SystemOrganization addCategory: #'Swazoo-Core'! SystemOrganization addCategory: #'Swazoo-Exceptions'! SystemOrganization addCategory: #'Swazoo-HTTP'! SystemOrganization addCategory: #'Swazoo-Headers'! SystemOrganization addCategory: #'Swazoo-Messages'! SystemOrganization addCategory: #'Swazoo-Resources'! SystemOrganization addCategory: #'Swazoo-Tests'! Error subclass: #HTTPException instanceVariableNames: 'response' classVariableNames: '' poolDictionaries: '' category: 'Swazoo-Exceptions'! !HTTPException commentStamp: '' prior: 0! HTTPException immediatelly returns attached HTTP response to client. That way it is easier to respond with different status codes (like 201 Created). Not only error ones!! You can respond somewhere deeply in code of your resource with raising that exception and adding a prepared HTTPResponse. This exception is non-resumable!! Example of ways to raise http response (200 Ok): HTTPException raiseResponse: (HTTPResponse new code: 200). HTTPException raiseResponseCode: 200. HTTPException ok. Instance Variables: response a response to be sent to client ! !HTTPException class methodsFor: 'responses-succesfull' stamp: ' 14/4/07 23:10'! accepted ^self raiseResponse: (HTTPResponse new code: 202)! ! !HTTPException class methodsFor: 'responses-server error' stamp: ' 14/4/07 23:10'! badGateway ^self raiseResponse: (HTTPResponse new code: 502)! ! !HTTPException class methodsFor: 'responses-client error' stamp: ' 14/4/07 23:10'! badRequest ^self raiseResponse: (HTTPResponse new code: 400)! ! !HTTPException class methodsFor: 'responses-client error' stamp: ' 14/4/07 23:10'! conflict ^self raiseResponse: (HTTPResponse new code: 409)! ! !HTTPException class methodsFor: 'responses-informational' stamp: ' 14/4/07 23:10'! continue ^self raiseResponse: (HTTPResponse new code: 100)! ! !HTTPException class methodsFor: 'responses-succesfull' stamp: ' 14/4/07 23:10'! created ^self raiseResponse: (HTTPResponse new code: 201)! ! !HTTPException class methodsFor: 'responses-client error' stamp: ' 14/4/07 23:10'! expectationFailed ^self raiseResponse: (HTTPResponse new code: 416)! ! !HTTPException class methodsFor: 'responses-client error' stamp: ' 14/4/07 23:10'! forbidden ^self raiseResponse: (HTTPResponse new code: 403)! ! !HTTPException class methodsFor: 'responses-redirection' stamp: ' 14/4/07 23:10'! found ^self raiseResponse: (HTTPResponse new code: 302)! ! !HTTPException class methodsFor: 'responses-server error' stamp: ' 14/4/07 23:10'! gatewayTimeout ^self raiseResponse: (HTTPResponse new code: 504)! ! !HTTPException class methodsFor: 'responses-client error' stamp: ' 14/4/07 23:10'! gone ^self raiseResponse: (HTTPResponse new code: 410)! ! !HTTPException class methodsFor: 'responses-server error' stamp: ' 14/4/07 23:10'! httpVersionNotSupported ^self raiseResponse: (HTTPResponse new code: 505)! ! !HTTPException class methodsFor: 'responses-server error' stamp: ' 14/4/07 23:10'! internalServerError ^self raiseResponse: (HTTPResponse new code: 500)! ! !HTTPException class methodsFor: 'responses-client error' stamp: ' 14/4/07 23:10'! lengthRequired ^self raiseResponse: (HTTPResponse new code: 411)! ! !HTTPException class methodsFor: 'responses-client error' stamp: ' 14/4/07 23:10'! methodNotAllowed ^self raiseResponse: (HTTPResponse new code: 405)! ! !HTTPException class methodsFor: 'responses-redirection' stamp: ' 14/4/07 23:10'! movedPermanently ^self raiseResponse: (HTTPResponse new code: 301)! ! !HTTPException class methodsFor: 'responses-redirection' stamp: ' 14/4/07 23:10'! multipleChoices ^self raiseResponse: (HTTPResponse new code: 300)! ! !HTTPException class methodsFor: 'responses-succesfull' stamp: ' 14/4/07 23:10'! noContent ^self raiseResponse: (HTTPResponse new code: 204)! ! !HTTPException class methodsFor: 'responses-succesfull' stamp: ' 14/4/07 23:10'! nonAuthorativeInformation ^self raiseResponse: (HTTPResponse new code: 203)! ! !HTTPException class methodsFor: 'responses-client error' stamp: ' 14/4/07 23:10'! notAcceptable ^self raiseResponse: (HTTPResponse new code: 406)! ! !HTTPException class methodsFor: 'responses-client error' stamp: ' 14/4/07 23:10'! notFound ^self raiseResponse: (HTTPResponse new code: 404)! ! !HTTPException class methodsFor: 'responses-server error' stamp: ' 14/4/07 23:10'! notImplemented ^self raiseResponse: (HTTPResponse new code: 501)! ! !HTTPException class methodsFor: 'responses-redirection' stamp: ' 14/4/07 23:10'! notModified ^self raiseResponse: (HTTPResponse new code: 304)! ! !HTTPException class methodsFor: 'responses-succesfull' stamp: ' 14/4/07 23:10'! ok ^self raiseResponse: HTTPResponse ok! ! !HTTPException class methodsFor: 'responses-succesfull' stamp: ' 14/4/07 23:10'! partialContent ^self raiseResponse: (HTTPResponse new code: 206)! ! !HTTPException class methodsFor: 'responses-client error' stamp: ' 14/4/07 23:10'! paymentRequired ^self raiseResponse: (HTTPResponse new code: 402)! ! !HTTPException class methodsFor: 'responses-client error' stamp: ' 14/4/07 23:10'! preconditionFailed ^self raiseResponse: (HTTPResponse new code: 412)! ! !HTTPException class methodsFor: 'responses-client error' stamp: ' 14/4/07 23:10'! proxyAuthenticationRequired ^self raiseResponse: (HTTPResponse new code: 407)! ! !HTTPException class methodsFor: 'signalling' stamp: ' 14/4/07 23:10'! raiseResponseCode: aNumber "Raise an exception to immediatelly return http response with that code" ^self raiseResponse: (HTTPResponse new code: aNumber)! ! !HTTPException class methodsFor: 'responses-client error' stamp: ' 14/4/07 23:10'! requestEntityTooLarge ^self raiseResponse: (HTTPResponse new code: 413)! ! !HTTPException class methodsFor: 'responses-client error' stamp: ' 14/4/07 23:10'! requestTimeout ^self raiseResponse: (HTTPResponse new code: 408)! ! !HTTPException class methodsFor: 'responses-client error' stamp: ' 14/4/07 23:10'! requestURITooLong ^self raiseResponse: (HTTPResponse new code: 414)! ! !HTTPException class methodsFor: 'responses-client error' stamp: ' 14/4/07 23:10'! requestedRangeNotSatisfiable ^self raiseResponse: (HTTPResponse new code: 416)! ! !HTTPException class methodsFor: 'responses-succesfull' stamp: ' 14/4/07 23:10'! resetContent ^self raiseResponse: (HTTPResponse new code: 205)! ! !HTTPException class methodsFor: 'responses-redirection' stamp: ' 14/4/07 23:10'! seeOther ^self raiseResponse: (HTTPResponse new code: 303)! ! !HTTPException class methodsFor: 'responses-server error' stamp: ' 14/4/07 23:10'! serviceUnavailable ^self raiseResponse: (HTTPResponse new code: 503)! ! !HTTPException class methodsFor: 'responses-informational' stamp: ' 14/4/07 23:10'! switchingProtocols ^self raiseResponse: (HTTPResponse new code: 101)! ! !HTTPException class methodsFor: 'responses-redirection' stamp: ' 14/4/07 23:10'! temporaryRedirect ^self raiseResponse: (HTTPResponse new code: 307)! ! !HTTPException class methodsFor: 'responses-client error' stamp: ' 14/4/07 23:10'! unathorized ^self raiseResponse: (HTTPResponse new code: 401)! ! !HTTPException class methodsFor: 'responses-client error' stamp: ' 14/4/07 23:10'! unsupportedMediaType ^self raiseResponse: (HTTPResponse new code: 415)! ! !HTTPException class methodsFor: 'responses-redirection' stamp: ' 14/4/07 23:10'! useProxy ^self raiseResponse: (HTTPResponse new code: 305)! ! !HTTPException methodsFor: 'accessing' stamp: ' 14/4/07 23:10'! response ^response! ! !HTTPException methodsFor: 'accessing' stamp: ' 14/4/07 23:10'! response: aHTTPResponse response := aHTTPResponse! ! !SpEnvironment class methodsFor: '*Swazoo-Extensions-testing' stamp: 'JM 4/25/2007 22:21'! onUnix "we are running on Unix, yes or no?" ^SmalltalkImage current platformName = 'unix'! ! !SpEnvironment class methodsFor: '*Swazoo-Extensions-testing' stamp: 'mu 5/4/2008 21:35'! onWindows "we are running on Windows, yes or no?" ^SmalltalkImage current platformName asLowercase = 'win32'! ! Object subclass: #AbstractHTTPServer instanceVariableNames: 'sites socket loop isMultiThreading' classVariableNames: '' poolDictionaries: '' category: 'Swazoo-HTTP'! !AbstractHTTPServer methodsFor: 'private' stamp: 'PaoloBonzini 10/3/2009 01:25'! acceptConnection "^self I accept the next inbound TCP/IP connection. The operating system libraries queue these up for me, so I can just handle one at a time. I create an HTTPConnection instance to actually handle the interaction with the client - if I am in single threaded mode, the connection will completely handle the request before returning control to me, but in multi-threaded mode the connection forks the work into a sepparate thread in this image and control is immediately returned to me (the application programmer must worry about thread safety in this case." (SwazooServer singleton connectionPool acceptConnectionForServer: self) interact: self isMultiThreading ! ! !AbstractHTTPServer methodsFor: 'private' stamp: 'PaoloBonzini 10/3/2009 01:26'! acceptConnectionFromSocket | connection | connection := HTTPConnection socket: self socket accept. connection server: self. ^ connection! ! !AbstractHTTPServer methodsFor: 'sites' stamp: 'PaoloBonzini 10/3/2009 01:26'! addSite: aSite (self sites includesResource: aSite) ifFalse: [^self sites addResource: aSite]! ! !AbstractHTTPServer methodsFor: 'serving' stamp: 'PaoloBonzini 10/3/2009 01:26'! answerTo: aRequest | response | response := URIResolution resolveRequest: aRequest startingAt: self sites. ^response isNil ifTrue: [HTTPResponse notFound] ifFalse: [response]! ! !AbstractHTTPServer methodsFor: 'start/stop' stamp: 'PaoloBonzini 10/3/2009 01:25'! createSocket self subclassResponsibility! ! !AbstractHTTPServer methodsFor: 'sites' stamp: 'PaoloBonzini 10/3/2009 01:26'! hasNoSites ^self sites hasNoResources! ! !AbstractHTTPServer methodsFor: 'private-initialize' stamp: 'PaoloBonzini 10/3/2009 01:26'! initSites sites := ServerRootComposite new! ! !AbstractHTTPServer methodsFor: 'private-initialize' stamp: 'PaoloBonzini 10/3/2009 01:26'! initialize self initSites! ! !AbstractHTTPServer methodsFor: 'multithreading' stamp: 'PaoloBonzini 10/3/2009 01:26'! isMultiThreading "^a Boolean I return true if each inbound HTTP connection will be handled in its own thread. See the senders of this message to see where that is important. Note that the default mode is mult-threaded because this is how Swazoo has worked so far. This is tricky for the application programmer, though, as they must ensure that they work in a thread safe way (e.g. avoid the many threads updating the same object). For those deploying to GemStone, you wil find things much easier if you do *not* run multithreaded, but rather run many gems each with a single-threaded Swazoo instance (and your app logic) in each. Also in GemStone, run the main loop in the foreground, c.f. >>mainLoopInForeground" isMultiThreading isNil ifTrue: [self setMultiThreading]. ^isMultiThreading! ! !AbstractHTTPServer methodsFor: 'testing' stamp: 'PaoloBonzini 10/3/2009 01:26'! isServing ^self loop notNil! ! !AbstractHTTPServer methodsFor: 'private' stamp: 'PaoloBonzini 10/3/2009 01:27'! loop ^loop! ! !AbstractHTTPServer methodsFor: 'private' stamp: 'PaoloBonzini 10/3/2009 01:27'! loop: aProcess loop := aProcess! ! !AbstractHTTPServer methodsFor: 'private' stamp: 'PaoloBonzini 10/3/2009 01:27'! removeConnection: aConnection SwazooServer singleton connectionPool removeConnection: aConnection! ! !AbstractHTTPServer methodsFor: 'sites' stamp: 'PaoloBonzini 10/3/2009 01:27'! removeSite: aSite ^self sites removeResource: aSite! ! !AbstractHTTPServer methodsFor: 'serving' stamp: 'PaoloBonzini 10/3/2009 01:25'! requestReaderClass self subclassResponsibility! ! !AbstractHTTPServer methodsFor: 'serving' stamp: 'PaoloBonzini 10/3/2009 01:25'! responsePrinterClass self subclassResponsibility! ! !AbstractHTTPServer methodsFor: 'start/stop' stamp: 'PaoloBonzini 10/3/2009 01:27'! restart "usefull after image startup, when socket is probably not valid anymore" self stop. self start.! ! !AbstractHTTPServer methodsFor: 'multithreading' stamp: 'PaoloBonzini 10/3/2009 01:27'! setMultiThreading "^self I record that this HTTP server is to operate in a multi-threaded mode. c.f. isMultiThreading" isMultiThreading := true. ^self! ! !AbstractHTTPServer methodsFor: 'multithreading' stamp: 'PaoloBonzini 10/3/2009 01:27'! setSingleThreading "^self I record that this HTTP server is to operate in a single-threaded mode. c.f. isMultiThreading" isMultiThreading := false. ^self! ! !AbstractHTTPServer methodsFor: 'private' stamp: 'PaoloBonzini 10/3/2009 01:27'! sites ^sites! ! !AbstractHTTPServer methodsFor: 'private' stamp: 'PaoloBonzini 10/3/2009 01:27'! socket ^socket! ! !AbstractHTTPServer methodsFor: 'private' stamp: 'PaoloBonzini 10/3/2009 01:27'! socket: aSocket socket := aSocket! ! !AbstractHTTPServer methodsFor: 'start/stop' stamp: 'PaoloBonzini 10/3/2009 01:27'! start self loop isNil ifTrue: [ self socket: self createSocket. self loop: ([ [ self acceptConnection ] repeat ] forkAt: Processor userBackgroundPriority) ]! ! !AbstractHTTPServer methodsFor: 'start/stop' stamp: 'PaoloBonzini 10/3/2009 01:27'! stop self loop isNil ifFalse: [SwazooServer singleton connectionPool connections do: [:each | each server == self ifTrue: [each close]]. self loop terminate. self loop: nil. self socket close. self socket: nil]! ! AbstractHTTPServer subclass: #HTTPServer instanceVariableNames: 'ip port' classVariableNames: '' poolDictionaries: '' category: 'Swazoo-HTTP'! !HTTPServer class methodsFor: 'intialize-release' stamp: ' 14/4/07 23:09'! initialize SpEnvironment addImageShutdownTask: [self shutDown] for: self! ! !HTTPServer class methodsFor: 'instance creation' stamp: ' 14/4/07 23:09'! new ^super new initialize! ! !HTTPServer class methodsFor: 'intialize-release' stamp: ' 14/4/07 23:09'! shutDown "HTTPServer shutDown" self allInstances do: [:each | each stop]. SpEnvironment removeShutdownActionFor: self.! ! !HTTPServer methodsFor: 'start/stop' stamp: 'PaoloBonzini 10/3/2009 01:22'! createSocket ^(self socketClass serverOnIP: self ipCorrected port: self port) listenFor: 50; yourself ! ! !HTTPServer methodsFor: 'private-initialize' stamp: ' 14/4/07 23:09'! ip ^ip! ! !HTTPServer methodsFor: 'private-initialize' stamp: ' 14/4/07 23:09'! ip: anIPString ip := anIPString! ! !HTTPServer methodsFor: 'private-initialize' stamp: 'mivsek 11/15/2007 13:50'! ipCorrected "in case of '*' always return ''" ^self ip = '*' ifTrue: [''] ifFalse: [self ip]! ! !HTTPServer methodsFor: 'private-initialize' stamp: ' 14/4/07 23:09'! port ^port! ! !HTTPServer methodsFor: 'private-initialize' stamp: ' 14/4/07 23:09'! port: aNumber port := aNumber! ! !HTTPServer methodsFor: 'serving' stamp: 'PaoloBonzini 10/2/2009 20:53'! requestReaderClass ^HTTPReader ! ! !HTTPServer methodsFor: 'serving' stamp: 'PaoloBonzini 10/2/2009 20:53'! responsePrinterClass ^HTTPPrinter ! ! !HTTPServer methodsFor: 'private' stamp: ' 14/4/07 23:09'! socketClass "^a Class I use SwazooSocket to wrap the actual socket. SwazooSocket does some of the byte translation work for me." ^SwazooSocket! ! Object subclass: #AbstractSwazooSocket instanceVariableNames: '' classVariableNames: '' poolDictionaries: '' category: 'Swazoo-HTTP'! !AbstractSwazooSocket methodsFor: 'server accessing' stamp: 'PaoloBonzini 10/3/2009 01:35'! accept self subclassResponsibility! ! !AbstractSwazooSocket methodsFor: 'accessing' stamp: 'PaoloBonzini 10/3/2009 01:35'! close self subclassResponsibility! ! !AbstractSwazooSocket methodsFor: 'testing' stamp: 'PaoloBonzini 10/3/2009 01:35'! isActive self subclassResponsibility! ! !AbstractSwazooSocket methodsFor: 'server accessing' stamp: 'PaoloBonzini 10/3/2009 01:35'! listenFor: anInteger self subclassResponsibility! ! !AbstractSwazooSocket methodsFor: 'accessing' stamp: 'PaoloBonzini 10/3/2009 01:35'! localAddress self subclassResponsibility! ! !AbstractSwazooSocket methodsFor: 'accessing' stamp: 'PaoloBonzini 10/3/2009 01:35'! read: anInteger self subclassResponsibility! ! !AbstractSwazooSocket methodsFor: 'accessing' stamp: 'PaoloBonzini 10/3/2009 01:35'! readInto: aByteArray startingAt: start for: length self subclassResponsibility! ! !AbstractSwazooSocket methodsFor: 'accessing' stamp: 'PaoloBonzini 10/3/2009 01:35'! remoteAddress self subclassResponsibility! ! !AbstractSwazooSocket methodsFor: 'private' stamp: 'PaoloBonzini 10/3/2009 01:36'! stream ^SwazooStream socket: self! ! !AbstractSwazooSocket methodsFor: 'accessing' stamp: 'PaoloBonzini 10/3/2009 01:35'! write: aByteArray self subclassResponsibility! ! !AbstractSwazooSocket methodsFor: 'accessing' stamp: 'PaoloBonzini 10/3/2009 01:35'! writeFrom: aByteArray startingAt: start for: length self subclassResponsibility! ! AbstractSwazooSocket subclass: #SwazooSocket instanceVariableNames: 'accessor' classVariableNames: '' poolDictionaries: '' category: 'Swazoo-HTTP'! !SwazooSocket class methodsFor: 'private' stamp: ' 14/4/07 23:09'! accessor: aSocketAccessor ^self new accessor: aSocketAccessor! ! !SwazooSocket class methodsFor: 'instance creation' stamp: 'janko 7/26/2008 18:30'! connectTo: aHostString port: anInteger | newSocket | newSocket := SpSocket newTCPSocket. newSocket connectTo: (SpIPAddress hostName: aHostString port: anInteger). ^self accessor: newSocket! ! !SwazooSocket class methodsFor: 'instance creation' stamp: 'janko 7/26/2008 18:29'! connectedPair ^SpSocket newSocketPair collect: [:each | self accessor: each]! ! !SwazooSocket class methodsFor: 'instance creation' stamp: 'janko 7/26/2008 18:30'! serverOnIP: anIPString port: anInteger | newSocket | newSocket := SpSocket newTCPSocket. newSocket setAddressReuse: true; bindSocketAddress: (SpIPAddress hostName: anIPString port: anInteger). ^self accessor: newSocket! ! !SwazooSocket methodsFor: 'server accessing' stamp: ' 14/4/07 23:09'! accept ^self class accessor: self accessor acceptRetryingIfTransientErrors! ! !SwazooSocket methodsFor: 'private' stamp: ' 14/4/07 23:09'! accessor ^accessor! ! !SwazooSocket methodsFor: 'private' stamp: ' 14/4/07 23:09'! accessor: aSocketAccessor accessor := aSocketAccessor.! ! !SwazooSocket methodsFor: 'accessing' stamp: ' 14/4/07 23:09'! close self accessor close! ! !SwazooSocket methodsFor: 'testing' stamp: ' 14/4/07 23:09'! isActive ^self accessor isActive! ! !SwazooSocket methodsFor: 'server accessing' stamp: ' 14/4/07 23:09'! listenFor: anInteger self accessor listenBackloggingUpTo: anInteger! ! !SwazooSocket methodsFor: 'accessing' stamp: ' 14/4/07 23:09'! localAddress ^self accessor getSocketName hostAddressString! ! !SwazooSocket methodsFor: 'accessing' stamp: 'janko 7/26/2008 18:28'! read: anInteger ^self accessor read: anInteger.! ! !SwazooSocket methodsFor: 'accessing' stamp: 'janko 7/26/2008 18:29'! readInto: aByteArray startingAt: start for: length ^self accessor readInto: aByteArray startingAt: start for: length! ! !SwazooSocket methodsFor: 'accessing' stamp: ' 14/4/07 23:09'! remoteAddress ^self accessor getPeerName hostAddressString! ! !SwazooSocket methodsFor: 'accessing' stamp: ' 14/4/07 23:09'! write: aByteArray ^self accessor write: aByteArray! ! !SwazooSocket methodsFor: 'accessing' stamp: 'mivsek 7/22/2007 19:14'! writeFrom: aByteArray startingAt: start for: length ^self accessor writeFrom: aByteArray startingAt: start for: length! ! Object subclass: #HTTPConnection instanceVariableNames: 'stream loop id server task mutex' classVariableNames: '' poolDictionaries: '' category: 'Swazoo-HTTP'! !HTTPConnection class methodsFor: 'instance creation' stamp: 'PaoloBonzini 10/2/2009 21:49'! socket: aSocket ^self new initializeStream: aSocket stream! ! !HTTPConnection methodsFor: 'testing' stamp: 'PaoloBonzini 10/2/2009 21:51'! anyDataReady "wait for data and if anything is read, proeed" | theStream | theStream := self stream. ^self isOpen and: [theStream anyDataReady]! ! !HTTPConnection methodsFor: 'serving' stamp: 'janko 7/26/2008 13:20'! close self stream notNil ifTrue: [self stream close. stream := nil]. self server notNil ifTrue: [self server removeConnection: self]. self loop notNil ifTrue: [self loop terminate. self loop: nil]! ! !HTTPConnection methodsFor: 'serving' stamp: 'PaoloBonzini 10/2/2009 21:51'! getAndDispatchRequest "^self The HTTPRequest is read from my socket stream. I then pass this request to my server to get a response." self task: (SwazooTask newOn: self). self readRequestFor: self task. mutex critical: [ self isOpen ifFalse: [^ self]. self produceResponseFor: self task]. self task request wantsConnectionClose ifTrue: [self close]. self task request isHttp10 ifTrue: [self close]! ! !HTTPConnection methodsFor: 'accessing' stamp: 'PaoloBonzini 10/2/2009 21:56'! id ^id ! ! !HTTPConnection methodsFor: 'accessing' stamp: 'PaoloBonzini 10/2/2009 21:57'! id: anInteger id := anInteger! ! !HTTPConnection methodsFor: 'initialize' stamp: 'PaoloBonzini 10/2/2009 21:57'! initializeStream: aSwazooStream mutex := Semaphore forMutualExclusion. stream := aSwazooStream! ! !HTTPConnection methodsFor: 'serving' stamp: 'PaoloBonzini 10/2/2009 22:29'! interact: multithreaded "longer description is below method" | interactionBlock | interactionBlock := [[ [[self anyDataReady] whileTrue: [self getAndDispatchRequest. Processor yield]] ensure: [self close]] on: Error do: [:ex | (Delay forMilliseconds: 50) wait. "to finish sending, if any" self close]]. multithreaded ifTrue: [self loop: (interactionBlock forkAt: Processor userBackgroundPriority)] ifFalse: [interactionBlock value]. ^self "I represent a specifc connection with an HTTP client (a browser, probably) over which will come an HTTP request. Here, I fork the handling of the request so that the current thread (which is most likely the HTTP server main loop) can carry on with the next request. This means that more than one request may being handled in the image at a time, and that means that the application developer must worry about thread safety - e.g the problem of a given business object being updated by more than one HTTP request thread. For a GemStone implementation of Swazoo, one may want only one request is handled at a time, multi-threadedness being handled by having multiple gems. This is a nice option because the application developer does not have to worry about thread safety in this case - GemStone handles the hard stuff. *And* the thing called a loop that was in this method was no such thing. In all circumstances, >>getAndDispatchRequest handles exactly one requst and then closes the socket!! (very non-HTTP1.1). Anyway, for now I'm just going to make that explicit. This needs to be re-visited to support HTTP 1.1."! ! !HTTPConnection methodsFor: 'testing' stamp: 'janko 7/26/2008 13:20'! isOpen "not yet closed" ^self stream notNil! ! !HTTPConnection methodsFor: 'testing' stamp: 'PaoloBonzini 10/2/2009 21:56'! keepAliveTimeout | seconds task request | (task := self task) isNil ifTrue: [^ false]. (request := task request) isNil ifTrue: [^ false]. request isKeepAlive ifFalse: [^ false]. seconds := request keepAlive notNil ifTrue: [request keepAlive asInteger] ifFalse: [20]. "probably enough?" ^ SpTimestamp now asSeconds - request timestamp asSeconds >= seconds! ! !HTTPConnection methodsFor: 'private' stamp: ' 14/4/07 23:09'! loop ^loop! ! !HTTPConnection methodsFor: 'private' stamp: ' 14/4/07 23:09'! loop: aProcess loop := aProcess! ! !HTTPConnection methodsFor: 'serving-responses' stamp: 'PaoloBonzini 10/4/2009 10:32'! nextPutError: aResponse aResponse informConnectionClose. self responsePrinterClass writeResponse: aResponse to: self stream. ! ! !HTTPConnection methodsFor: 'serving-responses' stamp: 'PaoloBonzini 10/4/2009 10:32'! nextPutResponse: aMessage toRequest: aRequest aRequest isHead ifTrue: [self responsePrinterClass writeHeadersFor: aMessage to: self stream] ifFalse: [self responsePrinterClass writeResponse: aMessage to: self stream].! ! !HTTPConnection methodsFor: 'serving' stamp: 'janko 3/16/2008 23:48'! produceResponseFor: aSwazooTask "Given the request in aTask I try to make a response. If there are any unhandled exceptions, respond with an internal server error." aSwazooTask request isNil ifTrue: [^nil]. "SpExceptionContext for: ["aSwazooTask response: (self server answerTo: aSwazooTask request). aSwazooTask request ensureFullRead. "in case if defered parsing not done in HTTPost" aSwazooTask request wantsConnectionClose ifTrue: [aSwazooTask response informConnectionClose] ifFalse: [aSwazooTask request isKeepAlive ifTrue: [aSwazooTask response informConnectionKeepAlive] ]. aSwazooTask response isStreamed ifFalse: "streamed ones did that by themselves" [self nextPutResponse: aSwazooTask response toRequest: aSwazooTask request] ifTrue: [aSwazooTask response waitClose]. "to be sure all is sent" aSwazooTask request isGet ifFalse: [self close] "to avoid strange 200 bad requests after two consecutive POSTs, but it is really a hack and original reason must be found!!" " onAnyExceptionDo: [:ex | self halt. self nextPutError: HTTPResponse internalServerError. ex defaultAction. ""usually raise an UHE window"" self close] "! ! !HTTPConnection methodsFor: 'serving' stamp: 'PaoloBonzini 10/2/2009 18:37'! readRequestFor: aSwazooTask "I read the next request from my socket and add it to aSwazooTask. If I have any problems and need to force a bad request (400) response, I add this response to aSwazooTask." | request | SpExceptionContext for: [request := self requestReaderClass readFrom: self stream. request uri port: self server port. (request httpVersion last = 1 and: [(request headers includesFieldOfClass: HTTPHostField) not]) ifTrue: [aSwazooTask response: HTTPResponse badRequest]. [request peer: self stream socket remoteAddress] on: Error do: [:ex | "do nothing for now"]. request ip: self stream socket localAddress; setTimestamp. aSwazooTask request: request] on: SpError, HTTPException do: [:ex | aSwazooTask response: HTTPResponse badRequest. self nextPutError: aSwazooTask response. self close].! ! !HTTPConnection methodsFor: 'serving' stamp: 'PaoloBonzini 10/2/2009 18:37'! requestReaderClass ^server requestReaderClass! ! !HTTPConnection methodsFor: 'serving' stamp: 'PaoloBonzini 10/2/2009 18:37'! responsePrinterClass ^server responsePrinterClass ! ! !HTTPConnection methodsFor: 'private' stamp: ' 14/4/07 23:09'! server ^server! ! !HTTPConnection methodsFor: 'private' stamp: ' 14/4/07 23:09'! server: aServer server := aServer! ! !HTTPConnection methodsFor: 'private' stamp: ' 14/4/07 23:09'! socket ^self stream socket! ! !HTTPConnection methodsFor: 'private' stamp: ' 14/4/07 23:09'! stream ^stream! ! !HTTPConnection methodsFor: 'private' stamp: ' 14/8/07 21:49'! task "request/response pair, current or last one (until next request)" ^task! ! !HTTPConnection methodsFor: 'private' stamp: ' 14/8/07 21:49'! task: aSwazooTask "request/response pair, current or last one (until next request)" task := aSwazooTask! ! !HTTPConnection methodsFor: 'testing' stamp: 'PaoloBonzini 10/2/2009 21:49'! whenNotServingDo: aBlock mutex critical: aBlock! ! Object subclass: #HTTPConnectionPool instanceVariableNames: 'reapers pool prev next first last firstFree mutex reapDone' classVariableNames: '' poolDictionaries: '' category: 'Swazoo-HTTP'! !HTTPConnectionPool commentStamp: '' prior: 0! HTTPConnectionPool is a helper class that manages all the connections of a SwazooServer. The number of available connections is limited, so the pool is always kept sorted by first request and more ancient connections are dropped if there is a request from somewhere else. In addition, this class implements a backoff policy that should help in case limited resources prevent acceptance of new connections. ! !HTTPConnectionPool class methodsFor: 'instance creation' stamp: ''! new: size ^self new initialize: size ! ! !HTTPConnectionPool methodsFor: 'serving' stamp: ''! acceptConnectionForServer: aServer "Ask aServer for an HTTPConnection object, put it into the pool, and return it." | connection time | time := 10. [connection := SpExceptionContext for: [aServer acceptConnectionFromSocket] on: SpError do: [:ex | Transcript show: 'Socket accept error: ' , ex errorString; cr. ex return]. connection isNil] whileTrue: [ "Trying immediately would just cause another failure. Try freeing a connection's resources first, otherwise wait for connections to finish in 10, 30, 70, 150, 250 ms." self tryToReapConnection ifFalse: [ (Delay forMilliseconds: time) wait. time := (time + 5) * 2 min: 250]]. ^self addConnection: connection ! ! !HTTPConnectionPool methodsFor: 'private' stamp: ''! addConnection: aConnection mutex critical: [ firstFree = 0 ifTrue: [self reapConnection]. aConnection id: firstFree. "Add to the list and update the free list." pool at: firstFree put: aConnection. prev at: firstFree put: last. last = 0 ifTrue: [ first := last := firstFree ] ifFalse: [ last := next at: last put: firstFree ]. firstFree := next at: firstFree. next at: last put: 0]. ^aConnection ! ! !HTTPConnectionPool methodsFor: 'accessing' stamp: ''! connections | oc | oc := OrderedCollection new. mutex critical: [ self walk: [:each | oc add: each]]. ^oc ! ! !HTTPConnectionPool methodsFor: 'private-initialize' stamp: ''! initialize: size "Free list." firstFree := size. next := (0 to: size - 1) asArray. "Actual connection pool." first := last := 0. pool := Array new: size. prev := Array new: size. mutex := Semaphore forMutualExclusion. reapers := (1 to: size) collect: [ :i | self reaperForIndex: i ]. ! ! !HTTPConnectionPool methodsFor: 'reaping' stamp: ''! reapConnection "Kill one dormient connection, possibly sleeping until one is found." self reapConnections: true ! ! !HTTPConnectionPool methodsFor: 'reaping' stamp: ''! reapConnections: block "Must be called within mutex." | i sem prev | "First the easy case, see if some Keep-Alive connection has timed out." self walk: [ :conn | conn keepAliveTimeout ifTrue: [conn close. ^self]]. "Else wake up the reaper processes. They will find the first connection that finishes serving a response and forcibly close it." i := first. sem := reapDone := Semaphore new. [reapDone notNil and: [i > 0]] whileTrue: [ prev := i. i := next at: i. mutex signal. self tryToReap: prev. mutex wait]. "Wait for the processes to do their job if called because of excessive loads." block ifTrue: [sem wait]. reapDone := nil. ! ! !HTTPConnectionPool methodsFor: 'private-initialize' stamp: ''! reaperForIndex: i | block s | s := Semaphore new. "We need a separate process because Smalltalk Semaphores do not portably provide a 'try to lock' method. We store a semaphore in an array and use the semaphore to wake up the process." block := [ | sem doIt conn | [s wait. (sem := reapDone) notNil ifTrue: [ conn := pool at: i. conn isNil ifTrue: [ reapDone := nil. sem signal] ifFalse: [ conn whenNotServingDo: [ "Run under mutex to ensure only one connection is reaped." mutex critical: [ doIt := reapDone == sem. doIt ifTrue: [reapDone := nil]]]. doIt ifTrue: [ conn close. sem signal]]]] repeat]. block forkAt: Processor userInterruptPriority. ^s ! ! !HTTPConnectionPool methodsFor: 'accessing' stamp: ''! removeConnection: aConnection | index | index := aConnection id. aConnection id: 0. index = 0 ifTrue: [ ^self ]. mutex critical: [ "Remove from the list..." | itsPrev itsNext | itsPrev := prev at: index. itsNext := next at: index. pool at: index put: nil. itsNext = 0 ifTrue: [ last := itsPrev ] ifFalse: [ prev at: itsNext put: itsPrev ]. itsPrev = 0 ifTrue: [ first := itsNext ] ifFalse: [ next at: itsPrev put: itsNext ]. "... and put back into the free list." next at: index put: firstFree. firstFree := index]. ! ! !HTTPConnectionPool methodsFor: 'accessing' stamp: ''! size ^pool size ! ! !HTTPConnectionPool methodsFor: 'reaping' stamp: ''! tryToReap: i "Start a process that will wait for connection i to finish serving a response and, if no other connection has been reaped yet, will forcibly close connection i." "Must be called within mutex." (reapers at: i) signal. ! ! !HTTPConnectionPool methodsFor: 'reaping' stamp: ''! tryToReapConnection "Look for dormient connections and kill one of them. Return whether one was found." ^mutex critical: [ self reapConnections: false. firstFree > 0] ! ! !HTTPConnectionPool methodsFor: 'private' stamp: ''! walk: aBlock "Must be called within mutex." | i | i := first. [i = 0] whileFalse: [ aBlock value: (pool at: i). i := next at: i] ! ! Object subclass: #HTTPHeaders instanceVariableNames: 'fields' classVariableNames: '' poolDictionaries: '' category: 'Swazoo-Headers'! !HTTPHeaders methodsFor: 'services' stamp: ' 14/4/07 23:10'! addField: aField "HTTPSpec1.1 Sec4.2 Multiple message-header fields with the same field-name MAY be present in a message if and only if the entire field-value for that header field is defined as a comma-separated list [i.e., #(values)]. It MUST be possible to combine the multiple header fields into one 'field-name: field-value' pair, without changing the semantics of the message, by appending each subsequent field-value to the first, each separated by a comma. The order in which header fields with the same field-name are received is therefore significant to the interpretation of the combined field value, and thus a proxy MUST NOT change the order of these field values when a message is forwarded. Note that we have to use the field name here as we may be adding a field for which there is no class, i.e. it's a GenericHeaderField." (self includesFieldNamed: aField name) ifTrue: [(self fieldNamed: aField name) combineWith: aField] ifFalse: [self fields at: aField name asUppercase put: aField]. ^self! ! !HTTPHeaders methodsFor: 'emitting' stamp: ' 14/4/07 23:10'! crlfOn: aStream aStream nextPut: Character cr; nextPut: Character lf! ! !HTTPHeaders methodsFor: 'services' stamp: ' 14/4/07 23:10'! fieldNamed: aString "^aString If I contain a field named aString, I return it. Otherwise an exception is thrown. This is a bad way of getting a field. Use >> fieldOfClass: instead." | targetString | targetString := aString asUppercase. ^self fields detect: [:aField | aField name asUppercase = targetString]! ! !HTTPHeaders methodsFor: 'services' stamp: ' 14/4/07 23:10'! fieldNamed: aString ifNone: aBlock "^aString If I contain a field named aString, I return it. Otherwise I evaluate aBlock." ^self fields at: aString asUppercase ifAbsent: aBlock! ! !HTTPHeaders methodsFor: 'services' stamp: ' 14/4/07 23:10'! fieldNamed: aFieldName ifPresent: presentBlock ifAbsent: absentBlock "^an Object I look for a field named aFieldName among my fields. If I find it, I return the result of evaluating presentBlock with the found field as an argument, otherwise I return the result of evaluate the absentBlock" | foundField | foundField := self fieldNamed: aFieldName ifNone: [nil]. ^foundField isNil ifTrue: [absentBlock value] ifFalse: [presentBlock value: foundField]! ! !HTTPHeaders methodsFor: 'services' stamp: ' 14/4/07 23:10'! fieldOfClass: aClass "^aString If I contain a field of class aClass, I return it. Otherwise an exception is thrown." ^self fields detect: [:aField | aField class == aClass] ifNone: [^nil]! ! !HTTPHeaders methodsFor: 'services' stamp: ' 14/4/07 23:10'! fieldOfClass: aClass ifNone: aBlock "^aString If I contain a field of class aClass, I return it. Otherwise I evaluate aBlock." ^self fields detect: [:aField | aField class == aClass] ifNone: aBlock! ! !HTTPHeaders methodsFor: 'services' stamp: ' 14/4/07 23:10'! fieldOfClass: fieldClass ifPresent: presentBlock ifAbsent: absentBlock "^an Object I look for a field of class fieldClass among my fields. If I find it, I return the result of evaluating presentBlock with the found field as an argument, otherwise I return the result of evaluate the absentBlock" | foundField | foundField := self fieldOfClass: fieldClass ifNone: [nil]. ^foundField isNil ifTrue: [absentBlock value] ifFalse: [presentBlock value: foundField]! ! !HTTPHeaders methodsFor: 'private' stamp: ' 14/4/07 23:10'! fields fields isNil ifTrue: [fields := Dictionary new]. ^fields! ! !HTTPHeaders methodsFor: 'services' stamp: ' 14/4/07 23:10'! getOrMakeFieldOfClass: aClass "^a HeaderField If I contain a field of class aClass, I return it. Otherwise I create a new instance if the field class and add it to my collection of headers." ^self fieldOfClass: aClass ifNone: [| newField | newField := aClass new. self addField: newField. newField]! ! !HTTPHeaders methodsFor: 'testing' stamp: ' 14/4/07 23:10'! includesFieldNamed: aString "^a Boolean I return true if one of my fields has the name aString." | targetField | targetField := self fieldNamed: aString ifNone: [nil]. ^targetField notNil! ! !HTTPHeaders methodsFor: 'testing' stamp: ' 14/4/07 23:10'! includesFieldOfClass: aClass "^a Boolean I return true if one of my fields is of class aClass." ^self fieldOfClass: aClass ifPresent: [:aField | true] ifAbsent: [false]! ! !HTTPHeaders methodsFor: 'private' stamp: 'mivsek 12/31/2007 14:01'! printOn: aStream aStream nextPutAll: 'a HTTPHeaders'; cr. self fields values do: [:each | aStream nextPutAll: ' ', each printString; cr]! ! Object subclass: #HTTPMessage instanceVariableNames: 'task headers' classVariableNames: '' poolDictionaries: '' category: 'Swazoo-Messages'! !HTTPMessage methodsFor: 'initialize-release' stamp: ' 14/4/07 23:10'! addInitialHeaders "^self This is a no-op. My subclasses may wish to add some initial headers." ^self! ! !HTTPMessage methodsFor: 'accessing' stamp: ' 14/4/07 23:10'! headers headers isNil ifTrue: [self initHeaders]. ^headers! ! !HTTPMessage methodsFor: 'initialize-release' stamp: ' 14/4/07 23:10'! initHeaders headers := HTTPHeaders new. self addInitialHeaders.! ! !HTTPMessage methodsFor: 'accessing' stamp: 'mivsek 12/31/2007 15:28'! task "on which task (request/response pair) this message belongs" "to get a connection on which this task belongs, use task connection" ^task! ! !HTTPMessage methodsFor: 'accessing' stamp: 'mivsek 12/31/2007 15:28'! task: aSwazooTask task := aSwazooTask! ! HTTPMessage subclass: #HTTPRequest instanceVariableNames: 'requestLine peer timestamp ip environmentData resolution encrypted authenticated' classVariableNames: '' poolDictionaries: '' category: 'Swazoo-Messages'! HTTPRequest subclass: #HTTPDelete instanceVariableNames: '' classVariableNames: '' poolDictionaries: '' category: 'Swazoo-Messages'! !HTTPDelete commentStamp: '' prior: 0! HTTPDelete rfc26216 section 9.7 The DELETE method requests that the origin server delete the resource identified by the Request-URI. This method MAY be overridden by human intervention (or other means) on the origin server. The client cannot be guaranteed that the operation has been carried out, even if the status code returned from the origin server indicates that the action has been completed successfully. However, the server SHOULD NOT indicate success unless, at the time the response is given, it intends to delete the resource or move it to an inaccessible location. ... ! !HTTPDelete class methodsFor: 'accessing' stamp: ' 14/4/07 23:10'! methodName "HTTP method used for a request" ^'DELETE'! ! !HTTPDelete methodsFor: 'testing' stamp: ' 14/4/07 23:10'! isDelete ^true! ! HTTPRequest subclass: #HTTPGet instanceVariableNames: '' classVariableNames: '' poolDictionaries: '' category: 'Swazoo-Messages'! !HTTPGet commentStamp: '' prior: 0! HTTPGet rfc26216 section 9.3 The GET method means retrieve whatever information (in the form of an entity) is identified by the Request-URI. If the Request-URI refers to a data-producing process, it is the produced data which shall be returned as the entity in the response and not the source text of the process, unless that text happens to be the output of the process. ! !HTTPGet class methodsFor: 'accessing' stamp: ' 14/4/07 23:10'! methodName ^'GET'! ! !HTTPGet methodsFor: 'testing' stamp: ' 14/4/07 23:10'! isGet ^true! ! HTTPRequest subclass: #HTTPHead instanceVariableNames: '' classVariableNames: '' poolDictionaries: '' category: 'Swazoo-Messages'! !HTTPHead commentStamp: '' prior: 0! HTTPHead rfc26216 section 9.4 The HEAD method is identical to GET except that the server MUST NOT return a message-body in the response. The metainformation contained in the HTTP headers in response to a HEAD request SHOULD be identical to the information sent in response to a GET request. This method can be used for obtaining metainformation about the entity implied by the request without transferring the entity-body itself. This method is often used for testing hypertext links for validity, accessibility, and recent modification. ! !HTTPHead class methodsFor: 'accessing' stamp: ' 14/4/07 23:10'! methodName ^'HEAD'! ! !HTTPHead methodsFor: 'testing' stamp: ' 14/4/07 23:10'! isHead ^true! ! HTTPRequest subclass: #HTTPOptions instanceVariableNames: '' classVariableNames: '' poolDictionaries: '' category: 'Swazoo-Messages'! !HTTPOptions commentStamp: '' prior: 0! HTTPOptions rfc26216 section 9.2 The OPTIONS method represents a request for information about the communication options available on the request/response chain identified by the Request-URI. This method allows the client to determine the options and/or requirements associated with a resource, or the capabilities of a server, without implying a resource action or initiating a resource retrieval. ! !HTTPOptions class methodsFor: 'accessing' stamp: ' 14/4/07 23:10'! methodName ^'OPTIONS'! ! !HTTPOptions methodsFor: 'testing' stamp: ' 14/4/07 23:10'! isOptions ^true! ! !HTTPOptions methodsFor: 'services' stamp: ' 14/4/07 23:10'! respondUsing: responseBlock "^an HTTPResponse I represent a request for the options supported by this server. I respond with a 200 (OK) and a list of my supported methods in an Allow: header. I ignore the responseBlock." | response allowField | response := HTTPResponse ok. allowField := HTTPAllowField new. allowField methods addAll: self class allMethodNames. response headers addField: allowField. ^response! ! HTTPRequest subclass: #HTTPPost instanceVariableNames: 'postData entityBody readPosition' classVariableNames: '' poolDictionaries: '' category: 'Swazoo-Messages'! !HTTPPost commentStamp: '' prior: 0! HTTPPost rfc26216 section 9.5 The POST method is used to request that the origin server accept the entity enclosed in the request as a new subordinate of the resource identified by the Request-URI in the Request-Line. Instance Variables: entityBody <> postData ! !HTTPPost class methodsFor: 'accessing' stamp: ' 14/4/07 23:10'! methodName ^'POST'! ! !HTTPPost methodsFor: 'private' stamp: ' 14/4/07 23:10'! applicationOctetStreamFrom: aStream "^self rfc 2046 says: The recommended action for an implementation that receives an 'application/octet-stream' entity is to simply offer to put the data in a file, with any Content-Transfer-Encoding undone, or perhaps to use it as input to a user-specified process. This method used to do a crlf -> cr conversion on the octet-stream, but was not clear why." self entityBody: (HTTPString stringFromBytes: (aStream nextBytes: self contentLength)). ^self! ! !HTTPPost methodsFor: 'private-parsing support' stamp: 'PaoloBonzini 10/4/2009 10:36'! blockStreamingFrom: aSwazooStream to: outStream until: boundary "detected" "copy by 8k blocks for optimal performance until a boundary of MIME part is detected" "Finish appropriatelly streaming at the end (skip crlf etc.)" | start nrOfBoundary inPrevious remainingBoundary boundaryIndex | start := self readPosition. [true] whileTrue: [nrOfBoundary := 0. [nrOfBoundary = 0] whileTrue: [nrOfBoundary := aSwazooStream signsOfBoundary: boundary. nrOfBoundary = 0 ifTrue: "no boundary in current buffer content" [self incReadPosition: (aSwazooStream nextPutAllBufferOn: outStream). self checkToEnlargeBufferIn: aSwazooStream from: start. "for effective streaming" aSwazooStream fillBuffer] ]. "copy and stream out content up to potential boundary" boundaryIndex := aSwazooStream indexOfBoundary: boundary. inPrevious := aSwazooStream copyBufferTo: boundaryIndex. outStream nextPutAll: (inPrevious copyFrom: 1 to: (inPrevious size-2 max: 0) "without potential crlf"). self incReadPosition: inPrevious size. "potential crlf included!!" nrOfBoundary = boundary size ifTrue: "full boundary detected, lets finish here" [aSwazooStream skip: boundary size. "skip boundary" self incReadPosition: boundary size. ^true]. "streaming complete" self incReadPosition: nrOfBoundary. aSwazooStream fillBuffer. "let's get next buffer" remainingBoundary := boundary copyFrom: nrOfBoundary+1 to: boundary size. (aSwazooStream startsWith: remainingBoundary) ifTrue: "bound. ends in next buff?" [aSwazooStream skip: remainingBoundary size + 2. "skip remaining bound. and crlf" self incReadPosition: remainingBoundary size + 2. ^true]. "streaming complete" outStream nextPutAll: (inPrevious copyFrom: inPrevious size-2 to: inPrevious size); "potential crlf" nextPutAll: (boundary copyFrom: 1 to: nrOfBoundary). "boundary part in prev.buff." ] "continue from the start"! ! !HTTPPost methodsFor: 'private-parsing support' stamp: 'PaoloBonzini 10/4/2009 10:39'! checkToEnlargeBufferIn: aSwazooStream from: startPosition aSwazooStream readBuffer size > 100000 ifTrue: [^nil]. self readPosition - startPosition > 100000 ifTrue: [aSwazooStream enlargeReadBuffer: 1000000] ! ! !HTTPPost methodsFor: 'private-parsing support' stamp: 'jm 2/8/2009 14:52'! containsHeaderNecessaryFields "content type and (content length or chunked transfer encoding)" (self headers includesFieldOfClass: ContentTypeField) ifFalse: [^false]. (self headers includesFieldOfClass: HTTPContentLengthField) ifTrue: [^true]. ^(self headers fieldNamed: 'Transfer-encoding' ifNone: [^false]) value = 'chunked'! ! !HTTPPost methodsFor: 'accessing' stamp: 'mivsek 7/19/2007 22:13'! emptyData self ensureFullRead. ^self postData select: [:each | each value isEmpty]! ! !HTTPPost methodsFor: 'parsing' stamp: 'mivsek 7/19/2007 22:11'! ensureFullRead "that is, everything is read from a socket stream. Important because of defered parsing of postData" self postData isParsed ifFalse: [self parsePostDataFrom: self postData stream. self postData setParsed]! ! !HTTPPost methodsFor: 'accessing' stamp: ' 14/4/07 23:10'! entityBody ^entityBody! ! !HTTPPost methodsFor: 'private' stamp: ' 14/4/07 23:10'! entityBody: aString entityBody := aString! ! !HTTPPost methodsFor: 'private' stamp: ' 10/7/07 17:21'! incReadPosition self readPosition: self readPosition + 1! ! !HTTPPost methodsFor: 'private' stamp: 'janko 7/26/2008 18:43'! incReadPosition: anInteger self readPosition: self readPosition + anInteger! ! !HTTPPost methodsFor: 'initialize-release' stamp: 'mivsek 7/19/2007 22:12'! initPostDataFor: aSwazooStream postData := HTTPPostDataArray newOn: aSwazooStream! ! !HTTPPost methodsFor: 'testing' stamp: ' 14/4/07 23:10'! isPost ^true! ! !HTTPPost methodsFor: 'testing' stamp: 'mivsek 7/19/2007 22:13'! isPostDataEmpty self ensureFullRead. ^self postData isEmpty! ! !HTTPPost methodsFor: 'testing' stamp: 'mivsek 7/21/2007 22:47'! isPostDataStreamedAt: aKey ^(self postData at: aKey ifAbsent: [^false]) isStreamed! ! !HTTPPost methodsFor: 'private-parsing' stamp: 'PaoloBonzini 10/4/2009 10:39'! multipartDataFrom: aSwazooStream "read all mime parts and put them in postData" "read directly from stream, without intermediate buffers" | contentTypeField boundary part | contentTypeField := self headers fieldOfClass: ContentTypeField ifNone: [^aSwazooStream nextBytes: self contentLength]. "just skip" boundary := contentTypeField transferCodings at: 'boundary' ifAbsent: [^aSwazooStream nextBytes: self contentLength]. "just skip" self skipMimePreambleAndBoundary: boundary from: aSwazooStream. part := #something. [part notNil] whileTrue: [part := self partFromStream: aSwazooStream boundary: boundary. part notNil ifTrue: [self postDataAt: part key put: part value]]. self skipMimeEpilogueFrom: aSwazooStream. "all to the end as defined by contentLegth" aSwazooStream nilReadBuffer.! ! !HTTPPost methodsFor: 'parsing' stamp: 'jm 2/8/2009 14:57'! parsePostDataFrom: aSwazooStream | mediaType | self containsHeaderNecessaryFields ifFalse: [^SwazooHTTPPostError raiseSignal: 'Content-Type and Content-Length or chunked needed']. mediaType := (self headers fieldOfClass: ContentTypeField) mediaType. mediaType = 'application/x-www-form-urlencoded' ifTrue: [^self urlencodedDataFrom: aSwazooStream]. mediaType = 'multipart/form-data' ifTrue: [^self multipartDataFrom: aSwazooStream]. ^self applicationOctetStreamFrom: aSwazooStream.! ! !HTTPPost methodsFor: 'private-parsing' stamp: 'jm 2/8/2009 23:59'! partFromStream: aSwazooStream boundary: aBoundaryBytes "one mime part from a stream. Nil if no more multipart data" "Squeak specific" | bytes name filename datum contentType | bytes := aSwazooStream nextBytes: 2. self incReadPosition: 2. bytes = '--' asByteArray ifTrue: [^nil]. "end of multipart data" name := nil. datum := nil. contentType := nil. "just to avoid compilation warning" [true] whileTrue: [| line | "read all lines and at the end a body of that part" line := [(aSwazooStream upTo: Character cr asInteger) asString] "Squeak specific" on: Error do: [:ex | '']. "usually nothing to read anymore), why happen this anyway?" self readPosition: self readPosition + line size + 1 "cr". line := bytes asString, line. bytes := ''. aSwazooStream peekByte = Character lf asInteger ifTrue: [| field | "this is a name line" aSwazooStream nextByte. self incReadPosition. "skip linefeed" line isEmpty ifTrue: [| | "empty line indicates start of entity" name isNil ifTrue: [^nil]. "name must be read in previous circle" datum contentType: contentType. "completes datum's contentType read in a prev step" ^name -> (self readEntityFrom: aSwazooStream datum: datum boundary: aBoundaryBytes)]. field := HeaderField fromLine: line. field isContentDisposition ifTrue: [name := (field parameterAt: 'name') copyWithout: $". datum := (self isPostDataStreamedAt: name) ifTrue: [self postData at: name] "streamed datum must exist before" ifFalse: [HTTPPostDatum new]. contentType notNil ifTrue: [datum contentType: contentType]. "if read in" filename := field parameterAt: 'filename' . "only for file uploads" filename notNil ifTrue: [datum filename: (filename copyWithout: $")] ]. field isContentType ifTrue: [contentType := field mediaType ] ] ]! ! !HTTPPost methodsFor: 'private' stamp: 'mivsek 7/19/2007 22:12'! postData ^postData! ! !HTTPPost methodsFor: 'accessing' stamp: ' 14/4/07 23:10'! postDataAt: aKey ^self postDataAt: aKey ifAbsent: [nil]! ! !HTTPPost methodsFor: 'accessing' stamp: 'mivsek 7/24/2007 21:05'! postDataAt: aKey beforeStreamingDo: aBlockClosure "announce that you want to receive post data directly to a binary stream, which will be set by aBlockClosure. That block must receive and argument, which is a HTTPostDatum and here it can set a writeStream" "Fails if post data is already read" self postData isParsed ifTrue: [^self error: 'HTTPost already parsed, streaming not possible anymore!!']. ^self postDataAt: aKey put: (HTTPPostDatum new writeBlock: aBlockClosure)! ! !HTTPPost methodsFor: 'accessing' stamp: 'mivsek 7/19/2007 22:15'! postDataAt: aKey do: aBlock | val | self ensureFullRead. "defered parsing of postData" val := self postData at: aKey ifAbsent: [nil]. val isNil ifFalse: [aBlock value: val]! ! !HTTPPost methodsFor: 'accessing' stamp: 'mivsek 7/19/2007 22:15'! postDataAt: aKey ifAbsent: aBlock self ensureFullRead. "defered parsing of postData" ^self postData at: aKey ifAbsent: aBlock! ! !HTTPPost methodsFor: 'accessing' stamp: ' 14/4/07 23:10'! postDataAt: aKey put: aPostDatum "for testing purposes" self postData at: aKey put: aPostDatum! ! !HTTPPost methodsFor: 'accessing' stamp: ' 14/4/07 23:10'! postDataAt: aKey putString: aString "for testing purposes" self postDataAt: aKey put: (HTTPPostDatum new value: aString)! ! !HTTPPost methodsFor: 'accessing' stamp: 'mivsek 7/20/2007 23:45'! postDataAt: aKey streamTo: aWriteStream "announce that you want to receive post data directly to aWriteStream, which must be binary. Fails if post data is already read" self postData isParsed ifTrue: [^self error: 'HTTPost already parsed, streaming not possible anymore!!']. ^self postDataAt: aKey put: (HTTPPostDatum new writeStream: aWriteStream)! ! !HTTPPost methodsFor: 'accessing' stamp: 'mivsek 7/19/2007 22:15'! postDataKeys self ensureFullRead. "defered parsing of postData" ^self postData keys! ! !HTTPPost methodsFor: 'accessing' stamp: ' 14/4/07 23:10'! postDataStringAt: aKey ^(self postDataAt: aKey ifAbsent: [^nil]) value! ! !HTTPPost methodsFor: 'accessing' stamp: 'mivsek 7/19/2007 22:15'! postKeysAndValuesDo: aTwoArgBlock self ensureFullRead. "defered parsing of postData" self postData keysAndValuesDo: [:key :each | aTwoArgBlock value: key value: each value]! ! !HTTPPost methodsFor: 'private-parsing' stamp: 'PaoloBonzini 10/4/2009 11:13'! readEntityFrom: aSwazooStream datum: aDatum boundary: aBoundaryBytes "read one entity from a stream and put into datum. Stream it if streamed. Also call a block (if any) just before start of streaming, with a datum as parameter. This block can then set a write stream in datum (for instance open a output file and stream on it)" | outStream | aDatum writeBlock notNil ifTrue: [aDatum writeBlock value: aDatum]. "this should set writeStream if not already!!" outStream := (aDatum isStreamed and: [aDatum writeStream notNil]) ifTrue: [aDatum writeStream] ifFalse: [WriteStream on: ByteArray new]. self blockStreamingFrom: aSwazooStream to: outStream until: ('--', aBoundaryBytes). "efficient streaming" aDatum isStreamed not ifTrue: "otherwise entity is already streamed to the output" [aDatum value: outStream contents asString]. ^aDatum! ! !HTTPPost methodsFor: 'parsing' stamp: 'PaoloBonzini 10/2/2009 18:57'! readFrom: aSwazooStream super readFrom: aSwazooStream. self initPostDataFor: aSwazooStream. " self parsePostDataFrom: aSwazooStream." "defered until first access of postData!! "! ! !HTTPPost methodsFor: 'private' stamp: ' 10/7/07 17:21'! readPosition "position in a read stream. just temporary" readPosition isNil ifTrue: [^1]. ^readPosition! ! !HTTPPost methodsFor: 'private' stamp: ' 10/7/07 17:21'! readPosition: aNumber readPosition := aNumber! ! !HTTPPost methodsFor: 'private-parsing support' stamp: 'mivsek 8/7/2007 18:53'! skipMimeEpilogueFrom: aSwazooStream "skip a mime epilogue until end of post data defined by contentLength" "example: --boundary-- This is the epilogue. It is also to be ignored " [self readPosition < self contentLength] whileTrue: [aSwazooStream next. "just skip" self incReadPosition].! ! !HTTPPost methodsFor: 'private-parsing support' stamp: 'janko 7/26/2008 18:49'! skipMimePreambleAndBoundary: aBoundaryBytes from: aSwazooStream "skip a mime preamble until first boundary starts then skip that boundary too" "example: Content-type: multipart/mixed; boundary=''boundary'' This is the preamble. It is to be ignored, though it is a handy place to include an explanatory note to non-MIME compliant readers. --boundary ..." | dummy | dummy := WriteStream on: ByteArray new. self blockStreamingFrom: aSwazooStream to: dummy until: ('--', aBoundaryBytes)! ! !HTTPPost methodsFor: 'private-parsing' stamp: 'mivsek 12/31/2007 15:29'! urlencodedDataFrom: aStream | entity tokens | (self headers includesFieldOfClass: HTTPContentLengthField) ifFalse: [^self]. entity := aStream nextBytes: self contentLength. tokens := HTTPString subCollectionsFrom: (HTTPString stringFromBytes: entity) delimitedBy: $&. (tokens collect: [:each | HTTPString subCollectionsFrom: each delimitedBy: $=]) do: [:keyVal | | datum key | datum := HTTPPostDatum new. datum value: (HTTPString decodedHTTPFrom: (keyVal last collect: [:char | char = $+ ifTrue: [Character space] ifFalse: [char]])). key := (HTTPString decodedHTTPFrom: (keyVal first collect: [:char | char = $+ ifTrue: [Character space] ifFalse: [char]])). self postDataAt: key put: datum]! ! HTTPRequest subclass: #HTTPPut instanceVariableNames: 'putData' classVariableNames: '' poolDictionaries: '' category: 'Swazoo-Messages'! !HTTPPut commentStamp: '' prior: 0! HTTPPut rfc26216 section 9.6 The PUT method requests that the enclosed entity be stored under the supplied Request-URI. If the Request-URI refers to an already existing resource, the enclosed entity SHOULD be considered as a modified version of the one residing on the origin server. If the Request-URI does not point to an existing resource, and that URI is capable of being defined as a new resource by the requesting user agent, the origin server can create the resource with that URI. If a new resource is created, the origin server MUST inform the user agent via the 201 (Created) response. If an existing resource is modified, either the 200 (OK) or 204 (No Content) response codes SHOULD be sent to indicate successful completion of the request. If the resource could not be created or modified with the Request-URI, an appropriate error response SHOULD be given that reflects the nature of the problem. The recipient of the entity MUST NOT ignore any Content-* (e.g. Content-Range) headers that it does not understand or implement and MUST return a 501 (Not Implemented) response in such cases. Instance Variables: putData <> ! !HTTPPut class methodsFor: 'accessing' stamp: ' 14/4/07 23:10'! methodName ^'PUT'! ! !HTTPPut methodsFor: 'testing' stamp: ' 14/4/07 23:10'! isPut ^true! ! !HTTPPut methodsFor: 'reading' stamp: ' 14/4/07 23:10'! octetDataFrom: aStream self headers fieldOfClass: HTTPContentLengthField ifNone: [^SwazooHTTPPutError raiseSignal: 'Missing Content-Length']. self putData: (aStream nextBytes: self contentLength)! ! !HTTPPut methodsFor: 'accessing' stamp: ' 14/4/07 23:10'! putData ^putData! ! !HTTPPut methodsFor: 'private' stamp: ' 14/4/07 23:10'! putData: aString putData := aString! ! !HTTPPut methodsFor: 'reading' stamp: ' 14/4/07 23:10'! readFrom: aStream | contentTypeField | super readFrom: aStream. contentTypeField := self headers fieldOfClass: ContentTypeField ifNone: [SwazooHTTPPutError raiseSignal: 'Missing Content-Type']. contentTypeField mediaType = 'application/octet-stream' ifTrue: [self octetDataFrom: aStream] ifFalse: [self urlencodedDataFrom: aStream]. ^self! ! !HTTPRequest class methodsFor: 'accessing' stamp: ' 14/4/07 23:10'! allMethodNames "...of all request methods we support there" self subclasses collect: [:each | each methodName].! ! !HTTPRequest class methodsFor: 'instance creation' stamp: 'PaoloBonzini 10/2/2009 18:41'! classFor: aString aString = 'GET' ifTrue: [^HTTPGet "most used anyway"]. aString = 'POST' ifTrue: [^HTTPPost "second most used"]. ^self subclasses detect: [:each | each methodName = aString] ifNone: [^HTTPException notImplemented]. ! ! !HTTPRequest class methodsFor: 'accessing' stamp: ' 14/4/07 23:10'! methodName "HTTP method used for a request" ^self subclassResponsibility! ! !HTTPRequest class methodsFor: 'instance creation' stamp: 'PaoloBonzini 10/2/2009 18:42'! readFrom: aSwazooStream ^HTTPReader readFrom: aSwazooStream ! ! !HTTPRequest class methodsFor: 'tests support' stamp: ' 14/4/07 23:10'! request: aUriString "For testing only (I'm guessing / hoping!!). The idea to to create a request for a resource with the URI 'someHost/aUriString'." ^self request: aUriString from: 'someHost' at: 'someIP'! ! !HTTPRequest class methodsFor: 'tests support' stamp: ' 14/4/07 23:10'! request: aUriString from: aHostString at: anIPString "For testing only (I'm guessing / hoping!!). A request is manufactured that has a request line method of >>methodName and a request line URI with an identifier of aUriString. A Host header is added to the headers and the ip address is set to anIP string. This may result in a corrupt or invalid request, but that's the natutre of testing, I guess." ^self new request: aUriString from: aHostString at: anIPString! ! !HTTPRequest methodsFor: 'private' stamp: ' 14/4/07 23:10'! authenticated ^authenticated! ! !HTTPRequest methodsFor: 'services' stamp: ' 14/4/07 23:10'! conditionalHeaderFields "^an OrderedCollection I return my collection of conditional header fields. A conditional GET requires that each of these is checked against the current state of the target resource." ^self headers fields select: [:aField | aField isConditional]! ! !HTTPRequest methodsFor: 'accessing-headers' stamp: ' 14/4/07 23:10'! connection ^(self headers fieldOfClass: HTTPConnectionField ifNone: [^nil]) connectionToken! ! !HTTPRequest methodsFor: 'accessing-headers' stamp: ' 14/4/07 23:10'! contentLength ^(self headers fieldOfClass: HTTPContentLengthField) contentLength! ! !HTTPRequest methodsFor: 'accessing-headers' stamp: ' 14/4/07 23:10'! cookie | field | field := self headers fields at: 'COOKIE' ifAbsent: [^nil]. ^field value " field := self headers fieldOfClass: HTTPCookieField ifNone: [nil]. ^field isNil ifTrue: [nil] ifFalse: [field valuesAsString] "! ! !HTTPRequest methodsFor: 'private' stamp: ' 14/4/07 23:10'! encrypted ^encrypted! ! !HTTPRequest methodsFor: 'private' stamp: 'mivsek 7/19/2007 22:09'! ensureFullRead "that is, that everything is read from a socket stream. Importanf for HTTPost and defered parsing of postData"! ! !HTTPRequest methodsFor: 'accessing' stamp: ' 14/4/07 23:10'! environmentAt: aKey ^self environmentAt: aKey ifAbsent: [nil]! ! !HTTPRequest methodsFor: 'accessing' stamp: ' 14/4/07 23:10'! environmentAt: aKey ifAbsent: aBlock ^self environmentData at: aKey ifAbsent: aBlock! ! !HTTPRequest methodsFor: 'accessing' stamp: ' 14/4/07 23:10'! environmentAt: aKey put: aValue self environmentData at: aKey put: aValue! ! !HTTPRequest methodsFor: 'private' stamp: ' 14/4/07 23:10'! environmentData environmentData isNil ifTrue: [self initEnvironmentData]. ^environmentData! ! !HTTPRequest methodsFor: 'testing' stamp: ' 14/4/07 23:10'! hasCookie "check if Cookie: was in request header" "it is GenericHeaderField!!" ^self headers fields includesKey: 'COOKIE' " ^self headers includesFieldOfClass: HTTPCookieField"! ! !HTTPRequest methodsFor: 'accessing-headers' stamp: ' 14/4/07 23:10'! headerAt: aKey ifAbsent: aBlock ^self headers fieldNamed: aKey ifNone: aBlock! ! !HTTPRequest methodsFor: 'accessing-headers' stamp: ' 14/4/07 23:10'! host ^(self headers fieldOfClass: HTTPHostField ifNone: [^String new]) hostName! ! !HTTPRequest methodsFor: 'accessing' stamp: ' 14/4/07 23:10'! httpVersion ^self requestLine httpVersion! ! !HTTPRequest methodsFor: 'accessing-queries' stamp: ' 14/4/07 23:10'! includesQuery: aString ^self uri includesQuery: aString! ! !HTTPRequest methodsFor: 'initialize-release' stamp: ' 14/4/07 23:10'! initEnvironmentData environmentData := Dictionary new! ! !HTTPRequest methodsFor: 'initialize-release' stamp: ' 14/4/07 23:10'! initRequestLine requestLine := HTTPRequestLine new! ! !HTTPRequest methodsFor: 'accessing' stamp: ' 14/4/07 23:10'! ip ^ip! ! !HTTPRequest methodsFor: 'private' stamp: ' 14/4/07 23:10'! ip: anObject ip := anObject! ! !HTTPRequest methodsFor: 'testing' stamp: ' 14/4/07 23:10'! isAuthenticated ^self authenticated isNil not! ! !HTTPRequest methodsFor: 'testing' stamp: ' 14/4/07 23:10'! isClose | connectionField | connectionField := self headers fieldOfClass: HTTPConnectionField ifNone: [nil]. ^connectionField notNil and: [connectionField connectionTokenIsClose]! ! !HTTPRequest methodsFor: 'testing' stamp: ' 14/4/07 23:10'! isDelete ^false! ! !HTTPRequest methodsFor: 'testing' stamp: ' 14/4/07 23:10'! isEncrypted ^self encrypted isNil not! ! !HTTPRequest methodsFor: 'testing' stamp: ' 14/4/07 23:10'! isFromLinux ^self userAgent notNil and: ['*Linux*' match: self userAgent]! ! !HTTPRequest methodsFor: 'testing' stamp: ' 14/4/07 23:10'! isFromMSIE ^self userAgent notNil and: ['*MSIE*' match: self userAgent]! ! !HTTPRequest methodsFor: 'testing' stamp: ' 14/4/07 23:10'! isFromNetscape "NS>7.0 or Mozilla or Firefox" ^self userAgent notNil and: ['*Gecko*' match: self userAgent]! ! !HTTPRequest methodsFor: 'testing' stamp: ' 14/4/07 23:10'! isFromWindows ^self userAgent notNil and: ['*Windows*' match: self userAgent]! ! !HTTPRequest methodsFor: 'testing' stamp: ' 14/4/07 23:10'! isGet ^false! ! !HTTPRequest methodsFor: 'testing' stamp: ' 14/4/07 23:10'! isHead ^false! ! !HTTPRequest methodsFor: 'testing' stamp: 'mivsek 12/31/2007 15:43'! isHttp10 "Version of requests's HTTP protocol is 1.0" ^self requestLine isHttp10! ! !HTTPRequest methodsFor: 'testing' stamp: 'mivsek 12/31/2007 15:43'! isHttp11 "Version of requests's HTTP protocol is 1.0" ^self requestLine isHttp11! ! !HTTPRequest methodsFor: 'testing' stamp: 'PaoloBonzini 10/2/2009 22:03'! isKeepAlive | header result | result := self isHttp10 not. header := self connection. header isNil ifFalse: [ ('*Keep-Alive*' match: header) ifTrue: [result := true]. ('*Close*' match: header) ifTrue: [result := false]]. ^result! ! !HTTPRequest methodsFor: 'testing' stamp: ' 14/4/07 23:10'! isOptions ^false! ! !HTTPRequest methodsFor: 'testing' stamp: ' 14/4/07 23:10'! isPost ^false! ! !HTTPRequest methodsFor: 'testing' stamp: ' 14/4/07 23:10'! isPut ^false! ! !HTTPRequest methodsFor: 'testing' stamp: ' 14/4/07 23:10'! isTrace ^false! ! !HTTPRequest methodsFor: 'accessing-headers' stamp: 'PaoloBonzini 10/2/2009 22:03'! keepAlive "how many seconds a connection must be kept alive" ^(self headers fieldNamed: 'Keep-Alive' ifNone: [^nil]) value! ! !HTTPRequest methodsFor: 'accessing' stamp: ' 14/4/07 23:10'! methodName "HTTP method used for a request" ^self class methodName! ! !HTTPRequest methodsFor: 'accessing' stamp: ' 14/4/07 23:10'! peer ^peer! ! !HTTPRequest methodsFor: 'private' stamp: ' 14/4/07 23:10'! peer: anObject peer := anObject! ! !HTTPRequest methodsFor: 'accessing-headers' stamp: ' 14/4/07 23:10'! port "^an Integer I return the port number to which the request was directed." | host | host := self headers fieldOfClass: HTTPHostField. ^(host notNil and: [(self httpVersion at: 2) = 1]) ifTrue: [host portNumber] ifFalse: [self requestLine requestURI port]! ! !HTTPRequest methodsFor: 'private' stamp: 'janko 7/26/2008 13:46'! printOn: aStream aStream nextPutAll: 'a HTTPRequest ', self methodName. self isHttp10 ifTrue: [aStream nextPut: ' HTTP/1.0']. self peer notNil ifTrue: [aStream cr; tab; nextPutAll: ' from: '; nextPutAll: self peer]. aStream cr; tab; nextPutAll: ' at: '. aStream nextPutAll: self timestamp printString. aStream cr; tab; nextPutAll: ' host: '; nextPutAll: (self headerAt: 'Host' ifAbsent: ['']) hostName. aStream cr; tab; nextPutAll: ' url: '. self uri printOn: aStream. self userAgent notNil ifTrue: [aStream cr; tab; nextPutAll: ' browser: '; nextPutAll: self userAgent]. self connection notNil ifTrue: [aStream cr; tab; nextPutAll: ' connection: '; nextPutAll: self connection]. self keepAlive notNil ifTrue: [aStream cr; tab; nextPutAll: ' keep-alive: '; nextPutAll: self keepAlive]. ^self! ! !HTTPRequest methodsFor: 'private' stamp: ' 14/4/07 23:10'! queries ^self uri queries! ! !HTTPRequest methodsFor: 'accessing-queries' stamp: ' 14/4/07 23:10'! queryAt: aKey ^self uri queryAt: aKey! ! !HTTPRequest methodsFor: 'accessing-queries' stamp: ' 14/4/07 23:10'! queryAt: aKey ifAbsent: aBlock ^self uri queryAt: aKey ifAbsent: aBlock! ! !HTTPRequest methodsFor: 'accessing-queries' stamp: ' 14/4/07 23:10'! queryData ^self uri queryData! ! !HTTPRequest methodsFor: 'parsing' stamp: 'PaoloBonzini 10/2/2009 18:43'! readFrom: aSwazooStream "^self Parses the entity."! ! !HTTPRequest methodsFor: 'accessing-headers' stamp: ' 14/4/07 23:10'! referer | field | field := self headers fieldOfClass: HTTPRefererField ifNone: [nil]. ^field isNil ifTrue: [nil] ifFalse: [field uri asString]! ! !HTTPRequest methodsFor: 'private' stamp: ' 14/4/07 23:10'! request: aUriString from: aHostString at: anIPString "For testing only (I'm guessing / hoping!!). A request is manufactured that has a request line method of >>methodName and a request line URI with an identifier of aUriString. A Host header is added to the headers and the ip address is set to anIP string. I also set the HTTP version to #(1 1). This may result in a corrupt or invalid request, but that's the natutre of testing, I guess." requestLine := (HTTPRequestLine new) method: self class methodName; requestURI: ((SwazooURI new) identifier: aUriString; yourself); httpVersion: #(1 1); yourself. self headers addField: (HTTPHostField newWithValueFrom: aHostString). self ip: anIPString. ^self! ! !HTTPRequest methodsFor: 'accessing' stamp: ' 14/4/07 23:10'! requestLine "^an HTTPRequestLine" requestLine isNil ifTrue: [self initRequestLine]. ^requestLine! ! !HTTPRequest methodsFor: 'initialize-release' stamp: 'PaoloBonzini 10/2/2009 18:42'! requestLine: aRequestLine requestLine := aRequestLine. ! ! !HTTPRequest methodsFor: 'accessing' stamp: ' 14/4/07 23:10'! resolution ^resolution! ! !HTTPRequest methodsFor: 'accessing' stamp: ' 14/4/07 23:10'! resolution: anObject resolution := anObject! ! !HTTPRequest methodsFor: 'accessing' stamp: ' 14/4/07 23:10'! resourcePath ^self resolution resourcePath! ! !HTTPRequest methodsFor: 'services' stamp: ' 14/4/07 23:10'! respondUsing: responseBlock "^an HTTPResponse By default, I let aBlock handle creating the response by passing myself as the agrument to the block. My subclasses may override this method and directly respond. This is most likely for Unsupported requests and for things like OPTIONS requsts. c.f. HTTPServer>>answerTo: " ^responseBlock value: self! ! !HTTPRequest methodsFor: 'accessing' stamp: ' 14/4/07 23:10'! session ^self environmentAt: #session! ! !HTTPRequest methodsFor: 'accessing' stamp: ' 14/4/07 23:10'! session: aSession self environmentAt: #session put: aSession! ! !HTTPRequest methodsFor: 'private' stamp: ' 14/4/07 23:10'! setAuthenticated authenticated := true! ! !HTTPRequest methodsFor: 'private' stamp: ' 14/4/07 23:10'! setEncrypted encrypted := true! ! !HTTPRequest methodsFor: 'initialize-release' stamp: ' 14/4/07 23:10'! setTimestamp timestamp := SpTimestamp now! ! !HTTPRequest methodsFor: 'accessing-response' stamp: 'mivsek 12/31/2007 15:46'! streamedResponse "prepares (if not already) and return a streamed response" "necessary because we need an output stream to stream into" self task response isNil ifTrue: [self task response: (HTTPStreamedResponse on: self task stream: self task connection stream)]. self task response class == HTTPStreamedResponse ifFalse: [self error: 'not streamed response?']. "this can happen if resp. is from before" ^self task response! ! !HTTPRequest methodsFor: 'accessing' stamp: ' 14/4/07 23:10'! tailPath ^self resolution tailPath! ! !HTTPRequest methodsFor: 'accessing' stamp: ' 14/4/07 23:10'! timestamp ^timestamp! ! !HTTPRequest methodsFor: 'accessing' stamp: ' 14/4/07 23:10'! uri ^self requestLine requestURI! ! !HTTPRequest methodsFor: 'accessing' stamp: ' 14/4/07 23:10'! uriString ^self uri identifier! ! !HTTPRequest methodsFor: 'accessing' stamp: ' 14/4/07 23:10'! urlString ^self uri value! ! !HTTPRequest methodsFor: 'accessing-headers' stamp: ' 14/4/07 23:10'! userAgent | userAgentField | userAgentField := self headers fieldOfClass: HTTPUserAgentField ifNone: [nil]. ^userAgentField isNil ifTrue: [nil] ifFalse: [userAgentField productTokens]! ! !HTTPRequest methodsFor: 'testing' stamp: 'mivsek 12/31/2007 15:47'! wantsConnectionClose self isClose ifTrue: [^true]. ^self isHttp10 and: [self isKeepAlive not]! ! HTTPRequest subclass: #HTTPTrace instanceVariableNames: '' classVariableNames: '' poolDictionaries: '' category: 'Swazoo-Messages'! !HTTPTrace commentStamp: '' prior: 0! HTTPTrace rfc26216 section 9.8 The TRACE method is used to invoke a remote, application-layer loop- back of the request message. The final recipient of the request SHOULD reflect the message received back to the client as the entity-body of a 200 (OK) response ! !HTTPTrace class methodsFor: 'accessing' stamp: ' 14/4/07 23:10'! methodName ^'TRACE'! ! !HTTPTrace methodsFor: 'testing' stamp: ' 14/4/07 23:10'! isTrace ^true! ! HTTPMessage subclass: #HTTPResponse instanceVariableNames: 'code entity' classVariableNames: 'StatusCodes' poolDictionaries: '' category: 'Swazoo-Messages'! HTTPResponse subclass: #FileResponse instanceVariableNames: '' classVariableNames: '' poolDictionaries: '' category: 'Swazoo-Messages'! !FileResponse methodsFor: 'private-printing' stamp: 'PaoloBonzini 10/2/2009 18:47'! contentSize ^self entity notNil ifTrue: [self entity value fileSize] ifFalse: [0]! ! !FileResponse methodsFor: 'accessing-headers' stamp: ' 14/4/07 23:10'! contentType ^self entity contentType! ! !FileResponse methodsFor: 'accessing' stamp: 'PaoloBonzini 10/2/2009 18:47'! entity: aMimeObject entity := aMimeObject. self contentType: self entity contentType.! ! !FileResponse methodsFor: 'private-printing' stamp: ' 14/4/07 23:10'! printEntityOn: aStream | rs | self entity isNil ifFalse: [rs := self entity value readStream. rs lineEndTransparent. SpExceptionContext for: [[[rs atEnd] whileFalse: [aStream nextPutAll: (rs nextAvailable: 2000)]] ensure: [rs close]] on: SpError do: [:ex | ex return]]! ! !HTTPResponse class methodsFor: 'response types' stamp: ' 14/4/07 23:10'! badRequest ^super new code: 400! ! !HTTPResponse class methodsFor: 'response types' stamp: ' 14/4/07 23:10'! forbidden ^super new code: 403; entity: ' Forbidden

