SystemOrganization addCategory: #'TextLint-Tests'! SystemOrganization addCategory: #'TextLint-Model'! TestCase subclass: #TLAsToWhetherRuleTest instanceVariableNames: '' classVariableNames: '' poolDictionaries: '' category: 'TextLint-Tests'! !TLAsToWhetherRuleTest methodsFor: 'test' stamp: 'JorgeRessia 4/2/2010 17:35'! testFailure | aRule aWord aDocument anotherWord aSentence words sentences aParagraph paragraphs| words := OrderedCollection new. words add: (TLWord with: (PPToken on: 'As')). words add: (TLWord with: (PPToken on: 'to')). words add: (TLWord with: (PPToken on: 'whether')). words add: (TLWord with: (PPToken on: 'test')). aSentence := TLSentence withAll: words. sentences := OrderedCollection with: aSentence. aParagraph := TLParagraph withAll: sentences. paragraphs := OrderedCollection with: aParagraph. aDocument := TLDocument withAll: paragraphs. aRule := TLAsToWhetherRule new. aRule runOn: aDocument. self assert: aRule results size = 1. ! ! !TLAsToWhetherRuleTest methodsFor: 'test' stamp: 'JorgeRessia 4/2/2010 17:35'! testFailureInSentence | aRule aWord aDocument anotherWord aSentence words sentences aParagraph paragraphs| words := OrderedCollection new. words add: (TLWord with: (PPToken on: 'test')). words add: (TLWord with: (PPToken on: 'as')). words add: (TLWord with: (PPToken on: 'to')). words add: (TLWord with: (PPToken on: 'Whether')). words add: (TLWord with: (PPToken on: 'test')). aSentence := TLSentence withAll: words. sentences := OrderedCollection with: aSentence. aParagraph := TLParagraph withAll: sentences. paragraphs := OrderedCollection with: aParagraph. aDocument := TLDocument withAll: paragraphs. aRule := TLAsToWhetherRule new. aRule runOn: aDocument. self assert: aRule results size = 1. ! ! !TLAsToWhetherRuleTest methodsFor: 'test' stamp: 'JorgeRessia 4/2/2010 17:35'! testSuccess | aRule aWord aDocument anotherWord aSentence words sentences aParagraph paragraphs| words := OrderedCollection new. words add: (TLWord with: (PPToken on: 'test')). words add: (TLWord with: (PPToken on: 'test')). words add: (TLWord with: (PPToken on: 'to')). words add: (TLWord with: (PPToken on: 'whether')). words add: (TLWord with: (PPToken on: 'test')). aSentence := TLSentence withAll: words. sentences := OrderedCollection with: aSentence. aParagraph := TLParagraph withAll: sentences. paragraphs := OrderedCollection with: aParagraph. aDocument := TLDocument withAll: paragraphs. aRule := TLAsToWhetherRule new. aRule runOn: aDocument. self assert: aRule results size = 0. ! ! TestCase subclass: #TLAvoidQuilifiersRuleTest instanceVariableNames: '' classVariableNames: '' poolDictionaries: '' category: 'TextLint-Tests'! !TLAvoidQuilifiersRuleTest methodsFor: 'test' stamp: 'JorgeRessia 4/2/2010 11:04'! testCaseInsensitive | aRule aWord aDocument anotherWord aSentence words sentences aParagraph paragraphs| aWord := TLWord with: (PPToken on: 'Rather'). anotherWord := TLWord with: (PPToken on: 'test'). words := OrderedCollection with: aWord with: anotherWord. aSentence := TLSentence withAll: words. sentences := OrderedCollection with: aSentence. aParagraph := TLParagraph withAll: sentences. paragraphs := OrderedCollection with: aParagraph. aDocument := TLDocument withAll: paragraphs. aRule := TLAvoidQualifiersRule new. aRule runOn: aDocument. self assert: aRule results size = 1. ! ! !TLAvoidQuilifiersRuleTest methodsFor: 'test' stamp: 'JorgeRessia 4/2/2010 11:03'! testLittleFailure | aRule aWord aDocument anotherWord aSentence words sentences aParagraph paragraphs| aWord := TLWord with: (PPToken on: 'little'). anotherWord := TLWord with: (PPToken on: 'test'). words := OrderedCollection with: aWord with: anotherWord. aSentence := TLSentence withAll: words. sentences := OrderedCollection with: aSentence. aParagraph := TLParagraph withAll: sentences. paragraphs := OrderedCollection with: aParagraph. aDocument := TLDocument withAll: paragraphs. aRule := TLAvoidQualifiersRule new. aRule runOn: aDocument. self assert: aRule results size = 1. ! ! !TLAvoidQuilifiersRuleTest methodsFor: 'test' stamp: 'JorgeRessia 4/2/2010 11:03'! testPrettyFailure | aRule aWord aDocument anotherWord aSentence words sentences aParagraph paragraphs| aWord := TLWord with: (PPToken on: 'pretty'). anotherWord := TLWord with: (PPToken on: 'test'). words := OrderedCollection with: aWord with: anotherWord. aSentence := TLSentence withAll: words. sentences := OrderedCollection with: aSentence. aParagraph := TLParagraph withAll: sentences. paragraphs := OrderedCollection with: aParagraph. aDocument := TLDocument withAll: paragraphs. aRule := TLAvoidQualifiersRule new. aRule runOn: aDocument. self assert: aRule results size = 1. ! ! !TLAvoidQuilifiersRuleTest methodsFor: 'test' stamp: 'JorgeRessia 4/2/2010 11:02'! testQuiteFailure | aRule aWord aDocument anotherWord aSentence words sentences aParagraph paragraphs| aWord := TLWord with: (PPToken on: 'quite'). anotherWord := TLWord with: (PPToken on: 'test'). words := OrderedCollection with: aWord with: anotherWord. aSentence := TLSentence withAll: words. sentences := OrderedCollection with: aSentence. aParagraph := TLParagraph withAll: sentences. paragraphs := OrderedCollection with: aParagraph. aDocument := TLDocument withAll: paragraphs. aRule := TLAvoidQualifiersRule new. aRule runOn: aDocument. self assert: aRule results size = 1. ! ! !TLAvoidQuilifiersRuleTest methodsFor: 'test' stamp: 'JorgeRessia 4/2/2010 11:01'! testRatherFailure | aRule aWord aDocument anotherWord aSentence words sentences aParagraph paragraphs| aWord := TLWord with: (PPToken on: 'rather'). anotherWord := TLWord with: (PPToken on: 'test'). words := OrderedCollection with: aWord with: anotherWord. aSentence := TLSentence withAll: words. sentences := OrderedCollection with: aSentence. aParagraph := TLParagraph withAll: sentences. paragraphs := OrderedCollection with: aParagraph. aDocument := TLDocument withAll: paragraphs. aRule := TLAvoidQualifiersRule new. aRule runOn: aDocument. self assert: aRule results size = 1. ! ! !TLAvoidQuilifiersRuleTest methodsFor: 'test' stamp: 'JorgeRessia 4/2/2010 11:04'! testSuccess | aRule aWord aDocument anotherWord aSentence words sentences aParagraph paragraphs| aWord := TLWord with: (PPToken on: 'test'). anotherWord := TLWord with: (PPToken on: 'test'). words := OrderedCollection with: aWord with: anotherWord. aSentence := TLSentence withAll: words. sentences := OrderedCollection with: aSentence. aParagraph := TLParagraph withAll: sentences. paragraphs := OrderedCollection with: aParagraph. aDocument := TLDocument withAll: paragraphs. aRule := TLAvoidQualifiersRule new. aRule runOn: aDocument. self assert: aRule results size = 0. ! ! !TLAvoidQuilifiersRuleTest methodsFor: 'test' stamp: 'JorgeRessia 4/2/2010 11:03'! testVeryFailure | aRule aWord aDocument anotherWord aSentence words sentences aParagraph paragraphs| aWord := TLWord with: (PPToken on: 'very'). anotherWord := TLWord with: (PPToken on: 'test'). words := OrderedCollection with: aWord with: anotherWord. aSentence := TLSentence withAll: words. sentences := OrderedCollection with: aSentence. aParagraph := TLParagraph withAll: sentences. paragraphs := OrderedCollection with: aParagraph. aDocument := TLDocument withAll: paragraphs. aRule := TLAvoidQualifiersRule new. aRule runOn: aDocument. self assert: aRule results size = 1. ! ! TestCase subclass: #TLHoweverRuleTest instanceVariableNames: '' classVariableNames: '' poolDictionaries: '' category: 'TextLint-Tests'! !TLHoweverRuleTest methodsFor: 'test' stamp: 'JorgeRessia 4/1/2010 20:55'! testFailure | aRule aWord aDocument anotherWord aSentence words sentences aParagraph paragraphs| aWord := TLWord with: (PPToken on: 'However'). anotherWord := TLWord with: (PPToken on: 'test'). words := OrderedCollection with: aWord with: anotherWord. aSentence := TLSentence withAll: words. sentences := OrderedCollection with: aSentence. aParagraph := TLParagraph withAll: sentences. paragraphs := OrderedCollection with: aParagraph. aDocument := TLDocument withAll: paragraphs. aRule := TLHoweverRule new. aRule runOn: aDocument. self assert: aRule results size = 1. ! ! !TLHoweverRuleTest methodsFor: 'test' stamp: 'JorgeRessia 4/1/2010 20:56'! testSuccess | aRule aWord aDocument anotherWord aSentence words sentences aParagraph paragraphs| aWord := TLWord with: (PPToken on: 'test'). anotherWord := TLWord with: (PPToken on: 'test'). words := OrderedCollection with: aWord with: anotherWord. aSentence := TLSentence withAll: words. sentences := OrderedCollection with: aSentence. aParagraph := TLParagraph withAll: sentences. paragraphs := OrderedCollection with: aParagraph. aDocument := TLDocument withAll: paragraphs. aRule := TLHoweverRule new. aRule runOn: aDocument. self assert: aRule results size = 0. ! ! TestCase subclass: #TLOneOfTheMostRuleTest instanceVariableNames: '' classVariableNames: '' poolDictionaries: '' category: 'TextLint-Tests'! !TLOneOfTheMostRuleTest methodsFor: 'test' stamp: 'JorgeRessia 4/2/2010 08:33'! testFailure | aRule aWord aDocument anotherWord aSentence words sentences aParagraph paragraphs| words := OrderedCollection new. words add: (TLWord with: (PPToken on: 'One')). words add: (TLWord with: (PPToken on: 'of')). words add: (TLWord with: (PPToken on: 'the')). words add: (TLWord with: (PPToken on: 'most')). aSentence := TLSentence withAll: words. sentences := OrderedCollection with: aSentence. aParagraph := TLParagraph withAll: sentences. paragraphs := OrderedCollection with: aParagraph. aDocument := TLDocument withAll: paragraphs. aRule := TLOneOfTheMostRule new. aRule runOn: aDocument. self assert: aRule results size = 1. ! ! !TLOneOfTheMostRuleTest methodsFor: 'test' stamp: 'JorgeRessia 4/2/2010 09:11'! testSuccess | aRule aWord aDocument anotherWord aSentence words sentences aParagraph paragraphs| words := OrderedCollection new. words add: (TLWord with: (PPToken on: 'A')). words add: (TLWord with: (PPToken on: 'of')). words add: (TLWord with: (PPToken on: 'the')). words add: (TLWord with: (PPToken on: 'most')). aSentence := TLSentence withAll: words. sentences := OrderedCollection with: aSentence. aParagraph := TLParagraph withAll: sentences. paragraphs := OrderedCollection with: aParagraph. aDocument := TLDocument withAll: paragraphs. aRule := TLOneOfTheMostRule new. aRule runOn: aDocument. self assert: aRule results size = 0. ! ! TestCase subclass: #TLRegardedAsBeingRuleTest instanceVariableNames: '' classVariableNames: '' poolDictionaries: '' category: 'TextLint-Tests'! !TLRegardedAsBeingRuleTest methodsFor: 'test' stamp: 'JorgeRessia 4/2/2010 11:38'! testFailure | aRule aWord aDocument anotherWord aSentence words sentences aParagraph paragraphs| words := OrderedCollection new. words add: (TLWord with: (PPToken on: 'Regarded')). words add: (TLWord with: (PPToken on: 'as')). words add: (TLWord with: (PPToken on: 'being')). words add: (TLWord with: (PPToken on: 'test')). aSentence := TLSentence withAll: words. sentences := OrderedCollection with: aSentence. aParagraph := TLParagraph withAll: sentences. paragraphs := OrderedCollection with: aParagraph. aDocument := TLDocument withAll: paragraphs. aRule := TLRegardedAsBeingRule new. aRule runOn: aDocument. self assert: aRule results size = 1. ! ! !TLRegardedAsBeingRuleTest methodsFor: 'test' stamp: 'JorgeRessia 4/2/2010 11:40'! testFailureInSentence | aRule aWord aDocument anotherWord aSentence words sentences aParagraph paragraphs| words := OrderedCollection new. words add: (TLWord with: (PPToken on: 'test')). words add: (TLWord with: (PPToken on: 'Regarded')). words add: (TLWord with: (PPToken on: 'as')). words add: (TLWord with: (PPToken on: 'being')). words add: (TLWord with: (PPToken on: 'test')). aSentence := TLSentence withAll: words. sentences := OrderedCollection with: aSentence. aParagraph := TLParagraph withAll: sentences. paragraphs := OrderedCollection with: aParagraph. aDocument := TLDocument withAll: paragraphs. aRule := TLRegardedAsBeingRule new. aRule runOn: aDocument. self assert: aRule results size = 1. ! ! !TLRegardedAsBeingRuleTest methodsFor: 'test' stamp: 'JorgeRessia 4/2/2010 17:32'! testSuccess | aRule aWord aDocument anotherWord aSentence words sentences aParagraph paragraphs| words := OrderedCollection new. words add: (TLWord with: (PPToken on: 'test')). words add: (TLWord with: (PPToken on: 'test')). words add: (TLWord with: (PPToken on: 'as')). words add: (TLWord with: (PPToken on: 'being')). words add: (TLWord with: (PPToken on: 'test')). aSentence := TLSentence withAll: words. sentences := OrderedCollection with: aSentence. aParagraph := TLParagraph withAll: sentences. paragraphs := OrderedCollection with: aParagraph. aDocument := TLDocument withAll: paragraphs. aRule := TLRegardedAsBeingRule new. aRule runOn: aDocument. self assert: aRule results size = 