 21:56'! prefixMatchesRegexIgnoringCase: regexString "Test if the receiver's prefix matches a regex. May raise RxParser class>>regexErrorSignal or child signals. This is a part of the Regular Expression Matcher package, (c) 1996, 1999 Vassili Bykov. Refer to `documentation' protocol of RxParser class for details." ^regexString asRegexIgnoringCase matchesPrefix: self! ! !String methodsFor: '*VB-regex' stamp: 'vb 4/11/09 21:56'! regex: rxString matchesCollect: aBlock ^rxString asRegex matchesIn: self collect: aBlock! ! !String methodsFor: '*VB-regex' stamp: 'vb 4/11/09 21:56'! regex: rxString matchesDo: aBlock ^rxString asRegex matchesIn: self do: aBlock! ! Error subclass: #RegexError instanceVariableNames: '' classVariableNames: '' poolDictionaries: '' category: 'VB-Regex-Exceptions'! RegexError subclass: #RegexCompilationError instanceVariableNames: '' classVariableNames: '' poolDictionaries: '' category: 'VB-Regex-Exceptions'! RegexError subclass: #RegexMatchingError instanceVariableNames: '' classVariableNames: '' poolDictionaries: '' category: 'VB-Regex-Exceptions'! RegexError subclass: #RegexSyntaxError instanceVariableNames: '' classVariableNames: '' poolDictionaries: '' category: 'VB-Regex-Exceptions'! Object subclass: #RxCharSetParser instanceVariableNames: 'source lookahead elements' classVariableNames: '' poolDictionaries: '' category: 'VB-Regex'! !RxCharSetParser commentStamp: '' prior: 0! -- Regular Expression Matcher v 1.1 (C) 1996, 1999 Vassili Bykov -- See `documentation' protocol of RxParser class for user's guide. -- I am a parser created to parse the insides of a character set ([...]) construct. I create and answer a collection of "elements", each being an instance of one of: RxsCharacter, RxsRange, or RxsPredicate. Instance Variables: source open on whatever is inside the square brackets we have to parse. lookahead The current lookahead character elements > Parsing result! !RxCharSetParser class methodsFor: 'instance creation' stamp: 'vb 4/11/09 21:56'! on: aStream ^self new initialize: aStream! ! !RxCharSetParser methodsFor: 'parsing' stamp: 'vb 4/11/09 21:56'! addChar: aChar elements add: (RxsCharacter with: aChar)! ! !RxCharSetParser methodsFor: 'parsing' stamp: 'vb 4/11/09 21:56'! addRangeFrom: firstChar to: lastChar firstChar asInteger > lastChar asInteger ifTrue: [RxParser signalSyntaxException: ' bad character range']. elements add: (RxsRange from: firstChar to: lastChar)! ! !RxCharSetParser methodsFor: 'initialize-release' stamp: 'vb 4/11/09 21:56'! initialize: aStream source := aStream. lookahead := aStream next. elements := OrderedCollection new! ! !RxCharSetParser methodsFor: 'parsing' stamp: 'vb 4/11/09 21:56'! match: aCharacter aCharacter = lookahead ifFalse: [RxParser signalSyntaxException: 'unexpected character: ', (String with: lookahead)]. ^source atEnd ifTrue: [lookahead := nil] ifFalse: [lookahead := source next]! ! !RxCharSetParser methodsFor: 'accessing' stamp: 'vb 4/11/09 21:56'! parse lookahead = $- ifTrue: [self addChar: $-. self match: $-]. [lookahead isNil] whileFalse: [self parseStep]. ^elements! ! !RxCharSetParser methodsFor: 'parsing' stamp: 'vb 4/11/09 21:56'! parseCharOrRange | firstChar | firstChar := lookahead. self match: firstChar. lookahead = $- ifTrue: [self match: $-. lookahead isNil ifTrue: [^self addChar: firstChar; addChar: $-] ifFalse: [self addRangeFrom: firstChar to: lookahead. ^self match: lookahead]]. self addChar: firstChar! ! !RxCharSetParser methodsFor: 'parsing' stamp: 'vb 4/11/09 21:56'! parseEscapeChar self match: $\. $- = lookahead ifTrue: [elements add: (RxsCharacter with: $-)] ifFalse: [elements add: (RxsPredicate forEscapedLetter: lookahead)]. self match: lookahead! ! !RxCharSetParser methodsFor: 'parsing' stamp: 'vb 4/11/09 21:56'! parseNamedSet | name | self match: $[; match: $:. name := (String with: lookahead), (source upTo: $:). lookahead := source next. self match: $]. elements add: (RxsPredicate forNamedClass: name)! ! !RxCharSetParser methodsFor: 'parsing' stamp: 'vb 4/11/09 21:56'! parseStep lookahead = $[ ifTrue: [source peek = $: ifTrue: [^self parseNamedSet] ifFalse: [^self parseCharOrRange]]. lookahead = $\ ifTrue: [^self parseEscapeChar]. lookahead = $- ifTrue: [RxParser signalSyntaxException: 'invalid range']. self parseCharOrRange! ! Object subclass: #RxMatchOptimizer instanceVariableNames: 'ignoreCase prefixes nonPrefixes conditions testBlock methodPredicates nonMethodPredicates predicates nonPredicates' classVariableNames: '' poolDictionaries: '' category: 'VB-Regex'! !RxMatchOptimizer commentStamp: '' prior: 0! -- Regular Expression Matcher v 1.1 (C) 1996, 1999 Vassili Bykov -- See `documentation' protocol of RxParser class for user's guide. -- A match start optimizer, handy for searching a string. Takes a regex syntax tree and sets itself up so that prefix characters or matcher states that cannot start a match are later recognized with #canStartMatch:in: method. Used by RxMatcher, but can be used by other matchers (if implemented) as well.! !RxMatchOptimizer methodsFor: 'accessing' stamp: 'vb 4/11/09 21:56'! canStartMatch: aCharacter in: aMatcher "Answer whether a match could commence at the given lookahead character, or in the current state of . True answered by this method does not mean a match will definitly occur, while false answered by this method *does* guarantee a match will never occur." aCharacter isNil ifTrue: [^true]. ^testBlock == nil or: [testBlock value: aCharacter value: aMatcher]! ! !RxMatchOptimizer methodsFor: 'accessing' stamp: 'vb 4/11/09 21:56'! conditionTester "#any condition is filtered at the higher level; it cannot appear among the conditions here." | matchCondition | conditions isEmpty ifTrue: [^nil]. conditions size = 1 ifTrue: [matchCondition := conditions detect: [:ignored | true]. "Special case all of the possible conditions." #atBeginningOfLine = matchCondition ifTrue: [^[:c :matcher | matcher atBeginningOfLine]]. #atEndOfLine = matchCondition ifTrue: [^[:c :matcher | matcher atEndOfLine]]. #atBeginningOfWord = matchCondition ifTrue: [^[:c :matcher | matcher atBeginningOfWord]]. #atEndOfWord = matchCondition ifTrue: [^[:c :matcher | matcher atEndOfWord]]. #atWordBoundary = matchCondition ifTrue: [^[:c :matcher | matcher atWordBoundary]]. #notAtWordBoundary = matchCondition ifTrue: [^[:c :matcher | matcher notAtWordBoundary]]. RxParser signalCompilationException: 'invalid match condition']. "More than one condition. Capture them as an array in scope." matchCondition := conditions asArray. ^[:c :matcher | matchCondition contains: [:conditionSelector | matcher perform: conditionSelector]]! ! !RxMatchOptimizer methodsFor: 'private' stamp: 'vb 4/11/09 21:56'! determineTestMethod "Answer a block closure that will work as a can-match predicate. Answer nil if no viable optimization is possible (too many chars would be able to start a match)." | testers | (conditions includes: #any) ifTrue: [^nil]. testers := OrderedCollection new: 5. #(#prefixTester #nonPrefixTester #conditionTester #methodPredicateTester #nonMethodPredicateTester #predicateTester #nonPredicateTester) do: [:selector | | tester | tester := self perform: selector. tester notNil ifTrue: [testers add: tester]]. testers isEmpty ifTrue: [^nil]. testers size = 1 ifTrue: [^testers first]. testers := testers asArray. ^[:char :matcher | testers contains: [:t | t value: char value: matcher]]! ! !RxMatchOptimizer methodsFor: 'initialize-release' stamp: 'vb 4/11/09 21:56'! initialize: aRegex ignoreCase: aBoolean "Set `testMethod' variable to a can-match predicate block: two-argument block which accepts a lookahead character and a matcher (presumably built from aRegex) and answers a boolean indicating whether a match could start at the given lookahead. " ignoreCase := aBoolean. prefixes := Set new: 10. nonPrefixes := Set new: 10. conditions := Set new: 3. methodPredicates := Set new: 3. nonMethodPredicates := Set new: 3. predicates := Set new: 3. nonPredicates := Set new: 3. aRegex dispatchTo: self. "If the whole expression is nullable, end-of-line is an implicit can-match condition!!" aRegex isNullable ifTrue: [conditions add: #atEndOfLine]. testBlock := self determineTestMethod! ! !RxMatchOptimizer methodsFor: 'accessing' stamp: 'vb 4/11/09 21:56'! methodPredicateTester | p selector | methodPredicates isEmpty ifTrue: [^nil]. p := self optimizeSet: methodPredicates. "also allows copying closures" ^p size = 1 ifTrue: ["might be a pretty common case" selector := p first. [:char :matcher | RxParser doHandlingMessageNotUnderstood: [char perform: selector]]] ifFalse: [[:char :m | RxParser doHandlingMessageNotUnderstood: [p contains: [:sel | char perform: sel]]]]! ! !RxMatchOptimizer methodsFor: 'accessing' stamp: 'vb 4/11/09 21:56'! nonMethodPredicateTester | p selector | nonMethodPredicates isEmpty ifTrue: [^nil]. p := self optimizeSet: nonMethodPredicates. "also allows copying closures" ^p size = 1 ifTrue: [selector := p first. [:char :matcher | RxParser doHandlingMessageNotUnderstood: [(char perform: selector) not]]] ifFalse: [[:char :m | RxParser doHandlingMessageNotUnderstood: [p contains: [:sel | (char perform: sel) not]]]]! ! !RxMatchOptimizer methodsFor: 'private' stamp: 'vb 4/11/09 21:56'! nonPredicateTester | p pred | nonPredicates isEmpty ifTrue: [^nil]. p := self optimizeSet: nonPredicates. "also allows copying closures" ^p size = 1 ifTrue: [pred := p first. [:char :matcher | (pred value: char) not]] ifFalse: [[:char :m | p contains: [:some | (some value: char) not]]]! ! !RxMatchOptimizer methodsFor: 'private' stamp: 'vb 4/11/09 21:56'! nonPrefixTester | np nonPrefixChar | nonPrefixes isEmpty ifTrue: [^nil]. np := self optimizeSet: nonPrefixes. "also allows copying closures" ^np size = 1 "might be be pretty common case" ifTrue: [nonPrefixChar := np first. [:char :matcher | char ~= nonPrefixChar]] ifFalse: [[:char : matcher | (np includes: char) not]]! ! !RxMatchOptimizer methodsFor: 'private' stamp: 'vb 4/11/09 21:56'! optimizeSet: aSet "If a set is small, convert it to array to speed up lookup (Array has no hashing overhead, beats Set on small number of elements)." ^aSet size < 10 ifTrue: [aSet asArray] ifFalse: [aSet]! ! !RxMatchOptimizer methodsFor: 'private' stamp: 'vb 4/11/09 21:56'! predicateTester | p pred | predicates isEmpty ifTrue: [^nil]. p := self optimizeSet: predicates. "also allows copying closures" ^p size = 1 ifTrue: [pred := p first. [:char :matcher | pred value: char]] ifFalse: [[:char :m | p contains: [:some | some value: char]]]! ! !RxMatchOptimizer methodsFor: 'private' stamp: 'vb 4/11/09 21:56'! prefixTester | p prefixChar | prefixes isEmpty ifTrue: [^nil]. p := self optimizeSet: prefixes. "also allows copying closures" ignoreCase ifTrue: [p := p collect: [:each | each asUppercase]]. ^p size = 1 "might be a pretty common case" ifTrue: [prefixChar := p first. ignoreCase ifTrue: [[:char :matcher | char sameAs: prefixChar]] ifFalse: [[:char :matcher | char = prefixChar]]] ifFalse: [ignoreCase ifTrue: [[:char :matcher | p includes: char asUppercase]] ifFalse: [[:char :matcher | p includes: char]]]! ! !RxMatchOptimizer methodsFor: 'double dispatch' stamp: 'vb 4/11/09 21:56'! syntaxAny "Any special char is among the prefixes." conditions add: #any! ! !RxMatchOptimizer methodsFor: 'double dispatch' stamp: 'vb 4/11/09 21:56'! syntaxBeginningOfLine "Beginning of line is among the prefixes." conditions add: #atBeginningOfLine! ! !RxMatchOptimizer methodsFor: 'double dispatch' stamp: 'vb 4/11/09 21:56'! syntaxBeginningOfWord "Beginning of line is among the prefixes." conditions add: #atBeginningOfWord! ! !RxMatchOptimizer methodsFor: 'double dispatch' stamp: 'vb 4/11/09 21:56'! syntaxBranch: branchNode "If the head piece of the branch is transparent (allows 0 matches), we must recurse down the branch. Otherwise, just the head atom is important." (branchNode piece isNullable and: [branchNode branch notNil]) ifTrue: [branchNode branch dispatchTo: self]. branchNode piece dispatchTo: self! ! !RxMatchOptimizer methodsFor: 'double dispatch' stamp: 'vb 4/11/09 21:56'! syntaxCharSet: charSetNode "All these (or none of these) characters is the prefix." charSetNode isNegated ifTrue: [nonPrefixes addAll: (charSetNode enumerableSetIgnoringCase: ignoreCase)] ifFalse: [prefixes addAll: (charSetNode enumerableSetIgnoringCase: ignoreCase)]. charSetNode hasPredicates ifTrue: [charSetNode isNegated ifTrue: [nonPredicates addAll: charSetNode predicates] ifFalse: [predicates addAll: charSetNode predicates]]! ! !RxMatchOptimizer methodsFor: 'double dispatch' stamp: 'vb 4/11/09 21:56'! syntaxCharacter: charNode "This character is the prefix, of one of them." prefixes add: charNode character! ! !RxMatchOptimizer methodsFor: 'double dispatch' stamp: 'vb 4/11/09 21:56'! syntaxEndOfLine "Beginning of line is among the prefixes." conditions add: #atEndOfLine! ! !RxMatchOptimizer methodsFor: 'double dispatch' stamp: 'vb 4/11/09 21:56'! syntaxEndOfWord conditions add: #atEndOfWord! ! !RxMatchOptimizer methodsFor: 'double dispatch' stamp: 'vb 4/11/09 21:56'! syntaxEpsilon "Empty string, terminate the recursion (do nothing)."! ! !RxMatchOptimizer methodsFor: 'double dispatch' stamp: 'vb 4/11/09 21:56'! syntaxMessagePredicate: messagePredicateNode messagePredicateNode negated ifTrue: [nonMethodPredicates add: messagePredicateNode selector] ifFalse: [methodPredicates add: messagePredicateNode selector]! ! !RxMatchOptimizer methodsFor: 'double dispatch' stamp: 'vb 4/11/09 21:56'! syntaxNonWordBoundary conditions add: #notAtWordBoundary! ! !RxMatchOptimizer methodsFor: 'double dispatch' stamp: 'vb 4/11/09 21:56'! syntaxPiece: pieceNode "Pass on to the atom." pieceNode atom dispatchTo: self! ! !RxMatchOptimizer methodsFor: 'double dispatch' stamp: 'vb 4/11/09 21:56'! syntaxPredicate: predicateNode predicates add: predicateNode predicate! ! !RxMatchOptimizer methodsFor: 'double dispatch' stamp: 'vb 4/11/09 21:56'! syntaxRegex: regexNode "All prefixes of the regex's branches should be combined. Therefore, just recurse." regexNode branch dispatchTo: self. regexNode regex notNil ifTrue: [regexNode regex dispatchTo: self]! ! !RxMatchOptimizer methodsFor: 'double dispatch' stamp: 'vb 4/11/09 21:56'! syntaxWordBoundary conditions add: #atWordBoundary! ! Object subclass: #RxMatcher instanceVariableNames: 'matcher ignoreCase startOptimizer stream markerPositions markerCount lastResult lastChar' classVariableNames: 'Cr Lf' poolDictionaries: '' category: 'VB-Regex'! !RxMatcher commentStamp: '' prior: 0! -- Regular Expression Matcher v 1.1 (C) 1996, 1999 Vassili Bykov -- See `documentation' protocol of RxParser class for user's guide. -- This is a recursive regex matcher. Not strikingly efficient, but simple. Also, keeps track of matched subexpressions. The life cycle goes as follows: 1. Initialization. Accepts a syntax tree (presumably produced by RxParser) and compiles it into a matcher built of other classes in this category. 