403 Forbidden

Access to the requested resource is forbidden.

'! ! !HTTPResponse class methodsFor: 'response types' stamp: ' 14/4/07 23:10'! found ^super new code: 302! ! !HTTPResponse class methodsFor: 'class initialization' stamp: ' 14/4/07 23:10'! initialize "self initialize" StatusCodes := (Dictionary new) add: 100 -> 'Continue'; add: 101 -> 'Switching Protocols'; add: 200 -> 'OK'; add: 201 -> 'Created'; add: 202 -> 'Accepted'; add: 203 -> 'Non-Authoritative Information'; add: 204 -> 'No Content'; add: 205 -> 'Reset Content'; add: 206 -> 'Partial Content'; add: 300 -> 'Multiple Choices'; add: 301 -> 'Moved Permanently'; add: 302 -> 'Found'; add: 303 -> 'See Other'; add: 304 -> 'Not Modified'; add: 305 -> 'Use Proxy'; add: 307 -> 'Temporary Redirect'; add: 400 -> 'Bad Request'; add: 401 -> 'Unauthorized'; add: 402 -> 'Payment Required'; add: 403 -> 'Forbidden'; add: 404 -> 'Not Found'; add: 405 -> 'Method Not Allowed'; add: 406 -> 'Not Acceptable'; add: 407 -> 'Proxy Authentication Required'; add: 408 -> 'Request Time-out'; add: 409 -> 'Conflict'; add: 410 -> 'Gone'; add: 411 -> 'Length Required'; add: 412 -> 'Precondition Failed'; add: 413 -> 'Request Entity Too Large'; add: 414 -> 'Request-URI Too Large'; add: 415 -> 'Unsupported Media Type'; add: 416 -> 'Requested range not satisfiable'; add: 417 -> 'Expectation Failed'; add: 500 -> 'Internal Server Error'; add: 501 -> 'Not Implemented'; add: 502 -> 'Bad Gateway'; add: 503 -> 'Service Unavailable'; add: 504 -> 'Gateway Time-out'; add: 505 -> 'HTTP Version not supported'; yourself. self postInitialize.! ! !HTTPResponse class methodsFor: 'response types' stamp: ' 14/4/07 23:10'! internalServerError ^super new code: 500; entity: ' Not Found

500 Internal Server Error

The server experienced an error while processing this request. If this problem persists, please contact the webmaster.

'! ! !HTTPResponse class methodsFor: 'response types' stamp: ' 14/4/07 23:10'! methodNotAllowed "c.f. RFC 2616 10.4.6 The method specified in the Request-Line is not allowed for the resource identified by the Request-URI. The response MUST include an Allow header containing a list of valid methods for the requested resource. " ^super new code: 405! ! !HTTPResponse class methodsFor: 'response types' stamp: ' 14/4/07 23:10'! movedPermanently ^super new code: 301! ! !HTTPResponse class methodsFor: 'response types' stamp: ' 14/4/07 23:10'! notFound ^super new code: 404; entity: ' Not Found

404 Not Found

The requested resource was not found on this server.