0. ! ! TestCase subclass: #TLRulesArquitechtureTest instanceVariableNames: '' classVariableNames: '' poolDictionaries: '' category: 'TextLint-Tests'! !TLRulesArquitechtureTest methodsFor: 'test' stamp: 'JorgeRessia 4/2/2010 17:54'! testRationale TLTextLintRule allSubclassesDo: [ :aClass | aClass new rationale size > 10]. ! ! TestCase subclass: #TLSentenceTest instanceVariableNames: '' classVariableNames: '' poolDictionaries: '' category: 'TextLint-Tests'! !TLSentenceTest methodsFor: 'test' stamp: 'JorgeRessia 4/2/2010 08:42'! testContainsPhraseAtTheBeginning | aSentence words| words := OrderedCollection new. words add: (TLWord with: (PPToken on: '1')). words add: (TLWord with: (PPToken on: '2')). words add: (TLWord with: (PPToken on: '3')). words add: (TLWord with: (PPToken on: 'xxxx')). aSentence := TLSentence withAll: words. self assert: (aSentence containsPhrase: '1 2 3')! ! !TLSentenceTest methodsFor: 'test' stamp: 'JorgeRessia 4/2/2010 08:57'! testContainsPhraseAtTheEnd | aSentence words| words := OrderedCollection new. words add: (TLWord with: (PPToken on: 'xxxx')). words add: (TLWord with: (PPToken on: '1')). words add: (TLWord with: (PPToken on: '2')). words add: (TLWord with: (PPToken on: '3')). aSentence := TLSentence withAll: words. self assert: (aSentence containsPhrase: '1 2 3')! ! !TLSentenceTest methodsFor: 'test' stamp: 'JorgeRessia 4/2/2010 08:56'! testContainsPhraseAtTheMiddle | aSentence words| words := OrderedCollection new. words add: (TLWord with: (PPToken on: 'xxxx')). words add: (TLWord with: (PPToken on: '1')). words add: (TLWord with: (PPToken on: '2')). words add: (TLWord with: (PPToken on: '3')). words add: (TLWord with: (PPToken on: 'xxxx')). aSentence := TLSentence withAll: words. self assert: (aSentence containsPhrase: '1 2 3')! ! !TLSentenceTest methodsFor: 'test' stamp: 'JorgeRessia 4/2/2010 08:58'! testContainsPhraseInAnyCase | aSentence words| words := OrderedCollection new. words add: (TLWord with: (PPToken on: 'xxxx')). words add: (TLWord with: (PPToken on: 'a')). words add: (TLWord with: (PPToken on: 'b')). words add: (TLWord with: (PPToken on: 'c')). aSentence := TLSentence withAll: words. self assert: (aSentence containsPhrase: 'A B C'). words add: (TLWord with: (PPToken on: 'xxxx')). words add: (TLWord with: (PPToken on: 'a')). words add: (TLWord with: (PPToken on: 'b')). words add: (TLWord with: (PPToken on: 'c')). aSentence := TLSentence withAll: words. self assert: (aSentence containsPhrase: 'a b c'). words add: (TLWord with: (PPToken on: 'xxxx')). words add: (TLWord with: (PPToken on: 'a')). words add: (TLWord with: (PPToken on: 'B')). words add: (TLWord with: (PPToken on: 'c')). aSentence := TLSentence withAll: words. self assert: (aSentence containsPhrase: 'A B c')! ! TestCase subclass: #TLTextLintCheckerTest instanceVariableNames: 'result' classVariableNames: '' poolDictionaries: '' category: 'TextLint-Tests'! !TLTextLintCheckerTest methodsFor: 'mocking' stamp: 'JorgeRessia 3/31/2010 16:58'! checkDocument: aDocument result add: self! ! !TLTextLintCheckerTest methodsFor: 'mocking' stamp: 'JorgeRessia 3/31/2010 17:01'! results ^result ! ! !TLTextLintCheckerTest methodsFor: 'test' stamp: 'JorgeRessia 3/31/2010 16:58'! test | aChecker | result := OrderedCollection new. aChecker := TLTextLintChecker new. aChecker addRule: self. aChecker check: 'test test2.'. self assert: ( aChecker results size = 1 ). self assert: ( aChecker results first = self ) ! ! TestCase subclass: #TLTextLintRuleTest instanceVariableNames: '' classVariableNames: '' poolDictionaries: '' category: 'TextLint-Tests'! !TLTextLintRuleTest methodsFor: 'test' stamp: 'JorgeRessia 4/1/2010 12:10'! test | aRule | aRule := TLTextLintRule new. aRule check: 1. self assert: true.! ! TestCase subclass: #TLTextParserTest instanceVariableNames: '' classVariableNames: '' poolDictionaries: '' category: 'TextLint-Tests'! !TLTextParserTest methodsFor: 'test' stamp: 'JorgeRessia 4/1/2010 14:58'! test | aParser aDocument | aParser := TLTextParser new. aDocument := aParser parse: 'text1 text2.'