2. Matching. Accepts a stream or a string and returns a boolean indicating whether the whole stream or its prefix -- depending on the message sent -- matches the regex. 3. Subexpression query. After a successful match, and before any other match, the matcher may be queried about the range of specific stream (string) positions that matched to certain parenthesized subexpressions of the original expression. Any number of queries may follow a successful match, and any number or matches may follow a successful initialization. Note that `matcher' is actually a sort of a misnomer. The actual matcher is a web of Rxm* instances built by RxMatcher during initialization. RxMatcher is just the interface facade of this network. It is also a builder of it, and also provides a stream-like protocol to easily access the stream being matched. Instance variables: matcher The entry point into the actual matcher. stream The stream currently being matched against. markerPositions Positions of markers' matches. markerCount Number of markers. lastResult Whether the latest match attempt succeeded or not. lastChar character last seen in the matcher stream! !RxMatcher class methodsFor: 'instance creation' stamp: 'vb 4/11/09 21:56'! for: aRegex "Create and answer a matcher that will match a regular expression specified by the syntax tree of which `aRegex' is a root." ^self for: aRegex ignoreCase: false! ! !RxMatcher class methodsFor: 'instance creation' stamp: 'vb 4/11/09 21:56'! for: aRegex ignoreCase: aBoolean "Create and answer a matcher that will match a regular expression specified by the syntax tree of which `aRegex' is a root." ^self new initialize: aRegex ignoreCase: aBoolean! ! !RxMatcher class methodsFor: 'instance creation' stamp: 'vb 4/11/09 21:56'! forString: aString "Create and answer a matcher that will match the regular expression `aString'." ^self for: (RxParser new parse: aString)! ! !RxMatcher class methodsFor: 'instance creation' stamp: 'vb 4/11/09 21:56'! forString: aString ignoreCase: aBoolean "Create and answer a matcher that will match the regular expression `aString'." ^self for: (RxParser new parse: aString) ignoreCase: aBoolean! ! !RxMatcher class methodsFor: 'class initialization' stamp: 'avi 11/30/2003 13:30'! initialize "RxMatcher initialize" Cr := Character cr. Lf := Character lf.! ! !RxMatcher methodsFor: 'private' stamp: 'vb 4/11/09 21:56'! allocateMarker "Answer an integer to use as an index of the next marker." markerCount := markerCount + 1. ^markerCount! ! !RxMatcher methodsFor: 'testing' stamp: 'vb 4/11/09 21:56'! atBeginningOfLine ^self position = 0 or: [lastChar = Cr]! ! !RxMatcher methodsFor: 'testing' stamp: 'vb 4/11/09 21:56'! atBeginningOfWord ^(self isWordChar: lastChar) not and: [self isWordChar: stream peek]! ! !RxMatcher methodsFor: 'streaming' stamp: 'vb 4/11/09 21:56'! atEnd ^stream atEnd! ! !RxMatcher methodsFor: 'testing' stamp: 'vb 4/11/09 21:56'! atEndOfLine ^self atEnd or: [stream peek = Cr]! ! !RxMatcher methodsFor: 'testing' stamp: 'vb 4/11/09 21:56'! atEndOfWord ^(self isWordChar: lastChar) and: [(self isWordChar: stream peek) not]! ! !RxMatcher methodsFor: 'testing' stamp: 'vb 4/11/09 21:56'! atWordBoundary ^(self isWordChar: lastChar) xor: (self isWordChar: stream peek)! ! !RxMatcher methodsFor: 'accessing' stamp: 'vb 4/11/09 21:56'! buildFrom: aSyntaxTreeRoot "Private - Entry point of matcher build process." markerCount := 0. "must go before #dispatchTo: !!" matcher := aSyntaxTreeRoot dispatchTo: self. matcher terminateWith: RxmTerminator new! ! !RxMatcher methodsFor: 'match enumeration' stamp: 'vb 4/11/09 21:56'! copy: aString replacingMatchesWith: replacementString "Copy , except for the matches. Replace each match with ." | answer | answer := (String new: 40) writeStream. self copyStream: aString readStream to: answer replacingMatchesWith: replacementString. ^answer contents! ! !RxMatcher methodsFor: 'match enumeration' stamp: 'vb 4/11/09 21:56'! copy: aString translatingMatchesUsing: aBlock "Copy , except for the matches. For each match, evaluate passing the matched substring as the argument. Expect the block to answer a String, and replace the match with the answer." | answer | answer := (String new: 40) writeStream. self copyStream: aString readStream to: answer translatingMatchesUsing: aBlock. ^answer contents! ! !RxMatcher methodsFor: 'match enumeration' stamp: 'vb 4/11/09 21:56'! copyStream: aStream to: writeStream replacingMatchesWith: aString "Copy the contents of on the , except for the matches. Replace each match with ." | searchStart matchStart matchEnd | stream := aStream. lastChar := nil. [searchStart := aStream position. self proceedSearchingStream: aStream] whileTrue: [matchStart := (self subBeginning: 1) first. matchEnd := (self subEnd: 1) first. aStream position: searchStart. searchStart to: matchStart - 1 do: [:ignoredPos | writeStream nextPut: aStream next]. writeStream nextPutAll: aString. aStream position: matchEnd. "Be extra careful about successful matches which consume no input. After those, make sure to advance or finish if already at end." matchEnd = searchStart ifTrue: [aStream atEnd ifTrue: [^self "rest after end of whileTrue: block is a no-op if atEnd"] ifFalse: [writeStream nextPut: aStream next]]]. aStream position: searchStart. [aStream atEnd] whileFalse: [writeStream nextPut: aStream next]! ! !RxMatcher methodsFor: 'match enumeration' stamp: 'vb 4/11/09 21:56'! copyStream: aStream to: writeStream translatingMatchesUsing: aBlock "Copy the contents of on the , except for the matches. For each match, evaluate passing the matched substring as the argument. Expect the block to answer a String, and write the answer to in place of the match." | searchStart matchStart matchEnd match | stream := aStream. lastChar := nil. [searchStart := aStream position. self proceedSearchingStream: aStream] whileTrue: [matchStart := (self subBeginning: 1) first. matchEnd := (self subEnd: 1) first. aStream position: searchStart. searchStart to: matchStart - 1 do: [:ignoredPos | writeStream nextPut: aStream next]. match := (String new: matchEnd - matchStart + 1) writeStream. matchStart to: matchEnd - 1 do: [:ignoredPos | match nextPut: aStream next]. writeStream nextPutAll: (aBlock value: match contents). "Be extra careful about successful matches which consume no input. After those, make sure to advance or finish if already at end." matchEnd = searchStart ifTrue: [aStream atEnd ifTrue: [^self "rest after end of whileTrue: block is a no-op if atEnd"] ifFalse: [writeStream nextPut: aStream next]]]. aStream position: searchStart. [aStream atEnd] whileFalse: [writeStream nextPut: aStream next]! ! !RxMatcher methodsFor: 'privileged' stamp: 'vb 4/11/09 21:56'! currentState "Answer an opaque object that can later be used to restore the matcher's state (for backtracking)." | origPosition origLastChar | origPosition := stream position. origLastChar := lastChar. ^ [stream position: origPosition. lastChar := origLastChar]! ! !RxMatcher methodsFor: 'private' stamp: 'vb 4/11/09 21:56'! hookBranchOf: regexNode onto: endMarker "Private - Recurse down the chain of regexes starting at regexNode, compiling their branches and hooking their tails to the endMarker node." | rest | rest := regexNode regex isNil ifTrue: [nil] ifFalse: [self hookBranchOf: regexNode regex onto: endMarker]. ^RxmBranch new next: ((regexNode branch dispatchTo: self) pointTailTo: endMarker; yourself); alternative: rest; yourself! ! !RxMatcher methodsFor: 'initialize-release' stamp: 'vb 4/11/09 21:56'! initialize: syntaxTreeRoot ignoreCase: aBoolean "Compile thyself for the regex with the specified syntax tree. See comment and `building' protocol in this class and #dispatchTo: methods in syntax tree components for details on double-dispatch building. The argument is supposedly a RxsRegex." ignoreCase := aBoolean. self buildFrom: syntaxTreeRoot. startOptimizer := RxMatchOptimizer new initialize: syntaxTreeRoot ignoreCase: aBoolean! ! !RxMatcher methodsFor: 'private' stamp: 'vb 4/11/09 21:56'! isWordChar: aCharacterOrNil "Answer whether the argument is a word constituent character: alphanumeric or _." ^aCharacterOrNil ~~ nil and: [aCharacterOrNil isAlphaNumeric]! ! !RxMatcher methodsFor: 'accessing' stamp: 'vb 4/11/09 21:56'! lastResult ^lastResult! ! !RxMatcher methodsFor: 'private' stamp: 'vb 4/11/09 21:56'! makeOptional: aMatcher "Private - Wrap this matcher so that the result would match 0 or 1 occurrences of the matcher." | dummy branch | dummy := RxmLink new. branch := (RxmBranch new beLoopback) next: aMatcher; alternative: dummy. aMatcher pointTailTo: dummy. ^branch! ! !RxMatcher methodsFor: 'private' stamp: 'vb 4/11/09 21:56'! makePlus: aMatcher "Private - Wrap this matcher so that the result would match 1 and more occurrences of the matcher." | loopback | loopback := (RxmBranch new beLoopback) next: aMatcher. aMatcher pointTailTo: loopback. ^aMatcher! ! !RxMatcher methodsFor: 'private' stamp: 'vb 4/11/09 21:56'! makeStar: aMatcher "Private - Wrap this matcher so that the result would match 0 and more occurrences of the matcher." | dummy detour loopback | dummy := RxmLink new. detour := RxmBranch new next: aMatcher; alternative: dummy. loopback := (RxmBranch new beLoopback) next: aMatcher; alternative: dummy. aMatcher pointTailTo: loopback. ^detour! ! !RxMatcher methodsFor: 'privileged' stamp: 'vb 4/11/09 21:56'! markerPositionAt: anIndex add: position "Remember position of another instance of the given marker." (markerPositions at: anIndex) addFirst: position! ! !RxMatcher methodsFor: 'accessing' stamp: 'vb 4/11/09 21:56'! matches: aString "Match against a string." ^self matchesStream: aString readStream! ! !RxMatcher methodsFor: 'match enumeration' stamp: 'vb 4/11/09 21:56'! matchesIn: aString "Search aString repeatedly for the matches of the receiver. Answer an OrderedCollection of all matches (substrings)." | result | result := OrderedCollection new. self matchesOnStream: aString readStream do: [:match | result add: match]. ^result! ! !RxMatcher methodsFor: 'match enumeration' stamp: 'vb 4/11/09 21:56'! matchesIn: aString collect: aBlock "Search aString repeatedly for the matches of the receiver. Evaluate aBlock for each match passing the matched substring as the argument, collect evaluation results in an OrderedCollection, and return in. The following example shows how to use this message to split a string into words." "'\w+' asRegex matchesIn: 'Now is the Time' collect: [:each | each asLowercase]" | result | result := OrderedCollection new. self matchesOnStream: aString readStream do: [:match | result add: (aBlock value: match)]. ^result! ! !RxMatcher methodsFor: 'match enumeration' stamp: 'vb 4/11/09 21:56'! matchesIn: aString do: aBlock "Search aString repeatedly for the matches of the receiver. Evaluate aBlock for each match passing the matched substring as the argument." self matchesOnStream: aString readStream do: aBlock! ! !RxMatcher methodsFor: 'match enumeration' stamp: 'vb 4/11/09 21:56'! matchesOnStream: aStream | result | result := OrderedCollection new. self matchesOnStream: aStream do: [:match | result add: match]. ^result! ! !RxMatcher methodsFor: 'match enumeration' stamp: 'vb 4/11/09 21:56'! matchesOnStream: aStream collect: aBlock | result | result := OrderedCollection new. self matchesOnStream: aStream do: [:match | result add: (aBlock value: match)]. ^result! ! !RxMatcher methodsFor: 'match enumeration' stamp: 'vb 4/11/09 21:56'! matchesOnStream: aStream do: aBlock "Be extra careful about successful matches which consume no input. After those, make sure to advance or finish if already at end." | position | [position := aStream position. self searchStream: aStream] whileTrue: [aBlock value: (self subexpression: 1). position = aStream position ifTrue: [aStream atEnd ifTrue: [^self] ifFalse: [aStream next]]]! ! !RxMatcher methodsFor: 'accessing' stamp: 'vb 4/11/09 21:56'! matchesPrefix: aString "Match against a string." ^self matchesStreamPrefix: aString readStream! ! !RxMatcher methodsFor: 'accessing' stamp: 'vb 4/11/09 21:56'! matchesStream: theStream "Match thyself against a positionable stream." ^(self matchesStreamPrefix: theStream) and: [stream atEnd]! ! !RxMatcher methodsFor: 'accessing' stamp: 'vb 4/11/09 21:56'! matchesStreamPrefix: theStream "Match thyself against a positionable stream." stream := theStream. lastChar := nil. ^self tryMatch! ! !RxMatcher methodsFor: 'match enumeration' stamp: 'vb 4/11/09 21:56'! matchingRangesIn: aString "Search aString repeatedly for the matches of the receiver. Answer an OrderedCollection of ranges of each match (index of first character to: index of last character)." | result | result := OrderedCollection new. self matchesIn: aString do: [:match | result add: (self position - match size + 1 to: self position)]. ^result! ! !RxMatcher methodsFor: 'streaming' stamp: 'vb 4/11/09 21:56'! next lastChar := stream next. ^lastChar! ! !RxMatcher methodsFor: 'testing' stamp: 'vb 4/11/09 21:56'! notAtWordBoundary ^self atWordBoundary not! ! !RxMatcher methodsFor: 'streaming' stamp: 'vb 4/11/09 21:56'! position ^stream position! ! !RxMatcher methodsFor: 'private' stamp: 'vb 4/11/09 21:56'! proceedSearchingStream: aStream | position | position := aStream position. [aStream atEnd] whileFalse: [self tryMatch ifTrue: [^true]. aStream position: position. lastChar := aStream next. position := aStream position]. "Try match at the very stream end too!!" self tryMatch ifTrue: [^true]. ^false! ! !RxMatcher methodsFor: 'privileged' stamp: 'vb 4/11/09 21:56'! restoreState: aBlock aBlock value! ! !RxMatcher methodsFor: 'accessing' stamp: 'vb 4/11/09 21:56'! search: aString "Search the string for occurrence of something matching myself. Answer a Boolean indicating success." ^self searchStream: aString readStream! ! !RxMatcher methodsFor: 'accessing' stamp: 'vb 4/11/09 21:56'! searchStream: aStream "Search the stream for occurrence of something matching myself. After the search has occurred, stop positioned after the end of the matched substring. Answer a Boolean indicating success." | position | stream := aStream. lastChar := nil. position := aStream position. [aStream atEnd] whileFalse: [self tryMatch ifTrue: [^true]. aStream position: position. lastChar := aStream next. position := aStream position]. "Try match at the very stream end too!!" self tryMatch ifTrue: [^true]. ^false! ! !RxMatcher methodsFor: 'accessing' stamp: 'vb 4/11/09 21:56'! subBeginning: subIndex ^markerPositions at: subIndex * 2 - 1! ! !RxMatcher methodsFor: 'accessing' stamp: 'vb 4/11/09 21:56'! subEnd: subIndex ^markerPositions at: subIndex * 2! ! !RxMatcher methodsFor: 'accessing' stamp: 'vb 4/11/09 21:56'! subexpression: subIndex "Answer a string that matched the subexpression at the given index. If there are