'! ! !HTTPResponse class methodsFor: 'response types' stamp: ' 14/4/07 23:10'! notImplemented ^super new code: 501! ! !HTTPResponse class methodsFor: 'response types' stamp: ' 14/4/07 23:10'! notModified ^super new code: 304! ! !HTTPResponse class methodsFor: 'response types' stamp: ' 14/4/07 23:10'! ok ^super new code: 200! ! !HTTPResponse class methodsFor: 'class initialization' stamp: ' 14/4/07 23:10'! postInitialize "extend it with your own codes"! ! !HTTPResponse class methodsFor: 'response types' stamp: ' 14/4/07 23:10'! redirectLink "^an HTTPResponse Note that 302 is really the 'found' response. This code should really be 303 (>>seeOther). However, because many clients take 302 & 303 to be the same and because older clients don't understand 303, 302 is commonly used in this case. See RFC 2616 10.3.4." ^super new code: 302! ! !HTTPResponse class methodsFor: 'response types' stamp: ' 14/4/07 23:10'! seeOther "^an HTTPResponse The response to the request can be found under a different URI and SHOULD be retrieved using a GET method on that resource. This method exists primarily to allow the output of a POST-activated script to redirect the user agent to a selected resource. See RFC 2616 10.3.4." ^super new code: 303! ! !HTTPResponse class methodsFor: 'accessing' stamp: 'PaoloBonzini 10/2/2009 18:45'! statusTextForCode: aNumber ^StatusCodes at: aNumber ifAbsent: [ "if some new status codes was added later" self initialize. StatusCodes at: aNumber ifAbsent: ['']] ! ! !HTTPResponse class methodsFor: 'response types' stamp: ' 14/4/07 23:10'! unauthorized ^super new code: 401! ! !HTTPResponse methodsFor: 'initialize-release' stamp: ' 14/4/07 23:10'! addDateHeader "^self Note that the server must have it's clock set to GMT" self headers addField: (HTTPDateField new date: SpTimestamp now). ^self! ! !HTTPResponse methodsFor: 'initialize-release' stamp: ' 14/4/07 23:10'! addDefaultBody self entity: ' ', (StatusCodes at: self code ifAbsent: [self code printString]), '

', self code printString, ' ', (StatusCodes at: self code ifAbsent: [self code printString]), '

The server experienced an error while processing this request.
If this problem persists, please contact the webmaster.