. self deny: aDocument isPetitFailure. self assert: aDocument paragraphs size = 1. self assert: aDocument sentences size = 1. self assert: aDocument words size = 2.! ! TestCase subclass: #TLTheFactThatRuleTest instanceVariableNames: '' classVariableNames: '' poolDictionaries: '' category: 'TextLint-Tests'! !TLTheFactThatRuleTest methodsFor: 'test' stamp: 'JorgeRessia 4/2/2010 17:31'! testFailure | aRule aWord aDocument anotherWord aSentence words sentences aParagraph paragraphs| words := OrderedCollection new. words add: (TLWord with: (PPToken on: 'The')). words add: (TLWord with: (PPToken on: 'fact')). words add: (TLWord with: (PPToken on: 'that')). words add: (TLWord with: (PPToken on: 'test')). aSentence := TLSentence withAll: words. sentences := OrderedCollection with: aSentence. aParagraph := TLParagraph withAll: sentences. paragraphs := OrderedCollection with: aParagraph. aDocument := TLDocument withAll: paragraphs. aRule := TLTheFactThatRule new. aRule runOn: aDocument. self assert: aRule results size = 1. ! ! !TLTheFactThatRuleTest methodsFor: 'test' stamp: 'JorgeRessia 4/2/2010 17:31'! testFailureInSentence | aRule aWord aDocument anotherWord aSentence words sentences aParagraph paragraphs| words := OrderedCollection new. words add: (TLWord with: (PPToken on: 'test')). words add: (TLWord with: (PPToken on: 'The')). words add: (TLWord with: (PPToken on: 'fact')). words add: (TLWord with: (PPToken on: 'that')). words add: (TLWord with: (PPToken on: 'test')). aSentence := TLSentence withAll: words. sentences := OrderedCollection with: aSentence. aParagraph := TLParagraph withAll: sentences. paragraphs := OrderedCollection with: aParagraph. aDocument := TLDocument withAll: paragraphs. aRule := TLTheFactThatRule new. aRule runOn: aDocument. self assert: aRule results size = 1. ! ! !TLTheFactThatRuleTest methodsFor: 'test' stamp: 'JorgeRessia 4/2/2010 17:31'! testSuccess | aRule aWord aDocument anotherWord aSentence words sentences aParagraph paragraphs| words := OrderedCollection new. words add: (TLWord with: (PPToken on: 'test')). words add: (TLWord with: (PPToken on: 'test')). words add: (TLWord with: (PPToken on: 'fact')). words add: (TLWord with: (PPToken on: 'that')). words add: (TLWord with: (PPToken on: 'test')). aSentence := TLSentence withAll: words. sentences := OrderedCollection with: aSentence. aParagraph := TLParagraph withAll: sentences. paragraphs := OrderedCollection with: aParagraph. aDocument := TLDocument withAll: paragraphs. aRule := TLTheFactThatRule new. aRule runOn: aDocument. self assert: aRule results size = 0. ! ! TestCase subclass: #TLWordRepetitionRuleTest instanceVariableNames: '' classVariableNames: '' poolDictionaries: '' category: 'TextLint-Tests'! !TLWordRepetitionRuleTest methodsFor: 'test' stamp: 'JorgeRessia 4/1/2010 21:02'! testFailure | aRule aWord aDocument anotherWord aSentence words sentences aParagraph paragraphs| aWord := TLWord with: (PPToken on: 'test'). anotherWord := TLWord with: (PPToken on: 'test'). words := OrderedCollection with: aWord with: anotherWord. aSentence := TLSentence withAll: words. sentences := OrderedCollection with: aSentence. aParagraph := TLParagraph withAll: sentences. paragraphs := OrderedCollection with: aParagraph. aDocument := TLDocument withAll: paragraphs. aRule := TLWordRepetitionRule new. aRule runOn: aDocument. self assert: aRule results size = 1. ! ! !TLWordRepetitionRuleTest methodsFor: 'test' stamp: 'JorgeRessia 4/1/2010 21:22'! testFailureManyWords | aRule aWord aDocument anotherWord aSentence words sentences aParagraph paragraphs| words := OrderedCollection new. words add: (TLWord with: (PPToken on: 'tes')). words add: (TLWord with: (PPToken on: 'test')). words add: (TLWord with: (PPToken on: 'test')). words add: (TLWord with: (PPToken on: 'xxxx')). aSentence := TLSentence withAll: words. sentences := OrderedCollection with: aSentence. aParagraph := TLParagraph withAll: sentences. paragraphs := OrderedCollection with: aParagraph. aDocument := TLDocument withAll: paragraphs. aRule := TLWordRepetitionRule new. aRule runOn: aDocument. self assert: aRule results size = 1. ! ! !TLWordRepetitionRuleTest methodsFor: 'test' stamp: 'JorgeRessia 4/1/2010 21:22'! testFailureThreeInRow | aRule aWord aDocument anotherWord aSentence words sentences aParagraph paragraphs| words := OrderedCollection new. words add: (TLWord with: (PPToken on: 'test')). words add: (TLWord with: (PPToken on: 'test')). words add: (TLWord with: (PPToken on: 