multiple matches, answer the last one. If there are no matches, answer nil. (NB: it used to answer an empty string but I think nil makes more sense)." | matches | matches := self subexpressions: subIndex. ^matches isEmpty ifTrue: [nil] ifFalse: [matches last]! ! !RxMatcher methodsFor: 'accessing' stamp: 'vb 4/11/09 21:56'! subexpressionCount ^markerCount // 2! ! !RxMatcher methodsFor: 'accessing' stamp: 'vb 4/11/09 21:56'! subexpressions: subIndex "Answer an array of all matches of the subexpression at the given index. The answer is always an array; it is empty if there are no matches." | originalPosition startPositions stopPositions reply | originalPosition := stream position. startPositions := self subBeginning: subIndex. stopPositions := self subEnd: subIndex. (startPositions isEmpty or: [stopPositions isEmpty]) ifTrue: [^Array new]. reply := OrderedCollection new. startPositions with: stopPositions do: [:start :stop | stream position: start. reply add: (stream next: stop - start)]. stream position: originalPosition. ^reply asArray! ! !RxMatcher methodsFor: 'testing' stamp: 'vb 4/11/09 21:56'! supportsSubexpressions ^true! ! !RxMatcher methodsFor: 'double dispatch' stamp: 'vb 4/11/09 21:56'! syntaxAny "Double dispatch from the syntax tree. Create a matcher for any non-null character." ^RxmPredicate new predicate: [:char | char asInteger ~= 0]! ! !RxMatcher methodsFor: 'double dispatch' stamp: 'vb 4/11/09 21:56'! syntaxBeginningOfLine "Double dispatch from the syntax tree. Create a matcher for beginning-of-line condition." ^RxmSpecial new beBeginningOfLine! ! !RxMatcher methodsFor: 'double dispatch' stamp: 'vb 4/11/09 21:56'! syntaxBeginningOfWord "Double dispatch from the syntax tree. Create a matcher for beginning-of-word condition." ^RxmSpecial new beBeginningOfWord! ! !RxMatcher methodsFor: 'double dispatch' stamp: 'PeterHugossonMiller 9/3/2009 11:08'! syntaxBranch: branchNode "Double dispatch from the syntax tree. Branch node is a link in a chain of concatenated pieces. First build the matcher for the rest of the chain, then make it for the current piece and hook the rest to it." | result next rest | branchNode branch isNil ifTrue: [^branchNode piece dispatchTo: self]. "Optimization: glue a sequence of individual characters into a single string to match." branchNode piece isAtomic ifTrue: [result := (String new: 40) writeStream. next := branchNode tryMergingInto: result. result := result contents. result size > 1 ifTrue: "worth merging" [rest := next notNil ifTrue: [next dispatchTo: self] ifFalse: [nil]. ^(RxmSubstring new substring: result ignoreCase: ignoreCase) pointTailTo: rest; yourself]]. "No optimization possible or worth it, just concatenate all. " ^(branchNode piece dispatchTo: self) pointTailTo: (branchNode branch dispatchTo: self); yourself! ! !RxMatcher methodsFor: 'double dispatch' stamp: 'vb 4/11/09 21:56'! syntaxCharSet: charSetNode "Double dispatch from the syntax tree. A character set is a few characters, and we either match any of them, or match any that is not one of them." ^RxmPredicate with: (charSetNode predicateIgnoringCase: ignoreCase)! ! !RxMatcher methodsFor: 'double dispatch' stamp: 'vb 4/11/09 21:56'! syntaxCharacter: charNode "Double dispatch from the syntax tree. We get here when no merging characters into strings was possible." | wanted | wanted := charNode character. ^RxmPredicate new predicate: (ignoreCase ifTrue: [[:char | char sameAs: wanted]] ifFalse: [[:char | char = wanted]])! ! !RxMatcher methodsFor: 'double dispatch' stamp: 'vb 4/11/09 21:56'! syntaxEndOfLine "Double dispatch from the syntax tree. Create a matcher for end-of-line condition." ^RxmSpecial new beEndOfLine! ! !RxMatcher methodsFor: 'double dispatch' stamp: 'vb 4/11/09 21:56'! syntaxEndOfWord "Double dispatch from the syntax tree. Create a matcher for end-of-word condition." ^RxmSpecial new beEndOfWord! ! !RxMatcher methodsFor: 'double dispatch' stamp: 'vb 4/11/09 21:56'! syntaxEpsilon "Double dispatch from the syntax tree. Match empty string. This is unlikely to happen in sane expressions, so we'll live without special epsilon-nodes." ^RxmSubstring new substring: String new ignoreCase: ignoreCase! ! !RxMatcher methodsFor: 'double dispatch' stamp: 'vb 4/11/09 21:56'! syntaxMessagePredicate: messagePredicateNode "Double dispatch from the syntax tree. Special link can handle predicates." ^messagePredicateNode negated ifTrue: [RxmPredicate new bePerformNot: messagePredicateNode selector] ifFalse: [RxmPredicate new bePerform: messagePredicateNode selector]! ! !RxMatcher methodsFor: 'double dispatch' stamp: 'vb 4/11/09 21:56'! syntaxNonWordBoundary "Double dispatch from the syntax tree. Create a matcher for the word boundary condition." ^RxmSpecial new beNotWordBoundary! ! !RxMatcher methodsFor: 'double dispatch' stamp: 'vb 4/11/09 21:56'! syntaxPiece: pieceNode "Double dispatch from the syntax tree. Piece is an atom repeated a few times. Take care of a special case when the atom is repeated just once." | atom | atom := pieceNode atom dispatchTo: self. ^pieceNode isSingular ifTrue: [atom] ifFalse: [pieceNode isStar ifTrue: [self makeStar: atom] ifFalse: [pieceNode isPlus ifTrue: [self makePlus: atom] ifFalse: [pieceNode isOptional ifTrue: [self makeOptional: atom] ifFalse: [RxParser signalCompilationException: 'repetitions are not supported by RxMatcher']]]]! ! !RxMatcher methodsFor: 'double dispatch' stamp: 'vb 4/11/09 21:56'! syntaxPredicate: predicateNode "Double dispatch from the syntax tree. A character set is a few characters, and we either match any of them, or match any that is not one of them." ^RxmPredicate with: predicateNode predicate! ! !RxMatcher methodsFor: 'double dispatch' stamp: 'vb 4/11/09 21:56'! syntaxRegex: regexNode "Double dispatch from the syntax tree. Regex node is a chain of branches to be tried. Should compile this into a bundle of parallel branches, between two marker nodes." | startIndex endIndex endNode alternatives | startIndex := self allocateMarker. endIndex := self allocateMarker. endNode := RxmMarker new index: endIndex. alternatives := self hookBranchOf: regexNode onto: endNode. ^(RxmMarker new index: startIndex) pointTailTo: alternatives; yourself! ! !RxMatcher methodsFor: 'double dispatch' stamp: 'vb 4/11/09 21:56'! syntaxWordBoundary "Double dispatch from the syntax tree. Create a matcher for the word boundary condition." ^RxmSpecial new beWordBoundary! ! !RxMatcher methodsFor: 'private' stamp: 'vb 4/11/09 21:56'! tryMatch "Match thyself against the current stream." markerPositions := Array new: markerCount. 1 to: markerCount do: [:i | markerPositions at: i put: OrderedCollection new]. startOptimizer == nil ifTrue: [lastResult := matcher matchAgainst: self] ifFalse: [lastResult := (startOptimizer canStartMatch: stream peek in: self) and: [matcher matchAgainst: self]]. ^lastResult! ! Object subclass: #RxParser instanceVariableNames: 'input lookahead' classVariableNames: 'BackslashConstants BackslashSpecials' poolDictionaries: '' category: 'VB-Regex'! !RxParser commentStamp: '' prior: 0! -- Regular Expression Matcher v 1.1 (C) 1996, 1999 Vassili Bykov -- See `documentation' protocol of RxParser class for user's guide. -- The regular expression parser. Translates a regular expression read from a stream into a parse tree. ('accessing' protocol). The tree can later be passed to a matcher initialization method. All other classes in this category implement the tree. Refer to their comments for any details. Instance variables: input A stream with the regular expression being parsed. lookahead ! !RxParser class methodsFor: 'DOCUMENTATION' stamp: 'vb 4/11/09 21:56'! a: x introduction: xx " A regular expression is a template specifying a class of strings. A regular expression matcher is an tool that determines whether a string belongs to a class specified by a regular expression. This is a common task of a user input validation code, and the use of regular expressions can GREATLY simplify and speed up development of such code. As an example, here is how to verify that a string is a valid hexadecimal number in Smalltalk notation, using this matcher package: aString matchesRegex: '16r[[:xdigit:]]+' (Coding the same ``the hard way'' is an exercise to a curious reader). This matcher is offered to the Smalltalk community in hope it will be useful. It is free in terms of money, and to a large extent--in terms of rights of use. Refer to `Boring Stuff' section for legalese. The 'What's new in this release' section describes the functionality introduced in 1.1 release. The `Syntax' section explains the recognized syntax of regular expressions. The `Usage' section explains matcher capabilities that go beyond what String>>matchesRegex: method offers. The `Implementation notes' sections says a few words about what is under the hood. Happy hacking, --Vassili Bykov August 6, 1996 April 4, 1999 " self error: 'comment only'! ! !RxParser class methodsFor: 'DOCUMENTATION' stamp: 'lr 1/7/2010 20:10'! b: x whatsNewInThisRelease: xx " VERSION 1.3.1 (September 2008) 1. Updated documentation of character classes, making clear the problems of locale - an area for future improvement VERSION 1.3 (September 2008) 1. \w now matches underscore as well as alphanumerics, in line with most other regex libraries (and our documentation!!). 2. \W rejects underscore as well as alphanumerics 3. added tests for this at end of testSuite 4. updated documentation and added note to old incorrect comments in version 1.1 below VERSION 1.2.3 (November 2007) 1. Regexs with ^ or $ applied to copy empty strings caused infinite loops, e.g. ('' copyWithRegex: '^.*$' matchesReplacedWith: 'foo'). Applied a similar correction to that from version 1.1c, to #copyStream:to:(replacingMatchesWith:|translatingMatchesUsing:). 2. Extended RxParser testing to run each test for #copy:translatingMatchesUsing: as well as #search:. 3. Corrected #testSuite test that a dot does not match a null, which was passing by luck with Smalltalk code in a literal array. 4. Added test to end of test suite for fix 1 above. VERSION 1.2.2 (November 2006) There was no way to specify a backslash in a character set. Now [\\] is accepted. VERSION 1.2.1 (August 2006) 1. Support for returning all ranges (startIndex to: stopIndex) matching a regex - #allRangesOfRegexMatches:, #matchingRangesIn: 2. Added hint to usage documentation on how to get more information about matches when enumerating 3. Syntax description of dot corrected: matches anything but NUL since 1.1a VERSION 1.2 (May 2006) Fixed case-insensitive search for character sets. VERSION 1.1c (December 2004) Fixed the issue with #matchesOnStream:do: which caused infinite loops for matches that matched empty strings. VERSION 1.1b (November 2001) Changes valueNowOrOnUnwindDo: to ensure:, plus incorporates some earlier fixes. VERSION 1.1a (May 2001) 1. Support for keeping track of multiple subexpressions. 2. Dot (.) matches anything but NUL character, as it should per POSIX spec. 3. Some bug fixes. VERSION 1.1 (October 1999) Regular expression syntax corrections and enhancements: 1. Backslash escapes similar to those in Perl are allowed in patterns: \w any word constituent character (equivalent to [a-zA-Z0-9_]) *** underscore only since 1.3 *** \W any character but a word constituent (equivalent to [^a-xA-Z0-9_] *** underscore only since 1.3 *** \d a digit (same as [0-9]) \D anything but a digit \s a whitespace character \S anything but a whitespace character \b an empty string at a word boundary \B an empty string not at a word boundary \< an empty string at the beginning of a word \> an empty string at the end of a word For example, '\w+' is now a valid expression matching any word. 2. The following backslash escapes are also allowed in character sets (between square brackets): \w, \W, \d, \D, \s, and \S. 3. The following grep(1)-compatible named character classes are recognized in character sets as well: [:alnum:] [:alpha:] [:cntrl:] [:digit:] [:graph:] [:lower:] [:print:] [:punct:] [:space:] [:upper:] [:xdigit:] For example, the following patterns are equivalent: '[[:alnum:]_]+' '\w+' '[\w]+' '[a-zA-Z0-9_]+' *** underscore only since 1.3 *** 4. Some non-printable characters can be represented in regular expressions using a common backslash notation: \t tab (Character tab) \n newline (Character lf) \r carriage return (Character cr) \f form feed (Character newPage) \e escape (Character esc) 5. A dot is corectly interpreted as 'any character but a newline' instead of 'anything but whitespace'. 6. Case-insensitive matching. The easiest access to it are new messages CharacterArray understands: #asRegexIgnoringCase, #matchesRegexIgnoringCase:, #prefixMatchesRegexIgnoringCase:. 7. The matcher (an instance of RxMatcher, the result of String>>asRegex) now provides a collection-like interface to matches in a particular string or on a particular stream, as well as substitution protocol. The interface includes the following messages: matchesIn: aString matchesIn: aString collect: aBlock matchesIn: aString do: aBlock matchesOnStream: aStream matchesOnStream: aStream collect: aBlock matchesOnStream: aStream do: aBlock copy: aString translatingMatchesUsing: aBlock copy: aString replacingMatchesWith: replacementString copyStream: aStream to: writeStream translatingMatchesUsing: aBlock copyStream: aStream to: writeStream replacingMatchesWith: aString Examples: '\w+' asRegex matchesIn: 'now is the time' returns an OrderedCollection containing four strings: 'now', 'is', 'the', and 'time'. '\= 32). [:lower:] any lowercase character (including non-ASCII lowercase characters) [:print:] any printable character. In this version, this is the same as [:graph:] [:punct:] any punctuation character: . , !! ? ; : ' - ( ) ` and double quotes [:space:] any whitespace character (space, tab, CR, LF, null, form feed, Ctrl-Z, 16r2000-16r200B, 16r3000) [:upper:] any uppercase character (including non-ASCII uppercase characters) [:xdigit:] any hexadecimal character (same as [a-fA-F0-9]). Note that many of these are only as consistent or inconsistent on issues of locale as the underlying Smalltalk implementation. Values shown here are for VisualWorks 7.6. Note that these elements are components of the character classes, i.e. they have to be enclosed in an extra set of square brackets to form a valid regular expression. For example, a non-empty string of digits would be represented as '[[:digit:]]+'. The above primitive expressions and operators are common to many implementations of regular expressions. The next primitive expression is unique to this Smalltalk implementation. A sequence of characters between colons is treated as a unary selector which is supposed to be understood by Characters. A character matches such an expression if it answers true to a message with that selector. This allows a more readable and efficient way of specifying character classes. For example, `[0-9]' is equivalent to `:isDigit:', but the latter is more efficient. Analogously to character sets, character classes can be negated: `:^isDigit:' matches a Character that answers false to #isDigit, and is therefore equivalent to `[^0-9]'. As an example, so far we have seen the following equivalent ways to write a regular expression that matches a non-empty string of digits: '[0-9]+' '\d+' '[\d]+' '[[:digit:]]+' :isDigit:+' The last group of special primitive expressions includes: . matching any character except a NULL; ^ matching an empty string at the beginning of a line; $ matching an empty string at the end of a line. \b an empty string at a word boundary \B an empty string not at a word boundary \< an empty string at the beginning of a word \> an empty string at the end of a word 'axyzb' matchesRegex: 'a.