Swazoo Smalltalk Web Server

'! ! !HTTPResponse methodsFor: 'accessing-headers' stamp: ' 14/4/07 23:10'! addHeaderName: aNameString value: aValueString ^self headers addField: (GenericHeaderField newForFieldName: aNameString withValueFrom: aValueString)! ! !HTTPResponse methodsFor: 'initialize-release' stamp: ' 14/4/07 23:10'! addInitialHeaders self addServerHeader. self addDateHeader! ! !HTTPResponse methodsFor: 'initialize-release' stamp: 'mivsek 12/31/2007 16:49'! addServerHeader ^self headers addField: (HTTPServerField new productTokens: SwazooServer swazooVersion)! ! !HTTPResponse methodsFor: 'accessing-headers' stamp: ' 14/4/07 23:10'! cacheControl: aString "example: 'no-store, no-cache, must-revalidate'" self headers addField: (HTTPCacheControlField new directives: aString).! ! !HTTPResponse methodsFor: 'accessing' stamp: ' 14/4/07 23:10'! code ^code! ! !HTTPResponse methodsFor: 'initialize-release' stamp: ' 14/4/07 23:10'! code: anInteger code := anInteger. (#(200) includes: code) ifFalse: [self addDefaultBody].! ! !HTTPResponse methodsFor: 'accessing' stamp: ' 14/4/07 23:10'! codeText ^self class statusTextForCode: self code! ! !HTTPResponse methodsFor: 'accessing-headers' stamp: 'PaoloBonzini 10/2/2009 18:45'! contentLength ^self headers fieldNamed: 'Content-length' ifNone: [ | field | field := HTTPContentLengthField new contentLength: self contentSize. self headers addField: field. field ] ! ! !HTTPResponse methodsFor: 'accessing' stamp: 'janko 7/13/2008 11:32'! contentSize ^self entity notNil ifTrue: [self entity size] ifFalse: [0]! ! !HTTPResponse methodsFor: 'accessing-headers' stamp: ' 14/4/07 23:10'! contentType "^a String Return the media type from my Content-Type header field." ^self headers fieldOfClass: ContentTypeField ifPresent: [:field | field mediaType] ifAbsent: ['application/octet-stream']! ! !HTTPResponse methodsFor: 'accessing-headers' stamp: ' 14/4/07 23:10'! contentType: aString self headers addField: (ContentTypeField new mediaType: aString). ^self! ! !HTTPResponse methodsFor: 'accessing-headers' stamp: ' 14/4/07 23:10'! cookie: aString | newField | newField := HTTPSetCookieField new. newField addCookie: aString. self headers addField: newField. ^self! ! !HTTPResponse methodsFor: 'accessing' stamp: ' 14/4/07 23:10'! entity ^entity! ! !HTTPResponse methodsFor: 'accessing' stamp: 'mivsek 7/22/2007 19:17'! entity: anEntity entity := anEntity asByteArray "if not already"! ! !HTTPResponse methodsFor: 'accessing-headers' stamp: ' 14/4/07 23:10'! expires: aSpTimestamp "from SPort " self headers addField: (HTTPExpiresField new timestamp: aSpTimestamp ). ^self! ! !HTTPResponse methodsFor: 'private' stamp: ' 14/4/07 23:10'! informConnectionClose self headers fieldOfClass: HTTPConnectionField ifPresent: [:field | field setToClose] ifAbsent: [self headers addField: HTTPConnectionField new setToClose]. ^self! ! !HTTPResponse methodsFor: 'private' stamp: 'mivsek 12/31/2007 15:52'! informConnectionKeepAlive self headers fieldOfClass: HTTPConnectionField ifPresent: [:field | field setToKeepAlive] ifAbsent: [self headers addField: HTTPConnectionField new setToKeepAlive]. ^self! ! !HTTPResponse methodsFor: 'testing' stamp: ' 14/4/07 23:10'! isBadRequest ^self code = 400! ! !HTTPResponse methodsFor: 'testing' stamp: ' 14/4/07 23:10'! isFound ^self code = 302! ! !HTTPResponse methodsFor: 'testing' stamp: 'mivsek 12/31/2007 15:51'! isHttp10 "we are responding by old HTTP/1.0 protocol" ^self task request isHttp10! ! !HTTPResponse methodsFor: 'testing' stamp: 'mivsek 12/31/2007 15:51'! isHttp11 "we are responding by HTTP/1.1 protocol" ^self task request isHttp11! ! !HTTPResponse methodsFor: 'testing' stamp: ' 14/4/07 23:10'! isInternalServerError ^self code = 500! ! !HTTPResponse methodsFor: 'testing' stamp: ' 14/4/07 23:10'! isMovedPermanently ^self code = 301! ! !HTTPResponse methodsFor: 'testing' stamp: ' 14/4/07 23:10'! isNotFound ^self code = 404! ! !HTTPResponse methodsFor: 'testing' stamp: ' 14/4/07 23:10'! isNotImplemented ^self code = 501! ! !HTTPResponse methodsFor: 'testing' stamp: ' 14/4/07 23:10'! isNotModified ^self code = 304! ! !HTTPResponse methodsFor: 'testing' stamp: ' 14/4/07 23:10'! isOk ^self code = 200! ! !HTTPResponse methodsFor: 'testing' stamp: ' 14/4/07 23:10'! isRedirectLink ^self code = 302! ! !HTTPResponse methodsFor: 'testing' stamp: ' 14/4/07 23:10'! isSeeOther ^self code = 303! ! !HTTPResponse methodsFor: 'testing' stamp: ' 14/8/07 21:49'! isStreamed ^false! ! !HTTPResponse methodsFor: 'testing' stamp: ' 14/4/07 23:10'! isUnauthorized ^self code = 401! ! !HTTPResponse methodsFor: 'accessing-headers' stamp: ' 14/4/07 23:10'! lastModified: aSpTimestamp "from SPort " self headers addField: (HTTPLastModifiedField new timestamp: aSpTimestamp). ^self! ! !HTTPResponse methodsFor: 'accessing-headers' stamp: ' 14/4/07 23:10'! location: aString self headers addField: (HTTPLocationField new uriString: aString). ^self! ! !HTTPResponse methodsFor: 'private-sending' stamp: ' 14/4/07 23:10'! printEntityOn: aStream self entity isNil ifFalse: [aStream nextPutBytes: self entity]! ! HTTPResponse subclass: #HTTPStreamedResponse instanceVariableNames: 'stream count length state semaphore' classVariableNames: '' poolDictionaries: '' category: 'Swazoo-Messages'! !HTTPStreamedResponse commentStamp: 'mivsek 12/31/2007 15:41' prior: 0! HTTPStreamedResponse HTTP/1.1 no length chunked HTTP/1.1 length streamed directly, with contentLength HTTP/1.0 no length simulated streaming: into entity first, then sent as normal response (not yet impl.) HTTP/1.0 length streamed directly, with content length Instance Variables: stream where to stream a response count how many bytes already streamed length announced length of response, optional state #header #streaming #closed semaphore to signal end of response ! !HTTPStreamedResponse class methodsFor: 'instance creation' stamp: 'janko 3/16/2008 14:19'! on: aSwazooTask stream: aSwazooStream ^super ok task: aSwazooTask; stream: aSwazooStream; initialize! ! !HTTPStreamedResponse methodsFor: 'initialize-release' stamp: 'mivsek 12/31/2007 15:33'! close "mandatory!! It signals that streaming is finished and response can end" self testForUnderflow. "if streamed but not chunked: all data sent?" self stream closeResponse. self setClosed. self stream: nil. "to avoid unintential writing" self semaphore signal. "to signal close to all waiting processes"! ! !HTTPStreamedResponse methodsFor: 'accessing' stamp: 'mivsek 12/31/2007 15:35'! contentSize self length notNil ifTrue: [^self length]. self entity notNil ifTrue: [self entity size]. ^nil! ! !HTTPStreamedResponse methodsFor: 'accessing' stamp: 'mivsek 12/31/2007 15:35'! count "how many bytes already streamed" count isNil ifTrue: [self count: 0]. ^count! ! !HTTPStreamedResponse methodsFor: 'private' stamp: 'mivsek 12/31/2007 15:38'! count: aNumber count := aNumber! ! !HTTPStreamedResponse methodsFor: 'accessing-stream' stamp: 'janko 7/26/2008 13:50'! flush "force sending to a TCP socket" self stream flush! ! !HTTPStreamedResponse methodsFor: 'initialize-release' stamp: 'mivsek 12/31/2007 15:34'! initSemaphore semaphore := Semaphore new! ! !HTTPStreamedResponse methodsFor: 'initialize-release' stamp: ' 14/8/07 21:49'! initialize self setHeader! ! !HTTPStreamedResponse methodsFor: 'private-state' stamp: ' 14/8/07 21:49'! isClosed "is response closed?. No streaming or anything else possible anymore" ^state = #closed! ! !HTTPStreamedResponse methodsFor: 'private-state' stamp: ' 14/8/07 21:49'! isHeader "is response in header state?. this is initial one" ^state = #header! ! !HTTPStreamedResponse methodsFor: 'testing' stamp: ' 14/8/07 21:49'! isStreamed ^true! ! !HTTPStreamedResponse methodsFor: 'private-state' stamp: ' 14/8/07 21:49'! isStreaming "is response in streaming state? All nextPut to stream is sent in chunked format to browser" ^state = #streaming! ! !HTTPStreamedResponse methodsFor: 'accessing' stamp: 'mivsek 12/31/2007 15:36'! length "how many bytes response is expected to have. This is optional, if set before streaming begin, then we stream without chunking (and therefore we can stream on HTTP 1.0 !!)" ^length! ! !HTTPStreamedResponse methodsFor: 'accessing' stamp: 'mivsek 12/31/2007 15:36'! length: aNumber length := aNumber! ! !HTTPStreamedResponse methodsFor: 'accessing-stream' stamp: 'mivsek 12/31/2007 15:36'! nextPut: aCharacterOrByte self isHeader ifTrue: [self sendHeaderAndStartStreaming]. self count: self count + 1. self testForOverflow. ^self stream nextPut: aCharacterOrByte! ! !HTTPStreamedResponse methodsFor: 'accessing-stream' stamp: 'mivsek 12/31/2007 15:36'! nextPutAll: aByteStringOrArray self isHeader ifTrue: [self sendHeaderAndStartStreaming]. self count: self count + aByteStringOrArray size. self testForOverflow. ^self stream nextPutAll: aByteStringOrArray! ! !HTTPStreamedResponse methodsFor: 'private' stamp: 'mivsek 12/31/2007 15:39'! semaphore "semahore to signal end of streaming = all data sent" semaphore isNil ifTrue: [self initSemaphore]. ^semaphore! ! !HTTPStreamedResponse methodsFor: 'private' stamp: 'mivsek 12/31/2007 15:39'! sendHeaderAndStartStreaming self shouldSimulateStreaming ifTrue: [self error: 'simulated streaming not yet implemented!!']. self writeHeaderTo: self stream. self stream flush. "to push sending of header immediately" self shouldBeChunked ifTrue: [self stream setChunked]. self setStreaming.! ! !HTTPStreamedResponse methodsFor: 'private-state' stamp: ' 14/8/07 21:49'! setClosed "response is closed. No streaming or anything else possible anymore" state := #closed! ! !HTTPStreamedResponse methodsFor: 'private-state' stamp: ' 14/8/07 21:49'! setHeader "response in header state. this is initial one" state := #header! ! !HTTPStreamedResponse methodsFor: 'private-state' stamp: ' 14/8/07 21:49'! setStreaming "response in streaming state. All nextPut to stream is sent in chunked format to browser" state := #streaming! ! !HTTPStreamedResponse methodsFor: 'testing' stamp: 'mivsek 12/31/2007 15:37'! shouldBeChunked ^self isHttp11 and: [self length isNil]! ! !HTTPStreamedResponse methodsFor: 'testing' stamp: 'mivsek 12/31/2007 15:37'! shouldSimulateStreaming "stream to entity first then send all at once (because only now we know the length of response)" ^self isHttp10 and: [self length isNil]! ! !HTTPStreamedResponse methodsFor: 'private' stamp: ' 14/8/07 21:49'! stream ^stream! ! !HTTPStreamedResponse methodsFor: 'private' stamp: ' 14/8/07 21:49'! stream: aSwazooStream stream := aSwazooStream! ! !HTTPStreamedResponse methodsFor: 'private' stamp: 'mivsek 12/31/2007 15:40'! testForOverflow "if streaming but not chunking, then count must never be larger than announced length" (self length notNil and: [self count > self length]) ifTrue: [self error: 'streaming overflow']! ! !HTTPStreamedResponse methodsFor: 'private' stamp: 'mivsek 12/31/2007 15:40'! testForUnderflow "if streaming but not chunking, then count must be exactly the announced length at the end" (self length notNil and: [self count ~= self length]) ifTrue: [self error: 'not enough data streamed ']! ! !HTTPStreamedResponse methodsFor: 'waiting' stamp: 'mivsek 12/31/2007 15:38'! waitClose "wait until all data is sent-streamed out and response is closed" ^self semaphore wait! ! Object subclass: #HTTPPostDataArray instanceVariableNames: 'underlyingCollection stream parsed' classVariableNames: '' poolDictionaries: '' category: 'Swazoo-Messages'! !HTTPPostDataArray commentStamp: '' prior: 0! Introduced the HTTPPostDataArray to hold post data in an HTTPRequest in place of a Dictionary. This is because it is legal for there to be more than one entry with the same name (key) and using a Dictionary looses data (!!). Instance Variables: underlyingCollection <> ! !HTTPPostDataArray class methodsFor: 'instance creation' stamp: 'mivsek 7/19/2007 22:09'! newOn: aSwazooStream ^super new initialize; stream: aSwazooStream! ! !HTTPPostDataArray methodsFor: 'accessing' stamp: ' 14/4/07 23:10'! allAt: aKey | candidates | candidates := self underlyingCollection select: [:anAssociation | anAssociation key = aKey]. ^candidates collect: [:anAssociation| anAssociation value]! ! !HTTPPostDataArray methodsFor: 'accessing' stamp: ' 14/4/07 23:10'! allNamesForValue: aString | candidates | candidates := self underlyingCollection select: [:anAssociation | anAssociation value value = aString]. ^candidates collect: [:anAssociation| anAssociation key]! ! !HTTPPostDataArray methodsFor: 'accessing' stamp: ' 14/4/07 23:10'! associations ^self underlyingCollection! ! !HTTPPostDataArray methodsFor: 'accessing' stamp: ' 14/4/07 23:10'! at: aKey ^(self allAt: aKey) last! ! !HTTPPostDataArray methodsFor: 'accessing' stamp: ' 14/4/07 23:10'! at: aKey ifAbsent: aBlock | candidates | candidates := self underlyingCollection select: [:anAssociation | anAssociation key = aKey]. ^candidates isEmpty ifTrue: [aBlock value] ifFalse: [candidates last value]! ! !HTTPPostDataArray methodsFor: 'accessing' stamp: ' 14/4/07 23:10'! at: key put: anObject self underlyingCollection add: (Association key: key value: anObject). ^anObject! ! !HTTPPostDataArray methodsFor: 'accessing' stamp: 'mivsek 7/19/2007 22:07'! clearParsed parsed := false! ! !HTTPPostDataArray methodsFor: 'accessing' stamp: ' 14/4/07 23:10'! includesKey: aKey | candidates | candidates := self underlyingCollection select: [:anAssociation | anAssociation key = aKey]. ^candidates notEmpty! ! !HTTPPostDataArray methodsFor: 'accessing' stamp: ' 14/4/07 23:10'! includesValue: aString | candidates | candidates := self underlyingCollection select: [:anAssociation | anAssociation value value = aString]. ^candidates notEmpty! ! !HTTPPostDataArray methodsFor: 'initialize-release' stamp: 'mivsek 7/19/2007 22:07'! initialize self clearParsed! ! !HTTPPostDataArray methodsFor: 'testing' stamp: ' 14/4/07 23:10'! isEmpty ^self underlyingCollection isEmpty! ! !HTTPPostDataArray methodsFor: 'testing' stamp: 'mivsek 7/19/2007 22:08'! isParsed "postdata is already read and parsed from a request" ^parsed! ! !HTTPPostDataArray methodsFor: 'accessing' stamp: ' 14/4/07 23:10'! keys "^a Set I mimick the behavior of a Dictionay which I replace. I return a set of the keys in my underlying collection of associations." ^(self underlyingCollection collect: [:anAssociation| anAssociation key]) asSet! ! !HTTPPostDataArray methodsFor: 'enumerating' stamp: ' 14/4/07 23:10'! keysAndValuesDo: aTwoArgumentBlock self underlyingCollection do: [:anAssociation | aTwoArgumentBlock value: anAssociation key value: anAssociation value]! ! !HTTPPostDataArray methodsFor: 'accessing' stamp: ' 14/4/07 23:10'! nameForValue: aString ^(self allNamesForValue: aString) last! ! !HTTPPostDataArray methodsFor: 'private' stamp: ' 14/4/07 23:10'! printOn: aStream aStream nextPutAll: 'a Swazoo.HttpPostDataArray '. self underlyingCollection do: [:each | aStream nextPutAll: each key printString , '->', each value value printString, ' '].! ! !HTTPPostDataArray methodsFor: 'enumerating' stamp: ' 14/4/07 23:10'! select: aBlock "^an Object I run the select on the values of the associations in my underlying collection. This mimicks the behavior when a Dictionary was used in my place." ^self underlyingCollection select: [:anAssociation| aBlock value: anAssociation value]! ! !HTTPPostDataArray methodsFor: 'accessing' stamp: 'mivsek 7/19/2007 22:08'! setParsed parsed := true! ! !HTTPPostDataArray methodsFor: 'private' stamp: 'mivsek 7/19/2007 22:08'! stream ^stream! ! !HTTPPostDataArray methodsFor: 'private' stamp: 'mivsek 7/19/2007 22:08'! stream: aSwazooStream "needed for defered postData parsing" stream := aSwazooStream! ! !HTTPPostDataArray methodsFor: 'private' stamp: ' 14/4/07 23:10'! underlyingCollection underlyingCollection isNil ifTrue: [underlyingCollection := OrderedCollection new]. ^underlyingCollection! ! Object subclass: #HTTPRequestLine instanceVariableNames: 'method requestURI httpVersion' classVariableNames: '' poolDictionaries: '' category: 'Swazoo-Messages'! !HTTPRequestLine methodsFor: 'accessing' stamp: ' 14/4/07 23:10'! httpVersion ^httpVersion! ! !HTTPRequestLine methodsFor: 'accessing' stamp: ' 14/4/07 23:10'! httpVersion: anArray httpVersion := anArray. ^self! ! !HTTPRequestLine methodsFor: 'testing' stamp: 'mivsek 12/31/2007 15:48'! isHttp10 ^self httpVersion last = 0! ! !HTTPRequestLine methodsFor: 'testing' stamp: 'mivsek 12/31/2007 15:48'! isHttp11 ^self httpVersion last = 1! ! !HTTPRequestLine methodsFor: 'accessing' stamp: ' 14/4/07 23:10'! method ^method! ! !HTTPRequestLine methodsFor: 'accessing' stamp: ' 14/4/07 23:10'! method: aString "For development testing only" method := aString. ^self! ! !HTTPRequestLine methodsFor: 'accessing' stamp: ' 14/4/07 23:10'! requestURI ^requestURI! ! !HTTPRequestLine methodsFor: 'accessing' stamp: ' 14/4/07 23:10'! requestURI: aString "Development testing only!!" requestURI := aString. ^self! ! Object subclass: #HTTPString instanceVariableNames: '' classVariableNames: '' poolDictionaries: '' category: 'Swazoo-HTTP'! !HTTPString commentStamp: '' prior: 0! This class contains some utility methods that were previously implemented as extentions to system classes. This is really a stop-gap until, perhaps, the SwazooStream yeilds HTTPStrings. ! !HTTPString class methodsFor: 'decoding' stamp: ' 14/4/07 23:09'! decodedHTTPFrom: aCharacterArray "Code taken from the swazoo specific extention to the CharacterArray class" | targetStream sourceStream | targetStream := WriteStream on: aCharacterArray class new. sourceStream := ReadStream on: aCharacterArray. [sourceStream atEnd] whileFalse: [| char | char := sourceStream next. char = $% ifTrue: [targetStream nextPut: (SpEnvironment integerFromString: '16r' , (sourceStream next: 2)) asCharacter] ifFalse: [char == $+ ifTrue: [targetStream nextPut: Character space] ifFalse: [targetStream nextPut: char]]]. ^targetStream contents! ! !HTTPString class methodsFor: 'decoding' stamp: 'mivsek 6/13/2007 14:06'! encodedHTTPFrom: aCharacterArray "Code taken from the swazoo specific extention to the CharacterArray class" | targetStream | targetStream := WriteStream on: aCharacterArray class new. aCharacterArray do: [:char | (self isHTTPReservedCharacter: char) ifTrue: [targetStream nextPut: $%. targetStream nextPutAll: (char asInteger printPaddedWith: $0 to: 2 base: 16) " char asInteger printOn: targetStream paddedWith: $0 to: 2 base: 16" ] ifFalse: [targetStream nextPut: char]]. ^targetStream contents! ! !HTTPString class methodsFor: 'decoding' stamp: ' 14/4/07 23:09'! isHTTPReservedCharacter: aCharacter "Code taken from the swazoo specific extention to the Character class" ^(aCharacter isAlphaNumeric or: ['-_.!!~*''()' includes: aCharacter]) not! ! !HTTPString class methodsFor: 'instance creation' stamp: ' 14/4/07 23:09'! newRandomString: anInteger | numbersThroughAlphas targetStream char random | numbersThroughAlphas := (48 to: 122) collect: [:each | each asCharacter]. targetStream := WriteStream on: (String new: anInteger). random := Random new. [targetStream contents size < anInteger] whileTrue: [char := numbersThroughAlphas at: (random next * (numbersThroughAlphas size - 1)) rounded + 1. char isAlphaNumeric ifTrue: [targetStream nextPut: char]]. ^targetStream contents! ! !HTTPString class methodsFor: 'decoding' stamp: ' 14/4/07 23:09'! stringFromBytes: aByteArray "^a String In GemStone ['Hello, World' asByteArray asString] returns the string 'aByteArray' !! This is the boring long way of getting a string from a ByteArray - but it does work in GemStone." "HTTPString stringFromBytes: ('Hello, World' asByteArray)" | targetStream | targetStream := WriteStream on: String new. aByteArray do: [:aByte | targetStream nextPut: aByte asCharacter]. ^targetStream contents! ! !HTTPString class methodsFor: 'tokens' stamp: ' 14/4/07 23:09'! subCollectionsFrom: aCollection delimitedBy: anObject "^an OrderedCollection I return the ordered collection of sub-collections from aCollection, delimited by anObject." "HTTPString subCollectionsFrom: 'aaa/bbb/' delimitedBy: $/" | subCollections sourceStream | subCollections := OrderedCollection new. sourceStream := ReadStream on: aCollection. [sourceStream atEnd] whileFalse: [subCollections add: (sourceStream upTo: anObject)]. (aCollection isEmpty or: [(sourceStream skip: -1; next) == anObject]) ifTrue: [subCollections add: aCollection class new]. ^subCollections! ! !HTTPString class methodsFor: 'decoding' stamp: ' 14/4/07 23:09'! trimBlanksFrom: aString "^a String I return a copy of aString with all leading and trailing blanks removed." | first last | first := 1. last := aString size. [last > 0 and: [(aString at: last) isSeparator]] whileTrue: [last := last - 1]. ^last == 0 ifTrue: [String new] ifFalse: [[first < last and: [(aString at: first) isSeparator]] whileTrue: [first := first + 1]. aString copyFrom: first to: last]! ! Object subclass: #HeaderField instanceVariableNames: '' classVariableNames: '' poolDictionaries: '' category: 'Swazoo-Headers'! HeaderField class instanceVariableNames: 'httpFieldNameToClassDictionary'! HeaderField class instanceVariableNames: 'httpFieldNameToClassDictionary'! HeaderField subclass: #GenericHeaderField instanceVariableNames: 'name value' classVariableNames: '' poolDictionaries: '' category: 'Swazoo-Headers'! !GenericHeaderField class methodsFor: 'instance creation' stamp: ' 14/4/07 23:10'! newForFieldName: fieldNameString withValueFrom: fieldValueString ^self new forFieldName: fieldNameString andValue: fieldValueString! ! !GenericHeaderField methodsFor: 'services' stamp: ' 14/4/07 23:10'! combineWith: aHeaderField "^self I simply take my values and concatenate the values of aHeaderField." value := self value , ', ' , aHeaderField value. ^self! ! !GenericHeaderField methodsFor: 'accessing' stamp: ' 14/4/07 23:10'! fieldName 1 halt: 'use >>name instead'. ^self name! ! !GenericHeaderField methodsFor: 'initialize-release' stamp: ' 14/4/07 23:10'! forFieldName: fieldNameString andValue: fieldValueString name := fieldNameString. value := fieldValueString. ^self! ! !GenericHeaderField methodsFor: 'accessing' stamp: ' 14/4/07 23:10'! name ^name! ! !GenericHeaderField methodsFor: 'accessing' stamp: ' 14/4/07 23:10'! value ^value! ! !GenericHeaderField methodsFor: 'accessing' stamp: ' 14/4/07 23:10'! values ^(HTTPString subCollectionsFrom: self value delimitedBy: $,) collect: [:each | HTTPString trimBlanksFrom: each]! ! !GenericHeaderField methodsFor: 'printing' stamp: ' 14/4/07 23:10'! valuesAsStringOn: aStream aStream nextPutAll: value. ^self! ! !HeaderField class methodsFor: 'private' stamp: ' 14/4/07 23:10'! classForFieldName: aString "^a Class If I can find a specific header field with a name matching aString I return that. Otherwise I return the GenericHeaderField class." ^self httpFieldNameToClassDictionary at: aString ifAbsent: [GenericHeaderField]! ! !HeaderField class methodsFor: 'instance creation' stamp: 'PaoloBonzini 10/2/2009 18:39'! fromLine: aString "for testing only" | sourceStream fieldName fieldValue | sourceStream := ReadStream on: aString. fieldName := sourceStream upTo: $:. fieldValue := sourceStream upToEnd. ^self name: fieldName value: fieldValue ! ! !HeaderField class methodsFor: 'private' stamp: ' 14/4/07 23:10'! httpFieldNameToClassDictionary "^a Class I return the dictionarry of my subclasses keyed on the name of the field they represent. Note that we only need *Request* headers listed in here because they are the only thing we will be parsing for." "After a change here, remeber to do 'HeaderField resetHttpFieldNameToClassDictionary' " httpFieldNameToClassDictionary isNil ifTrue: [| headerClasses | headerClasses := OrderedCollection new. headerClasses add: ContentDispositionField; add: HTTPContentLengthField; add: ContentTypeField; add: HTTPAcceptField; add: HTTPAuthorizationField; add: HTTPConnectionField; add: HTTPHostField; add: HTTPIfMatchField; add: HTTPIfModifiedSinceField; add: HTTPIfNoneMatchField; add: HTTPIfRangeField; add: HTTPIfUnmodifiedSinceField; add: HTTPRefererField; add: HTTPUserAgentField. httpFieldNameToClassDictionary := Dictionary new. headerClasses do: [:aClass | httpFieldNameToClassDictionary at: aClass fieldName asUppercase put: aClass]]. ^httpFieldNameToClassDictionary! ! !HeaderField class methodsFor: 'private' stamp: 'PaoloBonzini 10/2/2009 18:40'! name: fieldName value: fieldValue | upName trimValue fieldClass | upName := (HTTPString trimBlanksFrom: fieldName) asUppercase. fieldClass := self classForFieldName: upName. trimValue := HTTPString trimBlanksFrom: fieldValue. ^fieldClass newForFieldName: upName withValueFrom: trimValue ! ! !HeaderField class methodsFor: 'private' stamp: ' 14/4/07 23:10'! newForFieldName: fieldNameString withValueFrom: fieldValueString ^self subclassResponsibility! ! !HeaderField class methodsFor: 'private' stamp: ' 14/4/07 23:10'! resetHttpFieldNameToClassDictionary httpFieldNameToClassDictionary := nil . ^self! ! !HeaderField methodsFor: 'services' stamp: ' 14/4/07 23:10'! combineWith: aHeaderField SwazooHeaderFieldParseError raiseSignal: 'Not supported'! ! !HeaderField methodsFor: 'accessing' stamp: ' 14/4/07 23:10'! fieldName ^self subclassResponsibility! ! !HeaderField methodsFor: 'testing' stamp: ' 14/4/07 23:10'! isConditional ^false! ! !HeaderField methodsFor: 'testing' stamp: ' 14/4/07 23:10'! isContentDisposition ^false! ! !HeaderField methodsFor: 'testing' stamp: ' 14/4/07 23:10'! isContentType ^false! ! !HeaderField methodsFor: 'accessing' stamp: ' 14/4/07 23:10'! name ^self subclassResponsibility! ! !HeaderField methodsFor: 'printing' stamp: ' 14/4/07 23:10'! printOn: aStream aStream nextPutAll: self name; nextPutAll: ': '. self valuesAsStringOn: aStream. ^self! ! !HeaderField methodsFor: 'accessing' stamp: ' 14/4/07 23:10'! values ^self subclassResponsibility! ! !HeaderField methodsFor: 'printing' stamp: ' 14/4/07 23:10'! valuesAsString | targetStream | targetStream := WriteStream on: String new. self valuesAsStringOn: targetStream. ^targetStream contents! ! !HeaderField methodsFor: 'printing' stamp: ' 14/4/07 23:10'! valuesAsStringOn: aStream ^self subclassResponsibility! ! HeaderField subclass: #SpecificHeaderField instanceVariableNames: '' classVariableNames: '' poolDictionaries: '' category: 'Swazoo-Headers'! SpecificHeaderField subclass: #ContentDispositionField instanceVariableNames: 'type parameters' classVariableNames: '' poolDictionaries: '' category: 'Swazoo-Headers'! !ContentDispositionField class methodsFor: 'accessing' stamp: ' 14/4/07 23:10'! fieldName ^'Content-Disposition'! ! !ContentDispositionField methodsFor: 'testing' stamp: ' 14/4/07 23:10'! isContentDisposition ^true! ! !ContentDispositionField methodsFor: 'services' stamp: ' 14/4/07 23:10'! parameterAt: aString ^parameters at: aString ifAbsent: [nil]! ! !ContentDispositionField methodsFor: 'private' stamp: ' 14/4/07 23:10'! parseValueFrom: aString | sourceStream | sourceStream := aString readStream. type := HTTPString trimBlanksFrom: (sourceStream upTo: $;). parameters := self readParametersFrom: sourceStream. ^self! ! SpecificHeaderField subclass: #ContentTypeField instanceVariableNames: 'mediaType transferCodings' classVariableNames: '' poolDictionaries: '' category: 'Swazoo-Headers'! !ContentTypeField class methodsFor: 'accessing' stamp: ' 14/4/07 23:10'! fieldName ^'Content-Type'! ! !ContentTypeField methodsFor: 'accessing' stamp: ' 14/4/07 23:10'! defaultMediaType "^a String See RFC 2616 '7.2.1 Type'. If no media type is specified, application/octet-stream is the default." ^'application/octet-stream'! ! !ContentTypeField methodsFor: 'testing' stamp: ' 14/4/07 23:10'! isContentType ^true! ! !ContentTypeField methodsFor: 'accessing' stamp: ' 14/4/07 23:10'! mediaType ^mediaType isNil ifTrue: [self defaultMediaType] ifFalse: [mediaType]! ! !ContentTypeField methodsFor: 'accessing' stamp: ' 14/4/07 23:10'! mediaType: aString mediaType := aString. ^self! ! !ContentTypeField methodsFor: 'private' stamp: ' 14/4/07 23:10'! parseValueFrom: aString | sourceStream | sourceStream := aString readStream. mediaType := (HTTPString trimBlanksFrom: (sourceStream upTo: $;)). transferCodings := self readParametersFrom: sourceStream. ^self! ! !ContentTypeField methodsFor: 'accessing' stamp: ' 14/4/07 23:10'! transferCodings transferCodings isNil ifTrue: [transferCodings := String new]. ^transferCodings! ! !ContentTypeField methodsFor: 'printing' stamp: 'mivsek 9/28/2007 22:57'! valuesAsStringOn: aStream aStream nextPutAll: self mediaType. self transferCodings isEmpty ifFalse: [self transferCodings keysAndValuesDo: [:name :value | aStream nextPutAll: ' '; nextPutAll: name; nextPut: $=; nextPutAll: value]]. ^self! ! SpecificHeaderField subclass: #HTTPAcceptField instanceVariableNames: 'mediaTypes' classVariableNames: '' poolDictionaries: '' category: 'Swazoo-Headers'! !HTTPAcceptField class methodsFor: 'accessing' stamp: ' 14/4/07 23:10'! fieldName ^'Accept'! ! !HTTPAcceptField methodsFor: 'services' stamp: ' 14/4/07 23:10'! combineWith: aHeaderField "^self I simply take my values and concatenate the values of aHeaderField." self mediaTypes addAll: aHeaderField mediaTypes. ^self! ! !HTTPAcceptField methodsFor: 'accessing' stamp: ' 14/4/07 23:10'! mediaTypes mediaTypes isNil ifTrue: [mediaTypes := OrderedCollection new]. ^mediaTypes! ! !HTTPAcceptField methodsFor: 'private' stamp: ' 14/4/07 23:10'! parseValueFrom: aString mediaTypes := HTTPString subCollectionsFrom: aString delimitedBy: $,. ^self! ! !HTTPAcceptField methodsFor: 'printing' stamp: ' 14/4/07 23:10'! valuesAsStringOn: targetStream self mediaTypes isEmpty ifFalse: [targetStream nextPutAll: self mediaTypes first. 2 to: self mediaTypes size do: [:methodIndex | targetStream nextPut: $,; nextPutAll: (self mediaTypes at: methodIndex)]]. ^self! ! SpecificHeaderField subclass: #HTTPAllowField instanceVariableNames: 'methods' classVariableNames: '' poolDictionaries: '' category: 'Swazoo-Headers'! !HTTPAllowField class methodsFor: 'accessing' stamp: ' 14/4/07 23:10'! fieldName ^'Allow'! ! !HTTPAllowField methodsFor: 'accessing' stamp: ' 14/4/07 23:10'! methods methods isNil ifTrue: [methods := OrderedCollection new]. ^methods! ! !HTTPAllowField methodsFor: 'printing' stamp: ' 14/4/07 23:10'! valuesAsStringOn: targetStream self methods isEmpty ifFalse: [targetStream nextPutAll: self methods first. 2 to: self methods size do: [:methodIndex | targetStream nextPut: $,; nextPutAll: (self methods at: methodIndex)]]. ^self! ! SpecificHeaderField subclass: #HTTPAuthorizationField instanceVariableNames: 'credentials' classVariableNames: '' poolDictionaries: '' category: 'Swazoo-Headers'! HTTPAuthorizationField subclass: #HTTPAuthorizationBasicField instanceVariableNames: 'userid password' classVariableNames: '' poolDictionaries: '' category: 'Swazoo-Headers'! !HTTPAuthorizationBasicField methodsFor: 'services' stamp: ' 14/4/07 23:10'! password "^a String I return the password string (as defined in RFC 2617 pp.2) part of the user-pass value in my credentials." password isNil ifTrue: [self resolveUserPass]. ^password! ! !HTTPAuthorizationBasicField methodsFor: 'private' stamp: 'np 3/24/2008 02:36'! resolveUserPass "^self I look at my credentials string and pull out the userid and password. Note that having to check for atEnd before the upToEnd is for GemStone which crashes if upToEnd is used when already atEnd." "(Base64EncodingReadStream on: 'YnJ1Y2U6c3F1aWRzdXBwbGllZHBhc3N3b3Jk' ) upToEnd asString " | userPassString sourceStream | userPassString := userPassString := Base64MimeConverter mimeDecode: self credentials as: String. sourceStream := ReadStream on: userPassString. userid := sourceStream upTo: $:. password := sourceStream atEnd ifTrue: [String new] ifFalse: [sourceStream upToEnd]. ^self! ! !HTTPAuthorizationBasicField methodsFor: 'services' stamp: ' 14/4/07 23:10'! userid "^a String I return the userid string (as defined in RFC 2617 pp.2) part of the user-pass value in my credentials." userid isNil ifTrue: [self resolveUserPass]. ^userid! ! !HTTPAuthorizationBasicField methodsFor: 'printing' stamp: ' 14/4/07 23:10'! valuesAsStringOn: aStream aStream nextPutAll: 'Basic '. super valuesAsStringOn: aStream. ^self! ! HTTPAuthorizationField subclass: #HTTPAuthorizationDigestField instanceVariableNames: '' classVariableNames: '' poolDictionaries: '' category: 'Swazoo-Headers'! !HTTPAuthorizationDigestField methodsFor: 'printing' stamp: ' 14/4/07 23:10'! valuesAsStringOn: aStream aStream nextPutAll: 'Digest '. super valuesAsStringOn: aStream. ^self! ! !HTTPAuthorizationField class methodsFor: 'accessing' stamp: ' 14/4/07 23:10'! fieldName ^'Authorization'! ! !HTTPAuthorizationField class methodsFor: 'private' stamp: ' 14/4/07 23:10'! newForFieldName: fieldNameString withValueFrom: fieldValueString "^an HTTPAuthorizationField I return an instance of one of my concrete subclasses. To get to this point, the field name *must* be 'AUTHORIZATION'." | sourceStream schemeName | sourceStream := ReadStream on: fieldValueString. schemeName := sourceStream upTo: Character space. ^schemeName = 'Basic' ifTrue: [HTTPAuthorizationBasicField newWithValueFrom: sourceStream upToEnd] ifFalse: [HTTPAuthorizationDigestField newWithValueFrom: sourceStream upToEnd]! ! !HTTPAuthorizationField methodsFor: 'accessing' stamp: ' 14/4/07 23:10'! credentials ^credentials! ! !HTTPAuthorizationField methodsFor: 'private' stamp: ' 14/4/07 23:10'! parseValueFrom: aString credentials := HTTPString trimBlanksFrom: aString. ^self! ! !HTTPAuthorizationField methodsFor: 'printing' stamp: ' 14/4/07 23:10'! valuesAsStringOn: aStream aStream nextPutAll: self credentials. ^self! ! SpecificHeaderField subclass: #HTTPCacheControlField instanceVariableNames: 'directives private maxAge noStore noCache mustRevalidate' classVariableNames: '' poolDictionaries: '' category: 'Swazoo-Headers'! !HTTPCacheControlField class methodsFor: 'accessing' stamp: ' 14/4/07 23:10'! fieldName ^'Cache-Control'! ! !HTTPCacheControlField methodsFor: 'accessing' stamp: ' 14/4/07 23:10'! directives "for easy setting directives in one string" ^directives! ! !HTTPCacheControlField methodsFor: 'accessing' stamp: ' 14/4/07 23:10'! directives: aString "for easy setting directives in one string" "example: 'no-store, no-cache, must-revalidate'" directives := aString! ! !HTTPCacheControlField methodsFor: 'accessing' stamp: ' 14/4/07 23:10'! maxAge "^an Integer or nil I return my max age which is either an integer number of seconds for which the entity can be considdered fresh, or nil, in which case other headers such as Expires can be used by a cache to determine the expiration time of the entity." ^maxAge! ! !HTTPCacheControlField methodsFor: 'services' stamp: ' 14/4/07 23:10'! maxAge: anIntegerOrNil "^self I record the number of seconds for which the resource is 'fresh' and after which will expire and become 'stale' for caching purposes. Setting this to nil means the max age is unspecified, and this is the default. This directive takes presidence over any Expires header when a cache or client is handling an HTTP message." maxAge := anIntegerOrNil. ^self! ! !HTTPCacheControlField methodsFor: 'accessing' stamp: ' 14/4/07 23:10'! private "^a Boolean or nil There are three possible values for private. Explicity true (the entity can only be cached in private caches), explicity false (this is a public entity and can be held in a shared/public cache perhaps even when stale) or nil (the default which means that the entity may be held in a public shared cache, but only until it goes stale)." ^private! ! !HTTPCacheControlField methodsFor: 'services' stamp: ' 14/4/07 23:10'! setNotPublicOrPrivate "^self I am being told that the entity in my message is not explicity public or private. This is the default and means that public caches may retain copies of the resource, but should not be as relaxed about the rules as with an explicitly public resource. c.f >>setPublic & >>setPrivate." private := nil. ^self! ! !HTTPCacheControlField methodsFor: 'services' stamp: ' 14/4/07 23:10'! setPrivate "^self I am being told that the entity in my message is a private one that can only be cached on private caches, i.e. caches that can be drawn upon a single clients. An example of a private cache is the one *inside* your web browser. This is probably what you want if the entity contains personal information." private := true. ^self! ! !HTTPCacheControlField methodsFor: 'services' stamp: ' 14/4/07 23:10'! setPublic "^self I am being told that the entity in my message is a public one that can be cached on public caches, i.e. caches that can be drawn upon by many clients. This is probably not what you want if the entity contains personal information!! c.f. >>setPrivate Note that expicitly setting cache-control public actually loosens some other rules and means resources can be used by cached beyond their normal life." private := false. ^self! ! !HTTPCacheControlField methodsFor: 'printing' stamp: ' 14/4/07 23:10'! valuesAsStringOn: aStream aStream nextPut: Character space. self directives notNil ifTrue: [aStream nextPutAll: self directives]. self private notNil ifTrue: [self writePublicOrPrivateTo: aStream. self maxAge notNil ifTrue: [aStream nextPutAll: ', ']]. self maxAge notNil ifTrue: [self writeMaxAgeTo: aStream]. ^self! ! !HTTPCacheControlField methodsFor: 'printing' stamp: ' 14/4/07 23:10'! writeMaxAgeTo: aStream "^self I write the maxAge directive to aStream" aStream nextPutAll: 'max-age='. self maxAge printOn: aStream. ^self! ! !HTTPCacheControlField methodsFor: 'printing' stamp: ' 14/4/07 23:10'! writePublicOrPrivateTo: aStream "^self I write the either the public or the private directive to aStream" self private ifTrue: [aStream nextPutAll: 'private'] ifFalse: [aStream nextPutAll: 'public']. ^self! ! SpecificHeaderField subclass: #HTTPConnectionField instanceVariableNames: 'connectionToken' classVariableNames: '' poolDictionaries: '' category: 'Swazoo-Headers'! !HTTPConnectionField commentStamp: '' prior: 0! c.f. RFC 2616 14.10 The Connection header has the following grammar: Connection = "Connection" ":" 1#(connection-token) connection-token = token ! !HTTPConnectionField class methodsFor: 'accessing' stamp: ' 14/4/07 23:10'! fieldName ^'Connection'! ! !HTTPConnectionField methodsFor: 'accessing' stamp: ' 14/4/07 23:10'! connectionToken "^a String Common values are 'close' and 'keep-alive'." ^connectionToken! ! !HTTPConnectionField methodsFor: 'accessing' stamp: ' 14/4/07 23:10'! connectionToken: aString "^self" connectionToken := aString. ^self! ! !HTTPConnectionField methodsFor: 'testing' stamp: ' 14/4/07 23:10'! connectionTokenIsClose ^self connectionToken = 'close'! ! !HTTPConnectionField methodsFor: 'private' stamp: ' 14/4/07 23:10'! parseValueFrom: aString connectionToken := HTTPString trimBlanksFrom: aString. ^self! ! !HTTPConnectionField methodsFor: 'services' stamp: ' 14/4/07 23:10'! setToClose self connectionToken: 'close'. ^self! ! !HTTPConnectionField methodsFor: 'services' stamp: 'mivsek 12/31/2007 14:00'! setToKeepAlive self connectionToken: 'keep-alive'. ^self! ! !HTTPConnectionField methodsFor: 'printing' stamp: ' 14/4/07 23:10'! valuesAsStringOn: aStream aStream nextPutAll: connectionToken. ^self! ! SpecificHeaderField subclass: #HTTPContentLengthField instanceVariableNames: 'contentLength' classVariableNames: '' poolDictionaries: '' category: 'Swazoo-Headers'! !HTTPContentLengthField class methodsFor: 'accessing' stamp: ' 14/4/07 23:10'! fieldName ^'Content-Length'! ! !HTTPContentLengthField methodsFor: 'accessing' stamp: ' 14/4/07 23:10'! contentLength ^contentLength! ! !HTTPContentLengthField methodsFor: 'accessing' stamp: 'mivsek 12/31/2007 14:01'! contentLength: anInteger contentLength := anInteger! ! !HTTPContentLengthField methodsFor: 'private' stamp: ' 14/4/07 23:10'! parseValueFrom: aString contentLength := aString asNumber. ^self! ! !HTTPContentLengthField methodsFor: 'printing' stamp: ' 14/4/07 23:10'! valuesAsStringOn: aStream self contentLength printOn: aStream. ^self! ! SpecificHeaderField subclass: #HTTPCookieField instanceVariableNames: 'values' classVariableNames: '' poolDictionaries: '' category: 'Swazoo-Headers'! !HTTPCookieField class methodsFor: 'accessing' stamp: ' 14/4/07 23:10'! fieldName ^'Cookie'! ! SpecificHeaderField subclass: #HTTPDateField instanceVariableNames: 'date' classVariableNames: '' poolDictionaries: '' category: 'Swazoo-Headers'! !HTTPDateField class methodsFor: 'accessing' stamp: ' 14/4/07 23:10'! fieldName ^'Date'! ! !HTTPDateField methodsFor: 'accessing' stamp: ' 14/4/07 23:10'! date ^date! ! !HTTPDateField methodsFor: 'accessing' stamp: ' 14/4/07 23:10'! date: aDate "^self Note that this is an HTTP Date, and so is really a timestamp :-/ " date := aDate. ^self! ! !HTTPDateField methodsFor: 'printing' stamp: ' 14/4/07 23:10'! valuesAsStringOn: aStream self date asRFC1123StringOn: aStream. ^self! ! SpecificHeaderField subclass: #HTTPETagField instanceVariableNames: 'entityTag' classVariableNames: '' poolDictionaries: '' category: 'Swazoo-Headers'! !HTTPETagField commentStamp: '' prior: 0! RFC 2626 14.19 ETag The ETag response-header field provides the current value of the entity tag for the requested variant. The headers used with entity tags are described in sections 14.24, 14.26 and 14.44. The entity tag MAY be used for comparison with other entities from the same resource (see section 13.3.3). ETag = "ETag" ":" entity-tag Examples: ETag: "xyzzy" ETag: W/"xyzzy" ETag: "" ! !HTTPETagField class methodsFor: 'accessing' stamp: ' 14/4/07 23:10'! fieldName ^'ETag'! ! !HTTPETagField methodsFor: 'accessing' stamp: ' 14/4/07 23:10'! entityTag ^entityTag! ! !HTTPETagField methodsFor: 'accessing' stamp: ' 14/4/07 23:10'! entityTag: aString entityTag := aString. ^self! ! !HTTPETagField methodsFor: 'printing' stamp: ' 14/4/07 23:10'! valuesAsStringOn: aStream aStream nextPut: $"; nextPutAll: self entityTag; nextPut: $". ^self! ! SpecificHeaderField subclass: #HTTPExpiresField instanceVariableNames: 'timestamp' classVariableNames: '' poolDictionaries: '' category: 'Swazoo-Headers'! !HTTPExpiresField class methodsFor: 'accessing' stamp: ' 14/4/07 23:10'! fieldName ^'Expires'! ! !HTTPExpiresField methodsFor: 'accessing' stamp: ' 14/4/07 23:10'! timestamp ^timestamp! ! !HTTPExpiresField methodsFor: 'accessing' stamp: ' 14/4/07 23:10'! timestamp: aTimestamp timestamp := aTimestamp.! ! !HTTPExpiresField methodsFor: 'printing' stamp: ' 14/4/07 23:10'! valuesAsStringOn: aStream self timestamp asRFC1123StringOn: aStream. ^self! ! SpecificHeaderField subclass: #HTTPHostField instanceVariableNames: 'hostName portNumber' classVariableNames: '' poolDictionaries: '' category: 'Swazoo-Headers'! !HTTPHostField class methodsFor: 'accessing' stamp: ' 14/4/07 23:10'! fieldName ^'Host'! ! !HTTPHostField methodsFor: 'accessing' stamp: ' 14/4/07 23:10'! hostName ^hostName! ! !HTTPHostField methodsFor: 'private' stamp: ' 14/4/07 23:10'! parseValueFrom: aString | sourceStream portNumberString | sourceStream := ReadStream on: aString. hostName := sourceStream upTo: $:. portNumberString := sourceStream atEnd ifTrue: [String new] ifFalse: [sourceStream upToEnd]. portNumberString notEmpty ifTrue: [portNumber := portNumberString asNumber]. ^self! ! !HTTPHostField methodsFor: 'accessing' stamp: ' 14/4/07 23:10'! portNumber ^portNumber isNil ifTrue: [80] ifFalse: [portNumber]! ! !HTTPHostField methodsFor: 'printing' stamp: ' 14/4/07 23:10'! valuesAsStringOn: aStream aStream nextPutAll: self hostName. portNumber notNil ifTrue: [aStream nextPut: $:. self portNumber printOn: aStream]. ^self! ! SpecificHeaderField subclass: #HTTPIfModifiedSinceField instanceVariableNames: 'date' classVariableNames: '' poolDictionaries: '' category: 'Swazoo-Headers'! !HTTPIfModifiedSinceField class methodsFor: 'accessing' stamp: ' 14/4/07 23:10'! fieldName ^'If-Modified-Since'! ! !HTTPIfModifiedSinceField methodsFor: 'accessing' stamp: ' 14/4/07 23:10'! date ^date! ! !HTTPIfModifiedSinceField methodsFor: 'testing' stamp: ' 14/4/07 23:10'! isCacheHitFor: anEntity "^a Boolean I return true if an anEntity is a cache hit given the conditional I represent. So in my case, I'm looking to see that the entity has not changed since my date. anEntity *must* respond to >>lastModified" ^anEntity lastModified <= self date! ! !HTTPIfModifiedSinceField methodsFor: 'testing' stamp: ' 14/4/07 23:10'! isConditional ^true! ! !HTTPIfModifiedSinceField methodsFor: 'private' stamp: ' 14/4/07 23:10'! parseValueFrom: aString date := SpTimestamp fromRFC1123String: aString. ^self! ! !HTTPIfModifiedSinceField methodsFor: 'printing' stamp: 'janko 7/26/2008 13:51'! valuesAsStringOn: aStream self date notNil ifTrue: [self date asRFC1123StringOn: aStream]. ^self! ! SpecificHeaderField subclass: #HTTPIfRangeField instanceVariableNames: '' classVariableNames: '' poolDictionaries: '' category: 'Swazoo-Headers'! !HTTPIfRangeField class methodsFor: 'accessing' stamp: ' 14/4/07 23:10'! fieldName ^'If-Range'! ! SpecificHeaderField subclass: #HTTPIfUnmodifiedSinceField instanceVariableNames: '' classVariableNames: '' poolDictionaries: '' category: 'Swazoo-Headers'! !HTTPIfUnmodifiedSinceField class methodsFor: 'accessing' stamp: ' 14/4/07 23:10'! fieldName ^'If-Unmodified-Since'! ! !HTTPIfUnmodifiedSinceField methodsFor: 'testing' stamp: ' 14/4/07 23:10'! isCacheHitFor: anEntity "^a Boolean I return true if an anEntity is a cache hit given the conditional I represent. anEntity *must* respond to >>entutyTag" 1 halt. ^self! ! !HTTPIfUnmodifiedSinceField methodsFor: 'testing' stamp: ' 14/4/07 23:10'! isConditional ^true! ! SpecificHeaderField subclass: #HTTPLastModifiedField instanceVariableNames: 'timestamp' classVariableNames: '' poolDictionaries: '' category: 'Swazoo-Headers'! !HTTPLastModifiedField class methodsFor: 'accessing' stamp: ' 14/4/07 23:10'! fieldName ^'Last-Modified'! ! !HTTPLastModifiedField methodsFor: 'accessing' stamp: ' 14/4/07 23:10'! timestamp ^timestamp! ! !HTTPLastModifiedField methodsFor: 'accessing' stamp: ' 14/4/07 23:10'! timestamp: aTimestamp timestamp := aTimestamp.! ! !HTTPLastModifiedField methodsFor: 'printing' stamp: ' 14/4/07 23:10'! valuesAsStringOn: aStream self timestamp asRFC1123StringOn: aStream. ^self! ! SpecificHeaderField subclass: #HTTPLocationField instanceVariableNames: 'uri' classVariableNames: '' poolDictionaries: '' category: 'Swazoo-Headers'! !HTTPLocationField class methodsFor: 'accessing' stamp: ' 14/4/07 23:10'! fieldName ^'Location'! ! !HTTPLocationField methodsFor: 'accessing' stamp: ' 14/4/07 23:10'! uri ^uri! ! !HTTPLocationField methodsFor: 'accessing' stamp: ' 14/4/07 23:10'! uri: aSwazooURI uri := aSwazooURI. ^self! ! !HTTPLocationField methodsFor: 'accessing' stamp: ' 14/4/07 23:10'! uriString: aString uri := SwazooURI fromString: aString. ^self! ! !HTTPLocationField methodsFor: 'printing' stamp: ' 14/4/07 23:10'! valuesAsStringOn: aStream self uri printOn: aStream. ^self! ! SpecificHeaderField subclass: #HTTPMatchField instanceVariableNames: 'entityTags' classVariableNames: '' poolDictionaries: '' category: 'Swazoo-Headers'! HTTPMatchField subclass: #HTTPIfMatchField instanceVariableNames: '' classVariableNames: '' poolDictionaries: '' category: 'Swazoo-Headers'! !HTTPIfMatchField commentStamp: '' prior: 0! From RFC 2616 14.24 If-Match The If-Match request-header field is used with a method to make it conditional. A client that has one or more entities previously obtained from the resource can verify that one of those entities is current by including a list of their associated entity tags in the If-Match header field. Entity tags are defined in section 3.11. The purpose of this feature is to allow efficient updates of cached information with a minimum amount of transaction overhead. It is also used, on updating requests, to prevent inadvertent modification of the wrong version of a resource. As a special case, the value "*" matches any current entity of the resource. If-Match = "If-Match" ":" ( "*" | 1#entity-tag ) If any of the entity tags match the entity tag of the entity that would have been returned in the response to a similar GET request (without the If-Match header) on that resource, or if "*" is given and any current entity exists for that resource, then the server MAY perform the requested method as if the If-Match header field did not exist. A server MUST use the strong comparison function (see section 13.3.3) to compare the entity tags in If-Match. If none of the entity tags match, or if "*" is given and no current entity exists, the server MUST NOT perform the requested method, and MUST return a 412 (Precondition Failed) response. This behavior is most useful when the client wants to prevent an updating method, such as PUT, from modifying a resource that has changed since the client last retrieved it. If the request would, without the If-Match header field, result in anything other than a 2xx or 412 status, then the If-Match header MUST be ignored. The meaning of "If-Match: *" is that the method SHOULD be performed if the representation selected by the origin server (or by a cache, possibly using the Vary mechanism, see section 14.44) exists, and MUST NOT be performed if the representation does not exist. A request intended to update a resource (e.g., a PUT) MAY include an If-Match header field to signal that the request method MUST NOT be applied if the entity corresponding to the If-Match value (a single entity tag) is no longer a representation of that resource. This allows the user to indicate that they do not wish the request to be successful if the resource has been changed without their knowledge. Examples: If-Match: "xyzzy" If-Match: "xyzzy", "r2d2xxxx", "c3piozzzz" If-Match: * The result of a request having both an If-Match header field and either an If-None-Match or an If-Modified-Since header fields is undefined by this specification. ! !HTTPIfMatchField class methodsFor: 'accessing' stamp: ' 14/4/07 23:10'! fieldName ^'If-Match'! ! !HTTPIfMatchField methodsFor: 'testing' stamp: ' 14/4/07 23:10'! isCacheHitFor: anEntity "^a Boolean I return true if an anEntity is a cache hit given the conditional I represent. anEntity *must* respond to >>entutyTag" 1 halt. ^self! ! HTTPMatchField subclass: #HTTPIfNoneMatchField instanceVariableNames: '' classVariableNames: '' poolDictionaries: '' category: 'Swazoo-Headers'! !HTTPIfNoneMatchField commentStamp: '' prior: 0! This is a confitional header field. The HTTP client is asking for a resource on the basis of this condition. So, we need to have first found the resource, and then we can considder the condition, as follows ... From RFC 2616: 14.26 If-None-Match The If-None-Match request-header field is used with a method to make it conditional. A client that has one or more entities previously obtained from the resource can verify that none of those entities is current by including a list of their associated entity tags in the If-None-Match header field. The purpose of this feature is to allow efficient updates of cached information with a minimum amount of transaction overhead. It is also used to prevent a method (e.g. PUT) from inadvertently modifying an existing resource when the client believes that the resource does not exist. As a special case, the value "*" matches any current entity of the resource. If-None-Match = "If-None-Match" ":" ( "*" | 1#entity-tag ) If any of the entity tags match the entity tag of the entity that would have been returned in the response to a similar GET request (without the If-None-Match header) on that resource, or if "*" is given and any current entity exists for that resource, then the server MUST NOT perform the requested method, unless required to do so because the resource's modification date fails to match that supplied in an If-Modified-Since header field in the request. Instead, if the request method was GET or HEAD, the server SHOULD respond with a 304 (Not Modified) response, including the cache- related header fields (particularly ETag) of one of the entities that matched. For all other request methods, the server MUST respond with a status of 412 (Precondition Failed). See section 13.3.3 for rules on how to determine if two entities tags match. The weak comparison function can only be used with GET or HEAD requests. If none of the entity tags match, then the server MAY perform the requested method as if the If-None-Match header field did not exist, but MUST also ignore any If-Modified-Since header field(s) in the request. That is, if no entity tags match, then the server MUST NOT return a 304 (Not Modified) response. If the request would, without the If-None-Match header field, result in anything other than a 2xx or 304 status, then the If-None-Match header MUST be ignored. (See section 13.3.4 for a discussion of server behavior when both If-Modified-Since and If-None-Match appear in the same request.) The meaning of "If-None-Match: *" is that the method MUST NOT be performed if the representation selected by the origin server (or by a cache, possibly using the Vary mechanism, see section 14.44) exists, and SHOULD be performed if the representation does not exist. This feature is intended to be useful in preventing races between PUT operations. Examples: If-None-Match: "xyzzy" If-None-Match: W/"xyzzy" If-None-Match: "xyzzy", "r2d2xxxx", "c3piozzzz" If-None-Match: W/"xyzzy", W/"r2d2xxxx", W/"c3piozzzz" If-None-Match: * The result of a request having both an If-None-Match header field and either an If-Match or an If-Unmodified-Since header fields is undefined by this specification.! !HTTPIfNoneMatchField class methodsFor: 'accessing' stamp: ' 14/4/07 23:10'! fieldName ^'If-None-Match'! ! !HTTPIfNoneMatchField methodsFor: 'testing' stamp: ' 14/4/07 23:10'! isCacheHitFor: anEntity "^a Boolean I return true if an anEntity is a cache hit given the conditional I represent. So in my case, I'm looking to see that the entity has a tag which is in my collection of entityTags. anEntity *must* respond to >>entityTag" ^self entityTags includes: anEntity entityTag! ! !HTTPMatchField methodsFor: 'services' stamp: ' 14/4/07 23:10'! addEntityTag: aString self entityTags add: aString. ^self! ! !HTTPMatchField methodsFor: 'services' stamp: ' 14/4/07 23:10'! combineWith: aHeaderField "^self I add the entity tags of aHeaderField to my own collection of entity tags." self entityTags addAll: aHeaderField entityTags. ^self! ! !HTTPMatchField methodsFor: 'accessing' stamp: ' 14/4/07 23:10'! entityTags ^self matchesAnyCurrentEntity ifTrue: [nil] ifFalse: [entityTags isNil ifTrue: [entityTags := OrderedCollection new]. entityTags]! ! !HTTPMatchField methodsFor: 'testing' stamp: ' 14/4/07 23:10'! isConditional ^true! ! !HTTPMatchField methodsFor: 'testing' stamp: ' 14/4/07 23:10'! matchesAnyCurrentEntity ^entityTags = '*'! ! !HTTPMatchField methodsFor: 'private' stamp: ' 14/4/07 23:10'! parseValueFrom: aString aString = '*' ifTrue: [entityTags := aString] ifFalse: [| sourceStream | entityTags := OrderedCollection new. sourceStream := ReadStream on: aString. [sourceStream atEnd] whileFalse: [| entityTag | sourceStream upTo: $". entityTag := sourceStream upTo: $". entityTags add: entityTag. sourceStream upTo: $,]]. ^self! ! !HTTPMatchField methodsFor: 'printing' stamp: ' 14/4/07 23:10'! valuesAsStringOn: targetStream self write: self entityTags first asQuotedStringTo: targetStream. 