'test')). words add: (TLWord with: (PPToken on: 'xxxx')). aSentence := TLSentence withAll: words. sentences := OrderedCollection with: aSentence. aParagraph := TLParagraph withAll: sentences. paragraphs := OrderedCollection with: aParagraph. aDocument := TLDocument withAll: paragraphs. aRule := TLWordRepetitionRule new. aRule runOn: aDocument. self assert: aRule results size = 2. ! ! !TLWordRepetitionRuleTest methodsFor: 'test' stamp: 'JorgeRessia 4/1/2010 21:20'! testSuccess | aRule aWord aDocument anotherWord aSentence words sentences aParagraph paragraphs| aWord := TLWord with: (PPToken on: 'test1'). anotherWord := TLWord with: (PPToken on: 'test'). words := OrderedCollection with: aWord with: anotherWord. aSentence := TLSentence withAll: words. sentences := OrderedCollection with: aSentence. aParagraph := TLParagraph withAll: sentences. paragraphs := OrderedCollection with: aParagraph. aDocument := TLDocument withAll: paragraphs. aRule := TLWordRepetitionRule new. aRule runOn: aDocument. self assert: aRule results size = 0. ! ! PPCompositeParser subclass: #TLTextChecker instanceVariableNames: '' classVariableNames: '' poolDictionaries: '' category: 'TextLint-Model'! PPCompositeParser subclass: #TLTextParser instanceVariableNames: 'document paragraph sentence word' classVariableNames: '' poolDictionaries: '' category: 'TextLint-Model'! !TLTextParser methodsFor: 'productions' stamp: 'lr 3/31/2010 11:27'! document ^ (paragraph delimitedBy: #newline asParser token) ==> [ :nodes | TLDocument withAll: (nodes reject: [ :each | each class = PPToken ]) ]! ! !TLTextParser methodsFor: 'productions' stamp: 'lr 3/31/2010 11:31'! paragraph ^ (sentence delimitedBy: $. asParser token) ==> [ :nodes | TLParagraph withAll: (nodes reject: [ :each | each class = PPToken ]) ]! ! !TLTextParser methodsFor: 'productions' stamp: 'lr 3/31/2010 11:29'! sentence ^ word plus ==> [ :nodes | TLSentence withAll: nodes ]! ! !TLTextParser methodsFor: 'accessing' stamp: 'lr 3/31/2010 10:59'! start ^ document end! ! !TLTextParser methodsFor: 'productions' stamp: 'lr 3/31/2010 11:29'! word ^ #word asParser plus token ==> [ :node | TLWord with: node ]! ! Object subclass: #TLDocument instanceVariableNames: 'paragraphs' classVariableNames: '' poolDictionaries: '' category: 'TextLint-Model'! !TLDocument class methodsFor: 'as yet unclassified' stamp: 'lr 3/31/2010 11:15'! withAll: aCollection ^self new initializeWithAll: aCollection! ! !TLDocument methodsFor: 'as yet unclassified' stamp: 'lr 3/31/2010 11:16'! initializeWithAll: aCollection paragraphs := aCollection! ! !TLDocument methodsFor: 'as yet unclassified' stamp: 'lr 3/31/2010 11:22'! paragraphs ^paragraphs ! ! !TLDocument methodsFor: 'as yet unclassified' stamp: 'lr 3/31/2010 11:24'! sentences ^ self paragraphs gather: [ :each | each sentences ]! ! !TLDocument methodsFor: 'as yet unclassified' stamp: 'lr 3/31/2010 11:24'! words ^self sentences gather: [ :each | each words ]! ! Object subclass: #TLParagraph instanceVariableNames: 'sentences' classVariableNames: '' poolDictionaries: '' category: 'TextLint-Model'! !TLParagraph class methodsFor: 'as yet unclassified' stamp: 'lr 3/31/2010 11:16'! withAll: aCollection ^self new initializeWithAll: aCollection! ! !TLParagraph methodsFor: 'as yet unclassified' stamp: 'lr 3/31/2010 11:17'! initializeWithAll: aCollection sentences := aCollection! ! !TLParagraph methodsFor: 'as yet unclassified' stamp: 'lr 3/31/2010 11:32'! sentences ^sentences! ! Object subclass: #TLSentence instanceVariableNames: 'words' classVariableNames: '' poolDictionaries: '' category: 'TextLint-Model'! !TLSentence class methodsFor: 'as yet unclassified' stamp: 'lr 3/31/2010 11:17'! withAll: aCollection ^self new initializeWithAll: aCollection! ! !TLSentence methodsFor: 'as yet unclassified' stamp: 'JorgeRessia 4/2/2010 08:56'! containsPhrase: aString ^('*', aString, '*') match: self wordsAsString translateToLowercase.! ! !TLSentence methodsFor: 'as yet unclassified' stamp: 'lr 3/31/2010 11:17'! initializeWithAll: aCollection words := aCollection! ! !TLSentence methodsFor: 'accessing' stamp: 'lr 3/31/2010 11:20'! words ^ words! ! !TLSentence methodsFor: 'as yet unclassified' stamp: 'JorgeRessia 4/2/2010 08:45'! wordsAsString ^words inject: ' ' into: [:count :each | count, ' ', each token collection] ! ! Object subclass: #TLTextLintChecker instanceVariableNames: 'rules' classVariableNames: '' poolDictionaries: '' category: 'TextLint-Model'! !TLTextLintChecker methodsFor: 'accessing' stamp: 'JorgeRessia 3/31/2010 16:49'! addRule: aRule rules add: aRule! ! !TLTextLintChecker methodsFor: 'public' stamp: 'JorgeRessia 3/31/2010 16:55'! check: aString | aDocument | aDocument := TLTextParser parse: aString. self checkDocument: aDocument.! ! !TLTextLintChecker methodsFor: 'as yet unclassified' stamp: 'JorgeRessia 3/31/2010 16:56'! checkDocument: aDocument rules do: [ :each | each checkDocument: aDocument]! ! !TLTextLintChecker methodsFor: 'initializing' stamp: 'JorgeRessia 3/31/2010 16:50'! initialize rules := OrderedCollection new! ! !TLTextLintChecker methodsFor: 'accessing' stamp: 'JorgeRessia 4/1/2010 11:29'! results ^rules gather: [ :each | each results ]! ! Object subclass: #TLTextLintRule instanceVariableNames: '' classVariableNames: '' poolDictionaries: '' category: 'TextLint-Model'! TLTextLintRule subclass: #TLAsToWhetherRule instanceVariableNames: 'results' classVariableNames: '' poolDictionaries: '' category: 'TextLint-Model'! !TLAsToWhetherRule methodsFor: 'initialization' stamp: 'JorgeRessia 4/2/2010 17:34'! initialize results := OrderedCollection new.! ! !TLAsToWhetherRule methodsFor: 'accessing' stamp: 'JorgeRessia 4/2/2010 18:01'! rationale ^ 'Words and expressions commonly missused - as to whether -> it is enough with whether'! ! !TLAsToWhetherRule methodsFor: 'accessing' stamp: 'JorgeRessia 4/2/2010 17:34'! results ^results! ! !TLAsToWhetherRule methodsFor: 'running' stamp: 'JorgeRessia 4/2/2010 17:34'! runOn: aDocument aDocument sentences do: [:eachSentence | (eachSentence containsPhrase: 'as to whether') ifTrue: [ results add: eachSentence] ] ! ! TLTextLintRule subclass: #TLAvoidQualifiersRule instanceVariableNames: 'results qualifiers' classVariableNames: '' poolDictionaries: '' category: 'TextLint-Model'! !TLAvoidQualifiersRule methodsFor: 'initialization' stamp: 'JorgeRessia 4/2/2010 10:57'! initialize results := OrderedCollection new. self initializeQuilifiers.! ! !TLAvoidQualifiersRule methodsFor: 'initialization' stamp: 'JorgeRessia 4/2/2010 11:00'! initializeQuilifiers qualifiers := OrderedCollection new. qualifiers add: 'rather'; add: 'very'; add: 'pretty'; add: 'little'; add: 'quite'.! ! !TLAvoidQualifiersRule methodsFor: 'accessing' stamp: 'JorgeRessia 4/2/2010 18:10'! rationale ^ 'Avoid the use of qualifiers. These are the leeches that infest the pond of prose, sucking the blood of words. The constant use of the adjective little (except to indicate size) is particularly debilitating; we should all try to do a little better, we should all be very watchful of this rule, for it is a rather important one, and we are pretty sure to violate it now and then. Rule 8, An approach to Style - The Elements of Style - W. Strunk and E.B. White'! ! !TLAvoidQualifiersRule methodsFor: 'accessing' stamp: 'JorgeRessia 4/2/2010 10:52'! results ^results! ! !TLAvoidQualifiersRule methodsFor: 'running' stamp: 'JorgeRessia 4/2/2010 11:05'! runOn: aDocument aDocument words do: [:eachWord | ( qualifiers includes: eachWord text translateToLowercase ) ifTrue: [ results add: eachWord]] ! ! TLTextLintRule subclass: #TLHoweverRule instanceVariableNames: 'results' classVariableNames: '' poolDictionaries: '' category: 'TextLint-Model'! !TLHoweverRule methodsFor: 'initializing' stamp: 'JorgeRessia 4/1/2010 15:13'! initialize results := OrderedCollection new.! ! !TLHoweverRule methodsFor: 'accessing' stamp: 'JorgeRessia 4/2/2010 18:13'! rationale ^ 'Avoid starting a sentence with however when the meaning is nevertheless. The word usually serves when not in first possition. Misused words and expressions (page 48) - The Elements of Style - W. Strunk and E.B. White'! ! !TLHoweverRule methodsFor: 'accessing' stamp: 'JorgeRessia 4/1/2010 15:14'! results ^results! ! !TLHoweverRule methodsFor: 'running' stamp: 'JorgeRessia 4/1/2010 15:12'! runOn: aDocument aDocument sentences do: [:eachSentence | (eachSentence words first text = 'However') ifTrue: [ results add: eachSentence] ] ! ! TLTextLintRule subclass: #TLOneOfTheMostRule instanceVariableNames: 'results' classVariableNames: '' poolDictionaries: '' category: 'TextLint-Model'! !TLOneOfTheMostRule methodsFor: 'initialization' stamp: 'JorgeRessia 4/2/2010 08:23'! initialize results := OrderedCollection new.! ! !TLOneOfTheMostRule methodsFor: 'accessing' stamp: 'JorgeRessia 4/2/2010 18:16'! rationale ^ 'Avoid this feeble formula. There is nothing wrong with the grammar the formula is simple threadbare. Misused words and expressions (page 55) - The Elements of Style - W. Strunk and E.B. White'! ! !TLOneOfTheMostRule methodsFor: 'accessing' stamp: 'JorgeRessia 4/2/2010 08:23'! results ^results! ! !TLOneOfTheMostRule methodsFor: 'running' stamp: 'JorgeRessia 4/2/2010 08:28'! runOn: aDocument aDocument sentences do: [:eachSentence | (eachSentence containsPhrase: 'one of the most') ifTrue: [ results add: eachSentence] ] ! ! TLTextLintRule subclass: #TLRegardedAsBeingRule instanceVariableNames: 'results' classVariableNames: '' poolDictionaries: '' category: 'TextLint-Model'! !TLRegardedAsBeingRule methodsFor: 'initialization' stamp: 'JorgeRessia 4/2/2010 11:24'! initialize results := OrderedCollection new.! ! !TLRegardedAsBeingRule methodsFor: 'accessing' stamp: 'JorgeRessia 4/2/2010 18:19'! rationale ^ 'Being is not appropriate after Misused words and expressions (page 41) - The Elements of Style - W. Strunk and E.B. White'! ! !TLRegardedAsBeingRule methodsFor: 'accessing' stamp: 'JorgeRessia 4/2/2010 11:25'! results ^results! ! !TLRegardedAsBeingRule methodsFor: 'running' stamp: 'JorgeRessia 4/2/2010 11:37'! runOn: aDocument aDocument sentences do: [:eachSentence | (eachSentence containsPhrase: 'regarded as being') ifTrue: [ results add: eachSentence] ] ! ! !TLTextLintRule methodsFor: 'public' stamp: 'JorgeRessia 4/1/2010 12:10'! check: anObject ! ! !TLTextLintRule methodsFor: 'accessing' stamp: 'JorgeRessia 4/2/2010 17:44'! rationale ^ self subclassResponsibility! ! TLTextLintRule subclass: #TLTheFactThatRule instanceVariableNames: 'results' classVariableNames: '' poolDictionaries: '' category: 'TextLint-Model'! !TLTheFactThatRule methodsFor: 'initialization' stamp: 'JorgeRessia 4/2/2010 17:30'! initialize results := OrderedCollection new.! ! !TLTheFactThatRule methodsFor: 'accessing' stamp: 'JorgeRessia 4/2/2010 18:21'! rationale ^ 'The fact that is an especially debilitating expression. Principles of composition (page 24) - The Elements of Style - W. Strunk and E.B. White'! ! !TLTheFactThatRule methodsFor: 'accessing' stamp: 'JorgeRessia 4/2/2010 17:30'! results ^results! ! !TLTheFactThatRule methodsFor: 'running' stamp: 'JorgeRessia 4/2/2010 17:30'! runOn: aDocument aDocument sentences do: [:eachSentence | (eachSentence containsPhrase: 'the fact that') ifTrue: [ results add: eachSentence] ] ! ! TLTextLintRule subclass: #TLWordRepetitionRule instanceVariableNames: 'results' classVariableNames: '' poolDictionaries: '' category: 'TextLint-Model'! !TLWordRepetitionRule methodsFor: 'initializing' stamp: 'JorgeRessia 4/1/2010 20:58'! initialize results := OrderedCollection new.! ! !TLWordRepetitionRule methodsFor: 'accessing' stamp: 'JorgeRessia 4/2/2010 18:22'! rationale ^ 'Detection of words repetion'! ! !TLWordRepetitionRule methodsFor: 'accessing' stamp: 'JorgeRessia 4/1/2010 20:59'! results ^results! ! !TLWordRepetitionRule methodsFor: 'running' stamp: 'JorgeRessia 4/1/2010 21:09'! runOn: aDocument | words | aDocument sentences do: [:eachSentence | words := eachSentence words asArray. (words size < 2) ifTrue: [^self]. 2 to: words size do: [:index | ((words at: index) text = (words at: index - 1) text) ifTrue: [ results add: eachSentence] ] ] ! ! Object subclass: #TLWord instanceVariableNames: 'token' classVariableNames: '' poolDictionaries: '' category: 'TextLint-Model'! !TLWord class methodsFor: 'as yet unclassified' stamp: 'lr 3/31/2010 11:18'! with: aToken ^self new initializeWith: aToken! ! !TLWord class methodsFor: 'as yet unclassified' stamp: 'lr 3/31/2010 11:17'! withAll: aCollection ^self new initializeWithAll: aCollection! ! !TLWord methodsFor: 'as yet unclassified' stamp: 'lr 3/31/2010 11:18'! initializeWith: aToken token := aToken! ! !TLWord methodsFor: 'accessing' stamp: 'JorgeRessia 4/1/2010 15:14'! text ^token collection! ! !TLWord methodsFor: 'accessing' stamp: 'lr 3/31/2010 11:21'! token ^ token! !