+b' -- true 'ax zb' matchesRegex: 'a.+b' -- true (space is matched by `.') 'ax zb' matchesRegex: 'a.+b' -- true (carriage return is matched by `.') Again, the dot ., caret ^ and dollar $ characters are special and should be quoted to be matched literally. EXAMPLES As the introductions said, a great use for regular expressions is user input validation. Following are a few examples of regular expressions that might be handy in checking input entered by the user in an input field. Try them out by entering something between the quotes and print-iting. (Also, try to imagine Smalltalk code that each validation would require if coded by hand). Most example expressions could have been written in alternative ways. Checking if aString may represent a nonnegative integer number: '' matchesRegex: ':isDigit:+' or '' matchesRegex: '[0-9]+' or '' matchesRegex: '\d+' Checking if aString may represent an integer number with an optional sign in front: '' matchesRegex: '(\+|-)?\d+' Checking if aString is a fixed-point number, with at least one digit is required after a dot: '' matchesRegex: '(\+|-)?\d+(\.\d+)?' The same, but allow notation like `123.': '' matchesRegex: '(\+|-)?\d+(\.\d*)?' Recognizer for a string that might be a name: one word with first capital letter, no blanks, no digits. More traditional: '' matchesRegex: '[A-Z][A-Za-z]*' more Smalltalkish: '' matchesRegex: ':isUppercase::isAlphabetic:*' A date in format MMM DD, YYYY with any number of spaces in between, in XX century: '' matchesRegex: '(Jan|Feb|Mar|Apr|May|Jun|Jul|Aug|Sep|Oct|Nov|Dec)[ ]+(\d\d?)[ ]*,[ ]*19(\d\d)' Note parentheses around some components of the expression above. As `Usage' section shows, they will allow us to obtain the actual strings that have matched them (i.e. month name, day number, and year number). For dessert, coming back to numbers: here is a recognizer for a general number format: anything like 999, or 999.999, or -999.999e+21. '' matchesRegex: '(\+|-)?\d+(\.\d*)?((e|E)(\+|-)?\d+)?' " self error: 'comment only'! ! !RxParser class methodsFor: 'DOCUMENTATION' stamp: 'vb 4/11/09 21:56'! d: x usage: xx " The preceding section covered the syntax of regular expressions. It used the simplest possible interface to the matcher: sending #matchesRegex: message to the sample string, with regular expression string as the argument. This section explains hairier ways of using the matcher. PREFIX MATCHING AND CASE-INSENSITIVE MATCHING A CharacterArray (an EsString in VA) also understands these messages: #prefixMatchesRegex: regexString #matchesRegexIgnoringCase: regexString #prefixMatchesRegexIgnoringCase: regexString #prefixMatchesRegex: is just like #matchesRegex, except that the whole receiver is not expected to match the regular expression passed as the argument; matching just a prefix of it is enough. For example: 'abcde' matchesRegex: '(a|b)+' -- false 'abcde' prefixMatchesRegex: '(a|b)+' -- true The last two messages are case-insensitive versions of matching. ENUMERATION INTERFACE An application can be interested in all matches of a certain regular expression within a String. The matches are accessible using a protocol modelled after the familiar Collection-like enumeration protocol: #regex: regexString matchesDo: aBlock Evaluates a one-argument for every match of the regular expression within the receiver string. #regex: regexString matchesCollect: aBlock Evaluates a one-argument for every match of the regular expression within the receiver string. Collects results of evaluations and anwers them as a SequenceableCollection. #allRegexMatches: regexString Returns a collection of all matches (substrings of the receiver string) of the regular expression. It is an equivalent of . #allRangesOfRegexMatches: regexString Returns a collection of all character ranges (startIndex to: stopIndex) that match the regular expression. REPLACEMENT AND TRANSLATION It is possible to replace all matches of a regular expression with a certain string using the message: #copyWithRegex: regexString matchesReplacedWith: aString For example: 'ab cd ab' copyWithRegex: '(a|b)+' matchesReplacedWith: 'foo' A more general substitution is match translation: #copyWithRegex: regexString matchesTranslatedUsing: aBlock This message evaluates a block passing it each match of the regular expression in the receiver string and answers a copy of the receiver with the block results spliced into it in place of the respective matches. For example: 'ab cd ab' copyWithRegex: '(a|b)+' matchesTranslatedUsing: [:each | each asUppercase] All messages of enumeration and replacement protocols perform a case-sensitive match. Case-insensitive versions are not provided as part of a CharacterArray protocol. Instead, they are accessible using the lower-level matching interface. LOWER-LEVEL INTERFACE Internally, #matchesRegex: works as follows: 1. A fresh instance of RxParser is created, and the regular expression string is passed to it, yielding the expression's syntax tree. 2. The syntax tree is passed as an initialization parameter to an instance of RxMatcher. The instance sets up some data structure that will work as a recognizer for the regular expression described by the tree. 3. The original string is passed to the matcher, and the matcher checks for a match. THE MATCHER If you repeatedly match a number of strings against the same regular expression using one of the messages defined in CharacterArray, the regular expression string is parsed and a matcher is created anew for every match. You can avoid this overhead by building a matcher for the regular expression, and then reusing the matcher over and over again. You can, for example, create a matcher at a class or instance initialization stage, and store it in a variable for future use. You can create a matcher using one of the following methods: - Sending #forString:ignoreCase: message to RxMatcher class, with the regular expression string and a Boolean indicating whether case is ignored as arguments. - Sending #forString: message. It is equivalent to <... forString: regexString ignoreCase: false>. A more convenient way is using one of the two matcher-created messages understood by CharacterArray. - is equivalent to . - is equivalent to . Here are four examples of creating a matcher: hexRecognizer := RxMatcher forString: '16r[0-9A-Fa-f]+' hexRecognizer := RxMatcher forString: '16r[0-9A-Fa-f]+' ignoreCase: false hexRecognizer := '16r[0-9A-Fa-f]+' asRegex hexRecognizer := '16r[0-9A-F]+' asRegexIgnoringCase MATCHING The matcher understands these messages (all of them return true to indicate successful match or search, and false otherwise): matches: aString True if the whole target string (aString) matches. matchesPrefix: aString True if some prefix of the string (not necessarily the whole string) matches. search: aString Search the string for the first occurrence of a matching substring. (Note that the first two methods only try matching from the very beginning of the string). Using the above example with a matcher for `a+', this method would answer success given a string `baaa', while the previous two would fail. matchesStream: aStream matchesStreamPrefix: aStream searchStream: aStream Respective analogs of the first three methods, taking input from a stream instead of a string. The stream must be positionable and peekable. All these methods answer a boolean indicating success. The matcher also stores the outcome of the last match attempt and can report it: lastResult Answers a Boolean -- the outcome of the most recent match attempt. If no matches were attempted, the answer is unspecified. SUBEXPRESSION MATCHES After a successful match attempt, you can query the specifics of which part of the original string has matched which part of the whole expression. A subexpression is a parenthesized part of a regular expression, or the whole expression. When a regular expression is compiled, its subexpressions are assigned indices starting from 1, depth-first, left-to-right. For example, `((ab)+(c|d))?ef' includes the following subexpressions with these indices: 1: ((ab)+(c|d))?ef 2: (ab)+(c|d) 3: ab 4: c|d After a successful match, the matcher can report what part of the original string matched what subexpression. It understandards these messages: subexpressionCount Answers the total number of subexpressions: the highest value that can be used as a subexpression index with this matcher. This value is available immediately after initialization and never changes. subexpression: anIndex An index must be a valid subexpression index, and this message must be sent only after a successful match attempt. The method answers a substring of the original string the corresponding subexpression has matched to. subBeginning: anIndex subEnd: anIndex Answer positions within the original string or stream where the match of a subexpression with the given index has started and ended, respectively. This facility provides a convenient way of extracting parts of input strings of complex format. For example, the following piece of code uses the 'MMM DD, YYYY' date format recognizer example from the `Syntax' section to convert a date to a three-element array with year, month, and day strings (you can select and evaluate it right here): | matcher | matcher := RxMatcher forString: '(Jan|Feb|Mar|Apr|May|Jun|Jul|Aug|Sep|Oct|Nov|Dec)[ ]+(:isDigit::isDigit:?)[ ]*,[ ]*(19|20)(:isDigit::isDigit:)'. (matcher matches: 'Aug 6, 1996') ifTrue: [Array with: (matcher subexpression: 5) with: (matcher subexpression: 2) with: (matcher subexpression: 3)] ifFalse: ['no match'] (should answer ` #('96' 'Aug' '6')'). ENUMERATION AND REPLACEMENT The enumeration and replacement protocols exposed in CharacterArray are actually implemented by the matcher. The following messages are understood: #matchesIn: aString #matchesIn: aString do: aBlock #matchesIn: aString collect: aBlock #copy: aString replacingMatchesWith: replacementString #copy: aString translatingMatchesUsing: aBlock #matchingRangesIn: aString #matchesOnStream: aStream #matchesOnStream: aStream do: aBlock #matchesOnStream: aStream collect: aBlock #copy: sourceStream to: targetStream replacingMatchesWith: replacementString #copy: sourceStream to: targetStream translatingMatchesWith: aBlock Note that in those methods that take a block, the block may refer to the rxMatcher itself, e.g. to collect information about the position the match occurred at, or the subexpressions of the match. An example can be seen in #matchingRangesIn: ERROR HANDLING Exception signaling objects (Signals in VisualWorks, Exceptions in VisualAge) are accessible through RxParser class protocol. To handle possible errors, use the protocol described below to obtain the exception objects and use the protocol of the native Smalltalk implementation to handle them. If a syntax error is detected while parsing expression, RxParser>>syntaxErrorSignal is raised/signaled. If an error is detected while building a matcher, RxParser>>compilationErrorSignal is raised/signaled. If an error is detected while matching (for example, if a bad selector was specified using `::' syntax, or because of the matcher's internal error), RxParser>>matchErrorSignal is raised RxParser>>regexErrorSignal is the parent of all three. Since any of the three signals can be raised within a call to #matchesRegex:, it is handy if you want to catch them all. For example: VisualWorks: RxParser regexErrorSignal handle: [:ex | ex returnWith: nil] do: ['abc' matchesRegex: '))garbage['] VisualAge: ['abc' matchesRegex: '))garbage['] when: RxParser regexErrorSignal do: [:signal | signal exitWith: nil] " self error: 'comment only'! ! !RxParser class methodsFor: 'exception signaling' stamp: 'lr 11/4/2009 22:37'! doHandlingMessageNotUnderstood: aBlock "MNU should be trapped and resignaled as a match error in a few places in the matcher. This method factors out this dialect-dependent code to make porting easier." ^ aBlock on: MessageNotUnderstood do: [:ex | RxParser signalMatchException: 'invalid predicate selector']! ! !RxParser class methodsFor: 'DOCUMENTATION' stamp: 'vb 4/11/09 21:56'! e: x implementationNotes: xx " Version: 1.1 Released: October 1999 Mail to: Vassili Bykov , Flames to: /dev/null WHAT IS ADDED The matcher includes classes in two categories: VB-Regex-Syntax VB-Regex-Matcher and a few CharacterArray methods in `VB-regex' protocol. No system classes or methods are modified. WHAT TO LOOK AT FIRST String>>matchesRegex: -- in 90% cases this method is all you need to access the package. RxParser -- accepts a string or a stream of characters with a regular expression, and produces a syntax tree corresponding to the expression. The tree is made of instances of Rxs classes. RxMatcher -- accepts a syntax tree of a regular expression built by the parser and compiles it into a matcher: a structure made of instances of Rxm classes. The RxMatcher instance can test whether a string or a positionable stream of characters matches the original regular expression, or search a string or a stream for substrings matching the expression. After a match is found, the matcher can report a specific string that matched the whole expression, or any parenthesized subexpression of it. All other classes support the above functionality and are used by RxParser, RxMatcher, or both. CAVEATS The matcher is similar in spirit, but NOT in the design--let alone the code--to the original Henry Spencer's regular expression implementation in C. The focus is on simplicity, not on efficiency. I didn't optimize or profile anything. I may in future--or I may not: I do this in my spare time and I don't promise anything. The matcher passes H. Spencer's test suite (see 'test suite' protocol), with quite a few extra tests added, so chances are good there are not too many bugs. But watch out anyway. EXTENSIONS, FUTURE, ETC. With the existing separation between the parser, the syntax tree, and the matcher, it is easy to extend the system with other matchers based on other algorithms. In fact, I have a DFA-based matcher right now, but I don't feel it is good enough to include it here. I might add automata-based matchers later, but again I don't promise anything. HOW TO REACH ME As of today (December 20, 2000), you can contact me at . If this doesn't work, look around comp.lang.smalltalk or comp.lang.lisp. " self error: 'comment only'! ! !RxParser class methodsFor: 'DOCUMENTATION' stamp: 'vb 4/11/09 21:56'! f: x boringStuff: xx " The Regular Expression Matcher (``The Software'') is Copyright (C) 1996, 1999 Vassili Bykov. It is provided to the Smalltalk community in hope it will be useful. 