2 to: self entityTags size do: [:tagIndex | targetStream nextPut: $,. self write: (self entityTags at: tagIndex) asQuotedStringTo: targetStream]. ^self! ! !HTTPMatchField methodsFor: 'printing' stamp: ' 14/4/07 23:10'! write: aString asQuotedStringTo: targetStream "^self See RFC 2616 2.2" targetStream nextPut: $". aString do: [:character | character == $" ifTrue: [targetStream nextPutAll: '\"'] ifFalse: [targetStream nextPut: character]]. targetStream nextPut: $". ^self! ! SpecificHeaderField subclass: #HTTPRefererField instanceVariableNames: 'uri' classVariableNames: '' poolDictionaries: '' category: 'Swazoo-Headers'! !HTTPRefererField commentStamp: '' prior: 0! RFC 2616: 14.36 Referer The Referer[sic] request-header field allows the client to specify, for the server's benefit, the address (URI) of the resource from which the Request-URI was obtained (the "referrer", although the header field is misspelled.) The Referer request-header allows a server to generate lists of back-links to resources for interest, logging, optimized caching, etc. It also allows obsolete or mistyped links to be traced for maintenance. The Referer field MUST NOT be sent if the Request-URI was obtained from a source that does not have its own URI, such as input from the user keyboard. Referer = "Referer" ":" ( absoluteURI | relativeURI ) Example: Referer: If the field value is a relative URI, it SHOULD be interpreted relative to the Request-URI. The URI MUST NOT include a fragment. See section 15.1.3 for security considerations. ! !HTTPRefererField class methodsFor: 'accessing' stamp: ' 14/4/07 23:10'! fieldName ^'Referer'! ! !HTTPRefererField methodsFor: 'private' stamp: ' 14/4/07 23:10'! parseValueFrom: aString uri := SwazooURI fromString: aString. ^self! ! !HTTPRefererField methodsFor: 'accessing' stamp: ' 14/4/07 23:10'! uri ^uri! ! !HTTPRefererField methodsFor: 'printing' stamp: ' 14/4/07 23:10'! valuesAsStringOn: aStream self uri printOn: aStream. ^self! ! SpecificHeaderField subclass: #HTTPServerField instanceVariableNames: 'productTokens' classVariableNames: '' poolDictionaries: '' category: 'Swazoo-Headers'! !HTTPServerField class methodsFor: 'accessing' stamp: ' 14/4/07 23:10'! fieldName ^'Server'! ! !HTTPServerField methodsFor: 'accessing' stamp: ' 14/4/07 23:10'! productTokens ^productTokens! ! !HTTPServerField methodsFor: 'accessing' stamp: ' 14/4/07 23:10'! productTokens: aString productTokens := aString. ^self! ! !HTTPServerField methodsFor: 'printing' stamp: ' 14/4/07 23:10'! valuesAsStringOn: aStream aStream nextPutAll: self productTokens. ^self! ! SpecificHeaderField subclass: #HTTPSetCookieField instanceVariableNames: 'cookies' classVariableNames: '' poolDictionaries: '' category: 'Swazoo-Headers'! !HTTPSetCookieField class methodsFor: 'accessing' stamp: ' 14/4/07 23:10'! fieldName ^'Set-Cookie'! ! !HTTPSetCookieField methodsFor: 'services' stamp: ' 14/4/07 23:10'! addCookie: aCookieString ^self cookies add: aCookieString! ! !HTTPSetCookieField methodsFor: 'services' stamp: ' 14/4/07 23:10'! combineWith: aSetCookieField "^self I add the cookies of aSetCookieField to my own collection of cookies." self cookies addAll: aSetCookieField cookies. ^self! ! !HTTPSetCookieField methodsFor: 'accessing' stamp: ' 14/4/07 23:10'! cookies cookies isNil ifTrue: [cookies := OrderedCollection new]. ^cookies! ! !HTTPSetCookieField methodsFor: 'printing' stamp: ' 14/4/07 23:10'! valuesAsStringOn: aStream aStream nextPutAll: (self cookies at: 1). 2 to: self cookies size do: [:cookieIndex | aStream nextPutAll: ', '; nextPutAll: (self cookies at: cookieIndex)]. ^self! ! SpecificHeaderField subclass: #HTTPUserAgentField instanceVariableNames: 'productTokens' classVariableNames: '' poolDictionaries: '' category: 'Swazoo-Headers'! !HTTPUserAgentField commentStamp: '' prior: 0! RFC 2616: 14.43 User-Agent The User-Agent request-header field contains information about the user agent originating the request. This is for statistical purposes, the tracing of protocol violations, and automated recognition of user agents for the sake of tailoring responses to avoid particular user agent limitations. User agents SHOULD include this field with requests. The field can contain multiple product tokens (section 3.8) and comments identifying the agent and any subproducts which form a significant part of the user agent. By convention, the product tokens are listed in order of their significance for identifying the application. User-Agent = "User-Agent" ":" 1*( product | comment ) Example: User-Agent: CERN-LineMode/2.15 libwww/2.17b3! !HTTPUserAgentField class methodsFor: 'accessing' stamp: ' 14/4/07 23:10'! fieldName ^'User-Agent'! ! !HTTPUserAgentField methodsFor: 'private' stamp: ' 14/4/07 23:10'! parseValueFrom: aString "^self I could try and parse out the product name and version numbers, but there is no need to worry about this at the moment, so I just record the string." productTokens := HTTPString trimBlanksFrom: aString. ^self! ! !HTTPUserAgentField methodsFor: 'accessing' stamp: ' 14/4/07 23:10'! productTokens ^productTokens! ! !HTTPUserAgentField methodsFor: 'printing' stamp: ' 14/4/07 23:10'! valuesAsStringOn: aStream aStream nextPutAll: productTokens. ^self! ! SpecificHeaderField subclass: #HTTPWWWAuthenticateField instanceVariableNames: '' classVariableNames: '' poolDictionaries: '' category: 'Swazoo-Headers'! HTTPWWWAuthenticateField subclass: #HTTPWWWAuthenticateBasicField instanceVariableNames: 'realm' classVariableNames: '' poolDictionaries: '' category: 'Swazoo-Headers'! !HTTPWWWAuthenticateBasicField methodsFor: 'testing' stamp: ' 14/4/07 23:10'! isBasic "^a Boolean I return true if I represent a header for basic authentication. c.f. RFC 2617 sec 2." ^true! ! !HTTPWWWAuthenticateBasicField methodsFor: 'accessing' stamp: ' 14/4/07 23:10'! realm "^a String I return the realm for which I represent an autentication challenge. This string will be presented to the browser user in the login dialog." ^realm! ! !HTTPWWWAuthenticateBasicField methodsFor: 'accessing' stamp: ' 14/4/07 23:10'! realm: anObject realm := anObject! ! !HTTPWWWAuthenticateBasicField methodsFor: 'printing' stamp: ' 14/4/07 23:10'! valuesAsStringOn: aStream aStream nextPutAll: 'Basic realm="'; nextPutAll: self realm; nextPut: $". ^self! ! HTTPWWWAuthenticateField subclass: #HTTPWWWAuthenticateDigestField instanceVariableNames: '' classVariableNames: '' poolDictionaries: '' category: 'Swazoo-Headers'! !HTTPWWWAuthenticateDigestField methodsFor: 'testing' stamp: ' 14/4/07 23:10'! isDigest "^a Boolean I return true if I represent a header for digest authentication. c.f. RFC 2617 sec 3." ^true! ! !HTTPWWWAuthenticateField class methodsFor: 'accessing' stamp: ' 14/4/07 23:10'! fieldName ^'WWW-Authenticate'! ! !HTTPWWWAuthenticateField methodsFor: 'testing' stamp: ' 14/4/07 23:10'! isBasic "^a Boolean I return true if I represent a header for basic authentication. c.f. RFC 2617 sec 2." ^false! ! !HTTPWWWAuthenticateField methodsFor: 'testing' stamp: ' 14/4/07 23:10'! isDigest "^a Boolean I return true if I represent a header for digest authentication. c.f. RFC 2617 sec 3." ^false! ! !SpecificHeaderField class methodsFor: 'accessing' stamp: ' 14/4/07 23:10'! fieldName ^self subclassResponsibility! ! !SpecificHeaderField class methodsFor: 'private' stamp: ' 14/4/07 23:10'! newForFieldName: fieldNameString withValueFrom: fieldValueString ^self newWithValueFrom: fieldValueString! ! !SpecificHeaderField class methodsFor: 'private' stamp: ' 14/4/07 23:10'! newWithValueFrom: fieldValueString ^self new valueFrom: fieldValueString! ! !SpecificHeaderField methodsFor: 'accessing' stamp: ' 14/4/07 23:10'! name ^self class fieldName! ! !SpecificHeaderField methodsFor: 'accessing' stamp: ' 14/4/07 23:10'! parameterAt: aString ifAbsent: aBlock 1 halt: 'use the transfer encodings of the field, not this'. ^self parameters at: aString ifAbsent: aBlock! ! !SpecificHeaderField methodsFor: 'private' stamp: ' 14/4/07 23:10'! parseValueFrom: aString ^self subclassResponsibility! ! !SpecificHeaderField methodsFor: 'private' stamp: ' 14/4/07 23:10'! readParametersFrom: sourceStream "^a Dictionary c.f. RFC 2616 3.6 Transfer Codings" | parameters | parameters := Dictionary new. [sourceStream atEnd] whileFalse: [| attribute value | attribute := HTTPString trimBlanksFrom: (sourceStream upTo: $=). value := HTTPString trimBlanksFrom: (sourceStream upTo: $;). parameters at: attribute put: value]. ^parameters! ! !SpecificHeaderField methodsFor: 'initialize-release' stamp: ' 14/4/07 23:10'! valueFrom: fieldValueString self parseValueFrom: fieldValueString. ^self! ! !SpecificHeaderField methodsFor: 'accessing' stamp: ' 14/4/07 23:10'! values ^Array with: self value! ! Object subclass: #MimeObject instanceVariableNames: 'contentType value' classVariableNames: '' poolDictionaries: '' category: 'Swazoo-Messages'! MimeObject subclass: #HTTPPostDatum instanceVariableNames: 'filename writeStream writeBlock' classVariableNames: '' poolDictionaries: '' category: 'Swazoo-Messages'! !HTTPPostDatum methodsFor: 'private-accessing' stamp: ' 14/4/07 23:10'! defaultContentType ^'text/plain'! ! !HTTPPostDatum methodsFor: 'accessing' stamp: ' 14/4/07 23:10'! filename ^filename! ! !HTTPPostDatum methodsFor: 'accessing' stamp: ' 14/4/07 23:10'! filename: aString filename := aString! ! !HTTPPostDatum methodsFor: 'accessing' stamp: ' 14/4/07 23:10'! filenameWithoutPath "M$ Internet Explorer includes full path in filename of uploaded file!! " self filename isNil ifTrue: [^nil]. ^(self filename includes: $\ ) ifTrue: [self filename copyFrom: (self filename lastIndexOf: $\ )+1 to: self filename size] ifFalse: [self filename]! ! !HTTPPostDatum methodsFor: 'testing' stamp: 'mivsek 7/24/2007 21:04'! isStreamed "this postDatum is streamed - it has an output stream to receive data into or a block which will set it" ^self writeStream notNil or: [self writeBlock notNil]! ! !HTTPPostDatum methodsFor: 'accessing' stamp: 'mivsek 7/24/2007 21:03'! writeBlock ^writeBlock! ! !HTTPPostDatum methodsFor: 'accessing' stamp: 'mivsek 7/24/2007 21:03'! writeBlock: aBlockClosure "this block will be called just before start of streaming to writeStream. It can be used to open the writeStream, because on that time we already know the filename of uploaded file. As a parameter this postDatum is sent" writeBlock := aBlockClosure! ! !HTTPPostDatum methodsFor: 'accessing' stamp: 'mivsek 7/20/2007 23:44'! writeStream ^writeStream! ! !HTTPPostDatum methodsFor: 'accessing' stamp: 'mivsek 7/20/2007 23:44'! writeStream: aWriteStream "a binary stream where to put directly a post data" writeStream := aWriteStream! ! !MimeObject methodsFor: 'accessing' stamp: ' 14/4/07 23:10'! contentType ^contentType isNil ifTrue: [self defaultContentType] ifFalse: [contentType]! ! !MimeObject methodsFor: 'accessing' stamp: ' 14/4/07 23:10'! contentType: anObject contentType := anObject! ! !MimeObject methodsFor: 'private-accessing' stamp: ' 14/4/07 23:10'! defaultContentType ^'application/octet-stream'! ! !MimeObject methodsFor: 'accessing' stamp: ' 14/4/07 23:10'! value ^value! ! !MimeObject methodsFor: 'accessing' stamp: ' 14/4/07 23:10'! value: anObject value := anObject! ! Object subclass: #SwazooBenchmarks instanceVariableNames: 'server content' classVariableNames: 'Singleton' poolDictionaries: '' category: 'Swazoo-Tests'! !SwazooBenchmarks commentStamp: '' prior: 0! SwazooBenchmarks stores several benchmarks and performance routines ! !SwazooBenchmarks class methodsFor: 'accessing' stamp: ' 7/5/08 11:08'! singleton Singleton isNil ifTrue: [Singleton := self new]. ^Singleton! ! !SwazooBenchmarks methodsFor: 'accessing' stamp: ' 7/5/08 11:08'! content "test content to be writen to the socket" content isNil ifTrue: [self initContent]. ^content! ! !SwazooBenchmarks methodsFor: 'accessing' stamp: ' 7/5/08 11:08'! content: aByteArray content := aByteArray! ! !SwazooBenchmarks methodsFor: 'initialize-release' stamp: 'janko 5/8/2008 01:09'! contentSize ^4! ! !SwazooBenchmarks methodsFor: 'initialize-release' stamp: 'PaoloBonzini 10/4/2009 10:30'! initContent | response ws | response := HTTPResponse ok. response entity: (ByteArray new: self contentSize withAll: 16r55). ws := SwazooStream on: String new. HTTPPrinter writeResponse: response to: ws. content := ws writeBufferContents.! ! !SwazooBenchmarks methodsFor: 'accessing' stamp: ' 7/5/08 11:08'! server "TCP server loop" ^server! ! !SwazooBenchmarks methodsFor: 'accessing' stamp: ' 7/5/08 11:08'! server: aProcess "TCP server loop" server := aProcess! ! !SwazooBenchmarks methodsFor: 'socket performance' stamp: 'janko 5/8/2008 13:58'! serverLoop | socket clientSocket | socket := SpSocket newTCPSocket. socket setAddressReuse: true; bindSocketAddress: (SpIPAddress hostName: 'localhost' port: 9999). [ socket listenBackloggingUpTo: 50. [true] whileTrue: [ clientSocket := socket accept. [ [true] whileTrue: [clientSocket underlyingSocket waitForData. clientSocket read: 60. "HTTP request" clientSocket write: self content] ] on: Error "probably connection close by peer" do: [:ex | "nothing"] ] ] ensure: [clientSocket notNil ifTrue: [clientSocket close]. socket close]! ! !SwazooBenchmarks methodsFor: 'socket performance' stamp: ' 7/5/08 11:08'! startSocketServer "SwazooBenchmarks singleton startSocketServer" "SwazooBenchmarks singleton stopSocketServer" "testing raw socket performance. it will start a server on localhost:9999 to receive a request and respond with 10K response as drirectly as possible." self stopSocketServer. self server: [self serverLoop] fork.! ! !SwazooBenchmarks methodsFor: 'socket performance' stamp: 'janko 5/7/2008 14:14'! stopSocketServer "SwazooBenchmarks singleton stopSocketServer" self server notNil ifTrue: [self server terminate. self server: nil]. self content: nil. (Delay forMilliseconds: 1000) wait. ! ! Object subclass: #SwazooCacheControl instanceVariableNames: 'request cacheTarget etag lastModified' classVariableNames: '' poolDictionaries: '' category: 'Swazoo-Resources'! !SwazooCacheControl methodsFor: 'operations' stamp: ' 14/4/07 23:10'! addNotModifedHeaders: aResponse "RFC2616 10.3.5 If the conditional GET used a strong cache validator (see section 13.3.3), the response SHOULD NOT include other entity-headers. ... this prevents inconsistencies between cached entity-bodies and updated headers. " self isRequestStrongValidator ifTrue: [aResponse headers addField: (HTTPETagField new entityTag: self etag)] ifFalse: [self basicAddResponseHeaders: aResponse]. ^aResponse! ! !SwazooCacheControl methodsFor: 'operations' stamp: ' 14/4/07 23:10'! addResponseHeaders: aResponse "Add response headers to the response. We MUST differentiate between 200/302 responses" ^aResponse isNotModified ifTrue: [self addNotModifedHeaders: aResponse] ifFalse: [self basicAddResponseHeaders: aResponse]! ! !SwazooCacheControl methodsFor: 'operations' stamp: 'JM 4/18/2007 16:23'! basicAddResponseHeaders: aResponse "RFC 2616 13.3.4 HTTP/1.1 origin servers: - SHOULD send an entity tag validator unless it is not feasible to generate one. - SHOULD send a Last-Modified value " aResponse headers addField: (HTTPETagField new entityTag: self etag). aResponse headers addField: (HTTPLastModifiedField new timestamp: self lastModified). ^aResponse! ! !SwazooCacheControl methodsFor: 'accessing' stamp: ' 14/4/07 23:10'! cacheTarget ^cacheTarget! ! !SwazooCacheControl methodsFor: 'accessing' stamp: ' 14/4/07 23:10'! etag etag isNil ifTrue: [etag := self generateETag]. ^etag! ! !SwazooCacheControl methodsFor: 'accessing' stamp: ' 14/4/07 23:10'! etag: aString etag := aString! ! !SwazooCacheControl methodsFor: 'operations' stamp: ' 14/4/07 23:10'! generateETag ^self cacheTarget etag! ! !SwazooCacheControl methodsFor: 'operations' stamp: ' 14/4/07 23:10'! generateLastModified ^self cacheTarget lastModified! ! !SwazooCacheControl methodsFor: 'testing' stamp: ' 14/4/07 23:10'! isIfModifiedSince "Answers true if either - the request does not included the header -or there is not a match" | ifModifiedSince | ifModifiedSince := request headers fieldOfClass: HTTPIfModifiedSinceField ifNone: [nil]. ^ifModifiedSince isNil or: [self lastModified > ifModifiedSince date]! ! !SwazooCacheControl methodsFor: 'testing' stamp: ' 14/4/07 23:10'! isIfNoneMatch "Answers true if either - the request does not included the header -or there is not a match" | field | field := request headers fieldOfClass: HTTPIfNoneMatchField ifNone: [nil]. ^field isNil or: [(field entityTags includes: self etag) not]! ! !SwazooCacheControl methodsFor: 'testing' stamp: ' 14/4/07 23:10'! isNotModified "Compare the cacheTarget with the request headers and answer if the client's version is not modified. Takes into account http version, and uses best practices defined by HTTP spec" ^self isIfNoneMatch not or: [self isIfModifiedSince not]! ! !SwazooCacheControl methodsFor: 'testing' stamp: ' 14/4/07 23:10'! isRequestStrongValidator | field | field := request headers fieldOfClass: HTTPIfNoneMatchField ifNone: [nil]. ^field notNil and: [field entityTags isEmpty not]! ! !SwazooCacheControl methodsFor: 'testing' stamp: ' 14/4/07 23:10'! lastModified lastModified isNil ifTrue: [lastModified := self generateLastModified]. ^lastModified! ! !SwazooCacheControl methodsFor: 'testing' stamp: ' 14/4/07 23:10'! lastModified: aRFC1123TimeStampString lastModified := aRFC1123TimeStampString! ! !SwazooCacheControl methodsFor: 'accessing' stamp: ' 14/4/07 23:10'! request: aHTTPGet cacheTarget: anObject request := aHTTPGet. cacheTarget := anObject! ! Object subclass: #SwazooCompiler instanceVariableNames: 'accessor' classVariableNames: '' poolDictionaries: '' category: 'Swazoo-Resources'! !SwazooCompiler class methodsFor: 'evaluation' stamp: 'janko 7/26/2008 13:54'! evaluate: aString ^SpEnvironment evaluate: aString receiver: SwazooCompiler in: self class environment! ! !SwazooCompiler class methodsFor: 'evaluation' stamp: ' 14/4/07 23:09'! evaluate: aString receiver: anObject ^SpEnvironment evaluate: aString receiver: anObject in: self class environment! ! Object subclass: #SwazooRequestReader instanceVariableNames: 'request stream requestLine' classVariableNames: '' poolDictionaries: '' category: 'Swazoo-Messages'! SwazooRequestReader subclass: #HTTPReader instanceVariableNames: '' classVariableNames: '' poolDictionaries: '' category: 'Swazoo-Messages'! !HTTPReader methodsFor: 'parsing' stamp: ''! parseHTTPVersion | major minor | self skipSpaces. stream upTo: $/ asInteger. major := (stream upTo: $. asInteger) asString asNumber. minor := (stream upTo: Character cr asInteger) asString asNumber. self httpVersion: (Array with: major with: minor). stream next. ! ! !HTTPReader methodsFor: 'parsing' stamp: ''! parseURI self skipSpaces. self requestURI: (SwazooURI fromString: (stream upTo: Character space asInteger) asString). ^self ! ! !HTTPReader methodsFor: 'parsing' stamp: ''! readHeaderFieldFrom: aString | sourceStream fieldName fieldValue | sourceStream := ReadStream on: aString. fieldName := sourceStream upTo: $:. fieldValue := sourceStream upToEnd. ^HeaderField name: fieldName value: fieldValue ! ! !HTTPReader methodsFor: 'parsing' stamp: ''! readHeaders | nextLine field header | [nextLine := stream nextUnfoldedLine. nextLine isEmpty] whileFalse: [ request headers addField: (self readHeaderFieldFrom: nextLine)]. ^self ! ! !HTTPReader methodsFor: 'parsing' stamp: ''! readRequestLine self skipLeadingBlankLines. self method: (stream upTo: Character space asInteger) asString. self parseURI. self parseHTTPVersion. ! ! !HTTPReader methodsFor: 'parsing' stamp: ''! skipLeadingBlankLines "^self RFC 2616: In the interest of robustness, servers SHOULD ignore any empty line(s) received where a Request-Line is expected. In other words, if the server is reading the protocol stream at the beginning of a message and receives a CRLF first, it should ignore the CRLF." [stream peek == Character cr asInteger] whileTrue: [((stream next: 2) at: 2) == Character lf asInteger ifFalse: [SwazooHTTPParseError raiseSignal: 'CR without LF']]. ^self ! ! !HTTPReader methodsFor: 'parsing' stamp: ''! skipSpaces [stream peek = Character space] whileTrue: [stream next]. ^self ! ! !SwazooRequestReader class methodsFor: 'parsing' stamp: ''! readFrom: aSwazooStream | reader | reader := self new. reader initializeStream: aSwazooStream. reader readRequest. ^reader request ! ! !SwazooRequestReader methodsFor: 'accessing-request line' stamp: ''! httpVersion ^requestLine httpVersion ! ! !SwazooRequestReader methodsFor: 'accessing-request line' stamp: ''! httpVersion: aString requestLine httpVersion: aString ! ! !SwazooRequestReader methodsFor: 'initialize' stamp: ''! initializeStream: aSwazooStream stream := aSwazooStream. requestLine := HTTPRequestLine new. ! ! !SwazooRequestReader methodsFor: 'accessing-request line' stamp: ''! method ^requestLine method ! ! !SwazooRequestReader methodsFor: 'accessing-request line' stamp: ''! method: aString requestLine method: aString ! ! !SwazooRequestReader methodsFor: 'parsing' stamp: ''! readBody self request readFrom: stream ! ! !SwazooRequestReader methodsFor: 'abstract-parsing' stamp: ''! readHeaders self subclassResponsibility ! ! !SwazooRequestReader methodsFor: 'parsing' stamp: ''! readRequest self readRequestLine. request := (HTTPRequest classFor: self method) new. request requestLine: requestLine. self readHeaders. self request setTimestamp. self readBody ! ! !SwazooRequestReader methodsFor: 'abstract-parsing' stamp: ''! readRequestLine self subclassResponsibility ! ! !SwazooRequestReader methodsFor: 'accessing' stamp: ''! request ^request ! ! !SwazooRequestReader methodsFor: 'accessing-request line' stamp: ''! requestURI ^requestLine requestURI ! ! !SwazooRequestReader methodsFor: 'accessing-request line' stamp: ''! requestURI: aString requestLine requestURI: aString ! ! !SwazooRequestReader methodsFor: 'accessing' stamp: ''! stream ^stream ! ! Object subclass: #SwazooResource instanceVariableNames: 'enabled uriPattern parent' classVariableNames: '' poolDictionaries: '' category: 'Swazoo-Core'! !SwazooResource commentStamp: 'JM 6/6/2007 13:49' prior: 0! Resource is an abstract class for all so called web resources. Such resource has its url address and can serve with responding to web requests. Every resource need to #answerTo: aHTTPRequest with aHTTPResponse. Site is a subclass of a Resource. You can subclass it with your own implementation. There is also a CompositeResource, which can hold many subresources. Site is also aCopmpositeResource and therefore you can add your own resources to your site.! SwazooResource subclass: #CompositeResource instanceVariableNames: 'children' classVariableNames: '' poolDictionaries: '' category: 'Swazoo-Core'! !CompositeResource methodsFor: 'adding/removing' stamp: ' 14/4/07 23:09'! addResource: aResource self children add: aResource. aResource parent: self. aResource onResourceCreated. ^aResource! ! !CompositeResource methodsFor: 'adding/removing' stamp: ' 14/4/07 23:09'! addResources: anOrderedCollection anOrderedCollection do: [ :each | self addResource: each]. ^anOrderedCollection! ! !CompositeResource methodsFor: 'accessing' stamp: ' 14/4/07 23:09'! children children isNil ifTrue: [self initChildren]. ^children! ! !CompositeResource methodsFor: 'accessing' stamp: ' 14/4/07 23:09'! currentUrl | string | string := super currentUrl. ^string last = $/ ifTrue: [string] ifFalse: [string , '/']! ! !CompositeResource methodsFor: 'testing' stamp: ' 14/4/07 23:09'! hasNoResources ^self children isEmpty! ! !CompositeResource methodsFor: 'accessing' stamp: ' 14/4/07 23:09'! helpResolve: aResolution ^aResolution resolveCompositeResource: self! ! !CompositeResource methodsFor: 'testing' stamp: ' 14/4/07 23:09'! includesResource: aResource ^self children includes: aResource.! ! !CompositeResource methodsFor: 'initialize-release' stamp: ' 14/4/07 23:09'! initChildren children := OrderedCollection new.! ! !CompositeResource methodsFor: 'initialize-release' stamp: ' 14/4/07 23:09'! initialize super initialize. self initChildren! ! !CompositeResource methodsFor: 'testing' stamp: ' 14/4/07 23:09'! isRootPath ^self uriPattern = '/'! ! !CompositeResource methodsFor: 'accessing' stamp: ' 14/4/07 23:09'! printUrlOn: aWriteStream super printUrlOn: aWriteStream. self isRootPath ifFalse: [aWriteStream nextPut: $/]! ! !CompositeResource methodsFor: 'adding/removing' stamp: ' 14/4/07 23:09'! removeResource: aResource self children remove: aResource ifAbsent: [nil]! ! CompositeResource subclass: #ServerRootComposite instanceVariableNames: '' classVariableNames: '' poolDictionaries: '' category: 'Swazoo-HTTP'! !ServerRootComposite methodsFor: 'accessing' stamp: ' 14/4/07 23:09'! helpResolve: aResolution ^aResolution resolveServerRoot: self! ! CompositeResource subclass: #SwazooSite instanceVariableNames: 'name serving' classVariableNames: '' poolDictionaries: '' category: 'Swazoo-Core'! !SwazooSite commentStamp: 'JM 6/6/2007 13:49' prior: 0! Site : Swazoo can serve many sites at once (virtual sites). Class Site is therefore a main class to start configuring your server. It holds an IP, port and hostname of your site.! !SwazooSite class methodsFor: 'accessing' stamp: 'JM 4/17/2007 16:38'! named: aString "return a website with that name" ^SwazooServer singleton siteNamed: aString! ! !SwazooSite class methodsFor: 'instance creation' stamp: 'JM 4/17/2007 16:38'! newNamed: aString | site | site := self new name: aString. SwazooServer singleton addSite: site. site initialize. ^site! ! !SwazooSite methodsFor: 'accessing' stamp: ' 10/7/07 17:21'! addAlias: anAlias self ip isNil "initial uriPattern not yet setup" ifTrue: [self host: anAlias host ip: anAlias ip port: anAlias port] ifFalse: [self uriPattern add: anAlias]! ! !SwazooSite methodsFor: 'accessing' stamp: ' 14/4/07 23:09'! aliases ^self uriPattern! ! !SwazooSite methodsFor: 'config-from-file' stamp: ' 14/4/07 23:09'! compile: tag ^SwazooCompiler evaluate: tag! ! !SwazooSite methodsFor: 'private' stamp: ' 14/4/07 23:09'! helpResolve: aResolution ^aResolution resolveSite: self! ! !SwazooSite methodsFor: 'accessing' stamp: ' 14/4/07 23:09'! host "hostname of this site. Example: hostname must be unique on that server. Don't mix with ip, which also can be something like There can be many sites with different hostnames on the same ip !! " self uriPattern isEmpty ifTrue: [^'']. ^self uriPattern first host! ! !SwazooSite methodsFor: 'private' stamp: ' 14/4/07 23:09'! host: aString self uriPattern first host: aString! ! !SwazooSite methodsFor: 'accessing' stamp: 'mivsek 9/6/2007 14:22'! host: aHostString ip: anIPString port: aNumber "see comments in methods host and ip !! " "hostname must be unique!! " | site | site := SwazooServer singleton siteHostnamed: aHostString. (site notNil and: [site ~= self]) ifTrue: [^SwazooSiteError error: 'Site with that hostname already exist!!']. self uriPattern isEmpty ifTrue: [self uriPattern add: SiteIdentifier new]. self uriPattern first setIp: anIPString port: aNumber host: aHostString! ! !SwazooSite methodsFor: 'accessing' stamp: ' 14/4/07 23:09'! host: aHostString ip: anIPString port: aNumber sslPort: aSSLNumber "see comments in methods host and ip !! " "hostname must be unique!! " self host: aHostString ip: anIPString port: aNumber. self uriPattern size < 2 ifTrue: [self uriPattern add: SSLSiteIdentifier new]. (self uriPattern at: 2) setIp: anIPString port: aSSLNumber host: aHostString! ! !SwazooSite methodsFor: 'accessing' stamp: ' 14/4/07 23:09'! host: aHostString port: aNumber "run on all ip interfaces on specified port" "hostname must be unique!! " self host: aHostString ip: '*' port: aNumber! ! !SwazooSite methodsFor: 'initialize-release' stamp: 'JM 6/6/2007 11:56'! initUriPattern self uriPattern: OrderedCollection new. self uriPattern add: SiteIdentifier new.! ! !SwazooSite methodsFor: 'initialize-release' stamp: ' 14/4/07 23:09'! initialize super initialize. self stop. "in case you initialize working site" self initUriPattern! ! !SwazooSite methodsFor: 'accessing' stamp: ' 14/4/07 23:09'! ip "IP address of this site. Swazoo can have virtual sites, that is, more than one site can share the same ip and port!! IP can be a number or full DNS name. For example: or" ^self uriPattern first ip! ! !SwazooSite methodsFor: 'private' stamp: ' 14/4/07 23:09'! ip: aString self uriPattern first ip: aString! ! !SwazooSite methodsFor: 'testing' stamp: ' 14/4/07 23:09'! isRootPath ^false! ! !SwazooSite methodsFor: 'testing' stamp: ' 14/4/07 23:09'! isServing "is this site on-line?" ^serving notNil and: [serving]! ! !SwazooSite methodsFor: 'private' stamp: ' 14/4/07 23:09'! match: aSiteIdentifier self uriPattern detect: [:each | each match: aSiteIdentifier] ifNone: [^false]. ^true! ! !SwazooSite methodsFor: 'accessing' stamp: ' 14/4/07 23:09'! name "a short name of that site. Example: for host, name it ibm" name isNil ifTrue: [^'']. ^name! ! !SwazooSite methodsFor: 'accessing' stamp: ' 14/4/07 23:09'! name: aString "a short name of that site. Example: for host, name it ibm" "name must be unique" (SwazooServer singleton siteNamed: aString) notNil ifTrue: [^SwazooSiteError error: 'Site with that name already exist!!']. name := aString! ! !SwazooSite methodsFor: 'config-from-file' stamp: ' 14/4/07 23:09'! nextTagFrom: aStream aStream upTo: $<. ^aStream atEnd ifTrue: [nil] ifFalse: [aStream upTo: $>]! ! !SwazooSite methodsFor: 'testing' stamp: 'mivsek 12/31/2007 16:08'! onAllInterfaces "site is running on all machine's IP interfaces" ^self ip = '*' or: [self ip = '']! ! !SwazooSite methodsFor: 'testing' stamp: 'mivsek 12/31/2007 16:08'! onAnyHost "site don't care about host name during url resolution" ^self host = '*'! ! !SwazooSite methodsFor: 'accessing' stamp: ' 14/4/07 23:09'! port ^self uriPattern first port! ! !SwazooSite methodsFor: 'private' stamp: ' 14/4/07 23:09'! port: aNumber self uriPattern first port: aNumber! ! !SwazooSite methodsFor: 'private' stamp: ' 14/4/07 23:09'! printUrlOn: aWriteStream self uriPattern first printUrlOn: aWriteStream! ! !SwazooSite methodsFor: 'config-from-file' stamp: ' 14/4/07 23:09'! readCompositeFrom: aStream storingInto: aComposite | tag | [tag := self nextTagFrom: aStream. tag = '/CompositeResource'] whileFalse: [| thingy | thingy := self compile: tag. aComposite addResource: thingy. (thingy isKindOf: CompositeResource) ifTrue: [self readCompositeFrom: aStream storingInto: thingy]]! ! !SwazooSite methodsFor: 'config-from-file' stamp: ' 14/4/07 23:09'! readFrom: aStream "read configuration from an XML file, see sites.cnf" | tag | tag := self nextTagFrom: aStream. tag isNil ifTrue: [^nil]. tag = 'Site' ifFalse: [^SwazooSiteError error: 'invalid site specification!!']. [tag := self nextTagFrom: aStream. tag = '/Site'] whileFalse: [| thingy | thingy := self compile: tag. (thingy isKindOf: SiteIdentifier) ifTrue: [self addAlias: thingy] ifFalse: [self addResource: thingy. (thingy isKindOf: CompositeResource) ifTrue: [self readCompositeFrom: aStream storingInto: thingy]]]! ! !SwazooSite methodsFor: 'private' stamp: ' 14/4/07 23:09'! serving: aBoolean serving := aBoolean! ! !SwazooSite methodsFor: 'accessing' stamp: ' 14/4/07 23:09'! sslPort: aNumber self uriPattern size < 2 ifTrue: [self uriPattern add: SSLSiteIdentifier new]. (self uriPattern at: 2) setIp: self ip port: aNumber host: self host! ! !SwazooSite methodsFor: 'start/stop' stamp: 'jm 2/8/2009 21:44'! start | swazoo | swazoo := SwazooServer singleton. [self aliases do: [:each | | httpServer | httpServer := swazoo serverFor: each. "it will also create and start it if needed" httpServer addSite: self] ] ifCurtailed: [self stop]. self serving: true.! ! !SwazooSite methodsFor: 'start/stop' stamp: 'janko 7/26/2008 13:18'! stop | swazoo | swazoo := SwazooServer singleton. self aliases do: [:each | | httpServer | httpServer := swazoo serverFor: each. (swazoo servers includes: httpServer) ifTrue: [httpServer removeSite: self. httpServer hasNoSites ifTrue: [swazoo removeServer: httpServer. httpServer stop]]]. self serving: false.! ! !SwazooSite methodsFor: 'private' stamp: ' 14/4/07 23:09'! uriPattern uriPattern isNil ifTrue: [self initUriPattern]. ^uriPattern! ! !SwazooSite methodsFor: 'private' stamp: 'janko 8/2/2008 15:01'! watchdogAction "override in your subclass"! ! SwazooResource subclass: #FileMappingResource instanceVariableNames: 'directoryIndex filePath' classVariableNames: '' poolDictionaries: '' category: 'Swazoo-Resources'! !FileMappingResource class methodsFor: 'instance creation' stamp: ' 14/4/07 23:10'! uriPattern: aString filePath: aFilePath ^(self uriPattern: aString) filePath: aFilePath! ! !FileMappingResource class methodsFor: 'instance creation' stamp: ' 14/4/07 23:10'! uriPattern: aString filePath: aFilePath directoryIndex: anotherString ^(self uriPattern: aString) filePath: aFilePath; directoryIndex: anotherString! ! !FileMappingResource methodsFor: 'serving' stamp: ' 14/4/07 23:10'! answerTo: aRequest (self checkExistence: aRequest) ifFalse: [^nil]. (self checkURI: aRequest) ifFalse: [| response | response := HTTPResponse movedPermanently. response headers addField: (HTTPLocationField new uriString: aRequest uri identifier , '/'). ^response]. ^self file: (self fileFor: aRequest) answerTo: aRequest! ! !FileMappingResource methodsFor: 'private' stamp: ' 14/4/07 23:10'! checkExistence: aRequest (self rootFileFor: aRequest) exists ifFalse: [^false]. ^(self fileFor: aRequest) exists! ! !FileMappingResource methodsFor: 'private' stamp: ' 14/4/07 23:10'! checkURI: aRequest | needsFinalSlash | needsFinalSlash := (self rootFileFor: aRequest) isDirectory and: [aRequest uri isDirectory not]. ^needsFinalSlash not! ! !FileMappingResource methodsFor: 'accessing' stamp: ' 14/4/07 23:10'! directoryIndex ^directoryIndex! ! !FileMappingResource methodsFor: 'accessing' stamp: ' 14/4/07 23:10'! directoryIndex: aString directoryIndex := aString! ! !FileMappingResource methodsFor: 'private' stamp: ' 14/4/07 23:10'! file: aFilename answerTo: aRequest ^self subclassResponsibility! ! !FileMappingResource methodsFor: 'private' stamp: 'mivsek 8/16/2007 22:05'! fileDirectory ^SpFilename named: self filePath! ! !FileMappingResource methodsFor: 'private' stamp: ' 14/4/07 23:10'! fileFor: aRequest | fn | fn := self rootFileFor: aRequest. fn isDirectory ifTrue: [fn := fn construct: self directoryIndex]. ^fn! ! !FileMappingResource methodsFor: 'accessing' stamp: ' 14/4/07 23:10'! filePath ^filePath! ! !FileMappingResource methodsFor: 'accessing' stamp: ' 14/4/07 23:10'! filePath: aString filePath := aString! ! !FileMappingResource methodsFor: 'private-initialize' stamp: ' 14/4/07 23:10'! initialize super initialize. self directoryIndex: 'index.html'! ! !FileMappingResource methodsFor: 'private' stamp: ' 14/4/07 23:10'! rootFileFor: aRequest ^aRequest tailPath inject: self fileDirectory into: [:subPath :each | (#('.' '..') includes: (HTTPString trimBlanksFrom: each)) ifTrue: [subPath] ifFalse: [subPath construct: each]]! ! FileMappingResource subclass: #FileResource instanceVariableNames: '' classVariableNames: 'ContentTypes' poolDictionaries: '' category: 'Swazoo-Resources'! !FileResource class methodsFor: 'class initialization' stamp: ' 14/4/07 23:10'! initialize "self initialize" ContentTypes := (Dictionary new) add: '.txt' -> 'text/plain'; add: '.html' -> 'text/html'; add: '.htm' -> 'text/html'; add: '.css' -> 'text/css'; add: '.png' -> 'image/png'; add: '.gif' -> 'image/gif'; add: '.jpg' -> 'image/jpeg'; add: '.m3u' -> 'audio/mpegurl'; add: '.ico' -> 'image/x-icon'; add: '.pdf' -> 'application/pdf'; yourself! ! !FileResource methodsFor: 'private' stamp: ' 14/4/07 23:10'! contentTypeFor: aString ^ContentTypes at: aString ifAbsent: ['application/octet-stream']! ! !FileResource methodsFor: 'private' stamp: ' 14/4/07 23:10'! file: aFilename answerTo: aRequest | cacheControl response | cacheControl := SwazooCacheControl new request: aRequest cacheTarget: aFilename. response := cacheControl isNotModified ifTrue: [HTTPResponse notModified] ifFalse: [FileResponse ok entity: ((MimeObject new) value: aFilename; contentType: (self contentTypeFor: aFilename extension))]. cacheControl addResponseHeaders: response. ^response! ! FileResource subclass: #HomeResource instanceVariableNames: '' classVariableNames: '' poolDictionaries: '' category: 'Swazoo-Resources'! !HomeResource methodsFor: 'accessing' stamp: ' 14/4/07 23:10'! answerTo: aRequest aRequest tailPath isEmpty ifTrue: [^nil]. (self validateHomePath: aRequest tailPath first) ifFalse: [^nil]. ^super answerTo: aRequest! ! !HomeResource methodsFor: 'private' stamp: ' 14/4/07 23:10'! rootFileFor: aRequest | homeKey file | homeKey := aRequest tailPath first copyFrom: 2 to: aRequest tailPath first size. file := (self fileDirectory construct: homeKey) construct: 'html'. (aRequest tailPath copyFrom: 2 to: aRequest tailPath size) do: [:each | each = '..' ifFalse: [file := file construct: each]]. ^file! ! !HomeResource methodsFor: 'private' stamp: ' 14/4/07 23:10'! validateHomePath: aString ^aString first = $~! ! SwazooResource subclass: #HelloWorldResource instanceVariableNames: '' classVariableNames: '' poolDictionaries: '' category: 'Swazoo-Resources'! !HelloWorldResource methodsFor: 'serving' stamp: 'JM 4/17/2007 16:31'! answerTo: aRequest | response | response := HTTPResponse ok. response contentType: 'text/html'; entity: 'Hello WorldHello World!!'. ^response! ! SwazooResource subclass: #RedirectionResource instanceVariableNames: 'targetUri' classVariableNames: '' poolDictionaries: '' category: 'Swazoo-Resources'! !RedirectionResource class methodsFor: 'instance creation' stamp: ' 14/4/07 23:10'! uriPattern: aString targetUri: bString ^(self uriPattern: aString) targetUri: bString! ! !RedirectionResource methodsFor: 'serving' stamp: ' 14/4/07 23:10'! answerTo: aRequest | answer | answer := HTTPResponse movedPermanently. answer headers addField: (HTTPLocationField new uriString: self targetUri). ^answer! ! !RedirectionResource methodsFor: 'private-initialize' stamp: ' 14/4/07 23:10'! targetUri ^targetUri! ! !RedirectionResource methodsFor: 'private-initialize' stamp: ' 14/4/07 23:10'! targetUri: aString targetUri := aString! ! !SwazooResource class methodsFor: 'instance creation' stamp: ' 14/4/07 23:09'! new ^super new initialize! ! !SwazooResource class methodsFor: 'instance creation' stamp: ' 14/4/07 23:09'! uriPattern: aString ^self new uriPattern: aString! ! !SwazooResource methodsFor: 'serving' stamp: ' 14/4/07 23:09'! answerTo: aRequest "override in your Resource and return a HTTPResponse" ^nil! ! !SwazooResource methodsFor: 'authentication' stamp: ' 14/4/07 23:09'! authenticationRealm "rfc2617 3.2.1: A string to be displayed to users so they know which username and password to use. This string should contain at least the name of the host performing the authentication and might additionally indicate the collection of users who might have access. An example might be '' " ^'Swazoo server'! ! !SwazooResource methodsFor: 'authentication' stamp: ' 14/4/07 23:09'! authenticationScheme "#Basic or #Digest, see rfc2617. Digest is recomended because password goes encrypted to server" ^#Digest! ! !SwazooResource methodsFor: 'testing' stamp: ' 14/4/07 23:09'! canAnswer ^self isEnabled and: [self isValidlyConfigured]! ! !SwazooResource methodsFor: 'accessing' stamp: ' 14/4/07 23:09'! currentUrl | stream | stream := WriteStream on: String new. self printUrlOn: stream. ^stream contents! ! !SwazooResource methodsFor: 'start/stop' stamp: ' 14/4/07 23:09'! disable enabled := false! ! !SwazooResource methodsFor: 'start/stop' stamp: ' 14/4/07 23:09'! enable enabled := true! ! !SwazooResource methodsFor: 'accessing' stamp: ' 14/4/07 23:09'! helpResolve: aResolution ^aResolution resolveLeafResource: self! ! !SwazooResource methodsFor: 'private-initialize' stamp: ' 14/4/07 23:09'! initUriPattern self uriPattern: ''! ! !SwazooResource methodsFor: 'private-initialize' stamp: ' 14/4/07 23:09'! initialize self enable. self initUriPattern! ! !SwazooResource methodsFor: 'testing' stamp: ' 14/4/07 23:09'! isEnabled ^enabled! ! !SwazooResource methodsFor: 'testing' stamp: ' 14/4/07 23:09'! isValidlyConfigured ^self uriPattern ~= ''! ! !SwazooResource methodsFor: 'private' stamp: ' 14/4/07 23:09'! match: anIdentifier ^self uriPattern match: anIdentifier! ! !SwazooResource methodsFor: 'private-initialize' stamp: ' 14/4/07 23:09'! onResourceCreated "Received after the resource has been added to its parent resource. Opportunity to perform initialization that depends on knowledge of the resource tree structure"! ! !SwazooResource methodsFor: 'accessing' stamp: ' 14/4/07 23:09'! parent ^parent! ! !SwazooResource methodsFor: 'private' stamp: ' 14/4/07 23:09'! parent: aResource parent := aResource! ! !SwazooResource methodsFor: 'accessing' stamp: ' 14/4/07 23:09'! printUrlOn: aWriteStream self parent printUrlOn: aWriteStream. aWriteStream nextPutAll: self uriPattern! ! !SwazooResource methodsFor: 'accessing' stamp: ' 14/4/07 23:09'! root ^self parent isNil ifTrue: [self] ifFalse: [self parent root]! ! !SwazooResource methodsFor: 'start/stop' stamp: ' 14/4/07 23:09'! start! ! !SwazooResource methodsFor: 'start/stop' stamp: ' 14/4/07 23:09'! stop! ! !SwazooResource methodsFor: 'authentication' stamp: 'JM 4/14/2007 23:25'! unauthorizedResponse "Resource should call this method and return its result immediately, if request is not authorized to access that resource and a HTTP authorization is needed" " ^HTTPAuthenticationChallenge newForResource: self " ! ! !SwazooResource methodsFor: 'authentication' stamp: ' 14/4/07 23:09'! unauthorizedResponsePage "Resource should override this method with it's own html message" ^' Authentication error