1. This license applies to the package as a whole, as well as to any component of it. By performing any of the activities described below, you accept the terms of this agreement. 2. The software is provided free of charge, and ``as is'', in hope that it will be useful, with ABSOLUTELY NO WARRANTY. The entire risk and all responsibility for the use of the software is with you. Under no circumstances the author may be held responsible for loss of data, loss of profit, or any other damage resulting directly or indirectly from the use of the software, even if the damage is caused by defects in the software. 3. You may use this software in any applications you build. 4. You may distribute this software provided that the software documentation and copyright notices are included and intact. 5. You may create and distribute modified versions of the software, such as ports to other Smalltalk dialects or derived work, provided that: a. any modified version is expressly marked as such and is not misrepresented as the original software; b. credit is given to the original software in the source code and documentation of the derived work; c. the copyright notice at the top of this document accompanies copyright notices of any modified version. " self error: 'comment only'! ! !RxParser class methodsFor: 'class initialization' stamp: 'avi 11/30/2003 13:26'! initialize "self initialize" self initializeBackslashConstants; initializeBackslashSpecials! ! !RxParser class methodsFor: 'class initialization' stamp: 'lr 11/4/2009 22:14'! initializeBackslashConstants "self initializeBackslashConstants" (BackslashConstants := Dictionary new) at: $e put: Character escape; at: $n put: Character lf; at: $r put: Character cr; at: $f put: Character newPage; at: $t put: Character tab! ! !RxParser class methodsFor: 'class initialization' stamp: 'vb 4/11/09 21:56'! initializeBackslashSpecials "Keys are characters that normally follow a \, the values are associations of classes and initialization selectors on the instance side of the classes." "self initializeBackslashSpecials" (BackslashSpecials := Dictionary new) at: $w put: (Association key: RxsPredicate value: #beWordConstituent); at: $W put: (Association key: RxsPredicate value: #beNotWordConstituent); at: $s put: (Association key: RxsPredicate value: #beSpace); at: $S put: (Association key: RxsPredicate value: #beNotSpace); at: $d put: (Association key: RxsPredicate value: #beDigit); at: $D put: (Association key: RxsPredicate value: #beNotDigit); at: $b put: (Association key: RxsContextCondition value: #beWordBoundary); at: $B put: (Association key: RxsContextCondition value: #beNonWordBoundary); at: $< put: (Association key: RxsContextCondition value: #beBeginningOfWord); at: $> put: (Association key: RxsContextCondition value: #beEndOfWord)! ! !RxParser class methodsFor: 'utilities' stamp: 'vb 4/11/09 21:56'! parse: aString "Parse the argument and return the result (the parse tree). In case of a syntax error, the corresponding exception is signaled." ^self new parse: aString! ! !RxParser class methodsFor: 'preferences' stamp: 'vb 4/11/09 21:56'! preferredMatcherClass "The matcher to use. For now just one is available, but in principle this determines the matchers built implicitly, such as by String>>asRegex, or String>>matchesRegex:. This might seem a bit strange place for this preference, but Parser is still more or less `central' thing in the whole package." ^RxMatcher! ! !RxParser class methodsFor: 'utilities' stamp: 'avi 11/30/2003 13:23'! safelyParse: aString "Parse the argument and return the result (the parse tree). In case of a syntax error, return nil. Exception handling here is dialect-dependent." ^ [self new parse: aString] on: RegexSyntaxError do: [:ex | nil]! ! !RxParser class methodsFor: 'exception signaling' stamp: 'avi 11/30/2003 13:25'! signalCompilationException: errorString RegexCompilationError new signal: errorString! ! !RxParser class methodsFor: 'exception signaling' stamp: 'avi 11/30/2003 13:25'! signalMatchException: errorString RegexMatchingError new signal: errorString! ! !RxParser class methodsFor: 'exception signaling' stamp: 'avi 11/30/2003 13:25'! signalSyntaxException: errorString RegexSyntaxError new signal: errorString! ! !RxParser methodsFor: 'recursive descent' stamp: 'vb 4/11/09 21:56'! atom "An atom is one of a lot of possibilities, see below." | atom | (lookahead = #epsilon or: [lookahead = $| or: [lookahead = $) or: [lookahead = $* or: [lookahead = $+ or: [lookahead = $?]]]]]) ifTrue: [^RxsEpsilon new]. lookahead = $( ifTrue: [" ::= '(' ')' " self match: $(. atom := self regex. self match: $). ^atom]. lookahead = $[ ifTrue: [" ::= '[' ']' " self match: $[. atom := self characterSet. self match: $]. ^atom]. lookahead = $: ifTrue: [" ::= ':' ':' " self match: $:. atom := self messagePredicate. self match: $:. ^atom]. lookahead = $. ifTrue: ["any non-whitespace character" self next. ^RxsContextCondition new beAny]. lookahead = $^ ifTrue: ["beginning of line condition" self next. ^RxsContextCondition new beBeginningOfLine]. lookahead = $$ ifTrue: ["end of line condition" self next. ^RxsContextCondition new beEndOfLine]. lookahead = $\ ifTrue: [" ::= '\' " self next. lookahead = #epsilon ifTrue: [self signalParseError: 'bad quotation']. (BackslashConstants includesKey: lookahead) ifTrue: [atom := RxsCharacter with: (BackslashConstants at: lookahead). self next. ^atom]. self ifSpecial: lookahead then: [:node | self next. ^node]]. "If passed through the above, the following is a regular character." atom := RxsCharacter with: lookahead. self next. ^atom! ! !RxParser methodsFor: 'recursive descent' stamp: 'vb 4/11/09 21:56'! branch " ::= e | " | piece branch | piece := self piece. (lookahead = #epsilon or: [lookahead = $| or: [lookahead = $) ]]) ifTrue: [branch := nil] ifFalse: [branch := self branch]. ^RxsBranch new initializePiece: piece branch: branch! ! !RxParser methodsFor: 'recursive descent' stamp: 'vb 4/11/09 21:56'! characterSet "Match a range of characters: something between `[' and `]'. Opening bracked has already been seen, and closing should not be consumed as well. Set spec is as usual for sets in regexes." | spec errorMessage | errorMessage := ' no terminating "]"'. spec := self inputUpTo: $] nestedOn: $[ errorMessage: errorMessage. (spec isEmpty or: [spec = '^']) ifTrue: "This ']' was literal." [self next. spec := spec, ']', (self inputUpTo: $] nestedOn: $[ errorMessage: errorMessage)]. ^self characterSetFrom: spec! ! !RxParser methodsFor: 'private' stamp: 'vb 4/11/09 21:56'! characterSetFrom: setSpec " is what goes between the brackets in a charset regex (a String). Make a string containing all characters the spec specifies. Spec is never empty." | negated spec | spec := ReadStream on: setSpec. spec peek = $^ ifTrue: [negated := true. spec next] ifFalse: [negated := false]. ^RxsCharSet new initializeElements: (RxCharSetParser on: spec) parse negated: negated! ! !RxParser methodsFor: 'private' stamp: 'vb 4/11/09 21:56'! ifSpecial: aCharacter then: aBlock "If the character is such that it defines a special node when follows a $\, then create that node and evaluate aBlock with the node as the parameter. Otherwise just return." | classAndSelector | classAndSelector := BackslashSpecials at: aCharacter ifAbsent: [^self]. ^aBlock value: (classAndSelector key new perform: classAndSelector value)! ! !RxParser methodsFor: 'private' stamp: 'vb 4/11/09 21:56'! inputUpTo: aCharacter errorMessage: aString "Accumulate input stream until is encountered and answer the accumulated chars as String, not including . Signal error if end of stream is encountered, passing as the error description." | accumulator | accumulator := WriteStream on: (String new: 20). [lookahead ~= aCharacter and: [lookahead ~= #epsilon]] whileTrue: [accumulator nextPut: lookahead. self next]. lookahead = #epsilon ifTrue: [self signalParseError: aString]. ^accumulator contents! ! !RxParser methodsFor: 'private' stamp: 'vb 4/11/09 21:56'! inputUpTo: aCharacter nestedOn: anotherCharacter errorMessage: aString "Accumulate input stream until is encountered and answer the accumulated chars as String, not including . Signal error if end of stream is encountered, passing as the error description." | accumulator nestLevel | accumulator := WriteStream on: (String new: 20). nestLevel := 0. [lookahead ~= aCharacter or: [nestLevel > 0]] whileTrue: [#epsilon = lookahead ifTrue: [self signalParseError: aString]. accumulator nextPut: lookahead. lookahead = anotherCharacter ifTrue: [nestLevel := nestLevel + 1]. lookahead = aCharacter ifTrue: [nestLevel := nestLevel - 1]. self next]. ^accumulator contents! ! !RxParser methodsFor: 'private' stamp: 'vb 4/11/09 21:56'! match: aCharacter " MUST match the current lookeahead. If this is the case, advance the input. Otherwise, blow up." aCharacter ~= lookahead ifTrue: [^self signalParseError]. "does not return" self next! ! !RxParser methodsFor: 'recursive descent' stamp: 'vb 4/11/09 21:56'! messagePredicate "Match a message predicate specification: a selector (presumably understood by a Character) enclosed in :'s ." | spec negated | spec := (self inputUpTo: $: errorMessage: ' no terminating ":"'). negated := false. spec first = $^ ifTrue: [negated := true. spec := spec copyFrom: 2 to: spec size]. ^RxsMessagePredicate new initializeSelector: spec asSymbol negated: negated! ! !RxParser methodsFor: 'private' stamp: 'vb 4/11/09 21:56'! next "Advance the input storing the just read character as the lookahead." input atEnd ifTrue: [lookahead := #epsilon] ifFalse: [lookahead := input next]! ! !RxParser methodsFor: 'accessing' stamp: 'vb 4/11/09 21:56'! parse: aString "Parse input from a string . On success, answers an RxsRegex -- parse tree root. On error, raises `RxParser syntaxErrorSignal' with the current input stream position as the parameter." ^self parseStream: (ReadStream on: aString)! ! !RxParser methodsFor: 'accessing' stamp: 'vb 4/11/09 21:56'! parseStream: aStream "Parse an input from a character stream . On success, answers an RxsRegex -- parse tree root. On error, raises `RxParser syntaxErrorSignal' with the current input stream position as the parameter." | tree | input := aStream. lookahead := nil. self match: nil. tree := self regex. self match: #epsilon. ^tree! ! !RxParser methodsFor: 'recursive descent' stamp: 'vb 4/11/09 21:56'! piece " ::= | * | + | ?" | atom errorMessage | errorMessage := ' nullable closure'. atom := self atom. lookahead = $* ifTrue: [self next. atom isNullable ifTrue: [self signalParseError: errorMessage]. ^RxsPiece new initializeStarAtom: atom]. lookahead = $+ ifTrue: [self next. atom isNullable ifTrue: [self signalParseError: errorMessage]. ^RxsPiece new initializePlusAtom: atom]. lookahead = $? ifTrue: [self next. atom isNullable ifTrue: [self signalParseError: errorMessage]. ^RxsPiece new initializeOptionalAtom: atom]. ^RxsPiece new initializeAtom: atom! ! !RxParser methodsFor: 'recursive descent' stamp: 'vb 4/11/09 21:56'! regex " ::= e | `|' " | branch regex | branch := self branch. (lookahead = #epsilon or: [lookahead = $)]) ifTrue: [regex := nil] ifFalse: [self match: $|. regex := self regex]. ^RxsRegex new initializeBranch: branch regex: regex! ! !RxParser methodsFor: 'private' stamp: 'vb 4/11/09 21:56'! signalParseError self class signalSyntaxException: 'Regex syntax error'! ! !RxParser methodsFor: 'private' stamp: 'vb 4/11/09 21:56'! signalParseError: aString self class signalSyntaxException: aString! ! Object subclass: #RxmLink instanceVariableNames: 'next' classVariableNames: '' poolDictionaries: '' category: 'VB-Regex'! !RxmLink commentStamp: '' prior: 0! -- Regular Expression Matcher v 1.1 (C) 1996, 1999 Vassili Bykov -- See `documentation' protocol of RxParser class for user's guide. -- A matcher is built of a number of links interconnected into some intricate structure. Regardless of fancy stuff, any link (except for the terminator) has the next one. Any link can match against a stream of characters, recursively propagating the match to the next link. Any link supports a number of matcher-building messages. This superclass does all of the above. The class is not necessarily abstract. It may double as an empty string matcher: it recursively propagates the match to the next link, thus always matching nothing successfully. Principal method: matchAgainst: aMatcher Any subclass will reimplement this to test the state of the matcher, most probably reading one or more characters from the matcher's stream, and either decide it has matched and answer true, leaving matcher stream positioned at the end of match, or answer false and restore the matcher stream position to whatever it was before the matching attempt. Instance variables: next The next link in the structure.! RxmLink subclass: #RxmBranch instanceVariableNames: 'loopback alternative' classVariableNames: '' poolDictionaries: '' category: 'VB-Regex'! !RxmBranch commentStamp: '' prior: 0! -- Regular Expression Matcher v 1.1 (C) 1996, 1999 Vassili Bykov -- See `documentation' protocol of RxParser class for user's guide. -- This is a branch of a matching process. Either `next' chain should match, or `alternative', if not nil, should match. Since this is also used to build loopbacks to match repetitions, `loopback' variable indicates whether the instance is a loopback: it affects the matcher-building operations (which of the paths through the branch is to consider as the primary when we have to find the "tail" of a matcher construct). Instance variables alternative to match if `next' fails to match. loopback ! !RxmBranch methodsFor: 'initialize-release' stamp: 'vb 4/11/09 21:56'! alternative: aBranch "See class comment for instance variable description." alternative := aBranch! ! !RxmBranch methodsFor: 'initialize-release' stamp: 'vb 4/11/09 21:56'! beLoopback "See class comment for instance variable description." loopback := true! ! !RxmBranch methodsFor: 'initialize-release' stamp: 'lr 11/4/2009 22:38'! initialize "See class comment for instance variable description." super initialize. loopback := false! ! !RxmBranch methodsFor: 'matching' stamp: 'vb 4/11/09 21:56'! matchAgainst: aMatcher "Match either `next' or `alternative'. Fail if the alternative is nil." ^(next matchAgainst: aMatcher) or: [alternative notNil and: [alternative matchAgainst: aMatcher]]! ! !RxmBranch methodsFor: 'building' stamp: 'vb 4/11/09 21:56'! pointTailTo: aNode "See superclass for explanations." loopback ifTrue: [alternative == nil ifTrue: [alternative := aNode] ifFalse: [alternative pointTailTo: aNode]] ifFalse: [super pointTailTo: aNode]! ! !RxmBranch methodsFor: 'building' stamp: 'vb 4/11/09 21:56'! terminateWith: aNode "See superclass for explanations." loopback ifTrue: [alternative == nil ifTrue: [alternative := aNode] ifFalse: [alternative terminateWith: aNode]] ifFalse: [super terminateWith: aNode]! ! !RxmLink methodsFor: 'matching' stamp: 'vb 4/11/09 21:56'! matchAgainst: aMatcher "If a link does not match the contents of the matcher's stream, answer false. Otherwise, let the next matcher in the chain match." ^next matchAgainst: aMatcher! ! !RxmLink methodsFor: 'matching' stamp: 'vb 4/11/09 21:56'! next ^next! ! !RxmLink methodsFor: 'initialize-release' stamp: 'vb 4/11/09 21:56'! next: aLink "Set the next link, either an RxmLink or an RxmTerminator." next := aLink! ! !RxmLink methodsFor: 'building' stamp: 'vb 4/11/09 21:56'! pointTailTo: anRxmLink "Propagate this message along the chain of links. Point `next' reference of the last link to . If the chain is already terminated, blow up." next == nil ifTrue: [next := anRxmLink] ifFalse: [next pointTailTo: anRxmLink]! ! !RxmLink methodsFor: 'building' stamp: 'vb 4/11/09 21:56'! terminateWith: aTerminator "Propagate this message along the chain of links, and make aTerminator the `next' link of the last link in the chain. If the chain is already reminated with the same terminator, do not blow up." next == nil ifTrue: [next := aTerminator] ifFalse: [next terminateWith: aTerminator]! ! RxmLink subclass: #RxmMarker instanceVariableNames: 'index' classVariableNames: '' poolDictionaries: '' category: 'VB-Regex'! !RxmMarker commentStamp: '' prior: 0! -- Regular Expression Matcher v 1.1 (C) 1996, 1999 Vassili Bykov -- See `documentation' protocol of RxParser class for user's guide. -- A marker is used to remember positions of match of certain points of a regular expression. The marker receives an identifying key from the Matcher and uses that key to report positions of successful matches to the Matcher. Instance variables: index Something that makes sense for the Matcher. Received from the latter during initalization and later passed to it to identify the receiver.! !RxmMarker methodsFor: 'initialize-release' stamp: 'vb 4/11/09 21:56'! index: anIndex "An index is a key that makes sense for the matcher. This key can be passed to marker position getters and setters to access position for this marker in the current matching session." index := anIndex! ! !RxmMarker methodsFor: 'matching' stamp: 'vb 4/11/09 21:56'! matchAgainst: aMatcher "If the rest of the link chain matches successfully, report the position of the stream *before* the match started to the matcher." | startPosition | startPosition := aMatcher position. (next matchAgainst: aMatcher) ifTrue: [aMatcher markerPositionAt: index add: startPosition. ^true]. ^false! ! RxmLink subclass: #RxmPredicate instanceVariableNames: 'predicate' classVariableNames: '' poolDictionaries: '' category: 'VB-Regex'! !RxmPredicate commentStamp: '' prior: 0! -- Regular Expression Matcher v 1.1 (C) 1996, 1999 Vassili Bykov -- See `documentation' protocol of RxParser class for user's guide. -- Instance holds onto a one-argument block and matches exactly one character if the block evaluates to true when passed the character as the argument. Instance variables: predicate ! !RxmPredicate class methodsFor: 'instance creation' stamp: 'vb 4/11/09 21:56'! with: unaryBlock ^self new predicate: unaryBlock! ! !RxmPredicate methodsFor: 'initialize-release' stamp: 'vb 4/11/09 21:56'! bePerform: aSelector "Match any single character that answers true to this message." self predicate: [:char | RxParser doHandlingMessageNotUnderstood: [char perform: aSelector]]! ! !RxmPredicate methodsFor: 'initialize-release' stamp: 'vb 4/11/09 21:56'! bePerformNot: aSelector "Match any single character that answers false to this message." self predicate: [:char | RxParser doHandlingMessageNotUnderstood: [(char perform: aSelector) not]]! ! !RxmPredicate methodsFor: 'matching' stamp: 'vb 4/11/09 21:56'! matchAgainst: aMatcher "Match if the predicate block evaluates to true when given the current stream character as the argument." | original | original := aMatcher currentState. (aMatcher atEnd not and: [(predicate value: aMatcher next) and: [next matchAgainst: aMatcher]]) ifTrue: [^true] ifFalse: [aMatcher restoreState: original. ^false]! ! !RxmPredicate methodsFor: 'initialize-release' stamp: 'vb 4/11/09 21:56'! predicate: aBlock "This link will match any single character for which evaluates to true." aBlock numArgs ~= 1 ifTrue: [self error: 'bad predicate block']. predicate := aBlock. ^self! ! RxmLink subclass: #RxmSpecial instanceVariableNames: 'matchSelector' classVariableNames: '' poolDictionaries: '' category: 'VB-Regex'! !RxmSpecial commentStamp: '' prior: 0! -- Regular Expression Matcher v 1.1 (C) 1996, 1999 Vassili Bykov -- See `documentation' protocol of RxParser class for user's guide. -- A special node that matches a specific matcher state rather than any input character. The state is either at-beginning-of-line or at-end-of-line.! !RxmSpecial methodsFor: 'initialize-release' stamp: 'vb 4/11/09 21:56'! beBeginningOfLine matchSelector := #atBeginningOfLine! ! !RxmSpecial methodsFor: 'initialize-release' stamp: 'vb 4/11/09 21:56'! beBeginningOfWord matchSelector := #atBeginningOfWord! ! !RxmSpecial methodsFor: 'initialize-release' stamp: 'vb 4/11/09 21:56'! beEndOfLine matchSelector := #atEndOfLine! ! !RxmSpecial methodsFor: 'initialize-release' stamp: 'vb 4/11/09 21:56'! beEndOfWord matchSelector := #atEndOfWord! ! !RxmSpecial methodsFor: 'initialize-release' stamp: 'vb 4/11/09 21:56'! beNotWordBoundary matchSelector := #notAtWordBoundary! ! !RxmSpecial methodsFor: 'initialize-release' stamp: 'vb 4/11/09 21:56'! beWordBoundary matchSelector := #atWordBoundary! ! !RxmSpecial methodsFor: 'matching' stamp: 'vb 4/11/09 21:56'! matchAgainst: aMatcher "Match without consuming any input, if the matcher is in appropriate state." ^(aMatcher perform: matchSelector) and: [next matchAgainst: aMatcher]! ! RxmLink subclass: #RxmSubstring instanceVariableNames: 'sample compare' classVariableNames: '' poolDictionaries: '' category: 'VB-Regex'! !RxmSubstring commentStamp: '' prior: 0! -- Regular Expression Matcher v 1.1 (C) 1996, 1999 Vassili Bykov -- See `documentation' protocol of RxParser class for user's guide. -- Instance holds onto a string and matches exactly this string, and exactly once. Instance variables: string ! !RxmSubstring methodsFor: 'initialize-release' stamp: 'vb 4/11/09 21:56'! beCaseInsensitive compare := [:char1 :char2 | char1 sameAs: char2]! ! !RxmSubstring methodsFor: 'initialize-release' stamp: 'vb 4/11/09 21:56'! beCaseSensitive compare := [:char1 :char2 | char1 = char2]! ! !RxmSubstring methodsFor: 'initialize-release' stamp: 'vb 4/11/09 21:56'! character: aCharacter ignoreCase: aBoolean "Match exactly this character." sample := String with: aCharacter. aBoolean ifTrue: [self beCaseInsensitive]! ! !RxmSubstring methodsFor: 'initialize-release' stamp: 'lr 11/4/2009 22:38'! initialize super initialize. self beCaseSensitive! ! !RxmSubstring methodsFor: 'matching' stamp: 'vb 4/11/09 21:56'! matchAgainst: aMatcher "Match if my sample stream is exactly the current prefix of the matcher stream's contents." | originalState sampleStream mismatch | originalState := aMatcher currentState. sampleStream := self sampleStream. mismatch := false. [sampleStream atEnd or: [aMatcher atEnd or: [mismatch := (compare value: sampleStream next value: aMatcher next) not]]] whileFalse. (mismatch not and: [sampleStream atEnd and: [next matchAgainst: aMatcher]]) ifTrue: [^true] ifFalse: [aMatcher restoreState: originalState. ^false]! ! !RxmSubstring methodsFor: 'private' stamp: 'vb 4/11/09 21:56'! sampleStream ^sample readStream! ! !RxmSubstring methodsFor: 'initialize-release' stamp: 'vb 4/11/09 21:56'! substring: aString ignoreCase: aBoolean "Match exactly this string." sample := aString. aBoolean ifTrue: [self beCaseInsensitive]! ! Object subclass: #RxmTerminator instanceVariableNames: '' classVariableNames: '' poolDictionaries: '' category: 'VB-Regex'! !RxmTerminator commentStamp: '' prior: 0! -- Regular Expression Matcher v 1.1 (C) 1996, 1999 Vassili Bykov -- See `documentation' protocol of RxParser class for user's guide. -- Instances of this class are used to terminate matcher's chains. When a match reaches this (an instance receives #matchAgainst: message), the match is considered to succeed. Instances also support building protocol of RxmLinks, with some restrictions.! !RxmTerminator methodsFor: 'matching' stamp: 'vb 4/11/09 21:56'! matchAgainst: aStream "If got here, the match is successful." ^true! ! !RxmTerminator methodsFor: 'building' stamp: 'vb 4/11/09 21:56'! pointTailTo: anRxmLink "Branch tails are never redirected by the build algorithm. Healthy terminators should never receive this." RxParser signalCompilationException: 'internal matcher build error - redirecting terminator tail'! ! !RxmTerminator methodsFor: 'building' stamp: 'vb 4/11/09 21:56'! terminateWith: aTerminator "Branch terminators are never supposed to change. Make sure this is the case." aTerminator ~~ self ifTrue: [RxParser signalCompilationException: 'internal matcher build error - wrong terminator']! ! Object subclass: #RxsNode instanceVariableNames: '' classVariableNames: '' poolDictionaries: '' category: 'VB-Regex'! !RxsNode commentStamp: '' prior: 0! -- Regular Expression Matcher v 1.1 (C) 1996, 1999 Vassili Bykov -- See `documentation' protocol of RxParser class for user's guide. -- A generic syntax tree node, provides some common responses to the standard tests, as well as tree structure printing -- handy for debugging.! RxsNode subclass: #RxsBranch instanceVariableNames: 'piece branch' classVariableNames: '' poolDictionaries: '' category: 'VB-Regex'! !RxsBranch commentStamp: '' prior: 0! -- Regular Expression Matcher v 1.1 (C) 1996, 1999 Vassili Bykov -- See `documentation' protocol of RxParser class for user's guide. -- A Branch is a Piece followed by a Branch or an empty string. Instance variables: piece branch ! !RxsBranch methodsFor: 'accessing' stamp: 'vb 4/11/09 21:56'! branch ^branch! ! !RxsBranch methodsFor: 'accessing' stamp: 'vb 4/11/09 21:56'! dispatchTo: aMatcher "Inform the matcher of the kind of the node, and it will do whatever it has to." ^aMatcher syntaxBranch: self! ! !RxsBranch methodsFor: 'initialize-release' stamp: 'vb 4/11/09 21:56'! initializePiece: aPiece branch: aBranch "See class comment for instance variables description." piece := aPiece. branch := aBranch! ! !RxsBranch methodsFor: 'testing' stamp: 'vb 4/11/09 21:56'! isNullable ^piece isNullable and: [branch isNil or: [branch isNullable]]! ! !RxsBranch methodsFor: 'accessing' stamp: 'vb 4/11/09 21:56'! piece ^piece! ! !RxsBranch methodsFor: 'optimization' stamp: 'vb 4/11/09 21:56'! tryMergingInto: aStream "Concatenation of a few simple characters can be optimized to be a plain substring match. Answer the node to resume syntax tree traversal at. Epsilon node used to terminate the branch will implement this to answer nil, thus indicating that the branch has ended." piece isAtomic ifFalse: [^self]. aStream nextPut: piece character. ^branch isNil ifTrue: [branch] ifFalse: [branch tryMergingInto: aStream]! ! RxsNode subclass: #RxsCharSet instanceVariableNames: 'negated elements' classVariableNames: '' poolDictionaries: '' category: 'VB-Regex'! !RxsCharSet commentStamp: '' prior: 0! -- Regular Expression Matcher v 1.1 (C) 1996, 1999 Vassili Bykov -- See `documentation' protocol of RxParser class for user's guide. -- A character set corresponds to a [...] construct in the regular expression. Instance variables: elements An element can be one of: RxsCharacter, RxsRange, or RxsPredicate. negated ! !RxsCharSet methodsFor: 'accessing' stamp: 'vb 4/11/09 21:56'! dispatchTo: aMatcher "Inform the matcher of the kind of the node, and it will do whatever it has to." ^aMatcher syntaxCharSet: self! ! !RxsCharSet methodsFor: 'privileged' stamp: 'vb 4/11/09 21:56'! enumerablePartPredicateIgnoringCase: aBoolean | enumeration | enumeration := self optimalSetIgnoringCase: aBoolean. ^negated ifTrue: [[:char | (enumeration includes: char) not]] ifFalse: [[:char | enumeration includes: char]]! ! !RxsCharSet methodsFor: 'privileged' stamp: 'vb 4/11/09 21:56'! enumerableSetIgnoringCase: aBoolean "Answer a collection of characters that make up the portion of me that can be enumerated." | set | set := Set new. elements do: [:each | each isEnumerable ifTrue: [each enumerateTo: set ignoringCase: aBoolean]]. ^set! ! !RxsCharSet methodsFor: 'accessing' stamp: 'vb 4/11/09 21:56'! hasPredicates ^elements contains: [:some | some isEnumerable not]! ! !RxsCharSet methodsFor: 'initialize-release' stamp: 'vb 4/11/09 21:56'! initializeElements: aCollection negated: aBoolean "See class comment for instance variables description." elements := aCollection. negated := aBoolean! ! !RxsCharSet methodsFor: 'testing' stamp: 'vb 4/11/09 21:56'! isEnumerable elements detect: [:some | some isEnumerable not] ifNone: [^true]. ^false! ! !RxsCharSet methodsFor: 'testing' stamp: 'vb 4/11/09 21:56'! isNegated ^negated! ! !RxsCharSet methodsFor: 'privileged' stamp: 'lr 11/4/2009 22:27'! optimalSetIgnoringCase: aBoolean "Assuming the client with search the `set' using #includes:, answer a collection with the contents of `set', of the class that will provide the fastest lookup. Strings are faster than Sets for short strings." | set | set := self enumerableSetIgnoringCase: aBoolean. ^set size < 10 ifTrue: [set asArray] ifFalse: [set]! ! !RxsCharSet methodsFor: 'accessing' stamp: 'vb 4/11/09 21:56'! predicateIgnoringCase: aBoolean | predicate enumerable | enumerable := self enumerablePartPredicateIgnoringCase: aBoolean. ^self hasPredicates ifFalse: [enumerable] ifTrue: [predicate := self predicatePartPredicate. negated ifTrue: [[:char | (enumerable value: char) and: [predicate value: char]]] ifFalse: [[:char | (enumerable value: char) or: [predicate value: char]]]]! ! !RxsCharSet methodsFor: 'privileged' stamp: 'vb 4/11/09 21:56'! predicatePartPredicate "Answer a predicate that tests all of my elements that cannot be enumerated." | predicates | predicates := elements reject: [:some | some isEnumerable]. predicates isEmpty ifTrue: [^[:char | negated]]. predicates size = 1 ifTrue: [^negated ifTrue: [predicates first predicateNegation] ifFalse: [predicates first predicate]]. predicates := predicates collect: [:each | each predicate]. ^negated