401 Authentication error

Bad username or password

'! ! !SwazooResource methodsFor: 'accessing' stamp: ' 14/4/07 23:09'! uriPattern ^uriPattern! ! !SwazooResource methodsFor: 'accessing' stamp: ' 14/4/07 23:09'! uriPattern: anIdentifier anIdentifier notNil ifTrue: [uriPattern := anIdentifier]! ! Object subclass: #SwazooResponsePrinter instanceVariableNames: 'stream response' classVariableNames: '' poolDictionaries: '' category: 'Swazoo-Messages'! SwazooResponsePrinter subclass: #HTTPPrinter instanceVariableNames: '' classVariableNames: '' poolDictionaries: '' category: 'Swazoo-Messages'! !HTTPPrinter methodsFor: 'private-sending' stamp: ''! crlf stream nextPut: Character cr; nextPut: Character lf ! ! !HTTPPrinter methodsFor: 'private-sending' stamp: ''! endHeader self crlf ! ! !HTTPPrinter methodsFor: 'private-sending' stamp: ''! printChunkedTransferEncoding stream nextPutAll: 'Transfer-Encoding: chunked'. self crlf ! ! !HTTPPrinter methodsFor: 'private-sending' stamp: ''! printHeader: aField stream nextPutAll: aField name; nextPutAll: ': '. aField valuesAsStringOn: stream. self crlf ! ! !HTTPPrinter methodsFor: 'private-sending' stamp: ''! printStatus | version | version := (response task isNil or: [response task request isNil or: [response task request isHttp11]]) ifTrue: ['HTTP/1.1 '] ifFalse: ['HTTP/1.0 ']. stream nextPutAll: version; print: response code; space; nextPutAll: response codeText. self crlf ! ! !SwazooResponsePrinter class methodsFor: 'private-sending' stamp: 'PaoloBonzini 10/4/2009 10:33'! writeHeadersFor: aResponse to: aSwazooStream aSwazooStream isNil ifTrue: [^self]. self new response: aResponse; stream: aSwazooStream; writeHeader; closeResponse ! ! !SwazooResponsePrinter class methodsFor: 'private-sending' stamp: 'PaoloBonzini 10/4/2009 10:33'! writeResponse: aResponse for: aRequest to: aSwazooStream aSwazooStream isNil ifTrue: [^self]. self new response: aResponse; stream: aSwazooStream; writeResponseTo: aRequest; closeResponse ! ! !SwazooResponsePrinter class methodsFor: 'private-sending' stamp: 'PaoloBonzini 10/4/2009 10:33'! writeResponse: aResponse to: aSwazooStream aSwazooStream isNil ifTrue: [^self]. self new response: aResponse; stream: aSwazooStream; writeResponseTo: nil; closeResponse ! ! !SwazooResponsePrinter methodsFor: 'abstract-sending' stamp: ''! endHeader self subclassResponsibility ! ! !SwazooResponsePrinter methodsFor: 'abstract-sending' stamp: ''! printChunkedTransferEncoding self subclassResponsibility ! ! !SwazooResponsePrinter methodsFor: 'sending' stamp: ''! printContentLength "it is also added to headers. It is added so late because to be printed last, just before body starts" self printHeader: response contentLength ! ! !SwazooResponsePrinter methodsFor: 'abstract-sending' stamp: ''! printHeader: aField self subclassResponsibility ! ! !SwazooResponsePrinter methodsFor: 'sending' stamp: ''! printHeaders "^self Write the headers (key-value pairs) to aStream. The key must be a String." response headers fields do: [:aField | self printHeader: aField] ! ! !SwazooResponsePrinter methodsFor: 'abstract-sending' stamp: ''! printStatus self subclassResponsibility ! ! !SwazooResponsePrinter methodsFor: 'accessing' stamp: ''! response ^response ! ! !SwazooResponsePrinter methodsFor: 'accessing' stamp: ''! response: aResponse response := aResponse ! ! !SwazooResponsePrinter methodsFor: 'accessing' stamp: ''! stream ^stream ! ! !SwazooResponsePrinter methodsFor: 'accessing' stamp: ''! stream: aSwazooStream stream := aSwazooStream ! ! !SwazooResponsePrinter methodsFor: 'sending' stamp: ''! writeHeader self printStatus. self printHeaders. (response isStreamed and: [response shouldBeChunked]) ifTrue: [self printChunkedTransferEncoding] ifFalse: [self printContentLength]. self endHeader ! ! !SwazooResponsePrinter methodsFor: 'sending' stamp: ''! writeResponseTo: aRequest stream isNil ifTrue: [^self]. self writeHeader. (aRequest isNil or: [aRequest isHead not]) ifTrue: [response printEntityOn: self stream]. stream closeResponse ! ! Object subclass: #SwazooServer instanceVariableNames: 'connectionPool sites servers watchdog' classVariableNames: 'Singleton' poolDictionaries: '' category: 'Swazoo-Core'! !SwazooServer commentStamp: 'mivsek 12/31/2007 16:37' prior: 0! SwazooServer is where all begins in Swazoo!! SwazooServer singleton : return one and only one server which holds the Sites. Also used to start and stop all sites ato once, to add new sited etc. When running, a collection of HTTPServers is also stored in SwazooServer singleton. SwazooServer demoStart will create and run a demo site on http://localhost:8888 which returns a web page with 'Hello World!!'! !SwazooServer class methodsFor: 'config-from-file' stamp: ' 14/4/07 23:09'! configureFrom: aFilenameString | sites stream | self singleton removeAllSites. stream := aFilenameString asFilename readStream. [sites := self readSitesFrom: stream] ensure: [stream close]. sites do: [:each | self singleton addSite: each. each start]! ! !SwazooServer class methodsFor: 'private' stamp: 'PaoloBonzini 10/2/2009 21:46'! defaultConnectionPoolSize ^15! ! !SwazooServer class methodsFor: 'start/stop' stamp: 'mivsek 12/31/2007 17:11'! demoStart "on http://localhost:8888/ will return simple 'Hello World'" | site | site := self singleton siteNamed: 'swazoodemo'. site isNil ifTrue: [site := self singleton prepareDemoSite]. site start! ! !SwazooServer class methodsFor: 'start/stop' stamp: 'mivsek 9/6/2007 14:04'! demoStop self stopSite: 'swazoodemo'! ! !SwazooServer class methodsFor: 'config-from-file' stamp: 'JM 4/17/2007 16:33'! exampleConfigurationFile "example sites.cnf, which will serve static files from current directory and respond with 'Hello Worlrd' from url http://localhost:8888/foo/Howdy" " "! ! !SwazooServer class methodsFor: 'private' stamp: 'PaoloBonzini 10/2/2009 21:46'! initSingleton Singleton := self basicNew initialize! ! !SwazooServer class methodsFor: 'initialize' stamp: 'mivsek 9/5/2007 23:06'! initialize "self initialize" SpEnvironment addImageStartupTask: [self singleton restartServers] for: self singleton.! ! !SwazooServer class methodsFor: 'private' stamp: ' 14/4/07 23:09'! new ^self shouldNotImplement! ! !SwazooServer class methodsFor: 'private' stamp: 'jm 2/8/2009 13:57'! readSitesFrom: aStream | sites instance | sites := OrderedCollection new. [instance := SwazooSite new readFrom: aStream. instance notNil] whileTrue: [sites add: instance]. ^sites! ! !SwazooServer class methodsFor: 'start/stop' stamp: 'jm 2/8/2009 21:32'! restart self stop; start! ! !SwazooServer class methodsFor: 'accessing' stamp: ' 14/4/07 23:09'! singleton Singleton isNil ifTrue: [self initSingleton]. ^Singleton! ! !SwazooServer class methodsFor: 'accessing' stamp: ' 14/4/07 23:09'! siteHostnamed: aString ^self singleton siteHostnamed: aString! ! !SwazooServer class methodsFor: 'accessing' stamp: ' 14/4/07 23:09'! siteNamed: aString ^self singleton siteNamed: aString! ! !SwazooServer class methodsFor: 'start/stop' stamp: ' 14/4/07 23:09'! start "start all sites" self singleton start! ! !SwazooServer class methodsFor: 'start/stop' stamp: 'mivsek 12/31/2007 17:13'! startOn: aPortNumber "start a site on that port, on all ip interfaces and accepting all hosts. It also created a site if there is any site on that port yet" ^self singleton startOn: aPortNumber! ! !SwazooServer class methodsFor: 'start/stop' stamp: ' 14/4/07 23:09'! startSite: aString "start site with that name" self singleton startSite: aString! ! !SwazooServer class methodsFor: 'start/stop' stamp: ' 14/4/07 23:09'! stop "stop all sites" self singleton stop! ! !SwazooServer class methodsFor: 'start/stop' stamp: 'mivsek 12/31/2007 17:13'! stopOn: aPortNumber "stop a site on that port, if any runingon all ip interfaces and accepting all hosts." ^self singleton stopOn: aPortNumber! ! !SwazooServer class methodsFor: 'start/stop' stamp: ' 14/4/07 23:09'! stopSite: aString "stop site with that name" self singleton stopSite: aString! ! !SwazooServer class methodsFor: 'accessing' stamp: 'jm 2/11/2009 22:59'! swazooVersion ^'Swazoo 2.2 Smalltalk Web Server'! ! !SwazooServer methodsFor: 'private-servers' stamp: 'jm 2/8/2009 21:36'! addServer: aHTTPServer ^self servers add: aHTTPServer! ! !SwazooServer methodsFor: 'adding/removing' stamp: 'mivsek 12/31/2007 16:22'! addSite: aSite (self siteNamed: aSite name) notNil ifTrue: [^SwazooSiteError error: 'Site with that name already exist!!']. (self siteHostnamed: aSite host) notNil ifTrue: [^SwazooSiteError error: 'Site host name must be unique!!']. (self hasSiteHostnamed: aSite host ip: aSite ip port: aSite port) ifTrue: [^SwazooSiteError error: 'Site with that host:ip:port combination already exist!!']. (self allowedHostIPPortFor: aSite) ifFalse: [^SwazooSiteError error: 'Site with such host:ip:port combination not allowed!!']. self sites add: aSite! ! !SwazooServer methodsFor: 'accessing' stamp: ' 14/4/07 23:09'! allSites ^self sites copy! ! !SwazooServer methodsFor: 'private' stamp: 'mivsek 12/31/2007 16:28'! allowedHostIPPortFor: aSite "is host:ip:port combination of aSite allowed regarding to existing sites?" "rules: 1. host name must be unique, except if it is * (anyHost) 2. only one site per port can run on any host and all IP interfaces (ip = * or 3. if there is a site runing on all IPs, then no one can run on specific ip, per port 4. 3 vice versa 5. there is no site with the same host ip port combination " (self siteHostnamed: aSite host) notNil ifTrue: [^false]. (aSite onAllInterfaces and: [self hasSiteOnPort: aSite port]) ifTrue: [^false]. (aSite onAllInterfaces not and: [self hasSiteOnAllInterfacesOnPort: aSite port]) ifTrue: [^false]. (self hasSiteHostnamed: aSite host ip: aSite ip port: aSite port) ifTrue: [^false]. ^true! ! !SwazooServer methodsFor: 'accessing' stamp: 'PaoloBonzini 10/2/2009 22:34'! connectionPool connectionPool isNil ifTrue: [self connectionPoolSize: self class defaultConnectionPoolSize]. ^connectionPool! ! !SwazooServer methodsFor: 'accessing' stamp: 'PaoloBonzini 10/2/2009 21:47'! connectionPoolSize ^connectionPool size! ! !SwazooServer methodsFor: 'accessing' stamp: 'PaoloBonzini 10/2/2009 21:47'! connectionPoolSize: anInteger | active | active := self servers isNil ifTrue: [#()] ifFalse: [self servers copy]. active do: [:each | each stop]. connectionPool := HTTPConnectionPool new: anInteger. active do: [:each | each start]! ! !SwazooServer methodsFor: 'private' stamp: 'mivsek 12/31/2007 16:28'! hasSiteHostnamed: aHostname ip: ipString port: aNumber ^self sites contains: [:each | each host = aHostname and: [each ip = ipString and: [each port = aNumber ] ] ]! ! !SwazooServer methodsFor: 'private' stamp: 'mivsek 12/31/2007 16:28'! hasSiteOnAllInterfacesOnPort: aNumber "only one site per port is allowed when listening to all interfaces" ^self sites contains: [:each | each onAllInterfaces and: [each port = aNumber] ]! ! !SwazooServer methodsFor: 'private' stamp: 'mivsek 12/31/2007 16:30'! hasSiteOnPort: aNumber ^self sites contains: [:each | each port = aNumber ]! ! !SwazooServer methodsFor: 'initialize-release' stamp: ' 14/4/07 23:09'! initServers servers := Set new.! ! !SwazooServer methodsFor: 'initialize-release' stamp: ' 14/4/07 23:09'! initSites sites := OrderedCollection new.! ! !SwazooServer methodsFor: 'initialize-release' stamp: 'PaoloBonzini 10/3/2009 02:07'! initialize self connectionPoolSize: self class defaultConnectionPoolSize. self initSites. self initServers.! ! !SwazooServer methodsFor: 'testing' stamp: 'janko 11/30/2008 22:56'! isServing "any site running currently?" ^self servers notEmpty! ! !SwazooServer methodsFor: 'private-watchdog' stamp: 'mivsek 1/10/2008 23:42'! isWatchdogRunning ^self watchdog notNil "and: [self watchdog is not]. ?!!?"! ! !SwazooServer methodsFor: 'private-servers' stamp: ' 14/4/07 23:09'! newServerFor: aSiteIdentifier ^ aSiteIdentifier newServer.! ! !SwazooServer methodsFor: 'private' stamp: 'jm 2/8/2009 13:56'! prepareDemoSite "on http://localhost:8888 to return 'Hello Word' " | site | site := SwazooSite newNamed: 'swazoodemo'. "which is now also added to SwazoServer" site host: '*' ip: '*' port: 8888. site addResource: (HelloWorldResource uriPattern: '/'). ^site! ! !SwazooServer methodsFor: 'private' stamp: 'jm 2/8/2009 13:56'! prepareDemoSiteOnPort: aNumber "this site will run on all IP interfaces on that port, returning 'Hello World' " | name site | name := 'port', aNumber printString. site := SwazooSite newNamed: name. "which is now also added to SwazoServer" site host: '*' ip: '*' port: aNumber. site addResource: (HelloWorldResource uriPattern: '/'). ^site! ! !SwazooServer methodsFor: 'private' stamp: ' 14/4/07 23:09'! removeAllSites self sites copy do: [:each | self removeSite: each]! ! !SwazooServer methodsFor: 'private-servers' stamp: 'jm 2/8/2009 21:35'! removeServer: aHTTPServer ^self servers remove: aHTTPServer! ! !SwazooServer methodsFor: 'adding/removing' stamp: ' 14/4/07 23:09'! removeSite: aSite aSite stop. self sites remove: aSite! ! !SwazooServer methodsFor: 'start/stop' stamp: 'jm 2/8/2009 21:30'! restart self stop; start.! ! !SwazooServer methodsFor: 'private-servers' stamp: 'mivsek 9/5/2007 23:06'! restartServers "do that after image restart, because TCP sockets are probably not valid anymore" self servers do: [:each | each restart].! ! !SwazooServer methodsFor: 'private-servers' stamp: 'jm 2/8/2009 21:35'! serverFor: aSiteIdentifier | httpServer | aSiteIdentifier isEmpty ifTrue: [^nil]. "in case of new one initializing" ^self servers detect: [:each | (each ip = aSiteIdentifier ip) & (each port = aSiteIdentifier port)] ifNone: [ httpServer := self newServerFor: aSiteIdentifier. self addServer: httpServer. httpServer start. ^httpServer]! ! !SwazooServer methodsFor: 'private' stamp: ' 14/4/07 23:09'! servers servers isNil ifTrue: [self initServers]. ^servers! ! !SwazooServer methodsFor: 'private' stamp: 'mivsek 12/31/2007 16:51'! siteAnyHostAllInterfacesOnPort: aNumber "for host: * ip: * sites" ^self sites detect: [:each | each onAnyHost and: [each onAllInterfaces and: [each port = aNumber]]] ifNone: [nil]! ! !SwazooServer methodsFor: 'accessing' stamp: 'mivsek 12/31/2007 16:23'! siteHostnamed: aString "find a site with that host name" | string | aString = '*' ifTrue: [^nil]. "what else should we return?" string := aString isNil ifTrue: [''] ifFalse: [aString asLowercase]. ^self sites detect: [:each | each host notNil and: [each host asLowercase = string]] ifNone: [nil].! ! !SwazooServer methodsFor: 'accessing' stamp: ' 14/4/07 23:09'! siteNamed: aString "find a site with that short name" | string | string := aString isNil ifTrue: [''] ifFalse: [aString asLowercase]. ^self sites detect: [:each | each name asLowercase = string] ifNone: [nil].! ! !SwazooServer methodsFor: 'private' stamp: ' 14/4/07 23:09'! sites sites isNil ifTrue: [self initSites]. ^sites! ! !SwazooServer methodsFor: 'start/stop' stamp: 'janko 5/21/2008 17:55'! start self sites do: [:site | site start]. self startWatchdog.! ! !SwazooServer methodsFor: 'start/stop' stamp: 'mivsek 12/31/2007 16:24'! startOn: aPortNumber "start a site on that port, on all ip interfaces and accepting all hosts. It also created a site if there is any site on that port yet" "opening http://localhost:portNumber will return a simple 'Hello world' " | site | site := self siteAnyHostAllInterfacesOnPort: aPortNumber. site isNil ifTrue: [site := self prepareDemoSiteOnPort: aPortNumber]. site start. ^site! ! !SwazooServer methodsFor: 'start/stop' stamp: 'janko 5/21/2008 18:03'! startSite: aString "start site with that name" | site | site := self siteNamed: aString. ^site notNil ifTrue: [site start. self isWatchdogRunning ifFalse: [self startWatchdog]. site] ifFalse: [nil]! ! !SwazooServer methodsFor: 'private-watchdog' stamp: 'jm 2/9/2009 12:00'! startWatchdog "SwazooServer singleton startWatchdog" self isWatchdogRunning ifTrue: [self stopWatchdog]. self watchdog: ([ [true] whileTrue: [(self respondsTo: #watchdogSites) ifTrue: [self watchdogSites]. (self respondsTo: #watchdogOther) ifTrue: [self watchdogOther]. "if any" (Delay forSeconds: self watchdogPeriod) wait. ] ] forkAt: Processor lowIOPriority)! ! !SwazooServer methodsFor: 'start/stop' stamp: 'janko 6/7/2008 18:06'! stop self sites do: [:site | site stop]. self servers do: [:server | server stop]. self initServers. self stopWatchdog.! ! !SwazooServer methodsFor: 'start/stop' stamp: 'mivsek 12/31/2007 16:25'! stopOn: aPortNumber "stop a site on that port, if any running on all ip interfaces and accepting all hosts" | site | site := self siteAnyHostAllInterfacesOnPort: aPortNumber. ^site notNil ifTrue: [site stop. site] ifFalse: [nil].! ! !SwazooServer methodsFor: 'start/stop' stamp: 'mivsek 12/31/2007 16:25'! stopSite: aString "stop site with that name" | site | site := self siteNamed: aString. ^site notNil ifTrue: [site stop. site] ifFalse: [nil].! ! !SwazooServer methodsFor: 'private-watchdog' stamp: 'mivsek 1/10/2008 23:40'! stopWatchdog self watchdog notNil ifTrue: [self watchdog terminate. self watchdog: nil].! ! !SwazooServer methodsFor: 'private-watchdog' stamp: 'mivsek 1/10/2008 23:41'! watchdog ^watchdog! ! !SwazooServer methodsFor: 'private-watchdog' stamp: 'mivsek 1/10/2008 23:41'! watchdog: aProcess watchdog := aProcess! ! !SwazooServer methodsFor: 'private-watchdog' stamp: 'mivsek 1/10/2008 23:41'! watchdogPeriod ^10 "seconds"! ! !SwazooServer methodsFor: 'private-watchdog' stamp: 'janko 8/2/2008 15:03'! watchdogSites self sites do: [:each | each isServing ifTrue: [each watchdogAction] ]! ! Object subclass: #SwazooStream instanceVariableNames: 'socket readBuffer readPtr readEnd writeBuffer writePtr writeEnd chunked' classVariableNames: '' poolDictionaries: '' category: 'Swazoo-HTTP'! !SwazooStream class methodsFor: 'instance creation' stamp: ''! connectedPair ^SwazooSocket connectedPair collect: [:each | self socket: each] ! ! !SwazooStream class methodsFor: 'defaults' stamp: ''! defaultBufferSize ^8000 ! ! !SwazooStream class methodsFor: 'instance creation' stamp: ''! on: aString "use only for testing!!!!" ^self new setInputString: aString ! ! !SwazooStream class methodsFor: 'defaults' stamp: ''! preambleSize ^6 ! ! !SwazooStream class methodsFor: 'instance creation' stamp: ''! socket: aSwazooSocket ^self new setSocket: aSwazooSocket ! ! !SwazooStream methodsFor: 'accessing-reading' stamp: ''! anyDataReady "wait for data and return true if any data ready. On VW somethimes happen that data receipt is signaled but no data is actually received" self fillBuffer. ^readPtr <= readEnd ! ! !SwazooStream methodsFor: 'accessing-reading' stamp: ''! atEnd "TCP socket data never ends!!!!" ^false ! ! !SwazooStream methodsFor: 'initialize-release' stamp: ''! close "close TCP socket and relase buffers" self socket close. self nilWriteBuffer. self nilReadBuffer "to GC buffers" ! ! !SwazooStream methodsFor: 'chunked encoding' stamp: ''! closeChunk "a zero sized chunk determine and end of chunked data and also response" | written | "first crlf ends 0 length line, second crlf ends whole response" written := self socket writeFrom: #(48 13 10 13 10) asByteArray startingAt: 1 for: 5. written = 5 ifFalse: [self error: 'socket write error'] ! ! !SwazooStream methodsFor: 'initialize-release' stamp: ''! closeResponse "for chunked response: close it by sending null chunk" "do a bit cleanup after response is sent" self flush. self isChunked ifTrue: [self closeChunk; resetChunked]. ! ! !SwazooStream methodsFor: 'mime boundary' stamp: 'PaoloBonzini 10/4/2009 11:14'! copyBufferTo: anIndex "from current position to desired index" | start | start := readPtr. readPtr := anIndex. ^(ByteArray new: anIndex - start) replaceFrom: 1 to: anIndex - start with: readBuffer startingAt: start ! ! !SwazooStream methodsFor: 'accessing-writing' stamp: ''! cr self nextPutByte: 13 ! ! !SwazooStream methodsFor: 'accessing-writing' stamp: ''! crlf self cr; lf ! ! !SwazooStream methodsFor: 'buffer size' stamp: ''! enlargeReadBuffer: anInteger anInteger < readBuffer size ifTrue: [ ^self ]. readBuffer := (readBuffer class new: anInteger) replaceFrom: 1 to: readBuffer size with: readBuffer startingAt: 1; yourself ! ! !SwazooStream methodsFor: 'private' stamp: ''! fillBuffer readPtr > readEnd ifFalse: [^self]. self socket isNil ifTrue: [^self]. "if SwazooStream is used for tests only" readPtr := 1. readEnd := self socket readInto: readBuffer startingAt: 1 for: readBuffer size. "nr. of actuall bytes read" readEnd = 0 ifTrue: [SwazooStreamNoDataError raiseSignal: 'No data available. Socket probably closed'] ! ! !SwazooStream methodsFor: 'chunked encoding' stamp: ''! fillPreamble | size length start | size := self writeDataSize. "preamble has no room for bigger chunk..." size > 65535 ifTrue: [self error: 'chunk too long!!']. length := size printStringRadix: 16. SpEnvironment isSqueak ifTrue: [length := length copyFrom: 4]. "trim 16r" writeBuffer replaceFrom: 1 to: length size with: length startingAt: 1. writeBuffer replaceFrom: length size + 1 to: 6 with: #[32 32 32 32 13 10] startingAt: length size + 1. writePtr := 1 ! ! !SwazooStream methodsFor: 'initialize-release' stamp: ''! flush "actually write to the tcp socket and clear write buffer" | written | self socket isNil ifTrue: [^nil]. "for simulations and tests" self isChunked ifTrue: [self fillPreamble]. [writeEnd < writePtr] whileFalse: [written := self socket writeFrom: writeBuffer startingAt: writePtr for: writeEnd - writePtr + 1. writePtr := writePtr + written]. writePtr := self class preambleSize + 1. writeEnd := self class preambleSize. ! ! !SwazooStream methodsFor: 'mime boundary' stamp: ''! indexOfBoundary: aBoundaryBytes "index of boundary start, beeing full boundary or part at the end of buffer. 0 if not found" | inx innerInx firstInx | inx := readPtr. [inx <= readEnd] whileTrue: [innerInx := 1. firstInx := inx. [(aBoundaryBytes at: innerInx) = (readBuffer at: inx)] whileTrue: [innerInx = aBoundaryBytes size ifTrue: [^firstInx]. "full boundary found" inx = readEnd ifTrue: [^firstInx]. "partial boundary at the edge of buffer found" inx := inx + 1. innerInx := innerInx + 1]. inx := inx + 1]. ^0 ! ! !SwazooStream methodsFor: 'chunking' stamp: ''! isChunked "sending in chunks (transfer encoding: chunked)" ^chunked notNil and: [chunked] ! ! !SwazooStream methodsFor: 'chunking' stamp: ''! isFull "sending in chunks (transfer encoding: chunked)" ^writeEnd >= writeBuffer size ! ! !SwazooStream methodsFor: 'accessing-writing' stamp: ''! lf self nextPutByte: 10 ! ! !SwazooStream methodsFor: 'accessing-reading' stamp: ''! next self fillBuffer. ^readBuffer at: (readPtr := readPtr + 1) - 1 ! ! !SwazooStream methodsFor: 'accessing-reading' stamp: ''! next: anInteger | array at n | array := String new: anInteger. at := 1. [ at <= anInteger ] whileTrue: [ self fillBuffer. n := readEnd - readPtr + 1 min: anInteger - at + 1. array replaceFrom: at to: at + n - 1 with: readBuffer startingAt: readPtr. readPtr := readPtr + n. at := at + n]. ^array ! ! !SwazooStream methodsFor: 'private-stream' stamp: ''! nextByte self fillBuffer. ^readBuffer byteAt: (readPtr := readPtr + 1) - 1 ! ! !SwazooStream methodsFor: 'private-stream' stamp: ''! nextBytes: anInteger | array at n | array := ByteArray new: anInteger. at := 1. [ at <= anInteger ] whileTrue: [ self fillBuffer. n := readEnd - readPtr + 1 min: anInteger - at + 1. array replaceFrom: at to: at + n - 1 with: readBuffer startingAt: readPtr. readPtr := readPtr + n. at := at + n]. ^array ! ! !SwazooStream methodsFor: 'accessing-reading' stamp: ''! nextLine | stream | stream := WriteStream on: (String new: 50). self writeNextLineTo: stream. ^stream contents ! ! !SwazooStream methodsFor: 'accessing-writing' stamp: ''! nextPut: aCharacterOrInteger self isFull ifTrue: [self flush]. writeBuffer at: (writeEnd := writeEnd + 1) put: aCharacterOrInteger asCharacter. "###" ^aCharacterOrInteger ! ! !SwazooStream methodsFor: 'accessing-writing' stamp: ''! nextPutAll: aByteStringOrArray | at n | at := 1. [ at <= aByteStringOrArray size ] whileTrue: [ self isFull ifTrue: [self flush]. n := writeBuffer size - writeEnd min: aByteStringOrArray size - at + 1. writeBuffer replaceFrom: writeEnd + 1 to: writeEnd + n with: aByteStringOrArray startingAt: at. writeEnd := writeEnd + n. at := at + n]. ^aByteStringOrArray ! ! !SwazooStream methodsFor: 'accessing-reading' stamp: ''! nextPutAllBufferOn: aStream aStream next: readEnd - readPtr + 1 putAll: readBuffer startingAt: readPtr. readPtr := readEnd + 1 ! ! !SwazooStream methodsFor: 'private-stream' stamp: ''! nextPutByte: aByte self isFull ifTrue: [self flush]. ^writeBuffer byteAt: (writeEnd := writeEnd + 1) put: aByte ! ! !SwazooStream methodsFor: 'private-stream' stamp: ''! nextPutBytes: aByteArray ^self nextPutAll: aByteArray ! ! !SwazooStream methodsFor: 'accessing-writing' stamp: ''! nextPutLine: aByteStringOrArray self nextPutAll: aByteStringOrArray. self crlf ! ! !SwazooStream methodsFor: 'accessing-reading' stamp: ''! nextUnfoldedLine | stream ch | stream := WriteStream on: (String new: 50). self writeNextLineTo: stream. stream contents isEmpty ifFalse: [ [ch := self peek. ch notNil and: [ch == Character space or: [ch == Character tab]]] whileTrue: [self writeNextLineTo: stream]]. ^stream contents ! ! !SwazooStream methodsFor: 'initialize-release' stamp: ''! nilReadBuffer "to release memory" readBuffer := nil ! ! !SwazooStream methodsFor: 'initialize-release' stamp: ''! nilWriteBuffer "to release memory" writeBuffer := nil ! ! !SwazooStream methodsFor: 'accessing-reading' stamp: ''! peek | byte | self anyDataReady ifFalse: [^nil]. ^readBuffer at: readPtr ! ! !SwazooStream methodsFor: 'private-stream' stamp: ''! peekByte self anyDataReady ifFalse: [^nil]. ^readBuffer byteAt: readPtr ! ! !SwazooStream methodsFor: 'private' stamp: ''! print: anObject anObject printOn: self ! ! !SwazooStream methodsFor: 'accessing' stamp: ''! readBuffer ^readBuffer ! ! !SwazooStream methodsFor: 'private' stamp: ''! readBuffer: aByteArray ready: dataLength readBuffer := aByteArray. readPtr := 1. readEnd := dataLength. ! ! !SwazooStream methodsFor: 'chunking' stamp: ''! resetChunked "sending in chunks (transfer encoding: chunked)" chunked := false ! ! !SwazooStream methodsFor: 'chunking' stamp: ''! setChunked "sending in chunks (transfer encoding: chunked)" chunked := true ! ! !SwazooStream methodsFor: 'private' stamp: ''! setInputString: aCollection self readBuffer: aCollection asString ready: aCollection size. self writeBuffer: (String new: self class defaultBufferSize). ! ! !SwazooStream methodsFor: 'private' stamp: ''! setSocket: aSwazooSocket self socket: aSwazooSocket. self readBuffer: (String new: self class defaultBufferSize) ready: 0. self writeBuffer: (String new: self class defaultBufferSize). ! ! !SwazooStream methodsFor: 'mime boundary' stamp: ''! signsOfBoundary: aBoundaryBytes "detect as fast as possible if any if not all MIME part boundary is present in buffer contents" "return number of bundary bytes detected, 0 = no boundary" | first index | first := aBoundaryBytes first. "fast test" ((readPtr + 1 to: readEnd) contains: [:inx | (readBuffer at: inx) = first]) ifFalse: [^0]. "full or partial boundary on the edge of buffer test" index := self indexOfBoundary: aBoundaryBytes. "index of full, or partial boundary at the edge" index = 0 ifTrue: [^0]. "no boundary found" readEnd - index >= aBoundaryBytes size ifTrue: [^aBoundaryBytes size]. "full boundary detected" ^readEnd - index + 1 "partial boundary at the end of buffer" ! ! !SwazooStream methodsFor: 'accessing-reading' stamp: ''! skip: anInteger | n skipped | n := anInteger. [ skipped := n min: (readEnd - readPtr + 1). readPtr := readPtr + skipped. n := n - skipped. n > 0 ] whileTrue: [self fillBuffer] ! ! !SwazooStream methodsFor: 'private' stamp: ''! socket ^socket ! ! !SwazooStream methodsFor: 'private' stamp: ''! socket: aSocket socket := aSocket ! ! !SwazooStream methodsFor: 'accessing-writing' stamp: ''! space self nextPutByte: 32 ! ! !SwazooStream methodsFor: 'mime boundary' stamp: ''! startsWith: aPartialBoundaryBytes "is remaining part of MIME part boundary at the start of buffer?" 1 to: aPartialBoundaryBytes size do: [:inx | (readBuffer at: readPtr + inx) = (aPartialBoundaryBytes at: inx) ifFalse: [^false]]. ^true ! ! !SwazooStream methodsFor: 'accessing-reading' stamp: ''! upTo: aCharacterOrByte | targetChar result r ws | targetChar := aCharacterOrByte asCharacter. "###" r := readBuffer indexOf: targetChar startingAt: readPtr ifAbsent: [0]. r = 0 ifFalse: [result := self next: r - readPtr. self next. ^result]. ws := String new writeStream. [self nextPutAllBufferOn: ws. self fillBuffer. r := readBuffer indexOf: targetChar startingAt: readPtr ifAbsent: [0]. r = 0] whileTrue. ws next: r putAll: readBuffer startingAt: 1. readPtr := r + 1. ^ws contents ! ! !SwazooStream methodsFor: 'private' stamp: ''! writeBuffer: aByteArray writeBuffer := aByteArray. writePtr := self class preambleSize + 1. writeEnd := self class preambleSize. ! ! !SwazooStream methodsFor: 'accessing-writing' stamp: ''! writeBufferContents ^writeBuffer copyFrom: writePtr to: writeEnd ! ! !SwazooStream methodsFor: 'chunked encoding' stamp: ''! writeDataSize ^writeEnd - writePtr + 1 ! ! !SwazooStream methodsFor: 'accessing-reading' stamp: ''! writeNextLineTo: aStream | r | [r := readBuffer indexOf: Character cr startingAt: readPtr ifAbsent: [0]. r = 0] whileTrue: [ self nextPutAllBufferOn: aStream. self fillBuffer]. aStream next: r - readPtr putAll: readBuffer startingAt: readPtr. readPtr := r + 1. self peekByte = 10 "skip remaining linefeed" ifTrue: [readPtr := readPtr + 1] ifFalse: [SwazooHTTPParseError raiseSignal: 'CR without LF'] ! ! Object subclass: #SwazooTask instanceVariableNames: 'connection request response' classVariableNames: '' poolDictionaries: '' category: 'Swazoo-Messages'! !SwazooTask commentStamp: '' prior: 0! A SwazooTask is simply a request-response pair. This class just makes the task (ha!!) of dealing with requests and responses a bit easier.! !SwazooTask class methodsFor: 'instance creation' stamp: 'mivsek 12/31/2007 15:31'! newOn: aHTTPConnection ^super new connection: aHTTPConnection! ! !SwazooTask methodsFor: 'accessing' stamp: 'mivsek 12/31/2007 15:31'! connection ^connection! ! !SwazooTask methodsFor: 'accessing' stamp: 'mivsek 12/31/2007 15:31'! connection: aHTTPConnection connection := aHTTPConnection! ! !SwazooTask methodsFor: 'accessing' stamp: ' 14/4/07 23:10'! request ^request! ! !SwazooTask methodsFor: 'accessing' stamp: 'mivsek 12/31/2007 15:32'! request: aHTTPRequest request := aHTTPRequest. aHTTPRequest task: self.! ! !SwazooTask methodsFor: 'accessing' stamp: ' 14/4/07 23:10'! response ^response! ! !SwazooTask methodsFor: 'accessing' stamp: 'janko 7/26/2008 13:50'! response: aHTTPResponse response := aHTTPResponse. aHTTPResponse notNil ifTrue: [aHTTPResponse task: self].! ! Object subclass: #SwazooURI instanceVariableNames: 'protocol hostname port identifier queries' classVariableNames: '' poolDictionaries: '' category: 'Swazoo-HTTP'! !SwazooURI class methodsFor: 'instance creation' stamp: ' 14/4/07 23:09'! fromString: aString ^self new fromString: aString! ! !SwazooURI class methodsFor: 'instance creation' stamp: ' 14/4/07 23:09'! value: aString ^self new value: aString! ! !SwazooURI methodsFor: 'printing' stamp: ' 14/4/07 23:09'! asString | targetStream | targetStream := WriteStream on: String new. self printOn: targetStream. ^targetStream contents! ! !SwazooURI methodsFor: 'private' stamp: ' 14/4/07 23:09'! defaultPort ^80! ! !SwazooURI methodsFor: 'initialize-release' stamp: ' 14/4/07 23:09'! fromStream: sourceStream self readProtocolFrom: sourceStream. self readHostFrom: sourceStream. self readPortFrom: sourceStream. self readIdentifierFrom: sourceStream. self readQueryFrom: sourceStream. ^self! ! !SwazooURI methodsFor: 'initialize-release' stamp: ' 14/4/07 23:09'! fromString: aString | sourceStream | sourceStream := ReadStream on: (HTTPString decodedHTTPFrom: aString). self fromStream: sourceStream. ^self! ! !SwazooURI methodsFor: 'accessing' stamp: ' 14/4/07 23:09'! host | ws | ws := WriteStream on: String new. ws nextPutAll: self hostname. self port = self defaultPort ifFalse: [ws nextPut: $:. self port printOn: ws]. ^ws contents! ! !SwazooURI methodsFor: 'accessing' stamp: ' 14/4/07 23:09'! host: aString | rs | rs := ReadStream on: aString. self hostname: (rs upTo: $: ). rs atEnd ifFalse: [self port: rs upToEnd asNumber]! ! !SwazooURI methodsFor: 'accessing' stamp: ' 14/4/07 23:09'! hostname ^hostname! ! !SwazooURI methodsFor: 'accessing' stamp: ' 14/4/07 23:09'! hostname: aHostname hostname := aHostname! ! !SwazooURI methodsFor: 'accessing' stamp: ' 14/4/07 23:09'! identifier ^identifier! ! !SwazooURI methodsFor: 'accessing' stamp: ' 14/4/07 23:09'! identifier: anObject identifier := anObject! ! !SwazooURI methodsFor: 'accessing' stamp: ' 14/4/07 23:09'! identifierPath | parts | parts := (HTTPString subCollectionsFrom: self identifier delimitedBy: $/) collect: [:each | HTTPString decodedHTTPFrom: each]. self identifier first = $/ ifTrue: [parts addFirst: '/']. ^parts reject: [:each | each isEmpty]! ! !SwazooURI methodsFor: 'accessing' stamp: ' 14/4/07 23:09'! identifierPathString "^aString I return the 'directory' part of the path name." | sourceStream targetStream | targetStream := WriteStream on: String new. sourceStream := ReadStream on: self identifier. [sourceStream atEnd] whileFalse: [| fragment | fragment := sourceStream throughAll: '/'. fragment last = $/ ifTrue: [targetStream nextPutAll: fragment]]. ^targetStream contents! ! !SwazooURI methodsFor: 'accessing-queries' stamp: ' 14/4/07 23:09'! includesQuery: aString | result | result := self queries detect: [:aQuery | aQuery key = aString] ifNone: [nil]. ^result notNil! ! !SwazooURI methodsFor: 'testing' stamp: ' 14/4/07 23:09'! isDirectory ^self identifier last = $/! ! !SwazooURI methodsFor: 'accessing' stamp: ' 14/4/07 23:09'! port "^an Integer The port number defaults to 80 for HTTP." ^port isNil ifTrue: [80] ifFalse: [port]! ! !SwazooURI methodsFor: 'accessing' stamp: ' 14/4/07 23:09'! port: anInteger port := anInteger! ! !SwazooURI methodsFor: 'printing' stamp: 'janko 7/26/2008 13:28'! printOn: targetStream (self hostname notNil and: [self protocol notNil]) ifTrue: [targetStream nextPutAll: self protocol; nextPutAll: '://']. self hostname notNil ifTrue: [targetStream nextPutAll: self hostname]. (self hostname notNil and: [self port notNil and: [self port ~= 80]]) ifTrue: [targetStream nextPut: $:; nextPutAll: self port printString]. self identifier notNil ifTrue: [targetStream nextPutAll: self identifier]. self printQueriesOn: targetStream. ^self! ! !SwazooURI methodsFor: 'printing' stamp: ' 14/4/07 23:09'! printQueriesOn: targetStream | firstQuery | self queries isEmpty ifFalse: [firstQuery := self queries at: 1. targetStream nextPut: $?; nextPutAll: firstQuery key; nextPut: $=; nextPutAll: firstQuery value. 2 to: self queries size do: [:queryIndex | | aQuery | aQuery := self queries at: queryIndex. targetStream nextPut: $&; nextPutAll: aQuery key; nextPut: $=; nextPutAll: aQuery value]]. ^self! ! !SwazooURI methodsFor: 'accessing' stamp: ' 14/4/07 23:09'! protocol protocol isNil ifTrue: [self protocol: 'http']. ^protocol! ! !SwazooURI methodsFor: 'accessing' stamp: ' 14/4/07 23:09'! protocol: aString protocol := aString.! ! !SwazooURI methodsFor: 'accessing-queries' stamp: ' 14/4/07 23:09'! queries "^an OrderedCollection This is an ordered colleciton of associations. It can't be a dictionary, because it is legal to have many entries with the same key value." queries isNil ifTrue: [queries := OrderedCollection new]. ^queries! ! !SwazooURI methodsFor: 'accessing-queries' stamp: ' 14/4/07 23:09'! queries: anOrderedCollection "^self The queries must be an OrderedCollection of Associations c.f. >>queries" queries := anOrderedCollection. ^self! ! !SwazooURI methodsFor: 'accessing-queries' stamp: ' 14/4/07 23:09'! queriesNamed: aString ^self queries select: [:aQuery | aQuery key = aString]! ! !SwazooURI methodsFor: 'accessing-queries' stamp: ' 14/4/07 23:09'! queryAt: aString ^self queryAt: aString ifAbsent: [nil]! ! !SwazooURI methodsFor: 'accessing-queries' stamp: ' 14/4/07 23:09'! queryAt: aString ifAbsent: aBlock "^aString I return the value of the first query I find with the key aString. If there are none I execute aBlock." | result | result := self queries detect: [:aQuery | aQuery key = aString] ifNone: [aBlock]. ^result == aBlock ifTrue: [aBlock value] ifFalse: [result value]! ! !SwazooURI methodsFor: 'private' stamp: ' 14/4/07 23:09'! readHostFrom: aStream "^self I read the host name from the URI presumed to be in aStream. The stream should be positioned right at the start, or just after the '//' of the protocol. The host name is terminated by one of $:, $/, $? or the end of the stream depending on wether there is a port, path, query or nothing following the host. If the host name is of zero length, I record a nil host name. The stream is left positioned at the terminating character." | hostnameStream | hostnameStream := WriteStream on: String new. [|nextCharacter| nextCharacter := aStream peek. #($: $/ $? nil) includes: nextCharacter] whileFalse: [hostnameStream nextPut: aStream next]. hostnameStream contents isEmpty ifFalse: [hostname := hostnameStream contents]. ^self! ! !SwazooURI methodsFor: 'private' stamp: ' 14/4/07 23:09'! readIdentifierFrom: sourceStream self identifier: (sourceStream upTo: $?). ^self! ! !SwazooURI methodsFor: 'private' stamp: ' 14/4/07 23:09'! readPortFrom: aStream "^self I read the port nnumber from the URI presumed to be in aStream. If a port number has been specified, the stream should be positioned right at before a $: charcter. So, if the next chacter is a :, we have a port number. I read up to one of $/, $? or the end of the stream depending on wether there is a path, query or nothing following the host. The stream is left positioned at the terminating character." | targetStream | targetStream := WriteStream on: String new. aStream peek == $: ifTrue: [| terminators | terminators := Array with: $/ with: $? with: nil. aStream next. [| nextCharacter | nextCharacter := aStream peek. terminators includes: nextCharacter] whileFalse: [| nextDigit | nextDigit := aStream next. nextDigit isDigit ifTrue: [targetStream nextPut: nextDigit]]. targetStream contents isEmpty ifFalse: [port := targetStream contents asNumber]]. ^self! ! !SwazooURI methodsFor: 'private' stamp: ' 14/4/07 23:09'! readProtocolFrom: aStream "^self I read the protocol from the URI presumed to be in aStream. The protocol preceeds '://' in the URI. I leave the stream position either right after the '//' if there is a protocol, otherwise I reset the position to the start of the stream." | candidateProtocol | candidateProtocol := aStream upTo: $:. (aStream size - aStream position >= 2 and: [aStream next == $/ and: [aStream next == $/]]) ifTrue: [self protocol: candidateProtocol] ifFalse: [aStream reset]. ^self! ! !SwazooURI methodsFor: 'private' stamp: ' 14/4/07 23:09'! readQueryFrom: sourceStream [sourceStream atEnd] whileFalse: [| nameValue name value | nameValue := sourceStream upTo: $& . name := nameValue copyUpTo: $= . value := nameValue readStream upTo: $= "if any"; upToEnd. self queries add: name -> (HTTPString decodedHTTPFrom: value)]. ^self! ! !SwazooURI methodsFor: 'accessing' stamp: ' 14/4/07 23:09'! value "1 halt: 'Use >>asString or >>printOn: instead'. " ^self asString! ! Object subclass: #TestPseudoSocket instanceVariableNames: 'byteStreamToServer byteStreamFromServer clientWaitSemaphore serverWaitSemaphore ipAddress' classVariableNames: '' poolDictionaries: '' category: 'Swazoo-Tests'! !TestPseudoSocket commentStamp: '' prior: 0! TestPseudoSocket is a drop in replacement for a SwazooSocket that can be used during testing to feed bytes into a running SwazooHTTPServer and grab the responses without having to start a real socket pair. So, to the HTTP server it must look like a server socket. To the tester it must look like a write stream (to send bytes to the HTTP server) and a read stream (to read the HTTP responses).! !TestPseudoSocket class methodsFor: 'instance creation' stamp: ' 14/4/07 23:10'! newTCPSocket "^a TestPseudoSocket I simply return a new instance of myself." ^self new! ! !TestPseudoSocket class methodsFor: 'instance creation' stamp: ' 14/4/07 23:10'! serverOnIP: host port: port "^self I'm only pretending to be a socket class, so I ignore the host and port." ^self new! ! !TestPseudoSocket methodsFor: 'socket stuff' stamp: ' 14/4/07 23:10'! acceptRetryingIfTransientErrors "^another TestSocketThing The sender expects me to block until a request comes in 'over the socket'. What I really do is wait for someone to ask me to 'send in' a Byte array and then I return myself. Note that I will only handle one request at a time!!" self serverWaitSemaphore wait. ^self! ! !TestPseudoSocket methodsFor: 'socket stuff' stamp: ' 14/4/07 23:10'! bindSocketAddress: anOSkIPAddress "^self This is a no-op for me." ipAddress := anOSkIPAddress. ^self! ! !TestPseudoSocket methodsFor: 'accessing' stamp: ' 14/4/07 23:10'! byteStreamFromServer ^byteStreamFromServer! ! !TestPseudoSocket methodsFor: 'accessing' stamp: ' 14/4/07 23:10'! byteStreamFromServer: aByteStream byteStreamFromServer := aByteStream. ^self! ! !TestPseudoSocket methodsFor: 'accessing' stamp: ' 14/4/07 23:10'! byteStreamToServer ^byteStreamToServer! ! !TestPseudoSocket methodsFor: 'accessing' stamp: ' 14/4/07 23:10'! byteStreamToServer: aByteStream byteStreamToServer := aByteStream. ^self! ! !TestPseudoSocket methodsFor: 'accessing' stamp: ' 14/4/07 23:10'! clientWaitSemaphore "^a Semaphore I return the semaphore I use to control 'client' activity." clientWaitSemaphore isNil ifTrue: [clientWaitSemaphore := Semaphore new]. ^clientWaitSemaphore! ! !TestPseudoSocket methodsFor: 'socket stuff' stamp: ' 14/4/07 23:10'! close "^self The server has finished with us at this point, so we signal the semaphore to give the client end chance to grab the response." self clientWaitSemaphore signal. ^self! ! !TestPseudoSocket methodsFor: 'socket stuff' stamp: ' 14/4/07 23:10'! flush ^self! ! !TestPseudoSocket methodsFor: 'socket stuff' stamp: ' 14/4/07 23:10'! getPeerName ^ipAddress! ! !TestPseudoSocket methodsFor: 'socket stuff' stamp: ' 14/4/07 23:10'! getSocketName ^ipAddress! ! !TestPseudoSocket methodsFor: 'socket stuff' stamp: ' 14/4/07 23:10'! isActive "^self I am pretending to be a socket, and the sender wants to know if I am active. Of course I am!!." ^true! ! !TestPseudoSocket methodsFor: 'socket stuff' stamp: ' 14/4/07 23:10'! listenBackloggingUpTo: anInteger "^self This is a no-op for me." ^self! ! !TestPseudoSocket methodsFor: 'socket stuff' stamp: ' 14/4/07 23:10'! listenFor: anInteger "^self This is a no-op for now." ^self! ! !TestPseudoSocket methodsFor: 'stream-toServer' stamp: ' 14/4/07 23:10'! next ^self byteStreamToServer next! ! !TestPseudoSocket methodsFor: 'stream-fromServer' stamp: ' 14/4/07 23:10'! nextPut: aCharacter self byteStreamFromServer nextPut: aCharacter asInteger! ! !TestPseudoSocket methodsFor: 'stream-fromServer' stamp: ' 14/4/07 23:10'! nextPutAll: aCollection "^self At present