ifFalse: [[:char | predicates contains: [:some | some value: char]]] ifTrue: [[:char | (predicates contains: [:some | some value: char]) not]]! ! !RxsCharSet methodsFor: 'accessing' stamp: 'vb 4/11/09 21:56'! predicates ^(elements reject: [:some | some isEnumerable]) collect: [:each | each predicate]! ! RxsNode subclass: #RxsCharacter instanceVariableNames: 'character' classVariableNames: '' poolDictionaries: '' category: 'VB-Regex'! !RxsCharacter commentStamp: '' prior: 0! -- Regular Expression Matcher v 1.1 (C) 1996, 1999 Vassili Bykov -- See `documentation' protocol of RxParser class for user's guide. -- A character is a literal character that appears either in the expression itself or in a character set within an expression. Instance variables: character ! !RxsCharacter class methodsFor: 'instance creation' stamp: 'vb 4/11/09 21:56'! with: aCharacter ^self new initializeCharacter: aCharacter! ! !RxsCharacter methodsFor: 'accessing' stamp: 'vb 4/11/09 21:56'! character ^character! ! !RxsCharacter methodsFor: 'accessing' stamp: 'vb 4/11/09 21:56'! dispatchTo: aMatcher "Inform the matcher of the kind of the node, and it will do whatever it has to." ^aMatcher syntaxCharacter: self! ! !RxsCharacter methodsFor: 'accessing' stamp: 'vb 4/11/09 21:56'! enumerateTo: aSet ignoringCase: aBoolean aBoolean ifTrue: [aSet add: character asUppercase; add: character asLowercase] ifFalse: [aSet add: character]! ! !RxsCharacter methodsFor: 'initialize-release' stamp: 'vb 4/11/09 21:56'! initializeCharacter: aCharacter "See class comment for instance variable description." character := aCharacter! ! !RxsCharacter methodsFor: 'testing' stamp: 'vb 4/11/09 21:56'! isAtomic "A character is always atomic." ^true! ! !RxsCharacter methodsFor: 'testing' stamp: 'vb 4/11/09 21:56'! isEnumerable ^true! ! !RxsCharacter methodsFor: 'testing' stamp: 'vb 4/11/09 21:56'! isNullable ^false! ! RxsNode subclass: #RxsContextCondition instanceVariableNames: 'kind' classVariableNames: '' poolDictionaries: '' category: 'VB-Regex'! !RxsContextCondition commentStamp: '' prior: 0! -- Regular Expression Matcher v 1.1 (C) 1996, 1999 Vassili Bykov -- See `documentation' protocol of RxParser class for user's guide. -- One of a few special nodes more often representing special state of the match rather than a predicate on a character. The ugly exception is the #any condition which *is* a predicate on a character. Instance variables: kind ! !RxsContextCondition methodsFor: 'initialize-release' stamp: 'vb 4/11/09 21:56'! beAny "Matches anything but a newline." kind := #syntaxAny! ! !RxsContextCondition methodsFor: 'initialize-release' stamp: 'vb 4/11/09 21:56'! beBeginningOfLine "Matches empty string at the beginning of a line." kind := #syntaxBeginningOfLine! ! !RxsContextCondition methodsFor: 'initialize-release' stamp: 'vb 4/11/09 21:56'! beBeginningOfWord "Matches empty string at the beginning of a word." kind := #syntaxBeginningOfWord! ! !RxsContextCondition methodsFor: 'initialize-release' stamp: 'vb 4/11/09 21:56'! beEndOfLine "Matches empty string at the end of a line." kind := #syntaxEndOfLine! ! !RxsContextCondition methodsFor: 'initialize-release' stamp: 'vb 4/11/09 21:56'! beEndOfWord "Matches empty string at the end of a word." kind := #syntaxEndOfWord! ! !RxsContextCondition methodsFor: 'initialize-release' stamp: 'vb 4/11/09 21:56'! beNonWordBoundary "Analog of \B." kind := #syntaxNonWordBoundary! ! !RxsContextCondition methodsFor: 'initialize-release' stamp: 'vb 4/11/09 21:56'! beWordBoundary "Analog of \w (alphanumeric plus _)." kind := #syntaxWordBoundary! ! !RxsContextCondition methodsFor: 'accessing' stamp: 'vb 4/11/09 21:56'! dispatchTo: aBuilder ^aBuilder perform: kind! ! !RxsContextCondition methodsFor: 'testing' stamp: 'vb 4/11/09 21:56'! isNullable ^#syntaxAny ~~ kind! ! RxsNode subclass: #RxsEpsilon instanceVariableNames: '' classVariableNames: '' poolDictionaries: '' category: 'VB-Regex'! !RxsEpsilon commentStamp: '' prior: 0! -- Regular Expression Matcher v 1.1 (C) 1996, 1999 Vassili Bykov -- See `documentation' protocol of RxParser class for user's guide. -- This is an empty string. It terminates some of the recursive constructs.! !RxsEpsilon methodsFor: 'building' stamp: 'vb 4/11/09 21:56'! dispatchTo: aBuilder "Inform the matcher of the kind of the node, and it will do whatever it has to." ^aBuilder syntaxEpsilon! ! !RxsEpsilon methodsFor: 'testing' stamp: 'vb 4/11/09 21:56'! isNullable "See comment in the superclass." ^true! ! RxsNode subclass: #RxsMessagePredicate instanceVariableNames: 'selector negated' classVariableNames: '' poolDictionaries: '' category: 'VB-Regex'! !RxsMessagePredicate commentStamp: '' prior: 0! -- Regular Expression Matcher v 1.1 (C) 1996, 1999 Vassili Bykov -- See `documentation' protocol of RxParser class for user's guide. -- A message predicate represents a condition on a character that is tested (at the match time) by sending a unary message to the character expecting a Boolean answer. Instance variables: selector ! !RxsMessagePredicate methodsFor: 'accessing' stamp: 'vb 4/11/09 21:56'! dispatchTo: aBuilder "Inform the matcher of the kind of the node, and it will do whatever it has to." ^aBuilder syntaxMessagePredicate: self! ! !RxsMessagePredicate methodsFor: 'initialize-release' stamp: 'vb 4/11/09 21:56'! initializeSelector: aSelector "The selector must be a one-argument message understood by Character." selector := aSelector! ! !RxsMessagePredicate methodsFor: 'initialize-release' stamp: 'vb 4/11/09 21:56'! initializeSelector: aSelector negated: aBoolean "The selector must be a one-argument message understood by Character." selector := aSelector. negated := aBoolean! ! !RxsMessagePredicate methodsFor: 'accessing' stamp: 'vb 4/11/09 21:56'! negated ^negated! ! !RxsMessagePredicate methodsFor: 'accessing' stamp: 'vb 4/11/09 21:56'! selector ^selector! ! !RxsNode methodsFor: 'constants' stamp: 'vb 4/11/09 21:56'! indentCharacter "Normally, #printOn:withIndent: method in subclasses print several characters returned by this method to indicate the tree structure." ^$+! ! !RxsNode methodsFor: 'testing' stamp: 'vb 4/11/09 21:56'! isAtomic "Answer whether the node is atomic, i.e. matches exactly one constant predefined normal character. A matcher may decide to optimize matching of a sequence of atomic nodes by glueing them together in a string." ^false "tentatively"! ! !RxsNode methodsFor: 'testing' stamp: 'vb 4/11/09 21:56'! isNullable "True if the node can match an empty sequence of characters." ^false "for most nodes"! ! RxsNode subclass: #RxsPiece instanceVariableNames: 'atom min max' classVariableNames: '' poolDictionaries: '' category: 'VB-Regex'! !RxsPiece commentStamp: '' prior: 0! -- Regular Expression Matcher v 1.1 (C) 1996, 1999 Vassili Bykov -- See `documentation' protocol of RxParser class for user's guide. -- A piece is an atom, possibly optional or repeated a number of times. Instance variables: atom min max nil means infinity! !RxsPiece methodsFor: 'accessing' stamp: 'vb 4/11/09 21:56'! atom ^atom! ! !RxsPiece methodsFor: 'accessing' stamp: 'vb 4/11/09 21:56'! character "If this node is atomic, answer the character it represents. It is the caller's responsibility to make sure this node is indeed atomic before using this." ^atom character! ! !RxsPiece methodsFor: 'accessing' stamp: 'vb 4/11/09 21:56'! dispatchTo: aMatcher "Inform the matcher of the kind of the node, and it will do whatever it has to." ^aMatcher syntaxPiece: self! ! !RxsPiece methodsFor: 'initialize-release' stamp: 'vb 4/11/09 21:56'! initializeAtom: anAtom "This piece is exactly one occurrence of the specified RxsAtom." self initializeAtom: anAtom min: 1 max: 1! ! !RxsPiece methodsFor: 'initialize-release' stamp: 'vb 4/11/09 21:56'! initializeAtom: anAtom min: minOccurrences max: maxOccurrences "This piece is from to occurrences of the specified RxsAtom." atom := anAtom. min := minOccurrences. max := maxOccurrences! ! !RxsPiece methodsFor: 'initialize-release' stamp: 'vb 4/11/09 21:56'! initializeOptionalAtom: anAtom "This piece is 0 or 1 occurrences of the specified RxsAtom." self initializeAtom: anAtom min: 0 max: 1! ! !RxsPiece methodsFor: 'initialize-release' stamp: 'vb 4/11/09 21:56'! initializePlusAtom: anAtom "This piece is one or more occurrences of the specified RxsAtom." self initializeAtom: anAtom min: 1 max: nil! ! !RxsPiece methodsFor: 'initialize-release' stamp: 'vb 4/11/09 21:56'! initializeStarAtom: anAtom "This piece is any number of occurrences of the atom." self initializeAtom: anAtom min: 0 max: nil! ! !RxsPiece methodsFor: 'testing' stamp: 'vb 4/11/09 21:56'! isAtomic "A piece is atomic if only it contains exactly one atom which is atomic (sic)." ^self isSingular and: [atom isAtomic]! ! !RxsPiece methodsFor: 'testing' stamp: 'vb 4/11/09 21:56'! isNullable "A piece is nullable if it allows 0 matches. This is often handy to know for optimization." ^min = 0 or: [atom isNullable]! ! !RxsPiece methodsFor: 'testing' stamp: 'vb 4/11/09 21:56'! isOptional ^min = 0 and: [max = 1]! ! !RxsPiece methodsFor: 'testing' stamp: 'vb 4/11/09 21:56'! isPlus ^min = 1 and: [max == nil]! ! !RxsPiece methodsFor: 'testing' stamp: 'vb 4/11/09 21:56'! isSingular "A piece with a range is 1 to 1 needs can be compiled as a simple match." ^min = 1 and: [max = 1]! ! !RxsPiece methodsFor: 'testing' stamp: 'vb 4/11/09 21:56'! isStar ^min = 0 and: [max == nil]! ! !RxsPiece methodsFor: 'accessing' stamp: 'vb 4/11/09 21:56'! max "The value answered may be nil, indicating infinity." ^max! ! !RxsPiece methodsFor: 'accessing' stamp: 'vb 4/11/09 21:56'! min ^min! ! RxsNode subclass: #RxsPredicate instanceVariableNames: 'predicate negation' classVariableNames: 'EscapedLetterSelectors NamedClassSelectors' poolDictionaries: '' category: 'VB-Regex'! !RxsPredicate commentStamp: '' prior: 0! -- Regular Expression Matcher v 1.1 (C) 1996, 1999 Vassili Bykov -- See `documentation' protocol of RxParser class for user's guide. -- This represents a character that satisfies a certain predicate. Instance Variables: predicate A one-argument block. If it evaluates to the value defined by when it is passed a character, the predicate is considered to match. negation A one-argument block that is a negation of .! !RxsPredicate class methodsFor: 'instance creation' stamp: 'vb 4/11/09 21:56'! forEscapedLetter: aCharacter ^self new perform: (EscapedLetterSelectors at: aCharacter ifAbsent: [RxParser signalSyntaxException: 'bad backslash escape'])! ! !RxsPredicate class methodsFor: 'instance creation' stamp: 'vb 4/11/09 21:56'! forNamedClass: aString ^self new perform: (NamedClassSelectors at: aString ifAbsent: [RxParser signalSyntaxException: 'bad character class name'])! ! !RxsPredicate class methodsFor: 'class initialization' stamp: 'vb 4/11/09 21:56'! initialize "self initialize" self initializeNamedClassSelectors; initializeEscapedLetterSelectors! ! !RxsPredicate class methodsFor: 'class initialization' stamp: 'vb 4/11/09 21:56'! initializeEscapedLetterSelectors "self initializeEscapedLetterSelectors" (EscapedLetterSelectors := Dictionary new) at: $w put: #beWordConstituent; at: $W put: #beNotWordConstituent; at: $d put: #beDigit; at: $D put: #beNotDigit; at: $s put: #beSpace; at: $S put: #beNotSpace; at: $\ put: #beBackslash! ! !RxsPredicate class methodsFor: 'class initialization' stamp: 'vb 4/11/09 21:56'! initializeNamedClassSelectors "self initializeNamedClassSelectors" (NamedClassSelectors := Dictionary new) at: 'alnum' put: #beAlphaNumeric; at: 'alpha' put: #beAlphabetic; at: 'cntrl' put: #beControl; at: 'digit' put: #beDigit; at: 'graph' put: #beGraphics; at: 'lower' put: #beLowercase; at: 'print' put: #bePrintable; at: 'punct' put: #bePunctuation; at: 'space' put: #beSpace; at: 'upper' put: #beUppercase; at: 'xdigit' put: #beHexDigit! ! !RxsPredicate methodsFor: 'initialize-release' stamp: 'vb 4/11/09 21:56'! beAlphaNumeric predicate := [:char | char isAlphaNumeric]. negation := [:char | char isAlphaNumeric not]! ! !RxsPredicate methodsFor: 'initialize-release' stamp: 'lr 11/4/2009 22:29'! beAlphabetic predicate := [:char | char isLetter]. negation := [:char | char isLetter not]! ! !RxsPredicate methodsFor: 'initialize-release' stamp: 'vb 4/11/09 21:56'! beBackslash predicate := [:char | char == $\]. negation := [:char | char ~~ $\]! ! !RxsPredicate methodsFor: 'initialize-release' stamp: 'vb 4/11/09 21:56'! beControl predicate := [:char | char asInteger < 32]. negation := [:char | char asInteger >= 32]! ! !RxsPredicate methodsFor: 'initialize-release' stamp: 'vb 4/11/09 21:56'! beDigit predicate := [:char | char isDigit]. negation := [:char | char isDigit not]! ! !RxsPredicate methodsFor: 'initialize-release' stamp: 'vb 4/11/09 21:56'! beGraphics self beControl; negate! ! !RxsPredicate methodsFor: 'initialize-release' stamp: 'vb 4/11/09 21:56'! beHexDigit | hexLetters | hexLetters := 'abcdefABCDEF'. predicate := [:char | char isDigit or: [hexLetters includes: char]]. negation := [:char | char isDigit not and: [(hexLetters includes: char) not]]! ! !RxsPredicate methodsFor: 'initialize-release' stamp: 'vb 4/11/09 21:56'! beLowercase predicate := [:char | char isLowercase]. negation := [:char | char isLowercase not]! ! !RxsPredicate methodsFor: 'initialize-release' stamp: 'vb 4/11/09 21:56'! beNotDigit self beDigit; negate! ! !RxsPredicate methodsFor: 'initialize-release' stamp: 'vb 4/11/09 21:56'! beNotSpace self beSpace; negate! ! !RxsPredicate methodsFor: 'initialize-release' stamp: 'vb 4/11/09 21:56'! beNotWordConstituent self beWordConstituent; negate! ! !RxsPredicate methodsFor: 'initialize-release' stamp: 'vb 4/11/09 21:56'! bePrintable self beControl; negate! ! !RxsPredicate methodsFor: 'initialize-release' stamp: 'vb 4/11/09 21:56'! bePunctuation | punctuationChars | punctuationChars := #($. $, $!! $? $; $: $" $' $- $( $) $`). predicate := [:char | punctuationChars includes: char]. negation := [:char | (punctuationChars includes: char) not]! ! !RxsPredicate methodsFor: 'initialize-release' stamp: 'vb 4/11/09 21:56'! beSpace predicate := [:char | char isSeparator]. negation := [:char | char isSeparator not]! ! !RxsPredicate methodsFor: 'initialize-release' stamp: 'vb 4/11/09 21:56'! beUppercase predicate := [:char | char isUppercase]. negation := [:char | char isUppercase not]! ! !RxsPredicate methodsFor: 'initialize-release' stamp: 'lr 1/7/2010 20:06'! beWordConstituent predicate := [:char | char isAlphaNumeric or: [char == $_]]. negation := [:char | char isAlphaNumeric not and: [char ~~ $_]]! ! !RxsPredicate methodsFor: 'accessing' stamp: 'vb 4/11/09 21:56'! dispatchTo: anObject ^anObject syntaxPredicate: self! ! !RxsPredicate methodsFor: 'testing' stamp: 'vb 4/11/09 21:56'! isAtomic "A predicate is a single character but the character is not known in advance." ^false! ! !RxsPredicate methodsFor: 'testing' stamp: 'vb 4/11/09 21:56'! isEnumerable ^false! ! !RxsPredicate methodsFor: 'private' stamp: 'vb 4/11/09 21:56'! negate | tmp | tmp := predicate. predicate := negation. negation := tmp! ! !RxsPredicate methodsFor: 'accessing' stamp: 'vb 4/11/09 21:56'! negated ^self copy negate! ! !RxsPredicate methodsFor: 'accessing' stamp: 'vb 4/11/09 21:56'! predicate ^predicate! ! !RxsPredicate methodsFor: 'accessing' stamp: 'vb 4/11/09 21:56'! predicateNegation ^negation! ! !RxsPredicate methodsFor: 'accessing' stamp: 'vb 4/11/09 21:56'! value: aCharacter ^predicate value: aCharacter! ! RxsNode subclass: #RxsRange instanceVariableNames: 'first last' classVariableNames: '' poolDictionaries: '' category: 'VB-Regex'! !RxsRange commentStamp: '' prior: 0! -- Regular Expression Matcher v 1.1 (C) 1996, 1999 Vassili Bykov -- See `documentation' protocol of RxParser class for user's guide. -- I represent a range of characters as appear in character classes such as [a-ZA-Z0-9]. I appear in a syntax tree only as an element of RxsCharSet. Instance Variables: first last ! !RxsRange class methodsFor: 'instance creation' stamp: 'vb 4/11/09 21:56'! from: aCharacter to: anotherCharacter ^self new initializeFirst: aCharacter last: anotherCharacter! ! !RxsRange methodsFor: 'accessing' stamp: 'vb 4/11/09 21:56'! enumerateTo: aSet ignoringCase: aBoolean "Add all of the elements I represent to the collection." first asInteger to: last asInteger do: [:charCode | | character | character := charCode asCharacter. aBoolean ifTrue: [aSet add: character asUppercase; add: character asLowercase] ifFalse: [aSet add: character]]! ! !RxsRange methodsFor: 'initialize-release' stamp: 'vb 4/11/09 21:56'! initializeFirst: aCharacter last: anotherCharacter first := aCharacter. last := anotherCharacter! ! !RxsRange methodsFor: 'testing' stamp: 'vb 4/11/09 21:56'! isEnumerable ^true! ! RxsNode subclass: #RxsRegex instanceVariableNames: 'branch regex' classVariableNames: '' poolDictionaries: '' category: 'VB-Regex'! !RxsRegex commentStamp: '' prior: 0! -- Regular Expression Matcher v 1.1 (C) 1996, 1999 Vassili Bykov -- See `documentation' protocol of RxParser class for user's guide. -- The body of a parenthesized thing, or a top-level expression, also an atom. Instance variables: branch regex ! !RxsRegex methodsFor: 'accessing' stamp: 'vb 4/11/09 21:56'! branch ^branch! ! !RxsRegex methodsFor: 'accessing' stamp: 'vb 4/11/09 21:56'! dispatchTo: aMatcher "Inform the matcher of the kind of the node, and it will do whatever it has to." ^aMatcher syntaxRegex: self! ! !RxsRegex methodsFor: 'initialize-release' stamp: 'vb 4/11/09 21:56'! initializeBranch: aBranch regex: aRegex "See class comment for instance variable description." branch := aBranch. regex := aRegex! ! !RxsRegex methodsFor: 'testing' stamp: 'vb 4/11/09 21:56'! isNullable ^branch isNullable or: [regex notNil and: [regex isNullable]]! ! !RxsRegex methodsFor: 'accessing' stamp: 'vb 4/11/09 21:56'! regex ^regex! ! TestCase subclass: #RxMatcherTest instanceVariableNames: '' classVariableNames: '' poolDictionaries: '' category: 'VB-Regex-Tests'! !RxMatcherTest class methodsFor: 'accessing' stamp: 'lr 1/15/2010 19:48'! packageNamesUnderTest ^ #('VB-Regex')! ! !RxMatcherTest methodsFor: 'utilties' stamp: 'TestRunner 1/15/2010 19:38'! compileRegex: aString "Compile the regex and answer the matcher, or answer nil if compilation fails." | syntaxTree | syntaxTree := self parserClass safelyParse: aString. ^ syntaxTree isNil ifFalse: [ self matcherClass for: syntaxTree ]! ! !RxMatcherTest methodsFor: 'testing-henry' stamp: 'lr 1/15/2010 19:46'! henryReadme self error: 'The tests in this category are based on the ones in Henry Spencer''s regexp.c package.'! ! !RxMatcherTest methodsFor: 'accessing' stamp: 'lr 1/15/2010 18:47'! matcherClass ^ RxMatcher! ! !RxMatcherTest methodsFor: 'accessing' stamp: 'lr 1/15/2010 19:39'! parserClass ^ RxParser! ! !RxMatcherTest methodsFor: 'utilties' stamp: 'TestRunner 1/15/2010 19:44'! runMatcher: aMatcher with: aString expect: anExpectedString withSubexpressions: anArray | copy got | copy := aMatcher copy: aString translatingMatchesUsing: [ :each | each ]. self assert: copy = aString description: 'Copying: expected ' , aString printString , ', but got ' , copy printString. got := aMatcher search: aString. self assert: got = anExpectedString description: 'Searching: expected ' , anExpectedString printString , ', but got ' , got printString. (anArray isNil or: [ aMatcher supportsSubexpressions not ]) ifTrue: [ ^ self ]. 1 to: anArray size by: 2 do: [ :index | | sub subExpect subGot | sub := anArray at: index. subExpect := anArray at: index + 1. subGot := aMatcher subexpression: sub. self assert: subExpect = subGot description: 'Subexpression ' , sub printString , ': expected ' , subExpect printString , ', but got ' , subGot printString ]! ! !RxMatcherTest methodsFor: 'utilties' stamp: 'lr 1/15/2010 19:31'! runRegex: anArray "Run a clause anArray against a set of tests. Each clause is an array with a regex source string followed by sequence of 3-tuples. Each three-element group is one test to try against the regex, and includes: 1) test string; 2) expected result; 3) expected subexpression as an array of (index, substring), or nil." | source matcher | source := anArray first. matcher := self compileRegex: source. matcher isNil ifTrue: [ (anArray at: 2) isNil ifFalse: [ self signalFailure: 'Compilation failed, should have succeeded: ' , source printString ] ] ifFalse: [ (anArray at: 2) isNil ifTrue: [ self signalFailure: 'Compilation succeeded, should have failed: ' , source printString ] ifFalse: [ 2 to: anArray size by: 3 do: [ :index | self runMatcher: matcher with: (anArray at: index) expect: (anArray at: index + 1) withSubexpressions: (anArray at: index + 2) ] ] ]! ! !RxMatcherTest methodsFor: 'testing-protocol' stamp: 'lr 1/15/2010 20:28'! testCaseInsensitive | matcher | matcher := self matcherClass forString: 'the quick brown fox' ignoreCase: true. self assert: (matcher search: 'the quick brown fox'). self assert: (matcher search: 'The quick brown FOX'). self assert: (matcher search: 'What do you know about the quick brown fox?'). self assert: (matcher search: 'What do you know about THE QUICK BROWN FOX?')! ! !RxMatcherTest methodsFor: 'testing-protocol' stamp: 'lr 1/15/2010 20:28'! testCaseSensitive | matcher | matcher := self matcherClass forString: 'the quick brown fox' ignoreCase: false. self assert: (matcher search: 'the quick brown fox'). self deny: (matcher search: 'The quick brown FOX'). self assert: (matcher search: 'What do you know about the quick brown fox?'). self deny: (matcher search: 'What do you know about THE QUICK BROWN FOX?')! ! !RxMatcherTest methodsFor: 'testing-protocol' stamp: 'lr 1/15/2010 20:38'! testCopyReplacingMatches "See that the match context is preserved while copying stuff between matches:" | matcher | matcher := self matcherClass forString: '\<\d\D+'. self assert: (matcher copy: '9aaa1bbb 8ccc' replacingMatchesWith: 'foo') = 'foo1bbb foo'! ! !RxMatcherTest methodsFor: 'testing-protocol' stamp: 'lr 1/15/2010 20:38'! testCopyTranslatingMatches | matcher | matcher := self matcherClass forString: '\w+'. self assert: (matcher copy: 'now is the time ' translatingMatchesUsing: [ :each | each reverse ]) = 'won si eht emit '! ! !RxMatcherTest methodsFor: 'testing-empty' stamp: 'TestRunner 1/15/2010 20:06'! testEmptyStringAtBeginningOfLine | matcher | matcher := self matcherClass forString: '$'. self assert: (matcher copy: 'foo1 bar1' , String cr , 'foo2 bar2' replacingMatchesWith: '*') = ('*foo1 bar1' , String cr , '*foo2 bar2') description: 'An empty string at the beginning of a line'! ! !RxMatcherTest methodsFor: 'testing-empty' stamp: 'lr 1/15/2010 20:05'! testEmptyStringAtBeginningOfWord | matcher | matcher := self matcherClass forString: '\<'. self assert: (matcher copy: 'foo bar' replacingMatchesWith: '*') = '*foo *bar' description: 'An empty string at the beginning of a word'! ! !RxMatcherTest methodsFor: 'testing-empty' stamp: 'TestRunner 1/15/2010 20:07'! testEmptyStringAtEndOfLine | matcher | matcher := self matcherClass forString: '^'. self assert: (matcher copy: 'foo1 bar1' , String cr , 'foo2 bar2' replacingMatchesWith: '*') = ('foo1 bar1*', String cr , 'foo2 bar2*') description: 'An empty string at the end of a line'! ! !RxMatcherTest methodsFor: 'testing-empty' stamp: 'lr 1/15/2010 20:05'! testEmptyStringAtEndOfWord | matcher | matcher := self matcherClass forString: '\>'. self assert: (matcher copy: 'foo bar' replacingMatchesWith: '*') = 'foo* bar*' description: 'An empty string at the end of a word'! ! !RxMatcherTest methodsFor: 'testing-empty' stamp: 'lr 1/15/2010 20:05'! testEmptyStringAtWordBoundary | matcher | matcher := self matcherClass forString: '\b'. self assert: (matcher copy: 'foo bar' replacingMatchesWith: '*') = '*foo* *bar*' description: 'An empty string at a word boundary'! ! !RxMatcherTest methodsFor: 'testing-empty' stamp: 'lr 1/15/2010 20:05'! testEmptyStringNotAtWordBoundary | matcher | matcher := self matcherClass forString: '\B'. self assert: (matcher copy: 'foo bar' replacingMatchesWith: '*') = 'f*o*o b*a*r' description: 'An empty string not at a word boundary'! ! !RxMatcherTest methodsFor: 'testing-henry' stamp: 'lr 1/15/2010 19:46'! testHenry001 self runRegex: #('abc' 'abc' true (1 'abc') 'xbc' false nil 'axc' false nil 'abx' false nil 'xabcy' true (1 'abc') 'ababc' true (1 'abc'))! ! !RxMatcherTest methodsFor: 'testing-henry' stamp: 'lr 1/15/2010 19:46'! testHenry002 self runRegex: #('ab*c' 'abc' true (1 'abc'))! ! !RxMatcherTest methodsFor: 'testing-henry' stamp: 'lr 1/15/2010 19:46'! testHenry003 self runRegex: #('ab*bc' 'abc' true (1 'abc') 'abbc' true (1 'abbc') 'abbbbc' true (1 'abbbbc'))! ! !RxMatcherTest methodsFor: 'testing-henry' stamp: 'lr 1/15/2010 19:46'! testHenry004 self runRegex: #('ab+bc' 'abbc' true (1 'abbc') 'abc' false nil 'abq' false nil 'abbbbc' true (1 'abbbbc'))! ! !RxMatcherTest methodsFor: 'testing-henry' stamp: 'lr 1/15/2010 19:46'! testHenry005 self runRegex: #('ab?bc' 'abbc' true (1 'abbc') 'abc' true (1 'abc') 'abbbbc' false nil 'abc' true (1 'abc'))! ! !RxMatcherTest methodsFor: 'testing-henry' stamp: 'lr 1/15/2010 19:46'! testHenry006 self runRegex: #('^abc$' 'abc' true (1 'abc') 'abcc' false nil 'aabc' false nil)! ! !RxMatcherTest methodsFor: 'testing-henry' stamp: 'lr 1/15/2010 19:46'! testHenry007 self runRegex: #('^abc' 'abcc' true (1 'abc'))! ! !RxMatcherTest methodsFor: 'testing-henry' stamp: 'lr 1/15/2010 19:46'! testHenry008 self runRegex: #('abc$' 'aabc' true (1 'abc'))! ! !RxMatcherTest methodsFor: 'testing-henry' stamp: 'lr 1/15/2010 19:46'! testHenry009 self runRegex: #('^' 'abc' true nil)! ! !RxMatcherTest methodsFor: 'testing-henry' stamp: 'lr 1/15/2010 19:46'! testHenry010 self runRegex: #('$' 'abc' true nil)! ! !RxMatcherTest methodsFor: 'testing-henry' stamp: 'lr 1/15/2010 19:46'! testHenry011 self runRegex: #('a.c' 'abc' true (1 'abc') 'axc' true (1 'axc'))! ! !RxMatcherTest methodsFor: 'testing-henry' stamp: 'lr 1/15/2010 19:46'! testHenry012 "Need to get creative to include the null character..." self runRegex: #('a.*c' 'axyzc' true (1 'axyzc') 'axy zc' true (1 'axy zc') "testing that a dot matches a space" ), (Array with: 'axy', (String with: 0 asCharacter), 'zc'), #(false nil "testing that a dot does not match a null" 'axyzd' false nil)! ! !RxMatcherTest methodsFor: 'testing-henry' stamp: 'lr 1/15/2010 19:46'! testHenry013 self runRegex: #('.a.*' '1234abc' true (1 '4abc') 'abcd' false nil)! ! !RxMatcherTest methodsFor: 'testing-henry' stamp: 'lr 1/15/2010 19:46'! testHenry014 self runRegex: #('a\w+c' ' abbbbc ' true (1 'abbbbc') 'abb bc' false nil)! ! !RxMatcherTest methodsFor: 'testing-henry' stamp: 'lr 1/15/2010 19:46'! testHenry015 self runRegex: #('\w+' ' foobar quux' true (1 'foobar') ' ~!!@#$%^&*()-+=\|/?.>,<' false nil)! ! !RxMatcherTest methodsFor: 'testing-henry' stamp: 'lr 1/15/2010 19:46'! testHenry016 self runRegex: #('a\W+c' 'a c' true (1 'a c') 'a bc' false nil)! ! !RxMatcherTest methodsFor: 'testing-henry' stamp: 'lr 1/15/2010 19:46'! testHenry017 self runRegex: #('\W+' 'foo!!@#$bar' true (1 '!!@#$') 'foobar' false nil)! ! !RxMatcherTest methodsFor: 'testing-henry' stamp: 'lr 1/15/2010 19:46'! testHenry018 self runRegex: #('a\s*c' 'a c' true (1 'a c') 'a bc' false nil)! ! !RxMatcherTest methodsFor: 'testing-henry' stamp: 'lr 1/15/2010 19:46'! testHenry019 self runRegex: #('\s+' 'abc3457 sd' true (1 ' ') '1234$^*^&asdfb' false nil)! ! !RxMatcherTest methodsFor: 'testing-henry' stamp: 'lr 1/15/2010 19:46'! testHenry020 self runRegex: #('a\S*c' 'aqwertyc' true (1 'aqwertyc') 'ab c' false nil)! ! !RxMatcherTest methodsFor: 'testing-henry' stamp: 'lr 1/15/2010 19:46'! testHenry021 self runRegex: #('\S+' ' asdf ' true (1 'asdf') ' ' false nil)! ! !RxMatcherTest methodsFor: 'testing-henry' stamp: 'lr 1/15/2010 19:46'! testHenry022 self runRegex: #('a\d+c' 'a0123456789c' true (1 'a0123456789c') 'a12b34c' false nil)! ! !RxMatcherTest methodsFor: 'testing-henry' stamp: 'lr 1/15/2010 19:46'! testHenry023 self runRegex: #('\d+' 'foo@#$%123ASD #$$%^&' true (1 '123') 'foo!!@#$asdfl;' false nil)! ! !RxMatcherTest methodsFor: 'testing-henry' stamp: 'lr 1/15/2010 19:46'! testHenry024 self runRegex: #('a\D+c' 'aqwertyc' true (1 'aqwertyc') 'aqw6ertc' false nil)! ! !RxMatcherTest methodsFor: 'testing-henry' stamp: 'lr 1/15/2010 19:46'! testHenry025 self runRegex: #('\D+' '1234 abc 456' true (1 ' abc ') '1234567890' false nil)! ! !RxMatcherTest methodsFor: 'testing-henry' stamp: 'lr 1/15/2010 19:46'! testHenry026 self runRegex: #('(f|o)+\b' 'foo' true (1 'foo') ' foo ' true (1 'foo'))! ! !RxMatcherTest methodsFor: 'testing-henry' stamp: 'lr 1/15/2010 19:46'! testHenry027 self runRegex: #('\ba\w+' "a word beginning with an A" 'land ancient' true (1 'ancient') 'antique vase' true (1 'antique') 'goofy foobar' false nil)! ! !RxMatcherTest methodsFor: 'testing-henry' stamp: 'lr 1/15/2010 19:46'! testHenry028 self runRegex: #('(f|o)+\B' 'quuxfoobar' true (1 'foo') 'quuxfoo ' true (1 'fo'))! ! !RxMatcherTest methodsFor: 'testing-henry' stamp: 'lr 1/15/2010 19:46'! testHenry029 self runRegex: #('\Ba\w+' "a word with an A in the middle, match at A and further" 'land ancient' true (1 'and') 'antique vase' true (1 'ase') 'smalltalk shall overcome' true (1 'alltalk') 'foonix is better' false nil)! ! !RxMatcherTest methodsFor: 'testing-henry' stamp: 'lr 1/15/2010 19:46'! testHenry030 self runRegex: #('fooa\>.*' 'fooa ' true nil 'fooa123' false nil 'fooa bar' true nil 'fooa' true nil 'fooargh' false nil)! ! !RxMatcherTest methodsFor: 'testing-henry' stamp: 'lr 1/15/2010 19:46'! testHenry031 self runRegex: #('\>.+abc' ' abcde fg' false nil 'foo abcde' true (1 ' abc') 'abcde' false nil)! ! !RxMatcherTest methodsFor: 'testing-henry' stamp: 'lr 1/15/2010 19:46'! testHenry032 self runRegex: #('\