it seems that aCollection will always be a string of chacters." ^self byteStreamFromServer nextPutAll: aCollection asByteArray! ! !TestPseudoSocket methodsFor: 'stream-fromServer' stamp: ' 14/4/07 23:10'! nextPutBytes: aByteArray self byteStreamFromServer nextPutAll: aByteArray! ! !TestPseudoSocket methodsFor: 'stream-toServer' stamp: ' 14/4/07 23:10'! peek "^a Character It seems that the HTTP server is expecting Characters not Bytes - this will have to change." ^byteStreamToServer isNil ifTrue: [nil] ifFalse: [self byteStreamToServer peek asCharacter]! ! !TestPseudoSocket methodsFor: 'stream-fromServer' stamp: ' 14/4/07 23:10'! print: anObject self nextPutAll: anObject printString asByteArray. ^self! ! !TestPseudoSocket methodsFor: 'stream-toServer' stamp: ' 14/4/07 23:10'! read: integerNumberOfBytes "^a ByteArray I read the next numberOfBytes from my underlying stream." ^byteStreamToServer isNil ifTrue: [ByteArray new] ifFalse: [self byteStreamToServer nextAvailable: integerNumberOfBytes]! ! !TestPseudoSocket methodsFor: 'accessing' stamp: ' 14/4/07 23:10'! serverWaitSemaphore "^a Semaphore I return the semaphore I use to control 'server' activity." serverWaitSemaphore isNil ifTrue: [serverWaitSemaphore := Semaphore new]. ^serverWaitSemaphore! ! !TestPseudoSocket methodsFor: 'socket stuff' stamp: ' 14/4/07 23:10'! setAddressReuse: aBoolean "^self This is a no-op for me." ^self! ! !TestPseudoSocket methodsFor: 'stream-toServer' stamp: ' 14/4/07 23:10'! socket "^self I am being asked this as if I am a socket stream. I return myself because I'm pretending to be both the socket and the socket stream." ^self! ! !TestPseudoSocket methodsFor: 'stream-fromServer' stamp: ' 14/4/07 23:10'! space self nextPut: Character space. ^self! ! !TestPseudoSocket methodsFor: 'socket stuff' stamp: ' 14/4/07 23:10'! stream "^self I have to pretend to be a socket stream too." ^self! ! !TestPseudoSocket methodsFor: 'stream-toServer' stamp: 'PaoloBonzini 10/4/2009 10:41'! upTo: aCharacter "a ByteString For some reason, we have to look for a character in a ByteStream - this is a Swazoo thing." ^self byteStreamToServer upTo: aCharacter asInteger! ! !TestPseudoSocket methodsFor: 'stream-fromServer' stamp: ' 14/4/07 23:10'! write: aByteArray "^an Integer I write the contents of the sourceByteArray to my underlying Socket. I return the number of bytes written." self byteStreamFromServer nextPutAll: aByteArray. ^aByteArray size! ! !TestPseudoSocket methodsFor: 'actions-client' stamp: ' 14/4/07 23:10'! writeBytesToServer: aByteArray "^self This is where we make the bytes available over the pseudo socket. Unlike a socket this is a one off thing (at least in this implementation of the pseudo socket). Once the bytes are written, control passes to the server and stays there until the server sends a close to what it thinks is the client socket, but is really me." | results | self byteStreamToServer: (ReadStream on: aByteArray). self byteStreamFromServer: (WriteStream on: (ByteArray new: 1000)). self serverWaitSemaphore signal. self clientWaitSemaphore wait. results := self byteStreamFromServer contents. self byteStreamToServer: nil. self byteStreamFromServer: nil. ^results! ! Object subclass: #URIIdentifier instanceVariableNames: '' classVariableNames: '' poolDictionaries: '' category: 'Swazoo-HTTP'! URIIdentifier subclass: #SiteIdentifier instanceVariableNames: 'ip port host' classVariableNames: '' poolDictionaries: '' category: 'Swazoo-HTTP'! !SiteIdentifier class methodsFor: 'instance creation' stamp: ' 10/7/07 17:21'! host: hostName ip: anIP port: aPort ^self new setIp: anIP port: aPort host: hostName! ! !SiteIdentifier class methodsFor: 'obsolete' stamp: ' 10/7/07 17:21'! ip: anIP port: aPort host: hostName ^self new setIp: anIP port: aPort host: hostName! ! !SiteIdentifier methodsFor: 'accessing' stamp: ' 14/4/07 23:09'! currentUrl | stream | stream := WriteStream on: String new. self printUrlOn: stream. ^stream contents! ! !SiteIdentifier methodsFor: 'accessing' stamp: ' 14/4/07 23:09'! host ^host! ! !SiteIdentifier methodsFor: 'private' stamp: ' 14/4/07 23:09'! host: aString host := aString! ! !SiteIdentifier methodsFor: 'private-comparing' stamp: 'janko 7/26/2008 13:23'! hostMatch: aSiteIdentifier (self host asLowercase = aSiteIdentifier host asLowercase) ifTrue: [^true]. (self host = '*' or: [aSiteIdentifier host = '*']) ifTrue: [^true]. "is this always good?" ^false! ! !SiteIdentifier methodsFor: 'accessing' stamp: ' 14/4/07 23:09'! ip ^ip! ! !SiteIdentifier methodsFor: 'private' stamp: ' 14/4/07 23:09'! ip: aString ip := aString! ! !SiteIdentifier methodsFor: 'private-comparing' stamp: 'mivsek 11/15/2007 13:53'! ipMatch: aSiteIdentifier "ip can be in numbers or named!!" | myIP otherIP | self ip = aSiteIdentifier ip ifTrue: [^true]. (self ip = '*' or: [self ip = '']) ifTrue: [^true]. (aSiteIdentifier ip = '*' or: [aSiteIdentifier ip = '']) ifTrue: [^true]. "is this always good?" myIP := SpIPAddress hostName: self ip port: self port. otherIP := SpIPAddress hostName: aSiteIdentifier ip port: aSiteIdentifier port. ^myIP hostAddress = otherIP hostAddress! ! !SiteIdentifier methodsFor: 'testing' stamp: 'jm 2/8/2009 14:50'! isEmpty "host ip port empty or nil" (host isNil or: [host isEmpty]) ifTrue: [^true]. (ip isNil or: [ip isEmpty]) ifTrue: [^true]. port isNil ifTrue: [^true]. ^false! ! !SiteIdentifier methodsFor: 'initialize-release' stamp: ' 14/4/07 23:09'! newServer ^ HTTPServer new ip: self ip; port: self port! ! !SiteIdentifier methodsFor: 'accessing' stamp: ' 14/4/07 23:09'! port ^port! ! !SiteIdentifier methodsFor: 'private' stamp: ' 14/4/07 23:09'! port: aNumber port := aNumber! ! !SiteIdentifier methodsFor: 'private-comparing' stamp: 'mivsek 11/15/2007 13:53'! portMatch: aSiteIdentifier "ih host can be anything then same goes for the port of request too" self port = aSiteIdentifier port ifTrue: [^true]. (self host = '*' or: [aSiteIdentifier host = '*']) ifTrue: [^true]. ^false! ! !SiteIdentifier methodsFor: 'private' stamp: 'janko 7/26/2008 13:23'! printHostPortStringOn: stream stream nextPutAll: (self host notNil ifTrue: [self host] ifFalse: ['']). self port = 80 ifFalse: [stream nextPut: $:; nextPutAll: self port printString]! ! !SiteIdentifier methodsFor: 'private' stamp: ' 14/4/07 23:09'! printString ^'a Swazoo.SiteIndentifier host: ', (self host isNil ifTrue: [''] ifFalse: [self host]), ' ip: ', (self ip isNil ifTrue: [''] ifFalse: [self ip]), ' port: ', self port printString! ! !SiteIdentifier methodsFor: 'private' stamp: ' 14/4/07 23:09'! printUrlOn: aWriteStream aWriteStream nextPutAll: 'http://'. self printHostPortStringOn: aWriteStream! ! !SiteIdentifier methodsFor: 'initialize-release' stamp: ' 14/4/07 23:09'! setIp: anIP port: aPort host: hostName self ip: anIP. self port: aPort. self host: hostName! ! !SiteIdentifier methodsFor: 'private-comparing' stamp: 'mivsek 11/15/2007 13:53'! valueMatch: aSiteIdentifier ^(self portMatch: aSiteIdentifier) and: [(self ipMatch: aSiteIdentifier) and: [self hostMatch: aSiteIdentifier] ]! ! !URIIdentifier methodsFor: 'comparing' stamp: ' 14/4/07 23:09'! = anIdentifier ^self match: anIdentifier! ! !URIIdentifier methodsFor: 'comparing' stamp: ' 14/4/07 23:09'! hash ^1! ! !URIIdentifier methodsFor: 'testing' stamp: ' 14/4/07 23:09'! match: anotherIdentifier ^(self typeMatch: anotherIdentifier) and: [self valueMatch: anotherIdentifier]! ! !URIIdentifier methodsFor: 'private' stamp: ' 14/4/07 23:09'! typeMatch: anotherIdentifier ^self class == anotherIdentifier class! ! !URIIdentifier methodsFor: 'private' stamp: ' 14/4/07 23:09'! valueMatch: anotherIdentifier ^self subclassResponsibility! ! Object subclass: #URIResolution instanceVariableNames: 'position request' classVariableNames: '' poolDictionaries: '' category: 'Swazoo-HTTP'! !URIResolution class methodsFor: 'instance creation' stamp: ' 14/4/07 23:09'! resolveRequest: aRequest startingAt: aResource ^(self new initializeRequest: aRequest) visitResource: aResource! ! !URIResolution methodsFor: 'private' stamp: ' 14/4/07 23:09'! advance self position: self position + 1! ! !URIResolution methodsFor: 'accessing' stamp: ' 14/4/07 23:09'! atEnd ^self position = self request uri identifierPath size! ! !URIResolution methodsFor: 'private' stamp: ' 14/4/07 23:09'! currentIdentifier ^self currentPath last! ! !URIResolution methodsFor: 'private' stamp: ' 14/4/07 23:09'! currentPath ^self request uri identifierPath copyFrom: 1 to: self position! ! !URIResolution methodsFor: 'accessing' stamp: ' 14/4/07 23:09'! fullPath ^self request uri identifierPath! ! !URIResolution methodsFor: 'private' stamp: ' 14/4/07 23:09'! getAnswerFrom: aResource ^aResource answerTo: self request! ! !URIResolution methodsFor: 'private-initialize' stamp: ' 14/4/07 23:09'! initializeRequest: aRequest self request: aRequest. self request resolution: self. self position: 1! ! !URIResolution methodsFor: 'accessing' stamp: ' 14/4/07 23:09'! position ^position! ! !URIResolution methodsFor: 'private' stamp: ' 14/4/07 23:09'! position: anInteger position := anInteger! ! !URIResolution methodsFor: 'accessing' stamp: ' 14/4/07 23:09'! request ^request! ! !URIResolution methodsFor: 'private' stamp: ' 14/4/07 23:09'! request: aRequest request := aRequest! ! !URIResolution methodsFor: 'resolving' stamp: ' 14/4/07 23:09'! resolveCompositeResource: aResource (aResource canAnswer and: [aResource match: self currentIdentifier]) ifFalse: [^nil]. ^self visitChildrenOf: aResource advancing: true! ! !URIResolution methodsFor: 'resolving' stamp: ' 14/4/07 23:09'! resolveLeafResource: aResource (aResource canAnswer and: [self stringMatch: aResource]) ifFalse: [^nil]. ^self getAnswerFrom: aResource! ! !URIResolution methodsFor: 'resolving' stamp: ' 14/4/07 23:09'! resolveServerRoot: aServerRoot ^self resolveTransparentComposite: aServerRoot! ! !URIResolution methodsFor: 'resolving' stamp: ' 14/4/07 23:09'! resolveSite: aSite (aSite canAnswer and: [self siteMatch: aSite]) ifFalse: [^nil]. ^self visitChildrenOf: aSite advancing: false! ! !URIResolution methodsFor: 'resolving' stamp: ' 14/4/07 23:09'! resolveTransparentComposite: aCompositeResource ^self visitChildrenOf: aCompositeResource advancing: false! ! !URIResolution methodsFor: 'accessing' stamp: ' 14/4/07 23:09'! resourcePath ^self request uri identifierPath copyFrom: 1 to: self position! ! !URIResolution methodsFor: 'private' stamp: ' 14/4/07 23:09'! retreat self position: self position - 1. ^nil! ! !URIResolution methodsFor: 'private' stamp: ' 10/7/07 17:21'! siteMatch: aSite | siteIdentifier hostName | hostName := self request headers fieldOfClass: HTTPHostField ifPresent: [:field | field hostName] ifAbsent: [self request requestLine requestURI hostname]. siteIdentifier := SiteIdentifier host: (hostName notNil ifTrue: [hostName] ifFalse: ['']) ip: self request ip port: self request port. ^aSite match: siteIdentifier! ! !URIResolution methodsFor: 'private' stamp: ' 14/4/07 23:09'! stringMatch: aResource ^aResource uriPattern = self currentIdentifier! ! !URIResolution methodsFor: 'accessing' stamp: ' 14/4/07 23:09'! tailPath | fullPath | fullPath := self fullPath. ^fullPath copyFrom: self position + 1 to: fullPath size! ! !URIResolution methodsFor: 'private' stamp: ' 14/4/07 23:09'! tailStream ^ReadStream on: self tailPath! ! !URIResolution methodsFor: 'resolving' stamp: ' 14/4/07 23:09'! visitChildrenOf: aResource advancing: aBoolean | response | self atEnd & aBoolean ifTrue: [^self getAnswerFrom: aResource]. aBoolean ifTrue: [self advance]. aResource children do: [:each | response := self visitResource: each. response isNil ifFalse: [^response]]. ^aBoolean ifTrue: [self retreat] ifFalse: [nil]! ! !URIResolution methodsFor: 'resolving' stamp: ' 14/4/07 23:09'! visitResource: aResource ^aResource helpResolve: self! ! SpError subclass: #SwazooHTTPParseError instanceVariableNames: '' classVariableNames: '' poolDictionaries: '' category: 'Swazoo-Exceptions'! SpError subclass: #SwazooHTTPRequestError instanceVariableNames: '' classVariableNames: '' poolDictionaries: '' category: 'Swazoo-Exceptions'! SwazooHTTPRequestError subclass: #SwazooHTTPPostError instanceVariableNames: '' classVariableNames: '' poolDictionaries: '' category: 'Swazoo-Exceptions'! SwazooHTTPRequestError subclass: #SwazooHTTPPutError instanceVariableNames: '' classVariableNames: '' poolDictionaries: '' category: 'Swazoo-Exceptions'! SpError subclass: #SwazooHeaderFieldParseError instanceVariableNames: '' classVariableNames: '' poolDictionaries: '' category: 'Swazoo-Exceptions'! SpError subclass: #SwazooSiteError instanceVariableNames: '' classVariableNames: '' poolDictionaries: '' category: 'Swazoo-Exceptions'! SpError subclass: #SwazooStreamNoDataError instanceVariableNames: '' classVariableNames: '' poolDictionaries: '' category: 'Swazoo-Exceptions'! !SpFilename methodsFor: '*Swazoo-accessing' stamp: 'pete 5/28/2008 15:11'! asAbsoluteFilename "Answer a Filename pointing to the same file using absolute path. The method may answer the receiver it it is already absolute." ^self isAbsolute ifTrue: [self] ifFalse: [self class named: (FileDirectory default pathName, (String with: self separator), (SpEnvironment onWindows ifTrue: [self asString copyReplaceAll: '.\' with: ''] "windows only" ifFalse: [self asString copyReplaceAll: './' with: ''] "unix only!!"))]! ! !SpFilename methodsFor: '*Swazoo-accessing' stamp: 'JM 4/18/2007 12:34'! asFilename ^self! ! !SpFilename methodsFor: '*Swazoo-private' stamp: 'JM 4/18/2007 15:29'! construct: extraFn "Make a new instance, treating the receiver as a directory, and the string argument as a file within the pathname." ^self class named: (self filename, (String with: self separator), extraFn)! ! !SpFilename methodsFor: '*Swazoo-services' stamp: 'mivsek 8/22/2007 22:16'! contentsOfEntireFile | stream | [stream := FileStream oldFileNamed: self filename. ^stream contentsOfEntireFile] ensure: [stream close] ! ! !SpFilename methodsFor: '*Swazoo-accessing' stamp: 'mivsek 8/22/2007 16:51'! createdTimestamp "a SpTimestamp timestamp of file creation. " | dir entry | dir := FileDirectory forFileName: self asAbsoluteFilename asString. entry := dir directoryEntryFor: self tail. ^SpTimestamp fromSeconds: entry creationTime "is this correct on all OSes?" ! ! !SpFilename methodsFor: '*Swazoo-services' stamp: 'JM 4/18/2007 15:24'! delete | dir | dir := FileDirectory forFileName: self asAbsoluteFilename asString. self isDirectory ifTrue: [dir deleteDirectory: self asString] ifFalse: [dir deleteFileNamed: self tail ifAbsent: [] ]! ! !SpFilename methodsFor: '*Swazoo-accessing' stamp: 'JM 4/18/2007 15:13'! directory "a filename of the directory for this Filename." ^self class named: self head! ! !SpFilename methodsFor: '*Swazoo-accessing' stamp: 'JM 4/18/2007 16:23'! etag "^a String The etag of a file entity is taken to be the date last modified as a String. We use the SpTimestamp in " ^self lastModified asRFC1123String! ! !SpFilename methodsFor: '*Swazoo-accessing' stamp: 'JM 4/18/2007 15:16'! extension "Answer the receiver's extension if any. This is the characters from the last occurrence of a period to the end, inclusive. E.g. the extension of 'squeak.image' is '.image'. Answer nil if none. Note that e.g. .login has no extension." | string periodIndex | string := self tail. periodIndex := string lastIndexOf: $.. ^periodIndex > 1 ifTrue: [string copyFrom: periodIndex to: string size]! ! !SpFilename methodsFor: '*Swazoo-accessing' stamp: 'mivsek 8/22/2007 22:05'! fileSize | dir entry | dir := FileDirectory forFileName: self asAbsoluteFilename asString. entry := dir directoryEntryFor: self tail. ^entry fileSize ! ! !SpFilename methodsFor: '*Swazoo-private' stamp: 'JM 4/18/2007 12:31'! filename "^a String" ^filename! ! !SpFilename methodsFor: '*Swazoo-accessing' stamp: 'JM 4/18/2007 15:06'! head "Answer the directory prefix as a String." | index | (index := self lastSeparatorIndex) notNil ifTrue: [index := index max: 2. ^self asString copyFrom: 1 to: index-1] ifFalse: [^FileDirectory default pathName]! ! !SpFilename methodsFor: '*Swazoo-testing' stamp: 'pete 5/28/2008 15:06'! isAbsolute "Answer true if this name is absolute (e.g. not relative to the 'current directory')." self asString size = 0 ifTrue: [^false]. SpEnvironment onWindows ifTrue: [ ^(self asString at: 1) isLetter and: [(self asString at: 2) = $:]]. "absolute pathnames on windows looks like 'C:'" ^(self asString at: 1) == self separator! ! !SpFilename methodsFor: '*Swazoo-testing' stamp: 'JM 4/18/2007 14:33'! isDirectory ^FileDirectory default directoryExists: self asString! ! !SpFilename methodsFor: '*Swazoo-testing' stamp: 'JM 4/18/2007 13:00'! isRelative "Answer true if this name must be interpreted relative to some directory." ^self isAbsolute not! ! !SpFilename methodsFor: '*Swazoo-accessing' stamp: 'JM 4/18/2007 16:22'! lastModified " | info | info := self dates at: #modified. ^SpTimestamp fromDate: info first andTime: info last " ^SpTimestamp now.! ! !SpFilename methodsFor: '*Swazoo-private' stamp: 'JM 4/18/2007 15:07'! lastSeparatorIndex ^self asString lastIndexOf: self separator ifAbsent: [nil]! ! !SpFilename methodsFor: '*Swazoo-services' stamp: 'pete 5/28/2008 15:15'! makeDirectory | dir | dir := FileDirectory forFileName: self asAbsoluteFilename asString. [dir createDirectory: self asString] on: Error do: [:ex | ].! ! !SpFilename methodsFor: '*Swazoo-accessing' stamp: 'mivsek 8/22/2007 16:51'! modifiedTimestamp "a SpTimestamp timestamp of last file modification" | dir entry | dir := FileDirectory forFileName: self asAbsoluteFilename asString. entry := dir directoryEntryFor: self tail. ^SpTimestamp fromSeconds: entry modificationTime "is this correct on all OSes?" ! ! !SpFilename methodsFor: '*Swazoo-private' stamp: 'JM 4/18/2007 13:49'! separator "Answer the platform's filename component separator." ^FileDirectory primPathNameDelimiter! ! !SpFilename methodsFor: '*Swazoo-accessing' stamp: 'JM 4/18/2007 15:06'! tail "Answer the filename suffix as a String." | index nm | nm := self asString. (index := self lastSeparatorIndex) notNil ifTrue: [^nm copyFrom: index+1 to: nm size] ifFalse: [^nm copy]! ! TestCase subclass: #CompositeResourceTest instanceVariableNames: 'composite' classVariableNames: '' poolDictionaries: '' category: 'Swazoo-Tests'! !CompositeResourceTest methodsFor: 'testing' stamp: 'jm 2/8/2009 13:52'! sampleInSite | site | site := SwazooSite new. site host: '' ip: '' port: 8200. site addResource: composite! ! !CompositeResourceTest methodsFor: 'running' stamp: ' 14/4/07 23:10'! setUp composite := CompositeResource uriPattern: '/'! ! !CompositeResourceTest methodsFor: 'testing' stamp: ' 14/4/07 23:10'! testAddResource | child | composite addResource: (child := HelloWorldResource uriPattern: 'hello.html'). self assert: composite children size = 1. self assert: composite children first == child. self assert: child parent == composite! ! !CompositeResourceTest methodsFor: 'testing' stamp: ' 14/4/07 23:10'! testAddResources | child1 child2 | child1 := HelloWorldResource uriPattern: 'hello1.html'. child2 := HelloWorldResource uriPattern: 'hello2.html'. composite addResources: (Array with: child1 with: child2). self assert: composite children size = 2. composite children do: [:each | self assert: (composite children includes: each). self assert: each parent == composite]! ! !CompositeResourceTest methodsFor: 'testing' stamp: ' 14/4/07 23:10'! testCurrentUrl | child leaf | self sampleInSite. self assert: composite currentUrl = ''. composite addResource: (child := CompositeResource uriPattern: 'foo'). self assert: child currentUrl = ''. child addResource: (leaf := HelloWorldResource uriPattern: 'hi.html'). self assert: leaf currentUrl = ''.! ! !CompositeResourceTest methodsFor: 'testing' stamp: ' 14/4/07 23:10'! testEmptyURIPatternInvalid composite uriPattern: ''. self deny: composite isValidlyConfigured! ! !CompositeResourceTest methodsFor: 'testing' stamp: ' 14/4/07 23:10'! testNilURIPatternDoesNothing | pattern | pattern := composite uriPattern. composite uriPattern: nil. self assert: composite uriPattern = pattern! ! !CompositeResourceTest methodsFor: 'testing' stamp: ' 14/4/07 23:10'! testValidlyConfigured self assert: composite isValidlyConfigured! ! TestCase subclass: #FileResourceTest instanceVariableNames: 'resource' classVariableNames: '' poolDictionaries: '' category: 'Swazoo-Tests'! !FileResourceTest methodsFor: 'running' stamp: 'mivsek 8/16/2007 22:09'! setUp | directory firstFile ws | directory := SpFilename named: 'fResTest'. directory exists ifFalse: [directory makeDirectory]. firstFile := (SpFilename named: 'fResTest') construct: 'abc.html'. ws := firstFile writeStream. [ws nextPutAll: 'hello'] ensure: [ws close]. resource := FileResource uriPattern: 'foo' filePath: 'fResTest'! ! !FileResourceTest methodsFor: 'running' stamp: 'mivsek 8/16/2007 22:09'! tearDown ((SpFilename named: 'fResTest') construct: 'abc.html') delete. (SpFilename named: 'fResTest') delete! ! !FileResourceTest methodsFor: 'testing' stamp: 'JM 4/18/2007 16:34'! testContentType self assert: (resource contentTypeFor: '.txt') = 'text/plain'. self assert: (resource contentTypeFor: '.html') = 'text/html' ! ! !FileResourceTest methodsFor: 'testing' stamp: ' 14/4/07 23:10'! testDirectoryIndex | request response | request := HTTPGet request: 'foo/'. resource directoryIndex: 'abc.html'. response := URIResolution resolveRequest: request startingAt: resource. self assert: response code = 200. self assert: request resourcePath size = 1. self assert: request resourcePath first = 'foo'! ! !FileResourceTest methodsFor: 'testing' stamp: ' 14/4/07 23:10'! testETag "Filename etags do not have the leading and trailing double quotes. Header fields add the quotes as necessary" | request response etag | request := HTTPGet request: 'foo/abc.html'. response := URIResolution resolveRequest: request startingAt: resource. self assert: response code = 200. self assert: (etag := (response headers fieldOfClass: HTTPETagField) entityTag) notNil. request := HTTPGet request: 'foo/abc.html'. request headers addField: (HTTPIfNoneMatchField new addEntityTag: etag). response := URIResolution resolveRequest: request startingAt: resource. self assert: response code = 304. self assert: (response headers fieldOfClass: HTTPETagField) entityTag = etag. request := HTTPGet request: 'foo/abc.html'. request headers addField: (HTTPIfNoneMatchField new valueFrom: '"wrong"'). response := URIResolution resolveRequest: request startingAt: resource. self assert: response code = 200. self assert: (response headers fieldOfClass: HTTPETagField) entityTag = etag! ! !FileResourceTest methodsFor: 'testing' stamp: ' 14/4/07 23:10'! testExistantFile | request response | request := HTTPGet request: 'foo/abc.html'. response := URIResolution resolveRequest: request startingAt: resource. self assert: response code = 200. self assert: request resourcePath size = 1. self assert: request resourcePath first = 'foo'! ! !FileResourceTest methodsFor: 'testing' stamp: ' 14/4/07 23:10'! testNonexistantFile | request response | request := HTTPGet request: 'foo/notThere.html'. response := URIResolution resolveRequest: request startingAt: resource. self assert: response isNil! ! !FileResourceTest methodsFor: 'testing' stamp: ' 14/4/07 23:10'! testRedirection | request response | request := HTTPGet request: 'foo'. resource directoryIndex: 'abc.html'. response := URIResolution resolveRequest: request startingAt: resource. self assert: response code = 301. self assert: (response headers fieldNamed: 'Location') uri asString = 'http://foo/'. self assert: (response headers fieldNamed: 'Location') uri host = 'foo'! ! !FileResourceTest methodsFor: 'testing' stamp: 'JM 4/18/2007 16:33'! testRelativeFile "it doesn't work anyway!! | request response | request := HTTPGet request: 'foo/../', resource fileDirectory tail, '/abc.html'. response := URIResolution resolveRequest: request startingAt: resource. self assert: response isNil "! ! !FileResourceTest methodsFor: 'testing' stamp: ' 14/4/07 23:10'! testSafeConstruct | request response | request := HTTPGet request: 'foo/../abc.html'. response := URIResolution resolveRequest: request startingAt: resource. self assert: response code = 200. request := HTTPGet request: 'foo/.. /./abc.html'. response := URIResolution resolveRequest: request startingAt: resource. self assert: response code = 200! ! TestCase subclass: #HTTPPostTest instanceVariableNames: 'request' classVariableNames: '' poolDictionaries: '' category: 'Swazoo-Tests'! !HTTPPostTest methodsFor: 'requests' stamp: 'janko 7/26/2008 15:36'! crlf ^String with: Character cr with: Character lf.! ! !HTTPPostTest methodsFor: 'requests' stamp: 'PaoloBonzini 10/4/2009 10:23'! fileContents "HTTPRequestTest new fileContents" | stream | stream := SwazooStream on: String new. stream nextPutLine: 'BEGIN:VCALENDAR'; nextPutLine: 'PRODID:-//Squeak-iCalendar//-'; nextPutLine: 'VERSION:2.0'; nextPutLine: 'X-WR-CALNAME:test'; nextPutLine: 'METHOD:PUBLISH'; nextPutLine: 'BEGIN:VEVENT'; nextPutLine: 'UID:an event with a start date and not date and time'; nextPutLine: 'CATEGORIES:category1,category2'; nextPutLine: 'CREATED:20050501T110231Z'; nextPutLine: 'SEQUENCE:0'; nextPutLine: 'SUMMARY:aTitle'; nextPutLine: 'PRIORITY:5'; nextPutLine: 'DTSTART;VALUE=DATE:20050425'; nextPutLine: 'END:VEVENT'; nextPutLine: 'END:VCALENDAR'. ^stream writeBufferContents asString! ! !HTTPPostTest methodsFor: 'requests' stamp: 'PaoloBonzini 10/4/2009 10:26'! postDashes | requestStream | requestStream := SwazooStream on: String new. requestStream nextPutLine: 'POST /document/aab.html HTTP/1.1'; nextPutLine: 'Host:'; nextPutLine: 'Content-Type: multipart/form-data; boundary= boundary'; nextPutLine: 'Content-Length: 149'; crlf; nextPutLine: '--boundary'; nextPutLine: 'Content-Disposition: form-data; name="id5273"'; crlf; nextPutLine: '----'; nextPutLine: '--boundary'; nextPutLine: 'Content-Disposition: form-data; name="field2"'; crlf; nextPutLine: '- --'; nextPutLine: '--boundary--'. ^HTTPRequest readFrom: (SwazooStream on: requestStream writeBufferContents)! ! !HTTPPostTest methodsFor: 'requests' stamp: 'PaoloBonzini 10/4/2009 10:27'! postEmpty "post entity with empty value" | requestStream | requestStream := SwazooStream on: String new. requestStream nextPutLine: 'POST /document/aab.html HTTP/1.1'; nextPutLine: 'Host:'; nextPutLine: 'Content-Type: multipart/form-data; boundary= boundary'; nextPutLine: 'Content-Length: 75'; crlf; nextPutLine: '--boundary'; nextPutLine: 'Content-Disposition: form-data; name="id5273"'; crlf; nextPutLine: ''; nextPutLine: '--boundary--'. ^HTTPRequest readFrom: (SwazooStream on: requestStream writeBufferContents)! ! !HTTPPostTest methodsFor: 'requests' stamp: 'PaoloBonzini 10/4/2009 10:27'! postFile | requestStream | requestStream := SwazooStream on: String new. requestStream nextPutLine: 'POST /document/aab.html HTTP/1.1'; nextPutLine: 'Connection: Keep-Alive'; nextPutLine: 'User-Agent: Mozilla/4.72 [en] (X11; I; Linux 2.3.51 i686)'; nextPutLine: 'Host:'; nextPutLine: 'Referer:'; nextPutLine: 'Content-Type: multipart/form-data; boundary= -----------------20752836116568320241700153999'; nextPutLine: 'Content-Length: ', (527+self fileContents size) printString; crlf; nextPutLine: '-------------------20752836116568320241700153999'; nextPutLine: 'Content-Disposition: form-data; name="id5273"'; crlf; nextPutLine: 'main'; nextPutLine: '-------------------20752836116568320241700153999'; nextPutLine: 'Content-Disposition: form-data; name="field2"'; crlf; crlf; nextPutLine: '-------------------20752836116568320241700153999'; nextPutLine: 'Content-Disposition: form-data; name="field7"; filename="event.ical"'; nextPutLine: 'Content-Type: application/octet-stream'; crlf; nextPutAll: self fileContents; crlf; nextPutLine: '-------------------20752836116568320241700153999'; nextPutLine: 'Content-Disposition: form-data; name="attach"'; crlf; nextPutLine: 'Attach'; nextPutLine: '-------------------20752836116568320241700153999--'. ^HTTPRequest readFrom: (SwazooStream on: requestStream writeBufferContents)! ! !HTTPPostTest methodsFor: 'requests' stamp: 'PaoloBonzini 10/4/2009 10:27'! postPreambleEpilogue | requestStream | requestStream := SwazooStream on: String new. requestStream nextPutLine: 'POST /document/aab.html HTTP/1.1'; nextPutLine: 'Host:'; nextPutLine: 'Content-Type: multipart/form-data; boundary= boundary'; nextPutLine: 'Content-Length: 146'; crlf; nextPutLine: 'This is a multi-part message in MIME format'; nextPutLine: '--boundary'; nextPutLine: 'Content-Disposition: form-data; name="id5273"'; crlf; nextPutLine: 'main'; nextPutLine: '--boundary--'; nextPutLine: 'This is the epilogue'. ^HTTPRequest readFrom: (SwazooStream on: requestStream writeBufferContents)! ! !HTTPPostTest methodsFor: 'requests' stamp: 'PaoloBonzini 10/4/2009 10:27'! postSimple | requestStream | requestStream := SwazooStream on: String new. requestStream nextPutLine: 'POST /document/aab.html HTTP/1.1'; nextPutLine: 'Host:'; nextPutLine: 'Content-Type: multipart/form-data; boundary= boundary'; nextPutLine: 'Content-Length: 79'; crlf; nextPutLine: '--boundary'; nextPutLine: 'Content-Disposition: form-data; name="id5273"'; crlf; nextPutLine: 'main'; nextPutLine: '--boundary--'. ^HTTPRequest readFrom: (SwazooStream on: requestStream writeBufferContents)! ! !HTTPPostTest methodsFor: 'requests' stamp: 'PaoloBonzini 10/4/2009 10:27'! postUrlEncoded | requestStream | requestStream := SwazooStream on: String new. requestStream nextPutLine: 'POST /document/aab.html HTTP/1.1'; nextPutLine: 'Host:'; nextPutLine: 'Content-Type: application/x-www-form-urlencoded'; nextPutLine: 'Content-Length: 36'; crlf; nextPutAll: 'home=Cosby+one&favorite+flavor=flies'. ^HTTPRequest readFrom: (SwazooStream on: requestStream writeBufferContents)! ! !HTTPPostTest methodsFor: 'testing-mime parsing' stamp: 'PaoloBonzini 10/4/2009 11:16'! testBlockCopy "streaming with 8k blocks for performance" "this is just a basic test with content shorter that one block" | boundary message in out | boundary := '--boundary--'. message := 'just something'. in := SwazooStream on: message, self crlf, boundary. out := WriteStream on: ByteArray new. HTTPPost new blockStreamingFrom: in to: out until: boundary. self assert: out contents asString = message.! ! !HTTPPostTest methodsFor: 'testing-posts' stamp: 'janko 7/26/2008 15:33'! testPost10Simple "just one entity" | post | post := self postSimple. self assert: post isPostDataEmpty not. self assert: (post postDataStringAt: 'id5273') = 'main'.! ! !HTTPPostTest methodsFor: 'testing-posts' stamp: 'janko 7/26/2008 15:33'! testPost2Empty "post entity with empty value" | post | post := self postEmpty. self assert: post isPostDataEmpty not. self assert: (post postDataStringAt: 'id5273') = ''.! ! !HTTPPostTest methodsFor: 'testing-posts' stamp: 'janko 7/26/2008 15:33'! testPost3Dashes "some ---- inside post data" | post | post := self postDashes. self assert: post isPostDataEmpty not. self assert: (post postDataStringAt: 'id5273') = '----'. self assert: (post postDataStringAt: 'field2') = '- --'.! ! !HTTPPostTest methodsFor: 'testing-file posts' stamp: 'janko 7/26/2008 15:33'! testPost40File | post | post := self postFile. self assert: post isPostDataEmpty not. self assert: (post postDataStringAt: 'id5273') = 'main'. self assert: (post postDataStringAt: 'field2') = ''. self assert: (post postDataAt: 'field7') filename = 'event.ical'. self assert: ((post postDataStringAt: 'field7') readStream upTo: Character cr) = 'BEGIN:VCALENDAR'. self assert: (post postDataStringAt: 'field7') = self fileContents. self assert: (post postDataStringAt: 'attach') = 'Attach'.! ! !HTTPPostTest methodsFor: 'testing-file posts' stamp: 'janko 7/26/2008 15:33'! testPost41FileStreamed | post stream | post := self postFile. stream := WriteStream on: ByteArray new. post postDataAt: 'field7' streamTo: stream. self assert: (post isPostDataStreamedAt: 'field7'). self deny: post postData isParsed. "post data read from socket defered" self assert: (post postDataStringAt: 'id5273') = 'main'. self assert: post postData isParsed. "first access to post data trigger full read and parse" self assert: (post postDataAt: 'field7') filename = 'event.ical'. self assert: (stream contents asString readStream upTo: Character cr) = 'BEGIN:VCALENDAR'. self assert: stream contents asString = self fileContents. self assert: (post postDataStringAt: 'attach') = 'Attach'.! ! !HTTPPostTest methodsFor: 'testing-file posts' stamp: 'janko 7/26/2008 15:33'! testPost42FileContentType | post | post := self postFile. "set the data to the post" self assert: post isPostDataEmpty not. "read the content of the stream" self assert: (post postDataAt: 'field7') contentType = 'application/octet-stream'.! ! !HTTPPostTest methodsFor: 'testing-posts' stamp: 'janko 7/26/2008 15:33'! testPost5UrlEncoded "just one entity" | post | post := self postUrlEncoded. self assert: post isPostDataEmpty not. self assert: (post postDataStringAt: 'home') = 'Cosby one'. self assert: (post postDataStringAt: 'favorite flavor') = 'flies'.! ! !HTTPPostTest methodsFor: 'testing-posts' stamp: 'janko 7/26/2008 15:33'! testPostPreambleEpilogue "mime preamble before first part and epilogue at the end. See #postPreambleEpilogue" | post | post := self postPreambleEpilogue. self assert: post isPostDataEmpty not. self assert: (post postDataStringAt: 'id5273') = 'main'.! ! !HTTPPostTest methodsFor: 'testing-posts' stamp: 'PaoloBonzini 10/4/2009 10:27'! testPostRawEntity | requestStream post | requestStream := SwazooStream on: String new. requestStream nextPutLine: 'POST /foobar HTTP/1.0'; nextPutLine: 'Host:'; nextPutLine: 'Content-Type: text/plain'; nextPutLine: 'Content-Length: 12'; crlf; nextPutLine: 'Hello, World'. post := HTTPRequest readFrom: (SwazooStream on: requestStream writeBufferContents). self assert: post isPostDataEmpty. self assert: post entityBody = 'Hello, World'! ! !HTTPPostTest methodsFor: 'testing-posts' stamp: 'PaoloBonzini 10/4/2009 10:31'! testPostUrlEncodedData | requestStream post | requestStream := SwazooStream on: String new. requestStream nextPutLine: 'POST / HTTP/1.1'; nextPutLine: 'Host:'; nextPutLine: 'Content-Type: application/x-www-form-urlencoded'; nextPutLine: 'Content-Length: 31'; crlf; nextPutLine: 'address=+fs&product=&quantity=1'. post := HTTPRequest readFrom: (SwazooStream on: requestStream writeBufferContents). self assert: (post postDataAt: 'address') value = ' fs'. self assert: (post postDataAt: 'product') value = ''. self assert: (post postDataAt: 'quantity') value = '1'! ! TestCase subclass: #HTTPRequestTest instanceVariableNames: 'request' classVariableNames: '' poolDictionaries: '' category: 'Swazoo-Tests'! !HTTPRequestTest methodsFor: 'requests-gets' stamp: 'PaoloBonzini 10/4/2009 10:27'! basicGet | requestStream | requestStream := SwazooStream on: String new. requestStream nextPutLine: 'GET / HTTP/1.1'; nextPutLine: 'Host:'; crlf. ^HTTPRequest readFrom: (SwazooStream on: requestStream writeBufferContents)! ! !HTTPRequestTest methodsFor: 'requests-gets' stamp: 'PaoloBonzini 10/4/2009 10:28'! basicGetHTTP10 | requestStream | requestStream := SwazooStream on: String new. requestStream nextPutLine: 'GET / HTTP/1.0'; crlf. ^HTTPRequest readFrom: (SwazooStream on: requestStream writeBufferContents)! ! !HTTPRequestTest methodsFor: 'requests-gets' stamp: 'PaoloBonzini 10/4/2009 10:28'! basicGetHTTP10Keepalive | requestStream | requestStream := SwazooStream on: String new. requestStream nextPutLine: 'GET / HTTP/1.0'; nextPutLine: 'Connection: Keep-Alive'; crlf. ^HTTPRequest readFrom: (SwazooStream on: requestStream writeBufferContents)! ! !HTTPRequestTest methodsFor: 'requests-gets' stamp: 'PaoloBonzini 10/4/2009 10:28'! basicHead | requestStream | requestStream := SwazooStream on: String new. requestStream nextPutLine: 'HEAD / HTTP/1.1'; nextPutLine: 'Host:'; crlf. ^HTTPRequest readFrom: (SwazooStream on: requestStream writeBufferContents)! ! !HTTPRequestTest methodsFor: 'private' stamp: ' 14/4/07 23:10'! crlfOn: aStream aStream nextPut: Character cr; nextPut: Character lf! ! !HTTPRequestTest methodsFor: 'requests-gets' stamp: 'PaoloBonzini 10/4/2009 10:29'! fullGet | requestStream | requestStream := SwazooStream on: String new. requestStream nextPutLine: 'GET /aaa/bbb/ccc.html?foo=bar&baz=quux HTTP/1.1'; nextPutLine: 'Connection: Keep-Alive'; nextPutLine: 'User-Agent: Mozilla/4.72 [en] (X11; I; Linux 2.3.51 i686)'; nextPutLine: 'Host:'; nextPutLine: 'Referer:'; crlf. ^HTTPRequest readFrom: (SwazooStream on: requestStream writeBufferContents)! ! !HTTPRequestTest methodsFor: 'requests-gets' stamp: 'PaoloBonzini 10/4/2009 10:29'! getMultiValueHeader | requestStream | requestStream := SwazooStream on: String new. requestStream nextPutLine: 'GET /aaa/bbb/ccc.html?foo=bar&baz=quux HTTP/1.1'; nextPutLine: 'Content-Type: multipart/form-data; boundary= --boundary'; crlf. ^HTTPRequest readFrom: (SwazooStream on: requestStream writeBufferContents)! ! !HTTPRequestTest methodsFor: 'requests-gets' stamp: 'PaoloBonzini 10/4/2009 10:29'! portedGet | requestStream | requestStream := SwazooStream on: String new. requestStream nextPutLine: 'GET / HTTP/1.1'; nextPutLine: 'Host:'; crlf. ^HTTPRequest readFrom: (SwazooStream on: requestStream writeBufferContents)! ! !HTTPRequestTest methodsFor: 'testing-other' stamp: ' 14/4/07 23:10'! test10ConnectionClose request := self basicGetHTTP10. self assert: request wantsConnectionClose! ! !HTTPRequestTest methodsFor: 'testing-other' stamp: ' 14/4/07 23:10'! test10KeepAliveConnectionClose request := self basicGetHTTP10Keepalive. self deny: request wantsConnectionClose! ! !HTTPRequestTest methodsFor: 'testing-gets' stamp: 'mivsek 12/31/2007 13:50'! testBasicGet request := self basicGet. self assert: request isGet. self assert: request isHttp11. self deny: request isHead. self deny: request isPost. self deny: request isPut! ! !HTTPRequestTest methodsFor: 'testing-gets' stamp: 'mivsek 12/31/2007 13:51'! testBasicGetHTTP10 request := self basicGetHTTP10. self assert: request isGet. self assert: request isHttp10. self deny: request isHead. self deny: request isPost. self deny: request isPut! ! !HTTPRequestTest methodsFor: 'testing-gets' stamp: ' 10/7/07 17:21'! testBasicGetHost request := self basicGet. self assert: request host = ''! ! !HTTPRequestTest methodsFor: 'testing-gets' stamp: ' 10/7/07 17:21'! testBasicGetPort request := self basicGet. self assert: request port = 80! ! !HTTPRequestTest methodsFor: 'testing-gets' stamp: ' 10/7/07 17:21'! testBasicHead request := self basicHead. self assert: request isHead. self deny: request isGet. self deny: request isPost. self deny: request isPut! ! !HTTPRequestTest methodsFor: 'testing-other' stamp: ' 14/4/07 23:10'! testConnection request := self fullGet. self assert: request connection = 'Keep-Alive'! ! !HTTPRequestTest methodsFor: 'testing-gets' stamp: 'mivsek 9/28/2007 22:57'! testGetMultiValueHeader | header | request := self getMultiValueHeader. header := request headerAt: 'Content-Type' ifAbsent: [nil]. self assert: header mediaType = 'multipart/form-data'. self assert: (header transferCodings at: 'boundary') = '--boundary'. self assert: header valuesAsString = 'multipart/form-data boundary=--boundary'. " 'Content-Type: multipart/form-data; boundary= --boundary'; "! ! !HTTPRequestTest methodsFor: 'testing-other' stamp: ' 14/4/07 23:10'! testHeaderAtIfPresent request := self basicGet. self assert: (request headers fieldOfClass: HTTPIfRangeField ifPresent: [:header | header == (request headers fieldOfClass: HTTPIfRangeField)] ifAbsent: [true]). self assert: (request headers fieldOfClass: HTTPHostField ifPresent: [:header | header == (request headers fieldOfClass: HTTPHostField)] ifAbsent: [false])! ! !HTTPRequestTest methodsFor: 'testing-other' stamp: 'PaoloBonzini 10/4/2009 10:29'! testMissingContentType | requestStream result | requestStream := SwazooStream on: String new. requestStream nextPutLine: 'POST /foobar HTTP/1.0'; nextPutLine: 'Host:'; " nextPutLine: 'Content-Type: text/plain'. <-- this is missing!! - and should be for this test" nextPutLine: 'Content-Length: 12'; crlf; nextPutLine: 'Hello, World'. result := SpExceptionContext for: [(HTTPRequest readFrom: (SwazooStream on: requestStream writeBufferContents)) ensureFullRead] "because of defered post data parsing" on: SpError do: [:ex | ex]. self assert: result class == SwazooHTTPPostError. ^self! ! !HTTPRequestTest methodsFor: 'testing-other' stamp: ' 14/4/07 23:10'! testNo11ConnectionClose request := self basicGet. self deny: request wantsConnectionClose! ! !HTTPRequestTest methodsFor: 'testing-other' stamp: 'PaoloBonzini 10/4/2009 10:30'! testNoEqualsQueries "The last assert here used to check that 'request queryAt: 'WSDL'' is nil, but a test for an empty string is more consistent with query argument formats." | requestStream | requestStream := SwazooStream on: String new. requestStream nextPutLine: 'GET /test/typed.asmx?WSDL HTTP/1.1'; nextPutLine: 'Host:'; crlf. request := HTTPRequest readFrom: (SwazooStream on: requestStream writeBufferContents). self assert: (request includesQuery: 'WSDL'). self assert: (request queryAt: 'WSDL') isEmpty! ! !HTTPRequestTest methodsFor: 'testing-gets' stamp: ' 10/7/07 17:21'! testPortedGetPort request := self portedGet. self assert: request port = 8888! ! !HTTPRequestTest methodsFor: 'testing-other' stamp: ' 14/4/07 23:10'! testReferer request := self fullGet. self assert: request referer asString = ''! ! !HTTPRequestTest methodsFor: 'testing-other' stamp: 'mivsek 7/21/2007 22:46'! testRequestWithCRButNoLF " | requestStream result | requestStream := SwazooStream on: String new. requestStream nextPutAll: 'GET / HTTP/1.1'; cr. result := SpExceptionContext for: [HTTPRequest readFrom: (SwazooStream on: requestStream writeBuffer contents)] on: SpError do: [:ex | ex]. self assert: result class == SwazooHTTPParseError. ^self"! ! !HTTPRequestTest methodsFor: 'testing-other' stamp: ' 14/4/07 23:10'! testUserAgent request := self fullGet. self assert: request userAgent = 'Mozilla/4.72 [en] (X11; I; Linux 2.3.51 i686)'! ! TestCase subclass: #HTTPResponseTest instanceVariableNames: 'response' classVariableNames: '' poolDictionaries: '' category: 'Swazoo-Tests'! !HTTPResponseTest methodsFor: 'private' stamp: ' 14/4/07 23:10'! crlf ^String with: Character cr with: Character lf! ! !HTTPResponseTest methodsFor: 'testing' stamp: 'PaoloBonzini 10/4/2009 10:29'! testInternalServerError | ws rs | response := HTTPResponse internalServerError. ws := SwazooStream on: String new. HTTPPrinter new response: response; stream: ws; printStatus. rs := SwazooStream on: ws writeBufferContents. self assert: rs nextLine = 'HTTP/1.1 500 Internal Server Error'! ! !HTTPResponseTest methodsFor: 'testing' stamp: 'PaoloBonzini 10/4/2009 10:30'! testOK | ws rs | response := HTTPResponse ok. ws := SwazooStream on: String new. HTTPPrinter new response: response; stream: ws; printStatus. rs := SwazooStream on: ws writeBufferContents. self assert: rs nextLine = 'HTTP/1.1 200 OK'! ! !HTTPResponseTest methodsFor: 'testing' stamp: ' 14/4/07 23:10'! testResponseTypes self assert: (HTTPResponse badRequest) isBadRequest. self assert: (HTTPResponse found) isFound. self assert: (HTTPResponse internalServerError) isInternalServerError. self assert: (HTTPResponse movedPermanently) isMovedPermanently. self assert: (HTTPResponse notFound) isNotFound. self assert: (HTTPResponse notImplemented) isNotImplemented. self assert: (HTTPResponse notModified) isNotModified. self assert: (HTTPResponse ok) isOk. self assert: (HTTPResponse redirectLink) isRedirectLink. self assert: (HTTPResponse seeOther) isSeeOther.! ! TestCase subclass: #HTTPServerTest instanceVariableNames: 'server stream' classVariableNames: '' poolDictionaries: '' category: 'Swazoo-Tests'! !HTTPServerTest methodsFor: 'running' stamp: 'JM 4/16/2007 22:52'! setUp | socket | (Delay forMilliseconds: 100) wait. server := HTTPServer new. [server ip: 'localhost'; port: 8123. server start] fork. (Delay forMilliseconds: 100) wait. " stream := (SocketAccessor newTCPclientToHost: 'localhost' port: 8123) readAppendStream" socket := SpSocket connectToServerOnHost: 'localhost' port: 8123. stream := SwazooStream socket: socket ! ! !HTTPServerTest methodsFor: 'running' stamp: 'JM 4/16/2007 22:57'! tearDown server stop. stream close. stream := nil. Delay forMilliseconds: 500. ! ! !HTTPServerTest methodsFor: 'tests' stamp: ' 14/4/07 23:10'! testServing self assert: server isServing! ! !HTTPServerTest methodsFor: 'tests' stamp: ' 14/4/07 23:10'! testStopServing server stop. self deny: server isServing! ! TestCase subclass: #HeaderFieldTest instanceVariableNames: '' classVariableNames: '' poolDictionaries: '' category: 'Swazoo-Tests'! !HeaderFieldTest methodsFor: 'testing' stamp: ' 14/4/07 23:10'! testCombine "Entity tags must be quoted strings - RFC 2616 3.11" | header1 header2 header3 | header1 := HeaderField fromLine: 'If-Match: "a"'. header2 := HeaderField fromLine: 'If-Match: "b","c"'. header3 := HeaderField fromLine: 'If-Match: "d"'. header1 combineWith: header2. self assert: header1 valuesAsString = '"a","b","c"'. header1 combineWith: header3. self assert: header1 valuesAsString = '"a","b","c","d"'! ! !HeaderFieldTest methodsFor: 'testing' stamp: 'PaoloBonzini 10/4/2009 10:29'! testContentTypeMultiple " HTTP/1.1 header field values can be folded onto multiple lines if the continuation line begins with a space or horizontal tab. All linear white space, including folding, has the same semantics as SP. A recipient MAY replace any linear white space with a single SP before interpreting the field value or forwarding the message downstream. LWS = [CRLF] 1*( SP | HT )" | requestStream request field | requestStream := SwazooStream on: String new. requestStream nextPutLine: 'GET / HTTP/1.1'; nextPutLine: 'Host:'; nextPutLine: 'Content-Type: text/html; '; nextPutLine: ' charset=iso-8859-1'; crlf. request := HTTPRequest readFrom: (SwazooStream on: requestStream writeBufferContents). field := request headers fieldNamed: 'content-type'. self assert: field name = 'Content-Type'. self assert: field mediaType = 'text/html'. self assert: (field transferCodings at: 'charset') = 'iso-8859-1'! ! !HeaderFieldTest methodsFor: 'testing' stamp: ' 14/4/07 23:10'! testValues "Entity tags are held internally as simple strings. Any necessary leading and trailing double quotes are added by the header fields as needed. Note that it is OK to have a comma in an entity tag - see the second of the group of 3 tags below." | header | header := HeaderField fromLine: 'If-Match: "xyzzy" '. self assert: header name = 'If-Match'. self assert: header entityTags first = 'xyzzy'. header := HeaderField fromLine: 'If-Match: "xyzzy", "r2d2,xxxx", "c3piozzzz" '. self assert: header name = 'If-Match'. self assert: header entityTags first = 'xyzzy'. self assert: (header entityTags at: 2) = 'r2d2,xxxx'. self assert: header entityTags last = 'c3piozzzz'! ! TestCase subclass: #HelloWorldResourceTest instanceVariableNames: 'hello' classVariableNames: '' poolDictionaries: '' category: 'Swazoo-Tests'! !HelloWorldResourceTest methodsFor: 'running' stamp: 'JM 4/18/2007 18:00'! setUp hello := HelloWorldResource uriPattern: 'hello.html'! ! !HelloWorldResourceTest methodsFor: 'testing' stamp: ' 14/4/07 23:10'! testResponse | request response | request := HTTPGet request: 'hello.html'. response := URIResolution resolveRequest: request startingAt: hello. self assert: response code = 200. self assert: request resourcePath size = 1. self assert: request resourcePath first = 'hello.html'! ! TestCase subclass: #HomeResourceTest instanceVariableNames: 'resource' classVariableNames: '' poolDictionaries: '' category: 'Swazoo-Tests'! !HomeResourceTest methodsFor: 'running' stamp: ' 14/4/07 23:10'! setUp resource := HomeResource uriPattern: '/' filePath: 'home'! ! !HomeResourceTest methodsFor: 'running' stamp: 'mivsek 8/16/2007 22:21'! testRootFileFor | request | request := HTTPGet request: '/~someUser'. URIResolution new initializeRequest: request. self assert: (resource rootFileFor: request) asString = (((SpFilename named: 'home') construct: 'someUser') construct: 'html') asString! ! !HomeResourceTest methodsFor: 'running' stamp: ' 14/4/07 23:10'! testValidateHomePath self assert: (resource validateHomePath: '~somebody'). self assert: (resource validateHomePath: '~somebodyElse'). self deny: (resource validateHomePath: 'someplace'). self deny: (resource validateHomePath: 'some~body')! ! TestCase subclass: #RedirectionResourceTest instanceVariableNames: 'resource' classVariableNames: '' poolDictionaries: '' category: 'Swazoo-Tests'! !RedirectionResourceTest methodsFor: 'running' stamp: ' 14/4/07 23:10'! setUp resource := RedirectionResource uriPattern: 'foo' targetUri: ''! ! !RedirectionResourceTest methodsFor: 'testing' stamp: ' 14/4/07 23:10'! testGetResource | request response | request := HTTPGet request: 'foo'. response := URIResolution resolveRequest: request startingAt: resource. self assert: response code = 301. self assert: (response headers fieldNamed: 'Location') uri asString = ''. self assert: request resourcePath size = 1. self assert: request resourcePath first = 'foo'! ! TestCase subclass: #ResourceTest instanceVariableNames: 'resource' classVariableNames: '' poolDictionaries: '' category: 'Swazoo-Tests'! !ResourceTest methodsFor: 'private' stamp: ' 14/4/07 23:10'! basicGet: uri | ws | ws := WriteStream on: String new. ws nextPutAll: 'GET ', uri, ' HTTP/1.1'. self crlfOn: ws. ws nextPutAll: 'Host:'. self crlfOn: ws. self crlfOn: ws. ^HTTPRequest readFrom: (ReadStream on: ws contents)! ! !ResourceTest methodsFor: 'private' stamp: ' 14/4/07 23:10'! basicGetUri: uriString | ws | ws := WriteStream on: String new. ws nextPutAll: 'GET ' , uriString , ' HTTP/1.1'. self crlfOn: ws. ws nextPutAll: 'Host:'. self crlfOn: ws. self crlfOn: ws. ^HTTPRequest readFrom: (ReadStream on: ws contents)! ! !ResourceTest methodsFor: 'private' stamp: ' 14/4/07 23:10'! basicGetUri: uriString host: hostname port: port | ws | ws := WriteStream on: String new. ws nextPutAll: 'GET ' , uriString , ' HTTP/1.1'. self crlfOn: ws. ws nextPutAll: 'Host: ' , hostname. port notNil ifTrue: [ws nextPut: $:; print: port]. self crlfOn: ws. self crlfOn: ws. ^HTTPRequest readFrom: (ReadStream on: ws contents)! ! !ResourceTest methodsFor: 'private' stamp: ' 14/4/07 23:10'! crlfOn: aStream aStream nextPut: Character cr; nextPut: Character lf! ! !ResourceTest methodsFor: 'running' stamp: 'jm 2/8/2009 13:51'! setUp resource := SwazooResource uriPattern: 'foo'! ! !ResourceTest methodsFor: 'testing' stamp: ' 14/4/07 23:10'! testEmptyURIPatternInvalid resource uriPattern: ''. self deny: resource isValidlyConfigured! ! !ResourceTest methodsFor: 'testing' stamp: ' 14/4/07 23:10'! testEnabledByDefault self assert: resource isEnabled! ! !ResourceTest methodsFor: 'testing' stamp: ' 14/4/07 23:10'! testNilURIPatternDoesNothing | pattern | pattern := resource uriPattern. resource uriPattern: nil. self assert: resource uriPattern = pattern! ! !ResourceTest methodsFor: 'testing' stamp: ' 14/4/07 23:10'! testValidlyConfigured self assert: resource isValidlyConfigured! ! TestCase subclass: #SiteIdentifierTest instanceVariableNames: 'identifier' classVariableNames: '' poolDictionaries: '' category: 'Swazoo-Tests'! !SiteIdentifierTest methodsFor: 'running' stamp: ' 10/7/07 17:21'! setUp identifier := SiteIdentifier host: 'localhost' ip: '' port: 80! ! !SiteIdentifierTest methodsFor: 'testing' stamp: ' 10/7/07 17:21'! testCaseInsensitiveMatch | another | another := SiteIdentifier host: 'lOCaLhOST' ip: '' port: 80. self assert: (identifier match: another)! ! !SiteIdentifierTest methodsFor: 'testing' stamp: ' 10/7/07 17:21'! testCurrentUrl self assert: identifier currentUrl = 'http://localhost'. identifier := SiteIdentifier host: 'localhost' ip: '' port: 81. self assert: identifier currentUrl = 'http://localhost:81'! ! !SiteIdentifierTest methodsFor: 'testing' stamp: ' 10/7/07 17:21'! testHostMismatch | another | another := SiteIdentifier host: 'thisIsMyMachine' ip: '' port: 80. self deny: (identifier match: another)! ! !SiteIdentifierTest methodsFor: 'testing' stamp: ' 10/7/07 17:21'! testIPMismatch | another | another := SiteIdentifier host: 'localhost' ip: '' port: 80. self deny: (identifier match: another)! ! !SiteIdentifierTest methodsFor: 'testing' stamp: ' 10/7/07 17:21'! testMatch | another | another := SiteIdentifier host: 'localhost' ip: '' port: 80. self assert: (identifier match: another)! ! !SiteIdentifierTest methodsFor: 'testing' stamp: ' 10/7/07 17:21'! testPortMismatch | another | another := SiteIdentifier host: 'localhost' ip: '' port: 81. self deny: (identifier match: another)! ! TestCase subclass: #SiteTest instanceVariableNames: 'site' classVariableNames: '' poolDictionaries: '' category: 'Swazoo-Tests'! !SiteTest methodsFor: 'running' stamp: ' 10/7/07 17:21'! addSecondAlias site addAlias: (SiteIdentifier host: '' ip: '' port: 8202).! ! !SiteTest methodsFor: 'running' stamp: 'jm 2/8/2009 13:52'! setUp super setUp. site := SwazooSite new. site addAlias: (SiteIdentifier host: '' ip: '' port: 8200)! ! !SiteTest methodsFor: 'testing' stamp: ' 14/4/07 23:10'! testCurrentUrl site currentUrl = ''. self addSecondAlias. site currentUrl = ''.! ! !SiteTest methodsFor: 'testing' stamp: 'jm 2/8/2009 13:52'! testCurrentUrl80 | aSite | aSite := SwazooSite new. aSite addAlias: (SiteIdentifier host: '' ip: '' port: 80). aSite currentUrl = ''. aSite currentUrl = ''! ! TestCase subclass: #SwazooBaseExtensionsTest instanceVariableNames: '' classVariableNames: '' poolDictionaries: '' category: 'Swazoo-Tests'! !SwazooBaseExtensionsTest methodsFor: 'testing' stamp: ' 14/4/07 23:10'! testCharacterArrayTrimBlanks self assert: (HTTPString trimBlanksFrom: ' a b c d e f g') = 'a b c d e f g'. self assert: (HTTPString trimBlanksFrom: 'no blanks') = 'no blanks'. self assert: (HTTPString trimBlanksFrom: ' leading') = 'leading'. self assert: (HTTPString trimBlanksFrom: 'trailing ') = 'trailing'. self assert: (HTTPString trimBlanksFrom: '') = ''. self assert: (HTTPString trimBlanksFrom: (String with: Character cr with: Character lf)) isEmpty! ! !SwazooBaseExtensionsTest methodsFor: 'testing' stamp: 'mivsek 8/16/2007 22:13'! testFilenameEtag "The filename etag is a simple string and does not contain double quotes. Header fields apply double quotes as necessary when writing themselves." | fn etag1 etag2 | fn := SpFilename named: 'etagTest'. [fn writeStream nextPut: $-; close. "create file" etag1 := fn etag. (Delay forSeconds: 1) wait. fn appendStream nextPut: $-; close. "modify file" etag2 := fn etag. self assert: (etag1 isKindOf: String). self assert: (etag2 isKindOf: String). self deny: etag1 = etag2] ensure: [fn delete]! ! !SwazooBaseExtensionsTest methodsFor: 'testing' stamp: ' 14/4/07 23:10'! testStringNewRandom | sizes strings | sizes := #(5 20 6127 2 100). strings := sizes collect: [:each | HTTPString newRandomString: each]. strings with: sizes do: [:string :size | self assert: string size = size]! ! TestCase subclass: #SwazooBoundaryTest instanceVariableNames: '' classVariableNames: '' poolDictionaries: '' category: 'Swazoo-Tests'! !SwazooBoundaryTest methodsFor: 'testing-mime boundary' stamp: ''! testBoundaryFull | boundary stream | boundary := '--boundary--'. stream := SwazooStream on: 'just--boundary--something'. "full boundary" self assert: (stream signsOfBoundary: boundary) = boundary size ! ! !SwazooBoundaryTest methodsFor: 'testing-mime boundary' stamp: ''! testBoundaryMixed | boundary stream | boundary := '--boundary--'. stream := SwazooStream on: 'yes,--just--boundary--something'. "partial, later full boundary" self assert: (stream signsOfBoundary: boundary) = boundary size ! ! !SwazooBoundaryTest methodsFor: 'testing-mime boundary' stamp: ''! testBoundaryOnEdge "part of boundary at the end of this stream, remaining probably in the next" | boundary stream | boundary := '--boundary--'. stream := SwazooStream on: 'just something-'. "just first char of boundary" self assert: (stream signsOfBoundary: boundary) = 1. stream := SwazooStream on: 'just something--'. "two chars" self assert: (stream signsOfBoundary: boundary) = 2. stream := SwazooStream on: 'just something--bound'. "half" self assert: (stream signsOfBoundary: boundary) = 7. stream := SwazooStream on: 'just something--boundary--'. "full boundary at the edge" self assert: (stream signsOfBoundary: boundary) = boundary size ! ! !SwazooBoundaryTest methodsFor: 'testing-mime boundary' stamp: ''! testBoundaryOnEdgeMixed "signs of boundary in the middle part at the end of this buffer, remaining probably in the next" | boundary stream | boundary := '--boundary--'. stream := SwazooStream on: 'just-something-'. "sign in the middle, one char at the end" self assert: (stream signsOfBoundary: boundary) = 1. stream := SwazooStream on: 'just-something--'. "two chars" self assert: (stream signsOfBoundary: boundary) = 2. stream := SwazooStream on: 'just-so--mething--bound'. "even more mixed case" self assert: (stream signsOfBoundary: boundary) = 7 ! ! !SwazooBoundaryTest methodsFor: 'testing-mime boundary' stamp: ''! testBoundarySimple | boundary stream | boundary := '--boundary--'. stream := SwazooStream on: 'just something'. "no boundary" self assert: (stream signsOfBoundary: boundary) = 0. stream := SwazooStream on: 'just-something'. "sign of boundary" self assert: (stream signsOfBoundary: boundary) = 0. stream := SwazooStream on: 'just--something'. "more sign of boundary" self assert: (stream signsOfBoundary: boundary) = 0. stream := SwazooStream on: 'just--boundary--something'. "full boundary" self assert: (stream signsOfBoundary: boundary) = boundary size ! ! !SwazooBoundaryTest methodsFor: 'testing-mime boundary' stamp: ''! testIndexOfBoundary "index of start of boundary in buffer, both full or partial at the edge/end of buffer" | boundary stream | boundary := '--boundary--'. stream := SwazooStream on: 'just something'. "no boundary" self assert: (stream indexOfBoundary: boundary) = 0. stream := SwazooStream on: 'just--boundary--something-'. "full boundary" self assert: (stream indexOfBoundary: boundary) = 5. stream := SwazooStream on: 'just something--boun'. "partial boundary at the edge" self assert: (stream indexOfBoundary: boundary) = 15. stream := SwazooStream on: 'just something-'. "partial boundary, one char only" self assert: (stream indexOfBoundary: boundary) = 15. stream := SwazooStream on: 'just-som--ething--boun'. "mixed case with partial at the edge" self assert: (stream indexOfBoundary: boundary) = 17 ! ! TestCase subclass: #SwazooCacheControlTest instanceVariableNames: 'resource cacheTarget request cacheControl' classVariableNames: '' poolDictionaries: '' category: 'Swazoo-Tests'! !SwazooCacheControlTest methodsFor: 'running' stamp: 'mivsek 8/16/2007 21:47'! setUp | directory firstFile ws | directory := SpFilename named: 'fResTest'. directory exists ifFalse: [directory makeDirectory]. firstFile := directory construct: 'abc.html'. ws := firstFile writeStream. [ws nextPutAll: 'hello'] ensure: [ws close]. resource := FileResource uriPattern: 'foo' filePath: 'fResTest'. request := HTTPGet request: 'foo/abc.html'. URIResolution resolveRequest: request startingAt: resource. cacheControl := SwazooCacheControl new request: request cacheTarget: (cacheTarget := resource fileFor: request)! ! !SwazooCacheControlTest methodsFor: 'running' stamp: 'mivsek 8/16/2007 22:07'! tearDown ((SpFilename named: 'fResTest') construct: 'abc.html') delete. (SpFilename named: 'fResTest') delete! ! !SwazooCacheControlTest methodsFor: 'testing' stamp: 'JM 4/18/2007 16:39'! testIfModifiedSinceModified | response timestampInThePast | request := HTTPGet request: 'foo/abc.html'. timestampInThePast := SpTimestamp fromDate: (Date today subtractDays: 1) andTime: Time now. request headers addField: (HTTPIfModifiedSinceField new valueFrom: timestampInThePast asRFC1123String). cacheControl := SwazooCacheControl new request: request cacheTarget: cacheTarget. self assert: cacheControl isNotModified not. self assert: cacheControl isIfModifiedSince. response := HTTPResponse ok. cacheControl addResponseHeaders: response. self assert: (response headers fieldNamed: 'ETag') entityTag = cacheTarget etag. self assert: (response headers fieldNamed: 'Last-Modified') timestamp = cacheTarget lastModified! ! !SwazooCacheControlTest methodsFor: 'testing' stamp: 'JM 4/18/2007 16:40'! testIfModifiedSinceNot | response | request headers addField: (HTTPIfModifiedSinceField new valueFrom: cacheTarget lastModified asRFC1123String). self assert: cacheControl isNotModified. self assert: cacheControl isIfModifiedSince not. response := HTTPResponse notModified. cacheControl addResponseHeaders: response. self assert: (response headers fieldNamed: 'ETag') entityTag = cacheTarget etag. self assert: (response headers fieldNamed: 'Last-Modified') timestamp = cacheTarget lastModified! ! !SwazooCacheControlTest methodsFor: 'testing' stamp: ' 14/4/07 23:10'! testIfNoneMatchHeaderMatch "same etag" | response | request headers addField: (HTTPIfNoneMatchField new addEntityTag: cacheTarget etag). self assert: cacheControl isNotModified. self deny: cacheControl isIfNoneMatch. "do NOT include last-modified" response := HTTPResponse notModified. cacheControl addResponseHeaders: response. self assert: (response headers fieldNamed: 'ETag') entityTag = cacheTarget etag. self assert: (response headers fieldNamed: 'Last-Modified' ifNone: [nil]) isNil! ! !SwazooCacheControlTest methodsFor: 'testing' stamp: 'JM 4/18/2007 16:40'! testIfNoneMatchHeaderNone "same etag" | response | request := HTTPGet request: 'foo/abc.html'. request headers addField: (HTTPIfNoneMatchField new valueFrom: 'blah'). cacheControl := SwazooCacheControl new request: request cacheTarget: cacheTarget. self assert: cacheControl isNotModified not. self assert: cacheControl isIfNoneMatch. response := HTTPResponse ok. cacheControl addResponseHeaders: response. self assert: (response headers fieldNamed: 'ETag') entityTag = cacheTarget etag. self assert: (response headers fieldNamed: 'Last-Modified') timestamp = cacheTarget lastModified! ! !SwazooCacheControlTest methodsFor: 'testing' stamp: 'JM 4/18/2007 16:42'! testNoHeaders | response | self assert: cacheControl isNotModified not. self assert: cacheControl isIfNoneMatch. self assert: cacheControl isIfModifiedSince. "add both" response := HTTPResponse ok. cacheControl addResponseHeaders: response. self assert: (response headers fieldNamed: 'ETag') entityTag = cacheTarget etag. self assert: (response headers fieldNamed: 'Last-Modified') timestamp = cacheTarget lastModified! ! TestCase subclass: #SwazooCompilerTest instanceVariableNames: '' classVariableNames: '' poolDictionaries: '' category: 'Swazoo-Tests'! !SwazooCompilerTest methodsFor: 'running' stamp: ' 14/4/07 23:10'! testEvaluate self assert: (SwazooCompiler evaluate: '1 + 2 * 3') = 9! ! !SwazooCompilerTest methodsFor: 'running' stamp: ' 14/4/07 23:10'! testEvaluateReceiver self assert: (SwazooCompiler evaluate: 'self + 2 * 3' receiver: 1) = 9! ! TestCase subclass: #SwazooConfigurationTest instanceVariableNames: '' classVariableNames: '' poolDictionaries: '' category: 'Swazoo-Tests'! !SwazooConfigurationTest methodsFor: 'testing' stamp: 'jm 2/8/2009 13:56'! testCompositeResourceSite | rs site composite howdy duh hithere | rs := ReadStream on: ' '. site := SwazooSite new readFrom: rs. self assert: site children size = 1. composite := site children first. self assert: composite class == CompositeResource. self assert: composite uriPattern = '/'. self assert: composite children size = 2. self assert: composite parent == site. howdy := composite children first. self assert: (howdy class == HelloWorldResource). self assert: howdy uriPattern = 'howdy'. self assert: howdy parent == composite. duh := composite children last. self assert: duh children size = 1. self assert: duh class == CompositeResource. self assert: duh uriPattern = 'duh'. self assert: duh parent == composite. hithere := duh children first. self assert: hithere class == HelloWorldResource. self assert: hithere uriPattern = 'hithere'. self assert: hithere parent == duh.! ! !SwazooConfigurationTest methodsFor: 'testing' stamp: 'jm 2/8/2009 13:53'! testEmptySite | rs site alias | rs := ReadStream on: ' '. site := SwazooSite new readFrom: rs. self assert: site aliases size = 1. self assert: site currentUrl = ''. alias := site aliases first. self assert: alias host = ''. self assert: alias ip = ''. self assert: alias port = 80! ! !SwazooConfigurationTest methodsFor: 'testing' stamp: 'jm 2/8/2009 13:54'! testFileResourceSite | rs site resource | rs := ReadStream on: ' '. site := SwazooSite new readFrom: rs. self assert: site children size = 1. resource := site children first. self assert: resource class == FileResource. self assert: resource uriPattern = '/'. self assert: resource filePath = 'files'. self assert: resource parent == site. self assert: resource currentUrl = ''.! ! !SwazooConfigurationTest methodsFor: 'testing' stamp: 'jm 2/8/2009 13:53'! testMultipleResourcesSite | rs site resource1 resource2 | rs := ReadStream on: ' '. site := SwazooSite new readFrom: rs. self assert: site children size = 2. resource1 := site children first. self assert: (resource1 class == HelloWorldResource). self assert: resource1 uriPattern = '/'. resource2 := site children last. self assert: resource2 class == HelloWorldResource. self assert: resource2 uriPattern = '/'! ! !SwazooConfigurationTest methodsFor: 'testing' stamp: ' 14/4/07 23:10'! testMultipleSites | rs sites site alias1 alias2 | rs := ReadStream on: ' '. sites := SwazooServer readSitesFrom: rs. self assert: sites size = 2. site := sites first. self assert: site aliases size = 2. alias1 := site aliases first. self assert: alias1 host = ''. self assert: alias1 ip = ''. self assert: alias1 port = 80. alias2 := site aliases last. self assert: alias2 host = ''. self assert: alias2 ip = ''. self assert: alias2 port = 81! ! !SwazooConfigurationTest methodsFor: 'testing' stamp: 'jm 2/8/2009 13:56'! testSingleResourceSite | rs site resource | rs := ReadStream on: ' '. site := SwazooSite new readFrom: rs. self assert: site children size = 1. resource := site children first. self assert: (resource class == HelloWorldResource). self assert: resource uriPattern = '/'. self assert: resource parent == site. self assert: resource currentUrl = ''.! ! !SwazooConfigurationTest methodsFor: 'testing' stamp: 'jm 2/8/2009 13:54'! testSiteTag | rs config tag | rs := ReadStream on: ' '. config := SwazooSite new. tag := config nextTagFrom: rs. self assert: tag = 'Site'. tag := config nextTagFrom: rs. self assert: tag = '/Site'. self assert: (config nextTagFrom: rs) isNil! ! TestCase subclass: #SwazooServerTest instanceVariableNames: '' classVariableNames: '' poolDictionaries: '' category: 'Swazoo-Tests'! !SwazooServerTest methodsFor: 'support' stamp: ' 8/2/09 22:22'! removeTestSiteIfAny | site | site _ SwazooServer siteNamed: self testSiteName. site notNil ifTrue: [SwazooServer singleton removeSite: site]! ! !SwazooServerTest methodsFor: 'testing' stamp: ' 8/2/09 22:22'! testAccessingSite | site | self removeTestSiteIfAny. site _ (SwazooSite new) name: self testSiteName; host: '' ip: 'localhost' port: 8543. [SwazooServer singleton addSite: site. self assert: (SwazooServer siteNamed: self testSiteName) notNil. site _ SwazooServer siteNamed: self testSiteName. self assert: site name = self testSiteName. self assert: (SwazooServer siteHostnamed: '') notNil. site _ SwazooServer siteHostnamed: ''. self assert: site host = ''] ensure: [SwazooServer singleton removeSite: site]! ! !SwazooServerTest methodsFor: 'testing-adding sites' stamp: ' 8/2/09 22:22'! testAddingAllInterfacesSite "site to listen on all IP interfaces but on specified port" | site server | self removeTestSiteIfAny. server _ SwazooServer singleton. self assert: (server siteNamed: self testSiteName) isNil. site _ (SwazooSite new) name: self testSiteName; host: '*' ip: '*' port: 7261. [server addSite: site. self assert: (server siteNamed: self testSiteName) notNil] ensure: [server removeSite: site]! ! !SwazooServerTest methodsFor: 'testing-adding sites' stamp: ' 8/2/09 22:22'! testAddingSite | site server nrSites | self removeTestSiteIfAny. server _ SwazooServer singleton. nrSites _ server sites size. self assert: (server siteNamed: self testSiteName) isNil. self assert: (server siteHostnamed: self testSiteName) isNil. site _ (SwazooSite new) name: self testSiteName; host: '' ip: 'localhost' port: 5798. server addSite: site. self assert: (server siteNamed: self testSiteName) notNil. self assert: (server siteHostnamed: '') notNil. server removeSite: site. self assert: server sites size = nrSites! ! !SwazooServerTest methodsFor: 'testing-adding sites' stamp: ' 8/2/09 22:22'! testAllInterfacesTwoPortSites "two sites can run on all IP interfaces and different port" | server site1 site2 | server _ SwazooServer singleton. site1 _ (SwazooSite new) name: 'allInterfaces1'; host: '*' ip: '*' port: 7261. site2 _ (SwazooSite new) name: 'allInterfaces2'; host: '*' ip: '*' port: 7262. [server addSite: site1. self shouldnt: [server addSite: site2] raise: Error] ensure: [server removeSite: site1; removeSite: site2]! ! !SwazooServerTest methodsFor: 'testing-adding sites' stamp: ' 8/2/09 22:22'! testAllStarsThenExactOnOtherPort | server site1 site2 | server _ SwazooServer singleton. site1 _ (SwazooSite new) name: 'allstar232'; host: '*' ip: '*' port: 7261. site2 _ (SwazooSite new) name: 'exactdfdf'; host: 'localhost' ip: 'localhost' port: 7262. [server addSite: site1. self shouldnt: [server addSite: site2; removeSite: site2] raise: Error] ensure: [server removeSite: site1]! ! !SwazooServerTest methodsFor: 'testing-adding sites' stamp: ' 8/2/09 22:22'! testDuplicateAllInterfacesSite "two sites cannot run on all IP interfaces and same port" | server site1 site2 | server _ SwazooServer singleton. site1 _ (SwazooSite new) name: 'allInterfaces1'; host: '*' ip: '*' port: 7261. site2 _ (SwazooSite new) name: 'allInterfaces2'; host: '*' ip: '*' port: 7261. [server addSite: site1. self should: [server addSite: site2] raise: Error] ensure: [server removeSite: site1]! ! !SwazooServerTest methodsFor: 'testing-adding sites' stamp: ' 8/2/09 22:22'! testDuplicateNames | site server | self removeTestSiteIfAny. server _ SwazooServer singleton. site _ (SwazooSite new) name: self testSiteName; host: '' ip: 'localhost' port: 6376. [server addSite: site. self should: [site name: self testSiteName] raise: Error. self shouldnt: [site host: ''] raise: Error. self should: [(SwazooSite new) name: self testSiteName; host: '' ip: 'localhost' port: 6376] raise: Error] ensure: [server removeSite: site]! ! !SwazooServerTest methodsFor: 'support' stamp: ' 8/2/09 22:22'! testSiteName ^'aaabbcc987'! ! !SwazooServerTest methodsFor: 'testing' stamp: ' 8/2/09 22:22'! testStartingOnAPort "and all ip interfaces, any host" | site server nrServers | server _ SwazooServer singleton. nrServers _ server servers size. [site _ server startOn: 4924. self assert: site isServing. self assert: server servers size = (nrServers + 1). server stopOn: 4924. self assert: site isServing not. self assert: server servers size = nrServers] ensure: [site stop. server removeSite: site]! ! !SwazooServerTest methodsFor: 'testing' stamp: 'PaoloBonzini 10/4/2009 11:18'! testStartingOnTwoPorts "and all ip interfaces, any host" | server nrServers site1 site2 | server _ SwazooServer singleton. nrServers _ server servers size. [site1 _ server startOn: 4924. site2 _ server startOn: 4925. self assert: site1 isServing. self assert: site2 isServing. self assert: server servers size = (nrServers + 2). server stopOn: 4924. server stopOn: 4925. self assert: site1 isServing not. self assert: site2 isServing not. self assert: server servers size = nrServers] ensure: [site1 stop. site2 stop. server removeSite: site1; removeSite: site2]! ! !SwazooServerTest methodsFor: 'testing' stamp: ' 8/2/09 22:22'! testStartingSite | site server nrServers | self removeTestSiteIfAny. server _ SwazooServer singleton. nrServers _ server servers size. site _ (SwazooSite new) name: self testSiteName; host: '' ip: 'localhost' port: 8765. [server addSite: site. self assert: site isServing not. SwazooServer startSite: self testSiteName. self assert: server servers size = (nrServers + 1). self assert: site isServing. SwazooServer stopSite: self testSiteName. self assert: site isServing not. self assert: server servers size = nrServers] ensure: [site stop. server removeSite: site]! ! TestCase subclass: #SwazooSocketTest instanceVariableNames: 'input output' classVariableNames: '' poolDictionaries: '' category: 'Swazoo-Tests'! !SwazooSocketTest methodsFor: 'running' stamp: ' 14/4/07 23:10'! setUp | pair | pair := SwazooSocket connectedPair. input := pair first. output := pair last! ! !SwazooSocketTest methodsFor: 'running' stamp: ' 14/4/07 23:10'! tearDown input close. output close! ! !SwazooSocketTest methodsFor: 'testing' stamp: ' 14/4/07 23:10'! testConnectedPair (Array with: input with: output) do: [:each | self assert: (each isKindOf: SwazooSocket)]! ! !SwazooSocketTest methodsFor: 'testing' stamp: ' 14/4/07 23:10'! testNetworkConnection | server sem | input close. output close. sem := Semaphore new. [server := SwazooSocket serverOnIP: '' port: 65423. server listenFor: 50. [input := server accept. sem signal] fork. output := SwazooSocket connectTo: 'localhost' port: 65423. sem wait. self testReadWrite] ensure: [server close]! ! !SwazooSocketTest methodsFor: 'testing' stamp: ' 14/4/07 23:10'! testPartialRead | bytes | bytes := ByteArray withAll: #(5 4 3). self assert: (input write: bytes) = 3. self assert: (output read: 5) = bytes! ! !SwazooSocketTest methodsFor: 'testing' stamp: 'janko 7/26/2008 14:59'! testReadTimeout "on Squeak doesn't come back, and also we don't need it for now !!" " input write: (ByteArray withAll: #(1 2 3)). self assert: (output read: 3 timeout: 40) = (ByteArray withAll: #(1 2 3)). self assert: (output read: 3 timeout: 40) = ByteArray new "! ! !SwazooSocketTest methodsFor: 'testing' stamp: ' 14/4/07 23:10'! testReadWrite | bytes | bytes := ByteArray withAll: #(1 2 3 4 5). self assert: (input write: bytes) = 5. self assert: (output read: 5) = bytes. bytes := ByteArray with: 4. self assert: (input write: bytes) = 1. self assert: (output read: 1) = bytes! ! TestCase subclass: #SwazooStreamTest instanceVariableNames: 'input output' classVariableNames: '' poolDictionaries: '' category: 'Swazoo-Tests'! !SwazooStreamTest methodsFor: 'running' stamp: 'mivsek 7/19/2007 19:26'! crlfOn: aSwazooStream aSwazooStream nextPut: Character cr; nextPut: Character lf! ! !SwazooStreamTest methodsFor: 'running' stamp: ' 14/4/07 23:10'! setUp | pair | pair := SwazooStream connectedPair. input := pair first. output := pair last! ! !SwazooStreamTest methodsFor: 'running' stamp: ' 14/4/07 23:10'! tearDown input close. output close! ! !SwazooStreamTest methodsFor: 'testing' stamp: ' 14/4/07 23:10'! testConnectedPair (Array with: input with: output) do: [:each | self assert: (each isKindOf: SwazooStream)]! ! !SwazooStreamTest methodsFor: 'testing' stamp: ' 14/4/07 23:10'! testErrorOnInputClose self should: [input close. output next] raise: Error! ! !SwazooStreamTest methodsFor: 'testing-lines' stamp: 'PaoloBonzini 10/4/2009 10:30'! testLinesWithDoubleCRLF | ws rs comparisonString | comparisonString := 'abcd'. ws := SwazooStream on: String new. ws nextPutAll: comparisonString. self crlfOn: ws. self crlfOn: ws. rs := SwazooStream on: ws writeBufferContents. self assert: rs nextLine = comparisonString. self assert: rs nextLine = ''! ! !SwazooStreamTest methodsFor: 'testing' stamp: ' 14/4/07 23:10'! testNextPut #($A $M $Y $b $r $z) do: [:each | self assert: (input nextPut: each) = each. input flush. self assert: output next = each]! ! !SwazooStreamTest methodsFor: 'testing' stamp: ' 14/4/07 23:10'! testNextPutAll #('123' 'abc' 'swazoo') do: [:each | self assert: (input nextPutAll: each) = each. input flush. self assert: (output next: each size) = each]! ! !SwazooStreamTest methodsFor: 'testing' stamp: ' 14/4/07 23:10'! testNextPutByte | bytes | bytes := ByteArray with: 6 with: 5 with: 0 with: 2. bytes do: [:each | self assert: (input nextPutByte: each) = each. input flush. self assert: output nextByte = each]! ! !SwazooStreamTest methodsFor: 'testing' stamp: ' 14/4/07 23:10'! testNextPutBytes | bytes1 bytes2 bytes3 | bytes1 := ByteArray withAll: #(1 2 3 4). bytes2 := ByteArray withAll: #(5 4 3 2 1). bytes3 := ByteArray withAll: #(1 1 2 3 5). (Array with: bytes1 with: bytes2 with: bytes3) do: [:each | self assert: (input nextPutBytes: each) = each. input flush. self assert: (output nextBytes: each size) = each]! ! !SwazooStreamTest methodsFor: 'testing' stamp: ' 14/4/07 23:10'! testPeek #($K $J $D $j $m $z) do: [:each | input nextPut: each. input flush. self assert: output peek = each. output next]! ! !SwazooStreamTest methodsFor: 'testing' stamp: ' 14/4/07 23:10'! testPeekByte | bytes | bytes := ByteArray withAll: #(5 2 8 4 11 231). bytes do: [:each | input nextPutByte: each. input flush. self assert: output peekByte = each. output nextByte]! ! !SwazooStreamTest methodsFor: 'testing-lines' stamp: 'PaoloBonzini 10/4/2009 10:30'! testSingleLineWithCR | ws rs comparisonString errored | comparisonString := 'abcd' , (String with: Character cr) , 'efg'. ws := SwazooStream on: String new. ws nextPutAll: comparisonString. ws nextPut: Character cr. rs := SwazooStream on: ws writeBufferContents. errored := false. SpExceptionContext for: [rs nextLine] on: SpError do: [:ex | errored := true]. self assert: errored! ! !SwazooStreamTest methodsFor: 'testing-lines' stamp: 'PaoloBonzini 10/4/2009 10:30'! testSingleLineWithCRLF | ws rs comparisonString | comparisonString := 'abcd'. ws := SwazooStream on: String new. ws nextPutAll: comparisonString. self crlfOn: ws. rs := SwazooStream on: ws writeBufferContents. self assert: rs nextLine = comparisonString! ! TestCase subclass: #SwazooURITest instanceVariableNames: 'fooURI barURI queryURI' classVariableNames: '' poolDictionaries: '' category: 'Swazoo-Tests'! !SwazooURITest methodsFor: 'running' stamp: ' 14/4/07 23:10'! setUp fooURI := SwazooURI fromString: ''. queryURI := SwazooURI fromString: ''. barURI := SwazooURI fromString: ''! ! !SwazooURITest methodsFor: 'running' stamp: ' 14/4/07 23:10'! testHostname self assert: fooURI hostname = ''. self assert: queryURI hostname = ''. self assert: barURI hostname = ''! ! !SwazooURITest methodsFor: 'running' stamp: ' 14/4/07 23:10'! testIdentifier self assert: fooURI identifier = '/index.html'. self assert: queryURI identifier = '/index.html'. self assert: barURI identifier = '/files/'! ! !SwazooURITest methodsFor: 'running' stamp: ' 14/4/07 23:10'! testIdentifierPath self assert: fooURI identifierPath = (OrderedCollection with: '/' with: 'index.html'). self assert: queryURI identifierPath = (OrderedCollection with: '/' with: 'index.html'). self assert: barURI identifierPath = (OrderedCollection with: '/' with: 'files')! ! !SwazooURITest methodsFor: 'running' stamp: ' 14/4/07 23:10'! testIsDirectory self deny: fooURI isDirectory. self deny: queryURI isDirectory. self assert: barURI isDirectory! ! !SwazooURITest methodsFor: 'running' stamp: ' 14/4/07 23:10'! testPort self assert: fooURI port = 80. self assert: queryURI port = 80. self assert: barURI port = 8080! ! !SwazooURITest methodsFor: 'running' stamp: ' 14/4/07 23:10'! testQueries self deny: (queryURI includesQuery: 'hi'). self assert: (queryURI includesQuery: 'foo'). self assert: (queryURI includesQuery: 'bar'). self assert: (queryURI queryAt: 'foo') = '1'. self assert: (queryURI queryAt: 'bar') = 'hi'! ! !SwazooURITest methodsFor: 'running' stamp: ' 14/4/07 23:10'! testValue self assert: fooURI value = ''. self assert: queryURI value = ''. self assert: barURI value = ''! ! TestCase subclass: #URIParsingTest instanceVariableNames: '' classVariableNames: '' poolDictionaries: '' category: 'Swazoo-Tests'! !URIParsingTest methodsFor: 'testing' stamp: ' 14/4/07 23:10'! test05SimpleFullURI |uri| uri := SwazooURI fromString: ''. self assert: (uri protocol = 'http'). self assert: (uri hostname = ''). self assert: (uri port = 8080). self assert: (uri identifier = '/smith/home.html'). self assert: (uri asString = '').! ! !URIParsingTest methodsFor: 'testing' stamp: ' 14/4/07 23:10'! test10SimpleFullURIWithQuery |uri| uri := SwazooURI fromString: ''. self assert: (uri protocol = 'http'). self assert: (uri hostname = ''). self assert: (uri port = 8080). self assert: (uri identifier = '/smith/home.html'). self assert: (uri asString = '').! ! !URIParsingTest methodsFor: 'testing' stamp: ' 14/4/07 23:10'! test15SimpleFullURIWithPort80 |uri| uri := SwazooURI fromString: ''. self assert: (uri protocol = 'http'). self assert: (uri hostname = ''). self assert: (uri port = 80). self assert: (uri identifier = '/smith/home.html'). self assert: (uri asString = '').! ! !URIParsingTest methodsFor: 'testing' stamp: ' 14/4/07 23:10'! test20SimpleFullURIWithNoPort |uri| uri := SwazooURI fromString: ''. self assert: (uri protocol = 'http'). self assert: (uri hostname = ''). self assert: (uri port = 80). self assert: (uri identifier = '/smith/home.html'). self assert: (uri asString = '').! ! TestCase subclass: #URIResolutionTest instanceVariableNames: '' classVariableNames: '' poolDictionaries: '' category: 'Swazoo-Tests'! !URIResolutionTest methodsFor: 'testing' stamp: 'JM 4/18/2007 22:29'! testCompositeAnswer | resource request response | resource := CompositeResource uriPattern: 'base'. resource addResource: (HelloWorldResource uriPattern: 'hi'). request := HTTPGet request: 'base/hi'. response := URIResolution resolveRequest: request startingAt: resource. self assert: response code = 200. self assert: request resourcePath size = 2. self assert: request resourcePath first = 'base'. self assert: request resourcePath last = 'hi'! ! !URIResolutionTest methodsFor: 'testing' stamp: ' 14/4/07 23:10'! testCompositeItselfCannotAnswer | resource request response | resource := CompositeResource uriPattern: 'base'. request := HTTPGet request: 'base'. response := URIResolution resolveRequest: request startingAt: resource. self assert: response isNil! ! !URIResolutionTest methodsFor: 'testing' stamp: ' 14/4/07 23:10'! testCompositeNoAnswer | resource request response | resource := CompositeResource uriPattern: 'base'. resource addResource: (HelloWorldResource uriPattern: 'hi'). request := HTTPGet request: 'tail/hi'. response := URIResolution resolveRequest: request startingAt: resource. self assert: response isNil! ! !URIResolutionTest methodsFor: 'testing' stamp: 'JM 4/18/2007 22:30'! testLeafAnswer | resource request response | resource := HelloWorldResource uriPattern: 'hi'. request := HTTPGet request: 'hi'. response := URIResolution resolveRequest: request startingAt: resource. self assert: response code = 200. self assert: request resourcePath size = 1. self assert: request resourcePath first = 'hi'! ! !URIResolutionTest methodsFor: 'testing' stamp: ' 14/4/07 23:10'! testNoAnswerWhenDisabled | resource request response | resource := HelloWorldResource uriPattern: 'hi'. resource disable. request := HTTPGet request: 'hi'. response := URIResolution resolveRequest: request startingAt: resource. self assert: response isNil! ! !URIResolutionTest methodsFor: 'testing' stamp: ' 14/4/07 23:10'! testResourcePath | request resolution | request := HTTPGet request: 'foo/bar/baz/quux' from: 'localhost:1234' at: ''. resolution := URIResolution new initializeRequest: request. self assert: resolution resourcePath = #('foo') asOrderedCollection. resolution advance. self assert: resolution resourcePath = #('foo' 'bar') asOrderedCollection. resolution advance. self assert: resolution resourcePath = #('foo' 'bar' 'baz') asOrderedCollection. resolution advance. self assert: resolution resourcePath = #('foo' 'bar' 'baz' 'quux') asOrderedCollection! ! !URIResolutionTest methodsFor: 'testing' stamp: 'jm 2/8/2009 13:59'! testSiteAnswer | resource request response | resource := SwazooSite new host: '' ip: '' port: 80. resource addResource: (HelloWorldResource uriPattern: '/'). request := HTTPGet request: '/' from: '' at: ''. response := URIResolution resolveRequest: request startingAt: resource. self assert: response code = 200. self assert: request resourcePath size = 1. self assert: request resourcePath first = '/'! ! !URIResolutionTest methodsFor: 'testing' stamp: 'jm 2/8/2009 13:59'! testSiteMatch | request site visitor | request := HTTPGet request: 'foo' from: 'myhosthost:1234' at: ''. visitor := URIResolution new initializeRequest: request. site := SwazooSite new host: 'myhosthost' ip: '' port: 1234. self assert: (visitor siteMatch: site)! ! !URIResolutionTest methodsFor: 'testing' stamp: 'jm 2/8/2009 13:59'! testSiteMismatch | request site visitor | request := HTTPGet request: 'foo' from: 'localhost:1234' at: ''. visitor := URIResolution new initializeRequest: request. site := SwazooSite new host: 'remotehost' ip: '' port: 1234. self deny: (visitor siteMatch: site)! ! !URIResolutionTest methodsFor: 'testing' stamp: ' 14/4/07 23:10'! testStringMatch | request visitor resource | request := HTTPGet request: 'foo'. visitor := URIResolution new initializeRequest: request. resource := HelloWorldResource uriPattern: 'foo'. self assert: (visitor stringMatch: resource)! ! !URIResolutionTest methodsFor: 'testing' stamp: ' 14/4/07 23:10'! testStringMismatch | request visitor resource | request := HTTPGet request: 'foo'. visitor := URIResolution new initializeRequest: request. resource := HelloWorldResource uriPattern: 'Foo'. self deny: (visitor stringMatch: resource)! ! !URIResolutionTest methodsFor: 'testing' stamp: ' 14/4/07 23:10'! testTailPath | request resolution | request := HTTPGet request: 'foo/bar/baz/quux' from: 'localhost:1234' at: ''. resolution := URIResolution new initializeRequest: request. self assert: resolution tailPath = #('bar' 'baz' 'quux') asOrderedCollection. resolution advance. self assert: resolution tailPath = #('baz' 'quux') asOrderedCollection. resolution advance. self assert: resolution tailPath = #('quux') asOrderedCollection. resolution advance. self assert: resolution tailPath isEmpty! ! HTTPServer initialize! HTTPResponse initialize! FileResource initialize! SwazooServer initialize!